Living in The It Era

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(University of the City of Manila)





The College of Engineering and Technology will be the premiere college in engineering and technology
education, research and extension services.


Guided by this Vision, we commit ourselves:

1. To uphold excellence in the undergraduate and graduate level through curricular development,
teaching, relevant researches and extension services to the community
2. To develop and nurture students to become professionally competent, community directed and
God-centered individuals; and
3. To establish strong partnerships with the industry, alumni and other stakeholders.


Four years after graduation, the Bachelor of Science in Mission

Computer Studies major in Information Technology (BSCS-IT)
1 2 3
program shall produce:
1. Preferred Professionals (Karunungan)
Graduates that are practicing professionals, occupying
leadership positions in their chosen fields or allied professions,
guided by the values of academic excellence and integrity;
2. Progress (Kaunlaran)
Graduates that exhibit progressive professional career Ö Ö Ö
through life-long learning; and
3. Social Relevance (Kadakilaan)
Graduates that demonstrate social and environmental Ö Ö Ö
responsibility through community service.


The goal of the course is to understand how the communication and information technologies evolve
and the cultural, economic, political and social implications of such technologies for society. The course will
also discuss how individuals, media organizations and corporations employ the Internet for their benefit.


A graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies major in Information Technology program
must attain:
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve computing problems.
b. An ability to design and conduct laboratory exercises as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social ethical, health and safety, manufacturability
and sustainability in accordance with standards.
d. An ability to function in multidisciplinary teams.
e. An ability to understand professional and ethical responsibility;
f. An ability to communicate effectively.
g. Ability to understand the impact of Information Technology solutions in a global, economic,
environmental, and societal context;
h. Ability to recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning;
i. Ability to know the knowledge in contemporary issues and current trends.
j. Ability to use techniques, skills and knowledge tools necessary for Information Technology
k. An ability to analyze user requirements to design IT-based solutions.
l. An ability to identify and evaluate current technologies and assess their applicability to address
individual and organizational needs.
m. An ability to identify and define the requirements that must be satisfied to address user needs.


By the end of this course, students must be able to: PROGRAM OUTCOMES
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
1. Know the definition of Information Technology

2. Be acquainted the basic concept of Information

and Communication Technology
3. Identify the different parts of computer system;

4. Identify the issues regarding the use of

5. Analyze the impact of ICT

6. Understand the use of Computer in our Daily Life

7. Remember the Information and Control and

privacy related to ICT
8. Understanding Information and Control and
privacy in ICT
9. Evaluate the IT Trends, Issues and Challenges


Week Topic Course Teaching and Assessment

Learning Learning Tasks (AT)
Outcomes Activities
1-2 UNIT I: Introduction to Information and Communication CLO 1 Online Lecture Online
Technology (ICT) Online Recitation
1. ICT Overview Discussion Seatwork
Online Quiz
2. Definition of IT and ICT
Demonstration Presentation
3. Components of Computer Viewing
4. Input Process and Output multimedia
5. Why Computers are powerful?
6. Digital Age/Information Age/Computer Age

3-4 UNIT II: Current Trends of ICT CLO1, CLO 2, Online Online
1. Hyperautomation CLO 3, Lecture Recitation
2. Multiexperience Discussion Seatwork
Demonstration Quiz
3. Democratization
Viewing Presentation
4. Human Augmentation multimedia
5. Data Policing
6. Machine Learning
7. Robotic Process
8. Bock Chain
9. Voice Search
10. Analytics

5 -6 UNIT III: Impact of ICT CLO1, CLO 2, Online Online

1. Education CLO 3, CLO4. Lecture Recitation

2. Employment CLO5, Discussion Seatwork
3. Business Demonstration Quiz
4. Health Sector Viewing Presentation
5. Online- Shopping
6. Communication
7. Banking Sector
8. E- Commerce
9. Multimedia
10. Entertainment
7-8 UNIT IV: Computer in our Daily Life CLO7, CLO8, Online Online
1. Why We use computers? CLO9 Lecture Recitation
a. Efficiency Discussion Seatwork
Demonstration Quiz
b. Accuracy
Viewing Presentation
c. Reliability multimedia
d. Communication
2. Types of Computer System
a. Non- portable computers
b. Portable computers
c. Mobile Computing Device
3. Categories of users
a. Casual
b. SOHO – Small office Home Office User
c. Power
d. Mobile

9-10 UNIT V: Internet and the World Wide Web CLO7, CLO8, Online Online
1. What is internet CLO9 Lecture Recitation
2. Components of internet Discussion Seatwork
Demonstration Quiz
a. Server
Viewing Presentation
b. IP ADDRESS (Internet Protocol) multimedia
c. Web Browser
d. DNS (Domain Name System)
e. ISP (Internet Service Provider)
3. What is Chat Messaging?
4. Major Protocol Accessible on the Web
a. Internet Protocol
b. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
c. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
d. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
e. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
5. Anatomy of URL
6. Types of Browser
7. How to use Web Browser
8. Netiquette


12-13 UNIT VI: Information and Control and privacy CLO1, CLO 2, Online Online
1. Characteristics of Information CLO 3, CLO4. Lecture Recitation
a. Availability CLO5, CLO6, Discussion Seatwork
CLO7, CLO8, Demonstration Quiz
b. Accuracy
CLO9 Viewing Presentation
c. Authenticity multimedia
d. Confidentiality
e. Integrity
f. Utility
g. Possession
2. Why is information security and privacy a
contemporary issue?
a. Fraud
b. Hoaxes
c. Identity Theft
d. System Hacking

e. Disclosure
f. Privacy breach
3. What is Privacy?
4. Data Privacy and Protection Regulation

14-15 UNIT VII: IT, Culture and the Society , CLO4. CLO5, Online Online
1. Definition of IT used in the Cyber World CLO6, CLO7, Lecture Recitation
2. What is Society? CLO8, CLO9 Discussion Seatwork
Demonstration Quiz
3. How It and society linked?
Viewing Presentation
4. Applications of information Technology in our Daily multimedia
a. IT in Education
b. It at Home
c. IT at Jobs
d. Computers in Communication
- Teleconferencing
- Data Conferencing
- Audio Conferencing
- Video Conferencing
- Electronic Conferencing
- Voice mail
- Fax
e. Computers in Health Care
f. It in Agriculture
g. It in Business
h. Telecommuting
- Advantages and Dis- Advantages

1 UNIT VIII: IT Trends, Issues and Challenges CLO4. CLO5, Online Online
CLO6, CLO7, Lecture Recitation
1. Latest Trends in Information Technology CLO8, CLO9 Discussion Seatwork
Demonstration Quiz
a. IOT – Internet of things
Viewing Presentation
b. Virtual Reality multimedia
c. Big Data Analytics
d. Cloud Computing
e. 5G Wireless Technology

2. Ethical Issues of ICT

a. Virtual Identity
b. Security
c. Copy Right
d. Social Behavior
e. Digital Divide

3. IT Issues
a. End -User
- Computer literacy
- User Development
- Work Environment
- Humanization
b. IT Department
- Centralized or decentralized.
- Interconnectivity
- It organizational Level
- Exponential growth of the technology
- Technology Scouting
c. Company
- Strategic role of IT
- Computer Crime/ Security
- Reengineering with IT
- Business value of IT
- Change Management
- Flexibility for future
d. Society
- Ethic
- Privacy
- Unemployment/ displacement

19 UNIT IX: Making Video Blog (Vlog) CLO1, CLO 2, Online Online
CLO 3, CLO4. Lecture Presentation
CLO5, CLO6, Discussion
CLO7, CLO8, Demonstration
CLO9 Viewing




The students will be graded according to the following:

· Midterm Examination 20%
· Final Examination 20%
· Quizzes 20%
· Class Standing 25%
(recitation (5%), seatwork/Assignment (10%), reporting (10))
· Project 15%


o The following table is used in assigning final grades:

Transmutation Table:
98 - 100 1.00
95 – 97 1.25
92 – 94 1.50
89 – 91 1.75
86 – 88 2.00
83 – 85 2.25
80 – 82 2.50
77 – 79 2.75
75 – 76 3.00
Below 75 5.00

o To be able to use the transmutation table above, the following is the computation from the
zero-based grade:

(Zero-based grade x 0.625) + 37.5 = Final grade

Class Standing Requirements:

· Seatwork is usually given after the discussions/lecture.

· Recitation: During class participation, student is graded individually. Some questions will be
asked during or after the discussions
· Reporting

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Excellent Good communication Communication skills Communication skills
communication skills. skills. Student speaks and interaction with are poor.
Student speaks clearly, somewhat clearly. camera are weak.
and is pleasant to listen
Communication to and watch.
Uses high contrast Presentation showed Presentation showed Poor craftsmanship;
Visual Presentation color schemes, competent average craftsmanship evidence of a lazy
excellent craftsmanship craftsmanship and and lack of graphic implementation of
and unique design appropriate graphic usage visual presentation.
Content All material clearly Most of material use is Contains one or two Fails to address many
supports the primary clearly supports the serious errors or flaws, parts of the
message. Content is primary message. and one or two minor presentation. Contains
clearly understood. Some content is ones. Includes one or many serious errors or
appropriately use. two fundamental flaws, and usually many
mistakes and mislead minor ones.
the concepts.
Creativity Involved the Some related facts but Little creativity or No creativity or
management of the went off topic and lost enthusiasm displayed. enthusiasm displayed.
presentation. Made the audience’s
points in a creative attention.
way. Held the
audience’s attention
Preparedness Student is completely Student somewhat Student seems to be Student is not prepared
prepared and punctual. prepared and almost prepared, not start on at all
Student has obviously start on time and mostly time and quite shows
shown mastery of the shows mastery of the mastery of the topic.
topic. topic.
Collaboration with Always collaborate, Almost always Usually collaborate, Rarely collaborate,
Peers listens to, shares with, collaborate, listens to, listens to, shares with, listens to, shares with,
and supports the efforts shares with, and and supports the efforts and supports the efforts
of others in the group. supports the efforts of of others in the group. of others in the group.
Engaging to others and others in the group. Does not cause Often is not a good
people working well Tries to keep people "waves" in the group. team member.
together. working well together.

· It is a group effort project that will be presented at the end of the semester.


BLOGGING Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
10 pts 9 pts 7 pts 5 pts
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Participates beyond the Participates, but does not Participates, but does Posting is less than
required number of post anything that not meet the minimum 50% complete or
Contribution postings, including encourages others to number of posts. Few posting does not further
discussion on other respond. Participates to no discussion or any discussions. No
students' posts. with the required number comments with others. response to
of postings. Responds to Some comments to classmate's posting or
questions from others other or response to questions.
when present. questions.
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Appropriate, engaging, Appropriate and Vlogs and comments Vlogs not engaging, are
Content Quality reflective, and respectful respectful to others. done, but lacks irrelevant, or are
to others. Vlogs are in- Vlogs have a purpose or engagement, analysis difficult to follow in
depth, analytical, main topic about reading or substantial reflection, meaning.
reflective, make a point and is reflective. or may be off topic.
and make connections
beyond the text.
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Vlog has originality and Speech is fluent. Vlog Vlog may contain Vlog may contain
flair, emphasizing may contain one or two several errors in significant errors in
important points; errors in grammar; errors grammar; errors may grammar; errors may
Speech and contains no errors in do not impede viewer's impede viwer's cause confusion for the
Grammar grammar. understanding. understanding. Speech viewer. Speech is
lack fluency. choppy without
complete sentences or
clear topic.

Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Consistently uses direct Incorporates some Discusses references Includes no references
references to outside references from outside from outside sources in or supporting evidence.
Video Quality sources to support sources, but may not be a general way, but
thoughts. Uses MLA consistent. Errors in MLA doesn't use specific
citations correctly. citation. references.
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Video is well lit and Video is well lit and Video is fairly well lit Camera may be
frames subject frames the subject within minimal jerky, making it
Video Quality
appropriately. Editing within the frame movement. Subject difficult to view,
enhances without excessive is usually within the poorly lit, or subject
cohesiveness of vlog. movement. frame. not clearly in video
Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning
Sound Quality Sound is clear and Vlog is understandable Vlog somewhat difficult Vlog is difficult to hear
volume is appropriate. and volume is to hear or is or is too loud.
appropriate. occasionally too loud.
VLOG Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Excellent Good communication Communication skills Communication skills
communication skills. skills. Student speaks and interaction with are poor.
Student speaks clearly, somewhat clearly. camera are weak.
Communication and is pleasant to listen
to and watch.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Visual Content Footage is consistently Most footage is above Some footage is of high Recording is of low
of high average in quality. quality quality
quality. and some is not.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
The post includes the The post includes either The post is missing The post does not
URL address and title the URL address or title either the URL address include the URL
Format of the Vlog. Post is of the Vlog, but not or title of the Vlog. address and the title.
formated and labled both. Post is formated Format or label is not The format of the
correctly. but not labled. included. reflection was not
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Outline is organized Outline is somewhat Outline is fair, with Outline is poor and in
and easy to read. Each organized. Most of the needed improvement. need of great
Outline of the ideas/reflections/events Some of the improvement.
ideas/reflections/events are included in the ideas/reflections/events
are included in the Vlog. are included in the
Vlog. Vlog.

· Attendance is required for all examinations. If a student arrives late for any examination, the student
must complete the examination at the same scheduled time as all other students.
· No make-up exams will be given except for legitimate medical excuses. Grace period for the make-
up exam is one week after the student’s return to class.
· All forms of cheating (e.g., plagiarism, copying, communicating with others during an exam) are not
acceptable in this class.
· Cheating in a major examination will entail a failing mark for the given course.
· Cheating, dishonesty, and plagiarism in other works will entail a zero score for the said requirement.

· PDF, CMO-15-s- 2017.pdf - CHED
· Introduction to Computer Fully illustrated -Mhery-Ann Andes
· https:// com/wa ch?v= LKxzY FU5a_U
· How to make vlog/blog Youtube

Course Effectivity Version/ Prepared by Review by Approved by Number

Code /Title Date Revision (Faculty (Chairperson) (Dean) of
Code Pages
Living in the Criselle J.
2nd Semester IT Era Centeno /
Living in the Charito M. Engr. Juan C. Tallara
SY 2020- ITE 0001 Ann Camile 7
IT Era Molina Jr.
2021 Maupay

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