Gujarat Technological University: 1 Year, Subject Code: 3110013
Gujarat Technological University: 1 Year, Subject Code: 3110013
Gujarat Technological University: 1 Year, Subject Code: 3110013
Semester/Year : 1
Category of the Course : Engineering Science
Subject Name & Code : Engineering Graphics & Design (3110013)
Rationale : Engineering Drawing is an effective language of engineers. It is the foundation block which
strengthens the engineering & technological structure. Moreover, it is the transmitting link between ideas
and realization.
Content :
Sr. Teaching Module
No. Hrs. Weightage
Introduction to Engineering Graphics: Drawing instruments and
2 (Lab
1 accessories, BIS – SP 46. Use of plane scales, Diagonal Scales and
Representative Fraction.
Loci of Points: Path of the points moving on Simple mechanisms,
2 Slider crank mechanism, Four bar mechanism. 2 20%
Engineering Curves: Classification and application of Engineering
6 (Lab
3 Curves, Construction of Conics, Cycloidal Curves, Involutes and
Spirals along with normal and tangent to each curve.
Projections of Points and Lines: Introduction to principal planes of
projections, Projections of the points located in same quadrant and
4 different quadrants, Projections of line with its inclination to one 8
reference plane and with two reference planes. True length and
inclination with the reference planes. 30%
Projections of Planes: Projections of planes (polygons, circle and
ellipse) with its inclination to one reference plane and with two
5 6
reference planes, Concept of auxiliary plane method for projections
of the plane. Page 1
1st Year, Subject Code : 3110013
25 30 30 5 5 5
Reference Books :
1. A Text Book of Engineering Graphics by P.J.Shah S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Elementary Engineering Drawing by N.D.Bhatt Charotar Publishing House, Anand.
3. A text book of Engineering Drawing by R.K.Dhawan, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.
4. A text book of Engineering Drawing by P.S.Gill, S.K.Kataria & sons, Delhi.
5. Engineering Drawing by B. Agrawal and C M Agrawal, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. Page 2
1st Year, Subject Code : 3110013
Course Outcome :
CO statement Marks % weightage
Know and understand the conventions and the methods of engineering
CO-1 drawing. 15
Interpret engineering drawings using fundamental technical
CO-2 mathematics. 25
Construct basic and intermediate geometry and comprehend the theory
CO-3 of projection. 25
Improve their visualization skills so that they can apply these skills in
CO-4 developing new products. 25
Improve their technical communication skill in the form of
CO-5 communicative drawings. 05
Use computer software for engineering drawing.
CO-6 05
List of Practical :
Students must prepare sketch book and drawing sheets on the following topics. Minimum
threeproblems must be given for sheet number 3 to 9.
1. Practice sheet (which includes dimensioning methods, different types of line,
construction ofdifferent polygon, divide the line and angle in parts, use of stencil)
2. Plane scale and diagonal scale
3. Loci of points (only sketch book)
4. Engineering curves
5. Projection of line
6. Projection of plane
7. Projection of solid, section of solid and development of surfaces
8. Orthographic projection
9. Isometric projection
10. At least one orthographic drawing (three views) using above mentioned AutoCAD commands. Page 3