Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion: Quarter 1 - Module 2
and Immersion
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
The Research Problem and
Its Background
First Quarter
Module 2, Week 2
The Research Problem and Its Background
Learning Outcomes : Describe adequately the research problem and its
in formulating the Introduction or Rationale, Conceptual
Framework, Statement of the Problem, Statement of the
Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Scope and
Limitations of the Study and
Definition of Terms
Competencies : Formulate the Background of the Study or Rationale,
Conceptual Framework, Statement of the Problem,
Statement of the Hypothesis, Significance of the Study,
Scope and Limitations of the Study and Definition of Terms
Topic/s : The Research Problem and Its Scope
3. formulate the general statement and specific problems of the study;
4. give a tentative prediction by stating a hypothesis;
5. describe the potential beneficiaries and how will they benefit from the study;
6. specify the scope and limitations of the study; and
7. define important terms operationally.
What I Know
Directions: Read the items below and write the letter of the correct answer in a
sheet of paper.
1. It is the part of a research paper or thesis that divulges the significant problem that
the researcher aims to further gain information.
A. Review of Related Literature C. Statement of the Problem
B. Scope and Limitations D. all of the above
3. This research provides you with details about human behavior, emotion and
personality characteristics.
A. Behavioral Studies C. Quantitative Research
B. Qualitative Research D. all of the above
8. It refers to the originality of the research meaning the problem must not have been
investigated before.
A. Honesty C. Relevance
B. Novelty D. Timeliness
10. These are the variables with the values that describe a quality or characteristic of
a data unit like “what type” or “what category.”
A. Categorical C. Nominal
B. Dichotomous D. Numeric
12. It is formulated from an existing theory/ies that serves as the foundation of the
A. Theoretical Framework C. Theoretical Samples
B. Theoretical Research D. Theoretical Studies
13. This section contains a narrative of how the study stands to benefit its various
A. Introduction C. Significance of the Study
B. Rationale of the Study D. Statement of the Problem
14. It defines the coverage or boundaries of the study in terms of the area or locality,
the subjects covered, the duration or period of the study and the research issues or
the concerns to which the investigation is focused.
A. Statement of the Problem C. Scope and Limitation
B. Significance of the Problem D. Definition of Terms
Lesson 1 Background of the Study
What’s New
Whenever you do qualitative research,
quantitative research or mixed method, your goal is to help people, groups or
organizations understand better phenomena, human behavior, human interactions,
and other events in daily life. With this in mind, the researcher’s adequate formulation
of the research problem and its scope is of primary importance.
What Is It
The following questions will aid the researcher in formulating the background of the
1. What is the rationale of the research problem?
This question is answered by sharing with the beneficiaries the reasons why the
researcher has decided to look for solutions to the problem. A narration of the
researcher’s experience that has driven him/her to conduct the study is commonly
done. If it is one’s personal experience, an article read, a scene witnessed, news heard,
a theory that needs to be clarified, etc., the research proponent should describe the
existing and prevailing problem situation based on his/her experience. The scope may
be local, national or international.
The Background of the Study includes:
1. Discussion of the problem in general and specific situations as observed and
experienced by the macro to micro approach.
2. Concepts and ideas related to the problem including clarification of important
terminologies; and
3. Discussion of the existing or present conditions and what is aimed to be the
future or the gap to be filled-in by the research.
What’s More
In the Background of the Study or Rationale, it is important to give the reader a
clear notion of the general scope of the problem investigated. The reader should be
given enough idea about similar problems from other countries (mega level), in our
country (macro level) and the particular place where the research is conducted (micro
level).The writer should underscore the difficulties caused by the problem and the
importance of investigating it. Hence, this part of the study, the introduction, is
primarily designed to meet this felt need to the reader. The presentation of the
investigation should very naturally lead to the objectives of the study.
For example:
Title: Problems of State Universities and Colleges’ Middle Level Managers: A Basis for
the Development of a Management Intervention Program ( Muello, 2002)
contributed to the broader scope and expanded amount of work that leaders need to
fulfill. Among such factors are the tremendous increases on the school population and
additional job requirements necessitated by many educational innovations. Not only are
they expected to continue their traditional duties such as planning and over-all school
organization, but they are also asked to give personal leadership and inspiration.
Leaders are expected to actively engage in establishing educational programs and
developing good teacher’s morale. Thus, it has become exceedingly important that
school administrators and teachers understand and are prepared to meet the many
responsibilities inherent in their positions. Thus, time management becomes exceedingly
important for managers to efficiently attend to their duties and avoid conflicts (Muello,
The researcher, being a manager, will surely be personally benefited from the
results of this study which generally aims to analyze the common problems encountered
by middle-level managers in state universities and colleges in region IV which, in turn
will be utilized as the basis for reposing a management intervention program.
Points to remember:
What I Have Learned
The Background of the Study is very important in establishing the cognitive
setting of the research and involves (a) discussing why there is a need to study the
problem, (b) clarifying the important terminologies for the reader to easily
understand what research is about, and (c) establishing the degree of seriousness
of the problem which has prompted the researcher to look for solutions. The
elements in writing the Background of the Study are the rationale of the problem,
setting of the research problem, related literature, seriousness of the research
problem and the overall purpose of the study. The Background of the Problem
emphasized the need for research not only to solve problems and difficulties but
also to expand the frontier of knowledge and improve the quality of social life. It
deals with the guidelines in writing the problem of the study.
What I Can Do
Directions: Read and understand the sample background of the study below.
Answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.
connections with others. Participants may use the said networking sites to interact with people they
already know online and to meet new people.
An interpersonal relationship is a relatively long-term association between two or more people. This
association may be based on emotions like love and liking, regular business interactions or some other
type of social commitments. Interpersonal relationships take place in great variety of contexts, such as
family, friends, marriage, acquaintances, work, clubs, neighborhoods and churches. They may be
regulated by law, custom, or mutual agreement, and are the bases of social groups and society as a
whole. Social networking sites influence the interpersonal relationship of students in many ways.
Through social networking sites, users come to meet other people worldwide. These people can affect the
users’ interpersonal relationship with other people close to him/her. This influence can either be good or
bad for the user.
Ellison (2007) said Social Media typically offers many features and those features are positively the
reason why many students are interested in checking out these sites. One of the general features of social
media are profiles. A profile contains all the information about the person plus their photos, videos,
applications that they used and comments/ messages posted by other person.
Del Mundo (2013) explained that the studies have shown that people actually are becoming more
social and more interactive with others, but the style of that communication has changed so that we’re
not meeting face-to-face as often we used to. That our interactions on social media tend to be weak ties-
that is, we don’t feel as personally connected to the people at the other end of our communication as we
do when we’re face-to-face.
It is evident that many students greatly rely on these sites to interact with their friends and other
people whether they know them or not. Being dependent to these sites promotes online friendships which
are not good since they might encounter people that are suspicious in behavior.
Through the abovementioned situations, the main objective of the researchers is to determine the
effects of social media in relation to the interpersonal relationship of Grade11 and 12 HUMMS students
of Don Gregorio Osmeña Memorial High School Moreover, the researchers would like to know the
different reasons why students often use social media as a medium to interact with their friends and loved
1. What are the reasons of the research problem?
2. Where is the setting of the research problem?
3. What is the basic literature/studies/theory of the study?
4. How important is the chosen research problem?
5. What is general objective of the research problems?
Lesson 2 Conceptual Framework
What’s In
In making Conceptual Framework, a researcher needs to specify the variables
involved and discuss their interrelationships. To begin, let us find out if you can still
do the following.
Test I. Classify the following variables whether numerical or categorical and write the
correct answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Gender /
2. Difficulty /
3. Honor Rolls /
4. Length /
5. Spiritual Practices /
What’s New
In each component of your research, you should show the variables that
influence it. For example, if you are studying childhood development outcomes, you
might study home life, school and community which would each be influenced by
different variables. For school, your variables might be peers, teachers and learning
disabilities. These variables are written in your diagram. The more detailed you are
with your diagram, the more thorough your conceptual framework will be.
What Is It
Conceptual Framework
The explanation of the scope and the range of a concept or construct can be
done even without a theory, in some cases, with a combination of two or more theories
which lead to a researcher’s formulated framework. This is called a conceptual
framework. It is largely based on theories or parts of theory combined with other
parts of another theory, or on the intellectual synthesis of the various readings of the
researcher. It guides the researcher by giving clear directions to the research.
Example of Theoretical Framework:
This study is anchored from the Business Ethics Theory by Bigg (2004) and
Shareholder Value Theory by Freeman (1984).
Ethical Responsibility
Social responsiveness and Social Responsibility
Eternal and intrinsic values Body
Corporate citizenship
and squares), lines and arrows. Irregular shapes are sometimes utilized and there
must be an acceptable rationale for them. The paradigm is something like a visual
representation of the entire thesis. It is considered as the heart of the research paper.
A title is needed to encapsulate the whole paradigm.
The common paradigm or models of the study used are as follows:
1. IPO model (input-process-output). This model is largely used when the
research attempts to isolate the factor or major variable that causes the
problems, subject or phenomenon under investigation. The model is used when
the statements of the problem are all factor-isolating questions.
Profile of entrepreneurs
a. Age
b. Sex Analysis of data through
c. Seminars Attended the questionnaire, informal
Profile and roles of
Roles of Entrepreneurs interviews and statistical
a. Assessment entrepreneurs are
b. Planning determined
2. c. Implementation
3. d. Evaluation
3.-P model. This model is used in research studies that propose a program or any
intervention measure. It fits the situation producing level of questioning.
Profile of Entrepreneurs
a. Age
b. Sex Analysis of data Profile and roles of
c. Seminar Attended through the entrepreneurs,
Roles of Entrepreneurs questionnaire, specimen collection
a. Assessment informal interviews, and performance are
b. Planning and statistical assessed
c. Implementation treatment
d. Evaluation
Specimen Collection
Proposed Intervention Program
4. PC model (predictor-criterion model). This model is used when relating and
assessing the influence between two or more variables. Studies that focus on
relationships, associations, differences, and impacts will benefit from this model.
Sample PC model for the thesis entitled “ Relationship of the Teaching Competence of
Senior High School teachers to the Level of Performance of ABM Students”
Infection control
Student Respondent Extent of participation
Preparation of IV fluids
Profile in the infection control
Preparation of IV
Age CI’s assessment of the
Assistance in the
Gender students’ extent of
administration of IV
Civil Status participation in
Hospital infection control
Skin care
Assignment practices
Umbilical cord care
Eye Care
What I Can Do
Directions: Read and understand the conceptual framework given and answer the
questions that follow. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Research Title: Parental Intervention in the Career Choice of the Junior High School
Conceptual Framework
The study is anchored on Holland’s Theory of Career Choice (1997) which states that in
order to make an informed career decision, many factors have to be taken into account, such
as the individual’s unique characteristics, values, interests, skills and personality. Career
satisfaction contributes significantly to the general happiness, stability and well-being of
adults. In order to experience career satisfaction, an individual has to first make a fitting or
appropriate career choice. Individuals will select and be more content in a work environment
that corresponds to their type, attributes, decision-making style and career maturity.
Watson and Stead (1999) supported the theory of Holland who pronounced that a clear
understanding of the characteristics of the individual who is making the career choice involving
the investigation of the characteristics of the chosen work environment that requires careful
consideration of the characteristics in order to ensure the best possible “goodness of fit” or
match. In short, the better, the more likely the individual is to adjust to and thrive in, the
chosen field of work.
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The students have to choose
what career they want to pursue after taking their Junior High School with respect to academic
track, technical/vocational, sports track, arts and design tracks. However, parental
intervention in students’ career choices is considered as a factor that may affect the future
career of children.
1. What is the theory used as support of the study?
2. Who is the theorist?
3. What is the theoretical statement of the theory that explains the present study?
4. How does the theory relate to the present study?
What Is It
The Statement of the Problem has two basic parts: The main problem and sub-
problems. The main problem contains the general problem while the sub-problems
contain the specific problem areas.
Here are more examples of general problems:
1. The main problem of this research is to look into the influence of video games
and the utilization of social media on the language proficiency of the freshman
students of Leyte National High School for the first semester of academic year
2014- 2015. The result of this investigation will be the basis of the formulation
of the guidelines in the development, organization and implementation of
effective study habits.
2. This study aims to assess the behavioral traits of senior high school students
and to relate them to the productivity level in reviewing lessons and passing the
long examinations. This study is to be conducted during the first semester of SY
2016-2017 in the Division of Palo, Leyte.
Sample Statement of the Problem in a quantitative research
1. What is the profile of the employees of Gothong Shipping Lines in terms of the
following aspects:
1.1 Age;
1.2 Gender;
1.3 Civil Status; and
1.4 Highest Educational Attainment?
2. What is the level of job satisfaction of the employees of Gothong Shipping
Lines in terms of:
2.1 Job Satisfaction;
2.2 Salaries and Benefits;
2.3 Adequacy of Communication and
2.4 Psychological Working Conditions?
3. Is there a significant correlation between the employees’ level of satisfaction
and their profile?
4. Is there a significant difference on the level of job satisfaction by gender?
5. Based on the findings, what proposals may be forwarded in order to enhance the
employees’ level of job satisfaction?
What’s More
Sample of a Statement of the Problem in a Qualitative Research:
This study aims to describe the discrimination experienced and behavioral adjustment by selected ex-
convicts from Negros Occidental a year after their incarceration. Specifically, it intends to answer the following
research questions:
1. What are the personal characteristics of the selected ex-convicts from Negros Occidental in terms of their
socio-demographic and family characteristics and crime history?
2. What are the types and forms of discriminations experienced by the ex-convicts from their family members
and their immediate community members?
3 .What are the behavioral adjustments done by the ex-convicts given the discrimination that they
More examples are presented below:
Sample of the
4. How do Statement of the
discriminations Problembyinex-convicts
experienced a Quantitative
and theirResearch (Descriptive
behavioral adjustments varyDesign)
based on
their personal characteristics?
What I Have Learned
4. What are the effects of CCT 4P’s human capital investment on child
beneficiaries in terms of their education, health and nutrition?
5. The main objective of this study is to assess the outcome of the conditional
cash transfer program “Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino” being administered by
the government through the DSWD towards the greater aim of poverty
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions
1. What is the demographic profile and awareness level of the respondents’ family
2. What are the effects of the Conditional Cash Transfer socio-economic program
on employment, cash support, entrepreneurial activities, livelihood training and
development of skills to the family beneficiaries’ standard of living?
3. What are the respondents’ perception on CCT 4P’s Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program human capital investment on community mothers in terms of human
capital accumulation, women empowerment, livelihood and leadership skills?
What I Can Do
Directions: Read the situation below. Follow correctly what are being asked.
1. A researcher is interested to determine the quality of work life among the teachers
of Cebu Integrated School. The quality of work is categorized as follows: a.) growth
and security, b.) adequate and fair compensation and c.) safe working
environment. He is also interested to describe the profile of the teachers in the
following terms: age and civil status.
From the given information above, formulate the Statement of the Problem with
complete parts.
Lesson 4 Research Hypothesis
What’s In
If you can do this, you are ready to formulate the hypothesis of your study. You
figure out the independent and dependent variables present in the following titles.
Please remember that independent variables stand alone and they are not changed by
the other variables you are trying to measure, on the other side, dependent variables
depend on other factors. For example, a test score could be dependent variable
because it could change depending on several factors such as how much you studied,
how much you sleep before you took the test or even how hungry you were when you
took it. We need to remember these things because identifying the variables in your
quantitative research helps you establish a well-grounded hypothesis.
Title: Methods of Teaching and Language Achievement among Elementary
Independent variable: Method teaching
Dependent variable: Language achievement
Research Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a tentative prediction about the relationship between two or
more variables in a population under study (Polit, 2007). It translates a research
question into a prediction of expected outcomes. It is commonly used in an
experiment-type research, formulated particularly before the conduct of an
experimental-quantitative research. It is also considered an intelligent guess that
occurs with at least 2 variables: one is independent and the other is dependent. It is
only after the experiment that the researcher can finally assess if his/her guess is
correct or not. When the result of the experiment is the same as the hypothesis, then
the hypothesis is accepted. When the result of the study is the exact opposite of the
hypothesis, then the hypothesis is rejected.
Characteristics of a Hypothesis
1. Testable
2. Logical
3. Directly related to the research problem
4. Represents a simple unit or subject of the problem
5. Factually or theoretically based
6. States relationships between variables
7. Sets the limits of the study
8. Stated in such a form that it can be accepted or rejected.
Kinds of Hypothesis
1. Simple Hypothesis. It is a hypothesis formulated when predicting a
relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.
a. The nature of teachers is related to the nature of the students.
b. There is a relationship between the level of exercise and weight retention
among elementary school children.
a. There is no significant relationship between the profile, classroom leadership
and management skills and the school’s performance secondary school
b. The intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies of principals do not relate
significantly to the performance of secondary schools.
3. Directional Hypothesis. It is a hypothesis that specifies not only the existence
but also the expected direction of the relationship between the independent and
the dependent variables.
a. Lower levels of exercise are associated with greater weight retention than
higher levels of exercise.
b. The types of promotional campaigns positively affect the level of patronage of
4. Non-directional Hypothesis. It is a hypothesis that does not stipulate the
direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
a. Women with different levels of postpartum depression differ with regard to
weight retention.
b. The sources of stress are related to the different coping mechanisms among
5. Null Hypothesis. It is a hypothesis formulated for the purpose of statistical
analysis. This kind is always expressed as a negative statement. It is subjected
to testing in which the decision is either to accept or reject it. This is the
hypothesis of “no effect,” “no relationship,” or “no difference” in which the
researcher doubts to be true.
a. There is no significant relationship between the reasons for using alternative
medicine and the level of comfort of the patients.
b. The kind of teaching methods used has no effect on the level of performance
of students as shown in their academic grades and behavior in class.
The question now is how do you formulate you own statement of the hypothesis
in your quantitative research. Remember that statement of hypothesis applies only to
quantitative research.
If a researcher aims to study about the relationship between the employees’
quality-of-work life and their profile, the statement of hypothesis can be:
This study presented this hypothesis:
1. There is no significant correlation between the respondents’ quality-of-work
life and their profile
A very important note to remember that your hypothesis is anchored from the
statement of the problem, theories and prior readings.
How will Hypothesis Help in Scientific Method?
Researchers use hypothesis to put down their thoughts directing how the
experiment would take place. Following are the steps that are involved in scientific
1. Formation of question
2. Doing a background research
3. Creation of hypothesis
4. Designing an experiment
5. Collection of data
6. Result analysis
7. Summarizing the experiment
8. Communicating the results
What’s More
Directions: Identify the kind of Hypothesis each statement is. Choose from the given
choices below.
hypothesis, designing an experiment, collection of data, result analysis, summarizing
the experiment and communicating the results.
What I Can Do
Directions: Write a hypothesis for each of the following research problems.
Identify the dependent and independent variable. Choose
any kind of applicable hypothesis.
What’s In
Directions: Read the situation given and answer the questions that follow in a separate
sheet of paper.
The Philippines is now facing this Pandemic Covid-19 outbreak particularly in
Cebu City. The Department of Social Welfare and Services managed in listing the
unemployed and jobless individuals as recipient for (SAF) Social Amelioration Fund and
your parents were among the millions of beneficiaries to grab the opportunity.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the main role of DSWS in this trying moment in Cebu City?
2. Who are their target beneficiaries during Pandemic crisis?
3. How are you going to relate this situation in conducting a research?
What’s New
Essentially, Significance of the Study informs the reader on how the study will
contribute to the well-being of a person or progress of a group or society in general.
For example, in addressing social problems like epidemics, e.g. COVID-19, in a
research study, the findings can benefit, first and foremost, the victims themselves
and their respective families, policy makers like the Department of Health, Department
of Social Welfare and Development, practitioners, leaders, both local and national
government, as well as NGO’s.
What Is It
Significance of the Study
The significance of the study discusses the benefits of the study to the society in
general, and to individual beneficiaries. The researcher defines who will benefit out of
the findings of the study. He/she describes how the problem will be solved and
specifically pinpoints who will benefit from such findings or results. Usually the
beneficiaries of the study are those experts concerned about the problem, the
administrators or policy-makers who make the decisions or implement programs,
subjects themselves, future researchers and those who directly or indirectly affected
by the problem.
The study must be conducted to find out the major causes of teenage
pregnancy and the extent of the effect of teenage pregnancy on the development of
students and out-of-school youth in Maramag, Bukidnon. The result of this study is
beneficial to students and out-of-school youth, to the parents, teachers, to the
community, school administrators, researchers and other interested individuals
because this can give empirical data as bases for suggestions on minimizing teenage
pregnancy in the community.
The study will also benefit students who are still at school because it will give
them information about the causes of teenage pregnancy and its possible effects on
their studies.
The study will also benefit the out-of-school youth in the sense that they are
making aware of the causes of teenage pregnancy and are helped to avoid the same to
increase their chances to participate in the Alternative Learning System(ALS) or
increase their chances to go the formal school.
This study will also benefit the parents to enable them to realize their great
role in educating their teenagers, protecting, and diverting them from indulging in
premarital sex. This study, too, will make the parents aware that education about the
use of contraceptives will start also at home.
This study will also benefit the teachers on the steps to take for they could be
informed how important education is to the development of children to
manhood/womanhood. This enables them to guide and identify the major causes of
teenage pregnancy especially in Maramag, Bukidnon.
This study will benefit school administrators. It will provide them information
on the importance of knowing the major factors behind early pregnancy and the
possible effects on educational development of teenagers. It is one way that
administrators will intensify sex education in their school and improve the knowledge
of their teachers regarding this matter.
Finally, the researcher hopes that the result of this study would also be a great
help to future researchers and to all people who are interested to know more about
teenage pregnancy-their causes and the possible effects on their educational
What’s More
TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, if not, write FALSE in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. A person who receives money or other benefits is called benefactor.
2. The sequence of the beneficiaries of the research starts from the most
benefited to the least benefited.
3. The significance of the study identifies the beneficiaries and the expected
benefits that will result from the study.
4. The main concern of the significance of the study is the benefit of the
5. The results of the study will enable the beneficiaries to gain insights in the
development of their duties and responsibilities.
The sequence of the beneficiaries of the research starts from the most benefited
to the least benefited. The benefits must be specific and arranged according to the
degree of significance.
In simple terms, the significance of the study is basically the importance of the
research and the contribution to the beneficiaries. In the wider understanding the
result will be useful to the beneficiaries like for livelihood for better living of the
beneficiaries in the community.
What I Can Do
Directions: Read carefully the given sample of Significance of the Study and identify
beneficiaries and the benefits that they will receive. Complete the table
below with correct answers in a separate sheet of paper.
As the center of educational system, the students will benefit from this study if
their teachers will enhance their work performance by improving their financial
literacy. Pupils will surely acquire the expected competencies they need to learn from
financially literate teachers. This can also provide the pupils’ insights on how to
improve knowledge and skills in handling their finances as exemplified by their
financially literate teachers. This is also beneficial for teachers. This will provide the
springboard for teachers to reflect on their knowledge, attitudes, and behavior
regarding financial matters. Eventually they will become masters of their own financial
games that will make them productive and financially secured individuals. In effect,
better work performance will be by teachers for the betterment of their learners.
Similarly, this will provide the school administrators ideas on the importance of
financial literacy to the performance pf teachers. It will serve as a basis for them to
develop programs that will enhance the financial knowledge, attitude, and behavior of
teachers. In addition, this will help them decide to include financial education as part
of the basic education curriculum. Parents will also benefit from this study. This will
help them realize the importance of financial education in human life. This will lead
them to educate themselves financially for their own financial well-being. This will also
motivate them to teach their children how to budget, spend wisely, and save money as
early as possible. Finally, the findings of this study will be beneficial to future
researchers because this study will serve as a frame of reference for further studies.
Parents realize the importance of financial education in human life.
This will lead them to educate themselves financially for their
own financial well-being. This will also motivate them to teach
their children how to budget, spend wisely, and save money as
early as possible.
Future researchers serve as a frame of reference for further studies
What’s In
Directions: Identify what is being described in each item. Choose the correct answer
from the given choices below.
1. It is pertaining to the boundaries of the study with respect to the major variables
is further clarified by the sub-variables.
2. Is anyWhat’s New that a researcher measures, control and or manipulates.
factor or property
3. Is a generally accepted collection of characteristics that may be defined by a
and commonly used by an educator.
4. It describes the coverage of the study.
5. Are the concepts or ideas the researcher has gathered form reading various
In writing the Scope and Limitations of the Study, the researcher should
inform the reader what information is included in the research and explain why the
author chose that information. Although scope and delimitation explain the way a
study is limited, this information adds credibility to research.
What is It
Scope and Limitations comprise one important section of a research paper. The
Scope defines the coverage or boundaries of the study in terms of the area or locality
and subjects, population covered the duration or period of the study, the nature of
variables treated, their number and treatments they received, and instruments or
research design should be so stated. Limitations are those conditions beyond the
control of the researcher that may place restrictions on the conclusions of the study
and their application to other situations. In your research, you must know and
discuss the scope of your study (delimitations) and the challenges that you anticipate
or factors that you were not able to control (limitation).
These two guidelines help your readers understand better the context of your
1. Specify the scope of your study the populations, setting and theory
(delimitations). Delimitations are all about what you will be able to do or focus
on. You simply place clear boundaries on the focus study and clearly state what
will not include and possible, why it is not necessary or possible for your study.
2. Think deep about the potential challenges/weakness of your study (limitations).
In real life, we all learn to hide our weaknesses. In research, we will have to
acknowledge those weaknesses. As you acknowledge them, they become
Scope and limitations of the study pertains to the boundaries of the study with
respect to the major variables and is further clarified by the sub-variables.
In formulating the “scope and delimitation,” it is essential that the researcher
has already defined the major variables of the study which are contained in the title of
the research and in general statement of the problem.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
This study focused on the three major variables: conduct of clinical supervision;
common responses to the classroom observation, and the level of performance.
The conduct of clinical supervision is concentrated in the areas of diversity of
learners; content and pedagogy; and planning, assessing and reporting learner’s
outcomes. The content and pedagogy as a sub-variable was sub-divided into teacher
behavior in actual teaching and learner’s behavior in the classroom. The common
responses of the elementary teachers with respect to the classroom observation was
assessed before using, and after the conduct of the said activity. Lastly, the level of
performance was determined through the result of the competency- based
performance appraisal system for teachers.
The fourteen elementary schools in the District of Limay were the schools where
the study was conducted. These elementary schools were the Alangan Es, Arsenal
ES , Bacong ES, Bliss ES, Carbon ES, Duale ES, Gabaldon ES, Kinaragan ES, Kitang
ES, Lamao ES, Bo. Luz ES, Peas ES, and St. Francis ES. The principals and Grade-VI
teachers of the abovementioned schools served as the respondents of the study.
This study utilized important documents and the competency-based performance
appraisal system for teachers during the AY 2012-2013.
The Scope and Delimitation of the Study have a parameter and it answers the basic
What’s More
Directions: Read the sample Scope and Limitations of the Study below and answer the
questions that follow in a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is the scope of the study?
2. What are the limitations of the study indicated by the researcher?
3. What are the instruments used to gather the data?
4. When did the collection of data happen?
What I Can Do
Directions: Read the sample Scope and Limitations of the Study below and do the
that follow.
Answer the WH-questions by reading the sample of scope and delimitation above.
1. What is the topic and what are the variables included?
2. Where is the venue of the study?
3. When was the study conducted?
4. Why is study conducted?
5. Who are the subjects/respondents of the study?
6. How was the study conducted?
Guide Questions:
1. What are the key terms that must be defined in the study?
2. How are you going to define them?
3. What are the operational definitions of these key terms?
The important terms used in the study must be defined clearly. Some of these
terms appear in the research title, statement of the problem, theoretical paradigm, and
in the scope and delimitation of the study. Certain terms may refer to the respondents,
subject and the variables and sub-variables.
What Is It
Definition of Terms
Defining the different terms may be done conceptually or operationally. When
s term is defined using books and dictionaries then it is defined CONCEPTUALLY. On
the other hand, when definition of the term is based on how it is used in the study, it
is defined OPERATIONALLY. A combination of the two methods is often helpful.
Terms that are defined must be arranged alphabetically.
a. Terms that are defined conceptually:
Drugs. These may refer to substance or mixture of substances used in
diagnosis, treatment, prevention of diseases or for the modification of
physiological function or prevention of pregnancy and which is incorporate in
an official list (Chaudhurri, 2003).
Ethics. A branch of philosophy that addresses questions of right or
wrong. It is a term that refers to the various ways of understanding and
examining moral life (Mappes, 2002).
Nursing process. It is a systematic process of assessment, planning and
validation in the practice of nursing through evidence based on the scientific
methods for observing, measuring and gathering data and analyzing the
findings (Doenges, 2006).
Study habits. The ways or activities an individual learns.
What’s More
Directions: Write T if the statement is True, F if the statement is False in a separate
sheet of paper.
1. The definition of terms is considered as crucial as it provides context to the readers
in understanding certain words or concepts used in the research study.
2. A term can be defined using the books and dictionaries only.
3. The meaning is based on the context of the study or how the word or concept is
used in the study.
4. When a term is defined using books and dictionaries then it is defined operationally.
5. When definition of the term is based on how it is used in the study, it is defined
The important terms used in the study must be defined clearly. Some of these
terms appear in the research title, statement of the problem, theoretical paradigm, and
in the scope and delimitation of the study. Certain terms may refer to the respondents,
subject and the variables and sub-variables. Defining the different terms may be done
conceptually or operationally. When a term is defined using books and dictionaries,
then it is defined conceptually. On other hand, when definition of the term is based on
how it is used in the study, it is defined operationally. A combination of the two
methods is often helpful. Terms that are defined must be arranged alphabetically.
Moreover, before defining the enumerated or listed terms, there must be an opening
sentence or an introductory paragraph.
What I Can Do
Directions: Based on your own research study, identify at least three key terms and
give their meanings conceptually and operationally.
1. Term 1: ____________________________________
Conceptual Meaning: __________________________________________________
Operational Meaning: __________________________________________________
2. Term 2: ____________________________________
Conceptual Meaning: __________________________________________________
Operational Meaning: __________________________________________________
3. Term 3: ____________________________________
Conceptual Meaning: __________________________________________________
Operational Meaning: __________________________________________________
A. Directions: Analyze the items carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. These are variables with values that describes a measurable numerical quantity and
answer the questions “how many” or “how much.”
A. Categorical C. Nominal
B. Continuous D. Numeric
6.This model is used when relating and assessing the influence between two or more
variables. Studies that focus on relationships, associations and differences and
impacts will benefit from this model.
A. IPO model B.PC Model C. -P Model D. POM Model
7. It is a tentative prediction about the relationship between two or more variables in
a population under study.
A. Rationale B. Variables C. Problem D. Hypothesis
10. In this section, the researcher should be able to state the main or general problem
followed by the specific problems.
A. Definition of Terms C. Significance of the Problem
B. Scope and Limitation D. Statement of the Problem
13. It is important in establishing the cognitive setting of the research and it involves
discussing why there is a need to study the problem, clarifying the important
terminologies and establishing the degree of seriousness of the problem.
A. Discussion and Results C. Literature Review
B. . Introduction D. Methodology
15. These are the variables with the values that describe a quality or characteristic of
a data unit like “what type” or “what category.”
A. Categorical C. Nominal
B. Dichotomous D. Numeric
Answer Key
Lesson 2: Conceptual Framework
What’s in
The main objective of this study is to assess the outcome of the conditional cashansfer
program “ Pantawid The main objective of this study is to assess the outcome of the conditional cash
Pamilyang Pilipino” being administered by the government ender the DSWD towards the greater aim
of poverty alleviation . Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
What’s In
What’s More
What’s in
What I can Do
What’s More
1. T 2.F 3.T 4. F 5.F
Background of the Study- provides context to the information that you are discussing
in your paper, thus, the background of the study generates
the reader's interest in your research question and helps
them understand why your study is important.
Theoretical Framework- is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research
study. The theoretical framework introduces and describes the
theory that explains why the research problem under study
Conceptual Framework- includes one or more formal theories (in part or whole) as well
as other concepts and empirical findings from the literature. It is
used to show relationships among these ideas and how they
relate to the research study.
Hypothesis- a tentative assumption made in order to draw out and test its logical or
empirical consequences
Beneficiary- is any person who gains an advantage and/or profits from something. In
the financial world, a beneficiary typically refers to someone eligible to
receive distributions from a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
Scope- the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is
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Cristobal, A. and Dela Cruz, M. (2017). Practical Research 2 fro Senior High School.
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Faltado, Ruben E.,et al.(2016). Quantitative research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Prieto, N., Naval, V. and Carey, T. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School.
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Tomakin, F. (2010). Fundamentals of Research Methodology. Cebu City: Statlink
Research Training and Development
Wa-Mbalaka, Safari. Thesis and writing fear no more. Philippines: Oikos Biblios
Publishing House