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Asset Accounting and CO Notes

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Asset Accounting is implementing for business transactions like acquisition, additions,
retirements, transfers & depreciation calculation.

1. Copy reference chart of depreciation/depreciation areas:

Path: SPRO->sap ref IMG->financial accounting->asset accounting->organizational

Structures->copy reference chart of depreciation/depreciation areas

-double click on copy reference chart of depreciation

-select organizational object in menu bar
-select copy organizational object
-give from chart of depreciation ‘0us’
-give to chart of depreciation ‘BISL’

-press enter 4 times

-back one step
-double click on specify description of chart of depreciation
-select position
-give chart of depreciation bisl

-press enter
-change description to ‘chart of depreciation of BISL’
-and save
-press enter

-back one step

-double click on copy/delete depreciation areas
-give chart of depreciation BISL

-press enter

-delete all depreciation areas except 01 book depreciation

-to delete all depreciation areas
-select all depreciation area lines
-click on delete button
-and save press enter till transport request display
-press enter

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

2. Define zero % tax codes in FTXP:

Path: SPRO->sap ref IMG->financial accounting->financial accounting global

Settings->tax on sales/purchases->calculation->define tax code for
Sales and purchases
-give country in
-press enter A= output tax
-give tax code A0 0=Zero%
-press enter
-give description Zero % output tax code of BISL
-give tax type ‘A’
-press enter
-give zero (0) in tax percent rate against output tax
-select input tax line-click on deactivate line button
-and save
-give tax code v0
-press enter
-give zero (0) in tax percent rate against input tax line
-give tax type ‘v’
-select output tax line
-click on deactivate line button

-and save

3. Assign input tax indicator for non taxable acquisitions

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting -> Asset

Accounting->Orgazational Structures->Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non
Taxable Acquisitions

-select position
-give company code BISL

-press enter
-give input tax ‘v0’ and output tax ‘a0’
-and save press enter.

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

4. Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Organizational

Structures->Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

-select position give company code BISL

-press enter
-give chart of depreciation bisl and save press enter

5. Specify Account Determination

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Organizational

Structures->Asset Classes->Specify Account Determination

-select 20000 lines

-click on copy as button

-change 20000 to BISLPMAD (any code)
-change name to account determination of BISL plant & machinery

-press enter
-and save press enter

6. Create Screen Layout Rules

Path: same path above

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Organizational

Structures->Asset Classes->Create Screen Layout Rules

-select 2000 line

-click on copy as button

-change 2000 to BSPM (any code)
-change name to screen layout rule of BISL plant and machinery

-press enter
-and save press enter

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

7. Define Number Range Interval

Path: same path

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Organizational
Structures->Asset Classes->Define Number Range interval

-give company code BISL

-click on change interval button
-click on interval button
-give number range 01
-from n umber 1 to number 1000
-press enter and save press enter

8. Define Asset Classes

Path: same path

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Organizational
Structures->Asset Classes->Define Asset Classes

Prerequisite to Create Asset Classes

1. Account determination
2. Screen layout rule
3. No. range interval

-select 2100 line

-click on copy as button

-change 2100 to BISLPMAC (any code)

-description to asset class of BISL plant & machinery
-give short text bisl p & m asset class
-give account determination BISLPMAD
-give screen layout rule bspm
-select number range ‘01’

-press enter and save press enter

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

9.Creation Of GL Master Records For Plant And Machinery A/C, Accumulated

Depreciation On Plant And Machinery A/C, Sale Of Plant And Machinery A/C,
Profit On Sale Of Plant And Machinery A/C, Loss On Sale Of Plant And
Machinery A/C, Scrapping Of Plant And Machinery A/C, Depreciation A/C In

Path: Accounting ->Financial Accounting->General Ledger->Master Records->

G/L Accounts->Individual Processing->FS00 Centrally

-Give GL Account number : 200007

-Company code : BISL

-Click on anlagen or create button

-select a/c group assets
-select balance sheet a/c
-give short text and long text as “PLANT AND MACHINERY A/C”

-click on control data tab

-select reconciliation a/c for account type assets
-select line item display

-give sort key 018(asset number)

-click on create/bank/interest

-give field status group G067 and save

-give GL a/c number 100012
-click on with template button

-give reference GL number 200007, ref company code bisl

-press enter
-change a/c group to liabilities, change short text and long text as accumulated depreciation
of plant and machinery and save.

-give GL a/c number 300003

-click on with template button
-give reference GL number 400000, ref company code bisl
-press enter

-change a/c group to incomes, change short text and long text as sale of plant and machinery
Click on control data tab give sort key 018
& save.

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

-give GL a/c number 300004

-click on with template button
-give reference GL number 300003, ref company code bisl

-press enter
- change short text and long text as profit on sale of plant and machinery
& save.

-give GL a/c number 400019

-click on with template button
-give reference GL number 300004, ref company code bisl
-press enter
-change a/c group to expenses, change short text and long text as loss on sale of plant
and machinery

-give GL a/c number 400020

-click on with template button
-give reference GL number 400019, ref company code bisl

-press enter
-change short text and long text as scrapping of sale of plant and machinery
& Save

-give GL a/c number 400021

-click on with template button
-give reference GL number 400000, ref company code bisl
-press enter
- Change short text and long text as depreciation a/c and save, click on edit cost element
button give valid from date 01.01.2010

-press enter

-give cost element category ‘1’ click on default account assignment tab
-select cost center “plant1”

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10. Assign GL Accounts

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Integration With
General Ledger-> Assign G/L Accounts

Select BISL chart of accounts line

-double click on account determination
-select position
-give a/c determination “BISLPMAD”
-press enter
-select BISLPMAD line

-double click on balance sheet accounts

-acquisition: acquisition and production cost 200007(plant & machinery a/c)
Loss made on asset retirement w/o revenue 400020(scrapping of plant & machinery)
Clearing acct revenue from asset sale 300003(sale of plant & machinery)
Gain from asset sale 300004(profit on sale of p & m)
Loss from asset sale 400019(loss on sale of p & m)
-double click on depreciation
Acc dep a/c for ordinary depreciation 100012(acc dep on p & m)
Expenses a/c for ordinary depreciation 400021(depreciation a/c)
And save press enter

11. Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Organizational

Structures->Integration with General Ledger->Post Depreciation To The
General Ledger->Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation

-double click on define document types

-select document type ‘AF’ line
-click on details button number range ‘04’
-click on number range information
-give company code BISL
-click on change interval button
-click on interval button
No 04 year 2010 from no 40000 to any 40999 select ext check box
-press enter
And save, press enter

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

12. Specify Intervals and Posting Rules:

Path same path

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->

Organizational Structures->Integration with General Ledger->Post
Depreciation to the General Ledger->Specify Intervals and Posting Rules

-select BISL line

-double click on posting rules
-select monthly posting and save

13. Specify Rounding Of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->

Valuation->Amount Specifications->Specify Rounding Of Net Book
Value and/or Depreciation
Press enter 2 times
-select position

-give company code : BISL & press enter

-select BISL line
-double click on rounding specification
-select automatically calculated depreciation check box
-select arithmetic rounding or round to nearest whole
-and save press enter

14. Define Base Method

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->
Depreciation->Valuation Method->Depreciation Key->Calculation
Methods->Define Base Method

-generally we use system defined base method “0014” (ordinary: explicit percentage
(after end of life))

And save

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15. Define Declining Balance Method

Path: same path above

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->

Depreciation->Valuation Method->Depreciation Key->Calculation
Methods->Define Declining Balance Method

-give chart of depreciation BISL

-press enter
-in general we use system defined decline balance method 001
-and save

16. Define Multilevel Method

Path: same path above

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->
Depreciation->Valuation Method->Depreciation Key->Calculation
Methods->Define Multilevel Method

-select new entries

-multilevel method “SLM” and give description as straight line method of bisl plant
and machinery

-select validity start “from ordinary depreciation start date”

-double click on levels

-select new entries

-acquisition year 9999

-years 999

-period 12

-base value 01(acquisition value)

-percentage 10
-and save press enter

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17. Maintain Period Control Method:

Path: same path above
Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Depreciation
->Valuation Method->Depreciation Key->Calculation Methods->Maintain
Period Control Method

-in general we use system defined period control method is 001

Prd method description acq add ret trn

001 01/01/02/02 01 01 02 02

-01 stands for pro rata at period start date

-02 stands for pro rata up to mid-period at period start date
And save

18. Maintain Depreciation Key

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Depreciation-

>Valuation Method->Depreciation Key->Maintain Depreciation Key

-select new entries

-give dep. Key BSLM (any code), description straight line method dep key of BISL plant
and machinery
-select period control according to fiscal years check box
-double click on assignment of calculation methods
-select new entries
-select dep type ordinary depreciation
-select phase from the start of depreciation

-select base method 0014

-select declining balance method 001
-select period control method 001
-select multilevel method SLM
-select class straight line depreciation and save press enter

-back 4 steps
-select BSLM line
-click on activate button
- And save

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

19. Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Master

Data-> Screen Layout->Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

-double click on define screen layout for asset master data

-select BSPM line (screen layout rule of BISL P & M)
-double click on logical field groups

-select number 2 line

-double click on field group rules

-select main number check box for capitalization date
-and save press enter

-to delete a tab in master record

-eg: select number 6 line

-double click on field group rules

-deselect all check boxes

-select no for each field press enter like select no for all fields and save
-press enter

20. Define Screen Layout For Asset Depreciation Areas:

Path: same path above

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->Master

Data->Screen Layout->Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Data

-select 2000 line

-double click on field group rules

-deselect main number and sub number for depreciation keys and useful life and
select class for depreciation keys and useful life

-and save press enter

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

21. Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Asset Accounting->

Valuation-> Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

-select position
-give BISLPMAC (asset class of BISL plant and machinery)

-press enter
-select BISLPMAC line
-double click on depreciation areas

-give screen layout 2000

-deselect area de act and save press enter
-give dep key BSLM

Give useful life 10

-and save press enter

22. Creation of Asset Master Records (AS01)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->Create->As01 Asset

-Give Company Code : BISL

-select asset class BISLPMAC

-number of similar assets 1

-press enter

-give description “generator”

-click on time-dependent tab select cost center “plant1”

-click on depreciation area tab verify dep. Key and useful life and save.

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23. Creation of more than one asset master record at a time

In transaction code as01

Path: same path above

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->Create->As01 Asset

-give company code BISL

-select asset class BISLPMAC

-give number of similar assets 3

-press enter

-give description welding machine

-click on time dependent tab give cost center plant1

-and save

-click on maintain

-change description to

1. Welding machine
2. Cutting Machine
3. Boiler

Press enter click on create.


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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Posting key 70 is for asset debit and posting key 75 is asset credit
Purchase all assets in 1st period in different dates

Posting of purchase of as asset in transaction code f-90

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Posting->

Acquisition->External Acquisition->F-90 with Vendor

Give document date : 10.01.2010

Type : KR
Company code : BISL
Posting date : 10.01.2010
Period : 1
Currency : INR
Posting key : 31

In account select vendor number

Press enter
Give amount : 300000
Give text : purchase of generator
Posting key : 70

In account select generator asset number and

Give transaction type: 100

Press enter

Give * (star symbol) in amount and

Change value date to posting date (Ext. asset acquisition)

Give text +

Select document in menu bar select simulate

Plant and machinery a/c Dr 3, 00,000

To vendor a/c 3, 00,000
And save.

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*Purchase Remaining Assets in the Above Procedure.*

To View Asset Values: (AW01N)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->Aw01n-Asset Explorer

-give asset number

-press enter

-click on posted values tab

-verify depreciation posted/planned values

To View Asset Master Record (AS02)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->Change->AS02-Asset

-give company code

-give asset number press enter

-verify capitalization date

-click on origin tab verify vendor details

-click on depreciation area tab verify ordinary dep. Start date

And save

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Depreciation calculation
Execution of Depreciation Runs (AFAB)
Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Asset->Periodic Processing->
Depreciation Run->AFAB-Execute
-give company code BISL,
-give fiscal year 2010
-give posting period 1
-select planned posting run
-select test run check box
-click on execute, click on yes

-system gives 2 messages in green colour

1. Test run completed successfully
2. A document was created
-back one step
-deselect test run check box
-select program in menu bar
-select execute in background, Give output device LP-01
-click on continue, Press enter
-click on immediate

-click on save
-system gives message background job was scheduled for program RAPOST2000
-select systems in menu bar-> select services
-select jobs
-select job overview
-click on execute
-verify spool symbol against rapost2000 and verify status for finished

To view asset values (AW01N)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->AW01N-Asset Explorer
-Give Asset Number
-press enter
-click on posted values tab
-verify depreciation posted/planned values.

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Additions is 2 types

1. Adding additional amount to already acquired assets

2. Creation of sub asset under main asset

1. Adding Additional Amount to already Acquired Asset F-90

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Posting->Acquisition->

External Acquisition->F-90 with Vendor

Give document date : 20.02.2010

Type : KR
Company code : BISL
Posting date : 20.02.2010
Period : 2
Currency : INR
Posting key : 31
In account select vendor number

Press enter
Give amount : 2, 00,000
Give text : purchase of generator
Posting key : 70

In account select generator asset number

And give transaction type : 100

Press enter

Give * (star symbol) in amount and

Change value date to posting date

Give text +

Select document in menu bar select simulate

Plant and machinery a/c Dr 200000

To vendor a/c 200000
And save.

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2. Creation Of Subset Under Main Asset AS11

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->Create->

Sub Number->As11 Asset

-give company code : BISL

-select asset number (boiler asset number)

-number of similar sub numbers 1
-press enter
-give description “boiler1”

-click on time-dependent tab select cost center “plant1”

-remove capitalized on

–click on origin tab

-remove vendor details

-click on depreciation areas tab

-remove ordinary depreciation start date and save

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Purchase of Sub Asset in F-90

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Posting->
Acquisition->External Acquisition->F-90 with Vendor

Give document date : 20.02.2010

Type : KR
Company code : BISL
Posting date : 20.02.2010
Period : 2
Currency : INR
Posting key : 31
In account select vendor number
Press enter
Give amount : 200000
Give text : purchase of boiler1
Posting key : 70

In account select boiler1 asset number and

Give transaction type : 100
Press enter
Give : * (star symbol)
In amount and change value date to posting date

Give text : +

Select document in menu bar select simulate

Plant and machinery a/c Dr 200000

To vendor a/c 200000
And save.

To View Asset Values AW01N

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Asset->AW01N-Asset Explorer

-give asset number (generator number and boiler1 asset number)

-press enter

-click on posted values tab

-verify depreciation posted/planned values.

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Retirements is 2 types
1 sale of asset
2 scrapping of asset
1 Sale of Asset
1st step:
Make asset number and asset retirement as optional
In maintain field status variant (obc4)
Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Financial Accounting Global
Settings->Document->Line Item->Controls->Define Field Status Variant

-select BISL line

-double click on field status groups
-double click on g001
-double click on asset accounting
-select optional entries for asset retirement and asset number/sub number
-and save press enter

2nd step:
Posting Of Sale of an Asset in Transaction Code F-92
Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting-> Fixed Asset->Posting->Retirement
->Retirement with Revenue->F-92 with Customer

-give document date : 25.03.2010

Type : DR
Company code : BISL
Posting date : 25.03.2010
Period : 3
Currency : INR
Posting key : 01

In account select customer number

Press enter
Give amount : 400000
Give text : sale of generator
Posting key : 50
In account select sale of plant and machinery account 300003

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

(210- Asset retirement with revenue)

Transaction type 210

Press enter
Give : *(star) in amount

Change value date to posting date

Select asset retirement check box

Give text : +

Press enter
Give asset number generator asset number
Give asset value date
Select complete retirement check box press enter
And saves
Select document in menu bar

Select display

Customer a/c Dr 3, 00,000
To sale of plant & machinery a/c 3, 00,000

Sale of plant & machinery a/c Dr 3, 00,000

Accu. Dep on plant & machinery Dr 7,500
To plant & machinery a/c 3, 00,000
To profit of sale of plant & machine 7,500

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

I. Scrapping of Plant and Machinery (ABAVN)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Assets->Posting->Retirement ->

Retirement with Revenue->ABAVN-Asset Retirement by Scrapping

Select asset number (boiler asset number)

- Document date
-give posting date
-give asset value date and text scrapping of boiler and save

System gives message asset transaction posted with document number BISL 0000000031

To view document

Transaction code FB03

Give document number 31
Press enter

Scrapping of plant and machinery a/c Dr 3, 90,000

Accu. Dep on plant and machinery a/c Dr 10,000
To plant and machinery a/c 4, 00,000

To view customizing request (SEO9)

Click on display button

Click on ‘+’ Symbol against your request
Click on ‘+’ Symbol against customizing task

SAP FICO questions & Answers by V.Narayana.

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Transfer With In Company Code (ABUMN)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Asset->Posting->Transfer->ABUMN

Transfer with in company code

Give welding machine asset number

Give document date : 03.04.2010

Posting date : 03.04.2010
Asset value date : 03.04.2010

Give text transfer of welding machine

Select new asset radio button

Give new cost center workshop

And save

Ignore message press enter

To View Asset Values (AW01N)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Asset->Asset->AW01N Asset Explorer

Give generator asset number,

Boiler asset number,
Welding machine asset number

Press enter

Click on posted values tab verify depreciation posted /planned values

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Information system > Accounting >

1. General Ledger
2. Accounts Receivable
3. Accounts Payable
4. Fixed Assets

Std fin statement version is INT

To unlock, Lock Entries:-


Click on list button

Select lock entries in menu bar
Select Del all
Click on Yes

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

1st step:
Maintain Controlling Area (T CODE OKKP)

Path: SPRO->Sap Reference IMG-> Controlling -> General Controlling->

Organization->Maintain Controlling Area

Double click on maintain controlling area

Select new entries
Click on co area = c code button
Give company code : BISL
Under assignment control select controlling area same as company code
Under other setting in cost center standard hierarchy give any name or any code
Click on save
Click on yes

Press enter

Double click on assignment of company code

Select new entries
Give company code BISL
And save
Press enter

Double c lick on activate components/control indicators

Select new entries

Give fiscal year 2010

Select cost center component active
Select AA activity type
Select order management component active

Select cost object check box

Select w. commit management check box (or) Select Profit center
Accounting Check box
And save
Ignore message
Press enter

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Asset Accounting and CO notes

2nd step:
Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents (KANK)

Path: same path above

Path: SPRO->Sap Reference IMG-> Controlling -> General Controlling->
Organization->Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents

Give controlling area BISL

Click on maintain group button [F6]
Select group in menu bar
Select insert
Give text BISL co document number ranges
From number: 1 to number 10000

Press enter
Select check box against BISL co document number range
Under not assigned

Double click on COIN (CO through postings from FI)

Double click on RKU1 (repost cost)
Double click on RKU3 (repost line items)
Select edit in menu bar
Select assign element group (f5)
Save & Press enter

3rd step:
Maintain Version (OKEQ)
Path: same path above
Path: SPRO->Sap Reference IMG-> Controlling -> General Controlling->
Organization->Maintain Version

Select version 0(zero) line

Double click on controlling area settings
Give controlling area bisl

Press enter
Select version 0(zero) line
Double click on settings for each fiscal year
And save
Press enter

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Cost elements is 2 types
1. Primary cost element (Based on GL Expenses)
2. Secondary cost element
Primary cost elements:
We can create primary cost elements in 3 ways
1. In finance
2. In controlling
3. Through batch input

Creation of Primary Cost Elements in Finance (FS00)

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->General Ledger->Master Records->
GL Accounts->Individual Processing->FS00 Centrally
Give GL a/c no : 400012
Click of with template button
Give reference GL no : 400000
Reference company code : BISL
Press enter
Change short text and long text as wages
And save
Click on edit cost element button
Give valid from date : 01.01.2010 to 31-12-9999
Press enter
Give cost element category ‘1’ 10 costs/ cost reducing revenues
And save
System gives message cost element was created
Creation of Some GL Master Records in FS00
Same path above (same screen)
GL account number Description
400013 fuel expenses
400014 factory lighting
400015 factory rent
400016 factory overheads
400017 admin over heads
400018 research expenses etc.,

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2. Creation of Primary Cost Elements in Controlling (KA01)

Path: Accounting ->Controlling->Cost Element Accounting->Master Data->Cost

Element->Individual Processing->KA01 Create Primary

Give controlling area : BISL

Press enter
Give cost element 400013
Valid from date 01.01.2010
Press enter
Give cost element category ‘1’ and save

3rd model:
Creation of primary cost elements through batch input:

1. Make Default Setting (OKB2)

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Controlling->Cost Element Accounting->Master Data->

Cost Element->Automatic Creation of Cost Element-> Make Default Setting

Give chart of accounts : BISL

Press enter
Select new entries
Account from 400014 account to 400018 c. element cat 1

Save & press enter

Back 2 steps

2. Create Batch Input Session (OKB3)

Same path:

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Controlling->Cost Element Accounting->Master Data->

Cost Element->Automatic Creation of Cost Element->Create Batch Input Session

Click on execute button

Back 2 steps

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3. Execute Batch Input Session (SM35)

Path: same path

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Controlling->Cost Element Accounting->Master Data->Cost
Element->Automatic Creation of Cost Element-> Execute Batch Input Session

Select sap user session line (1st line)

Click on process button

Select display errors only

Click on process

Click on exit batch input

To View Cost Elements (KA02)

Path: Accounting->Controlling->Cost Element Accounting->Master Data->Cost

Element->Individual Processing->Ka02 Change

Give any number in between 400014 to 400018

Press enter verify cost element category for ‘1’ and save


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Asset Accounting and CO notes

Creation of Secondary Cost Elements (KA06)

Path same path above

Path: Accountings->Controlling->Cost Element Accounting->Master Data->Cost
Element->Individual Processing->KA06 Create Secondary
Give cost element 500000
Press enter
Give short text and long text as settlements

Give cost element category for settlements is 21 and save

Give cost element 500001 Internal Settlement
Press enter
Give short text and long text as assessments
And give cost element category for assessments is 42


Change Company Code Data

Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->General Ledger Accounting->GL

Accounts->Master Data->GL Account Creation and Processing->Change GL
Accounts Collectively->Change Company Code Data

Click on continue

Give company code : BISL

Give GL account from number 400012 to number 400018
Click on execute
Against new value give field status group(fiel) G004, account currency(acco) is INR, select
post with out tax allowed (p) check box, select line item display(L), give sort key (SO) 001 and
Click on carry out a mass change button and save press enter
Back one step
Press enter
Back 2 steps.

Ramana murthy Page 30

Asset Accounting and CO notes

Cost Center Accounting:

Creation Of Cost Center Groups And Cost Center (KSH1):

Path: Accounting->Controlling->Cost Center Accounting->Master Data->
Cost Center Group->KSH1 Create

Verify standard hierarchy BISLCCSH in cost center group

Press enter
Click on yes
Click on lower level button

Give 1000
Give description as production cost center group of BISL
Select 1000
Click on same level button

Give 2000
Give description as overhead cost center group of BISL
Select 1000
Click on insert cost center button
Give cost center
Plant1 press enter
Give name and description as plant 1 cost center
User responsible sap user
Person responsible manager
Department production
Cost center category 1(f)

Business area BISS

Currency INR
Back 1 step
Select 1000
Click on insert cost center button
Give work shop

Press enter
Give name and description as work shop cost center
User responsible sap user
Person responsible manager
Department production

Ramana murthy Page 31

Asset Accounting and CO notes

Cost center category 1(f)

Business area : BISS
Currency INR
Back 1 step
Select 2000
Click on insert cost center button
Give cost center
Admin press enter
Give name and description as admin cost center
User responsible sap user
Person responsible manager
Department admin
Cost center category 4(w)
Business area : BISS
Currency INR
Back 1 step
Select 2000

Click on cost center button

Give cost center
Dispensary press enter
Give name and description as dispensary cost center
User responsible sap user
Person responsible superintendent
Department health
Cost center category 7(h)
Business area : BISS
Currency INR
Back 1 step
And save

Assign Cost Elements To Cost Center (KA02)

Path: accounting->controlling->cost center accounting->master data->cost element-

>individual processing->ka02 change
Give cost element 400012
Press enter
Click of default account assignment tab
Give cost center plant1 and save

Ramana murthy Page 32

Asset Accounting and CO notes


Posting of a Document in F-02

Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->General Ledger->Posting->F-02 General Posting

Give document date : 28.02.2010 current date

Type : SA
Company code : BISL
Posting date : 28.02.2010
Period : 2
Currency : INR
Posting key : 40
In account select : 400012

Press enter

Give amount : 1, 50,000

Change value date to posting date

Give text : wages paid

Posting key : 50

In account select bank GL number 200000

Press enter

Give : *(star symbol) in amount

Change value date to posting date

Give text : + (plus symbol)

And save

Ramana murthy Page 33

Asset Accounting and CO notes

Manual Reposting of Cost (KB61) (Re Post CO Line Item)

Path: Accounting->Controlling->Cost Center Accounting->Actual Posting->Repost

Line Items->KB61 Enter
Select document number, Give Co. code, fiscal year, Cost element

Give cost center plant1

Click on execute

Double click on line item

Under new account assignment in amount transfer some amount (120000) from old account
assignment and give new cost center workshop and save

Manual Reposting Of Cost (KB11N)

Path: Accounting->Controlling->Cost Center Accounting->Actual Posting->Manual

Reposting Of Cost ->KB11N Enter

Give document date and posting date

CCTR (old) Cost Element Amount CCTR (new)

Workshop 400012 45000 Dispensary

Workshop 400012 35000 Admin

And save

To View Cost Center Reports Line Item Wise (KSB1)

Path: Accounting->Controlling->Cost Center Accounting->Information System ->Reports for

Cost Center Accounting-> Line Items >KSB1 Cost Centre Actual Line Items

Cost Centre- blank.

Give cost centre group-BISLCCSH
Cost elecment-400012
Click on execute button.

Ramana murthy Page 34


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