Asset Accounting and CO Notes
Asset Accounting and CO Notes
Asset Accounting and CO Notes
Asset Accounting is implementing for business transactions like acquisition, additions,
retirements, transfers & depreciation calculation.
-press enter
-change description to ‘chart of depreciation of BISL’
-and save
-press enter
-press enter
-and save
-select position
-give company code BISL
-press enter
-give input tax ‘v0’ and output tax ‘a0’
-and save press enter.
-press enter
-and save press enter
-press enter
-and save press enter
1. Account determination
2. Screen layout rule
3. No. range interval
-press enter
-change a/c group to liabilities, change short text and long text as accumulated depreciation
of plant and machinery and save.
-change a/c group to incomes, change short text and long text as sale of plant and machinery
Click on control data tab give sort key 018
& save.
-press enter
- change short text and long text as profit on sale of plant and machinery
& save.
-press enter
-change short text and long text as scrapping of sale of plant and machinery
& Save
-press enter
-give cost element category ‘1’ click on default account assignment tab
-select cost center “plant1”
-generally we use system defined base method “0014” (ordinary: explicit percentage
(after end of life))
And save
-multilevel method “SLM” and give description as straight line method of bisl plant
and machinery
-years 999
-period 12
-percentage 10
-and save press enter
-back 4 steps
-select BSLM line
-click on activate button
- And save
-deselect main number and sub number for depreciation keys and useful life and
select class for depreciation keys and useful life
-select position
-give BISLPMAC (asset class of BISL plant and machinery)
-press enter
-select BISLPMAC line
-double click on depreciation areas
-press enter
-click on depreciation area tab verify dep. Key and useful life and save.
-press enter
-and save
-click on maintain
-change description to
1. Welding machine
2. Cutting Machine
3. Boiler
Posting key 70 is for asset debit and posting key 75 is asset credit
Purchase all assets in 1st period in different dates
Press enter
Give text +
-press enter
And save
Depreciation calculation
Execution of Depreciation Runs (AFAB)
Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting->Fixed Asset->Periodic Processing->
Depreciation Run->AFAB-Execute
-give company code BISL,
-give fiscal year 2010
-give posting period 1
-select planned posting run
-select test run check box
-click on execute, click on yes
-click on save
-system gives message background job was scheduled for program RAPOST2000
-select systems in menu bar-> select services
-select jobs
-select job overview
-click on execute
-verify spool symbol against rapost2000 and verify status for finished
Additions is 2 types
Press enter
Give amount : 2, 00,000
Give text : purchase of generator
Posting key : 70
Press enter
Give text +
-remove capitalized on
Give text : +
Retirements is 2 types
1 sale of asset
2 scrapping of asset
1 Sale of Asset
1st step:
Make asset number and asset retirement as optional
In maintain field status variant (obc4)
Path: SPRO->Sap Ref IMG->Financial Accounting->Financial Accounting Global
Settings->Document->Line Item->Controls->Define Field Status Variant
2nd step:
Posting Of Sale of an Asset in Transaction Code F-92
Path: Accounting->Financial Accounting-> Fixed Asset->Posting->Retirement
->Retirement with Revenue->F-92 with Customer
Give text : +
Press enter
Give asset number generator asset number
Give asset value date
Select complete retirement check box press enter
And saves
Select document in menu bar
Select display
Customer a/c Dr 3, 00,000
To sale of plant & machinery a/c 3, 00,000
System gives message asset transaction posted with document number BISL 0000000031
To view document
And save
Press enter
1. General Ledger
2. Accounts Receivable
3. Accounts Payable
4. Fixed Assets
Std fin statement version is INT
1st step:
Maintain Controlling Area (T CODE OKKP)
Press enter
2nd step:
Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents (KANK)
Press enter
Select check box against BISL co document number range
Under not assigned
3rd step:
Maintain Version (OKEQ)
Path: same path above
Path: SPRO->Sap Reference IMG-> Controlling -> General Controlling->
Organization->Maintain Version
Press enter
Select version 0(zero) line
Double click on settings for each fiscal year
And save
Press enter
Press enter
Give cost element 400013
Valid from date 01.01.2010
Press enter
Give cost element category ‘1’ and save
3rd model:
Creation of primary cost elements through batch input:
Same path:
Click on process
Press enter verify cost element category for ‘1’ and save
Click on continue
Give 1000
Give description as production cost center group of BISL
Select 1000
Click on same level button
Give 2000
Give description as overhead cost center group of BISL
Select 1000
Click on insert cost center button
Give cost center
Plant1 press enter
Give name and description as plant 1 cost center
User responsible sap user
Person responsible manager
Department production
Cost center category 1(f)
Press enter
Give name and description as work shop cost center
User responsible sap user
Person responsible manager
Department production
Type : SA
Company code : BISL
Posting date : 28.02.2010
Period : 2
Currency : INR
Posting key : 40
In account select : 400012
Press enter
Press enter
And save
Click on execute
Under new account assignment in amount transfer some amount (120000) from old account
assignment and give new cost center workshop and save
And save