Secondary Research Task Sheet With Audio

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Secondary research examples of assets to start you off…

Here are some examples of assets I have researched.

Feel free to use these to start off then try to find AT LEAST two more of your own examples. They can be
taken from any form of research. Complete all the tasks on here which follow it and place them on your
website in the “Research” section. Call it your SECONDARY RESEARCH.

For each example you can provide, talk about:

 why you have chosen it (what do you like about it)

 what you might be able to learn or use from looking at it
 what you might not be able to use from looking at it.

Task 1/4: Sun examples

Roger Rabbit:
Watership Down:
The North Wind & The Sun (also has a really good cloud in it!):

What you might

What you might
YOUR SUN examples Why you chose it not
learn from it
be able to use
1. I chose this as an One thing I learned In the beginning of
example because I From this is how to this clip, you can
like how the sun Make the sun see the suns
slowly creeps above slowly light up the reflection
the horizon and land. I like the way on the cliff face. I
lights up the land. the sun slowly creepsdon’t think I will be
up from the able
horizon and the to animate the
land gradually gets reflection of the
brighter. sun in my animation
as I don’t think I
will have time do
this and
therefore, it won’t
look as good as this
2. I chose this example I think that I will I don’t think I will be
because it is 2d like do the same able to change the
my animation will Technique where shades of blue in the
be. It the sun is in the background but
Is also simple and background layer, Instead, I will use tween
something I could behind the other of a
easily use as objects like the darker layer going
inspiration for my mountain in this over the animation.
animation. example.

Task 2/4: Cloud examples

Adventure Time:
Elijah Nang:
Chillhop loop:

Adventure time

Why did you choose it?:

I chose this as the clouds are dark and grey. They also have a bumpy and curvy look to them which is the
shape that I want my cloud to have.

What might you learn from this?:

I want to make the clouds small and bumpy like the ones in this example. I will also have mine moving across
the sky several times using tweening.

What wont I be able to do?

I don’t think that I can have my clouds at the top of the frame and in the background like this animation does
since mine will have a more 2D style to it therefore my clouds will be more at the centre of the screen and in
the foreground.


Why did you choose it?:

This is a good example of clouds as they all have a simple fluffy looking shape. They are also small, round
and curvy which is a similar look to what I want my clouds to have.

What might you learn from this?

I want my cloud to be small and fluffy like the ones in this example. I also want to do the same simple
tweening effect of the clouds moving across the screen.

Why might you not be able to do this?

In the animation, the clouds get bigger and the point of view of the clouds get closer. I don’t think I can
change the size of the clouds as it enters and goes away in my animation.

Task 3/4: Background plate examples

Simon’s Cat:
Jaiden animations:
Burly Men At Sea:

What you might Why you might not

YOUR BACKGROUND examples Why you chose it
learn from it be able to do this
1. I chose this as an I learned that I should The mountains in the
Mountain field highland example because keep my background background have
It is a good example still and I should put different colour
of a simple outdoor some detail into it but tones due to the shadow
background which is not from the clouds. In my
2D. too much so the viewer animation, I doubt
focuses on the that I will put this
foreground more. much
detain in my
background as I
want to focus on the
events that happen
in the foreground
2. I chose this as I like I learned that I should My background probably won’t have
as much going on as there is in
Background river landscape animation the background of only put one or two this example. This is example
has a lot of movement going
the blue sky and colours in my on in the background as the
clouds. background as I clouds are slowly floating
This is a similar don’t need to spend across
the screen. I wont put too
background to too much time on it as much movement into my
which I want in my my viewers need to background as I want the
audience to focus on the sun
animation as my focus on the and cloud and nothing else
too much.
animation is foreground.
centrally focused
on the clouds and

Task 4/4: Audio work examples (Audio work which can be from film, TV, animation or gaming (voice acting,
effects, ambience or music)
Attack Of The Clones:
Sesame Street:
The Force Awakens:

Why you might

What you might
YOUR AUDIO examples Why you chose it not
learn from it
be able to do this
1. I chose this as they I might use items It may be hard for
Used real and real world Me to find practical
Practical items objects Items which can
To create more to make sound Be used to create
realistic sounds. effects Sounds that go
For my animation With my animation.
to make it sound
more realistic and
2. I chose this I learned that I I might not be
geometry of circles animation as I should use sounds able to include as
like how they to many
use audio to show create meaning. sound effects as
what is going on In this example, there
visually. when the creation are in this
of the pattern animation
speeds up, the since my
music gets faster. animation
In this scene, they already has
used sound to dialogue over
show that the the top. Too many
shapes are starting sound effects may
to move faster. cause
the audience to
struggle to hear
some of the

You will need to fill in all four tables to pass this task and remember you can have more
than two examples for each if you want.

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