• Equipment Requirement
• Outline Introduction
• PCB Board Introduction
• System Block Diagram
• Power On Sequence
• Trouble Shooting Guide
Equipment Requirement
• Power supply
• Oscilloscope
• Digital MultiMeter
• AC charger of A68
• Battery of A68
• Micro USB cable
• Micro SIM card
• MHL monitor
Outline Introduction (TOP)
Outline Introduction (BOT)
Outline Introduction (Take off the Back Cover)
PCB Board Introduction (TOP)
PCB Board Introduction (BOT)
System Block DiagramA68_BLOCK_DIAGRAM.pdf
Power On Sequence(PM8921)
Power On Sequence(PM8821)
Power On Sequence(PM8018)
Trouble Shooting Guide
• System can’t power on
• a. There is large leakage current occurring before you push the power key.
• Please check the nets that included VBAT_CONN, VPH_PWR and find where is short to
• GND.
• b. There is large leakage current occurring after you push the power key.
Please check the nets of PM8921. PM8821 and PM8018 as below and find where is
short to GND.
• No large leakage current, but can’t power on.
• Check if VBATT_CONN is 3.8V or not.
• Check if VPH_PWR is 3.8V or not.
• Check if BATT_LOW_N is 1.8V when VDD_S1000N34 is more than 3.4V.
• PWR_KEY_SW_N is low when you push the SW1.
• PHONE_ON_N is low when you push the SW1.
• Check if XTAL_32K_OUT shall is 32K Hz or not.
• Check if SLEEP_CLK0 is 32K Hz or not.
• Check if XO_OUT_D0 is 19.2M Hz or not.
• After you push SW1 and Check if PM8921_PON_RESET_N is 1.8V or not.
• After you push SW1 and Check if PS_HOLD is 1.8V or not.
SIM Card Test
• Check if USIM_VCC is 2.85V/1.8V or not.
• Check if USIM_RST# is 2.85V/1.8V or not.
• CD_DET is H when the SIM card is inserted.
• Check if USIM_CLK is 3.84Mhz and USIM_DATA is a high-low transition signal.
G-Sensor and Gyro-Sensor Test
• Check if VDD_GYRO_2P85 is 2.85V or not.
• Check if VDD_GYRO_1P8 shall is 1.8Vor not.
• Check if I2C2_SCL_GR_R is 400Khz and I2C2_SDA_GR_R is a high-low transition signal.
• Check if GYRO_INT_N is low when the sensor actives.
Proximity Test
• Check if VPH_PWR is 3.8V or not.
• Check if PROXM_PWR_EN is 1.8V or not.
• Check if VDD_PROXM_3V is 3.0V or not.
• Check if I2C2_SCL_SENS is 400Khz and I2C2_SDA_SENS is a high-low transition signal.
• Check if PROXM_OUT is low or not when the object is close the sensor.
Touch Test
• Check if VDD_TP_1P8 is 1.8V or not.
• Check if VDD_TP_3P3 is 3.3V or not.
• Cehek if TP_IRQ_N is low or not when you touch the TP.