Fatigue Characteristics of High Glass Content Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) Materials
Fatigue Characteristics of High Glass Content Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) Materials
Fatigue Characteristics of High Glass Content Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) Materials
-} 1.5” 1.5”
1 a
20 - A EPOXY -
Fig. 1 . Schrmutic (fcxperimentul set-up i u ) futiguc.. test [ b )
stutic j e x t u r e test uftrr futigue.
2 1 I
these tests. Thus the damaged ends of the fatigue speci- .POLYESTER
mens near the clamps were excludrd from the post- z 20 A EPOXY
fatigue static test area.
Static Properties 50 150 250 350
Room temperature static flexural .>ropertiesof high Fig.3. Retmtion of stutic modulus inJi,xure us u function oftest
glass content inaterials (HSMC) are presented in Table temperutures.
1 . For coinparison. typical values for c:onventional SMC
are also included. Higher values for the present mate- is mostly a result of softening of the matrix resin, a clear
rials are direct results of their higher glass fiber content. superiority of one system over another cannot be estab-
The load-deflection curves are initi;tllv linear, but, at lished from these figures. However, for design purposes
stresses lwtween 35-50 percent of the ultimate values where short-term high temperature is encountered,
they deviate from linearity indicating the occurrence of these diagrams will be helpful.
sotile irreversible daiiiage in the 111 iterial. Geiierally,
this datiiage takes the forin of “microc,racks” or “crazes”, Fatigue Properties
possilily a result of fil)er-matrix del)onding ( 5 , 7 ) .Final
failure takes place in a step-wise fasl-lion starting with a Definition of Failure. Since materials under consid-
failure on the tension suifilce followec, I)\ tlelaminations. eration fail in a progressive tnanner through gradual
Figures 2 and 3 show the percent retention of flexural softening a s the test progresses, a clear definition of
strength and iiiotlulus a s a function of test temperature. failure is not possible. Therefore, a 15-20 percent drop
As expected, both strength and modulus decrease with in modulus from its value near the 10th cvcle was arbi-
increasing temperature. Even though this reduction trarily selected as a criterion of failure. Figure 4 is one
such plot of percent drop in modulus vs iiuml)er of
Table 1. Room Temperature Static Flexui*alProperties of High cycles. It can be seen here that the vinyl ester cotnpos-
Glass Content SMC Mat’brials ites show a lesser drop in niodulus than the polyester
~ ~~~~~~~~
Polyester* 30 35 000 1.8 crocracks which first appear o n the outer suiface, then
Polyester 65 55 660 2.30 extends into the interior of the specimens. The cracks
Vinyl ester 59 43,200 1.92 are. in most cases, oriented in ii direction iiorinal to the
EPOXY 63 64 970 2.10
principal stress, but do not always cover the whole width
‘Conventlonal SMC. of the specimen. As shown inFig. 5 a , the intensity of the
P. K. Mallick
a.) u a= 2 .56 uuc
b.) U, = 2 3 4 UUc also plotted inFig. 6 to indicate the effect of temperature
e.) u, = 2 .20 UUc
on fatigue life. Table 2 lists the fatigue properties for
three different matrices at or near 200,000cycles at a test
temperature of 220°F. Although based on limited data,
it indicates that vinyl esters have superior fatigue per-
forinance than polyesters and nearly equal to the epoxy
system considered. It should be noted, though, that the
epoxy system had significantly shorter fibers than the
other two systems.
Post-Fatigue Performance. After testing for a certain
number of cycles, middle sections of some of the
fatigued specimens were subjected to static flexure to
0 2 4 6 deterinine the residual strength of the material. These
values are presented i n Table 3 . I n general, residual
Fig.4. Drop in modulus us number of cycles during fatigue at static strength decreases with increasing numl,er of cy-
130°F. cles i n contrast to some high perforniance unidirectional
composites where ininiinal loss i n static strength is often
observed (6). The niicrocracks formed on the suiface of
thc HShlC specimens duringfatigue loading act as sharp
notches. Some of these niicrocracks extend and/or join
to form a critical crack, thereby causing a premature
failure at a lower static load. Harris, et nl. (7)reported a
similar result on dough molding compound (DMC) ma-
terials where a large and rapid drop in strength was
observed after 100-1000cycles at cyclic stresses of about
75 percent of the ultimate strength of the material. At
Fig. 5. (0)Fatigue dumuge i n polyester specimens ut L- 15,000 lower stresses, however, the tests were carried to only
psi with (A) 2,000 (€3) 40.000 and (C) 367,000 cycles. ( b )Fatigue
damugt. in vinyl ester sprcimcns-(D)89.5.000 cycles at 15.000 -
psi, ( E ) 1.5,OOO cyclcs. and ( F ) 376,000 cyclcs (it t 20,000 psi.
1,000 cycles; even then, a loss in static strength was
observed, but only after an initial increase at about 10
damage zone, indicated b y the number of cracks, in- Another observation to be niade from Table 3 is that
creases with number of cycles. Figure .% shows that for vinyl ester material retains more of its static strength
equal number of cycles, at the sanie stress level, there than polyester after fatigue. This is in accordance with
are iiiore niicrocracks on the pol>-esterspecimen than on the fact that there were more fatigue microcracking on
the vinyl ester specimen. polyester specimens than the vinyl ester ones.
Fatigue Life. Figure 6 shows a S-N plot of fatigue
stress level vs numher of cycles to failure for polyester DISCUSSION
and vinyl ester composites at 13O'F. \Vithin the range of From the data presented, it is evident that specimens
cycles investigated, these materials do not exhihit any with vinyl ester resin show better resistance to fatigue
fatigue limit and the numher of cycles to f'ailure gradu- than those with polyester. The reason for the dif€vreiice
ally increases with decreasing stress level. However. at can be found in the intensity of niicrocracks that form
loticycles, the endurance limit ofvinyl cster composites during cycling on the suifaces of these t\vo tlifferent
is approximately 60 percent higher than the polyester resins. The niicrocracks are prol)al)ly results of !loth
composites. niatrix cracking and failure of fil)er-matrix inteifucial
1)onds ( 5 ) .
OPOLYESTER. 13OoF Since random filler composites are not its much fiber
AVlNYL ESTER, 130'F - dependent a s unidirectional composites, the properties
of the matrix resin and/or fiher-matrix inteiface are es-
\\ \
pectrtd to play a major role i n determining the inechani-
cal properties of such mwteriils. Vinyl ester resins have
higher tensile strength and straiii-to-f~Iil~I1.e than poly-
4 ester. I n atltlition, the secont1;iry hytlroxyl group i n the
vinyl ester chain provides a site for hydrogen 1)ontling
with a similar gl-oup on the sutface of glass fihers. result-
ing i n good wet-out and adhesion to fillers (8). The
isophtalic polyester chain does not contain any such
hydroxyl group and therefore, adhesion aiitl wet-out can
LOG CYCLES he promoted only through the binder 0 1 1 tht. glass sur-
Fig. 6. Futiguc stra.i.s vs numbcr ofcyc1e.s in rec;cmc~d~cmrul face. Thus vinyl ester resins \vould prol)al)ly have a
futiguc. higher resistance t o debontling a i d matrix cracking than
Percent Percent
Matrix Stress UTS No of drop Strength Modulus
material level ai 220°F cycles in modulus (Psi) (10” psi)
Test Percent
temp cr) Matrix aa UTS N uRes -
CF) material (Psi) at T (c yc Ie s) (Psi) ault
polyesters. Pires et a1 found evidence of better adhesion ture and number of cycles.
with vinyl esters in their work on fiber-matrix iiiterac- At low fatigue stress level (30-50 percent of the
tion effects 011 fracture toughness on structural coinpos- UTS), the fatigue damage is progressive, rather
ites (9). than catastrophic.
B asc d o 11 the 1i in it ed expe r i i n e 11t a1 ob e I-vat io 11s The author wishes to thank Dr. S. Newman of the
presented, following conclusions can be made regarding Ford Motor Company for his valuable suggestioiis dur-
the fatigue characteristics of high a s s content SXIC ing the preparation of this paper.
Up to 10”cycles, no fatigue limit could be observed REFERENCES
with any of the two systems coilsidered.
1. J. Maaghul and E. J. Potkanowicz, 31stAnnual Tech. Confer.,
In rairdoni fiber composites, I I atrix plays an im- SPI, 7-C (1976).
portant role in determining the fatigue characteris- 2. R. S.Sapp, Reinforced Thermoset Press Molding Committee
tics of the material. More spec- fically, viiiyl ester Mtg., SPI (1976).
inatrix has shown fatigue propel ties which are bet- 3. R. E. Thomas and J. H. Enos,33rdAnnual Tech. Confer., SPI
ter than polyester and may be equivalent to the 4. P. K. Mallick and N. Raghupathi, Symposium for Thermosets,
epoxy systein considered here. SPE RETEC (1978).
Fatigue damage i n these materids is manifested by 5. M. J. Owen, Compos. Muter., 5 , 313 (1974).
a cluster of Inicrocracks, whow severity depends 6. J. B. Sturgeon, 28th .4nnual Tech. Confer., SPI, 12-B (1973).
on the choice of matrix. As a result of such mi- 7. B. Harris, ‘4.0. Ankara, D. Cawthorne and S. M. T. Bye,
Composites, 185 (1977).
crocracks, the static strength of the inaterial is 8. Derakane Vinyl Ester Resins for Corrosion Resistance, Dow
reduced significantly. The inagnitude of damage Chemical Co. (1975).
tlcyxnds 011 the fatigut. stress level, test tempera- 9. D. G. Pires, et d., AMMRC CTR 75-15 (July 1975).