University of Sri Jayewardenepura: Faculty of Applied Sciences

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Faculty of Applied Sciences

B.Sc (General / Honours) Degree Second Semeter Examination - 2022 May/June

Admission Card

Index No : AS2020440 Reg No : 100356


Signature of the Signature of the

Course Unit Date
Candidate Supervisor/Invigilator
CSC 110 2.0 - Object Oriented Programming
CSC 111 1.0 - Computer Programming - Laboratory
CSC 112 2.0 - Software Engineering II
ENG 102 2.0 - English for Scientific Discoures
MAT 121 2.0 - Linear Algebra I
MAT 122 2.0 - Calculus
MAT 123 1.0 - Vector Calculus
PHY 107 2.0 - Applied Electricity and Basic Electronics
PHY 108 2.0 - Thermodynamics

Date : 15-Jun-2022 Assistant Registrar

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Certification of the Candidate's Signature
Name : .......................................................................
Signature : .............................................................
Date : .............................................................

* Signature of the Certifying Officer : .............................................

Name : ...........................................................................
Designation : .............................................
Date : .............................................

1. You are not allowed to enter the Examination Hall without this Admission Card.
2. You are allowed to sit only for the Course Unit Examinations indicated in the Admission Card.
3. Please refer the Student Handbook for the University Examination rules and regulations.
4. Only one Admission Card should be used for the entire examination. At the end of the examination period you should
submit this Admission Card to the Assistant Registrar of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
5. Based on attendance percentage, Lecturer in charge has all rights to prevent the Candidate to sit the relevant
Course Unit Examinations.
6. The candidate should take the printout of the admission card in one paper(duplex mode).
7. The signature of the candidate should be attested by a permanent lecturer of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
8. The candidate should place his/her signature in the presence of the attester.
9. Optional courses can only be removed from the admissions during the 1st week of study leave.

Date : 15-Jun-2022 Assistant Registrar

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