Prosthodontic Questions

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1. Name local factors of Denture Stomatitis?
 Dentures
 Xerostomia
 High carbohydrate diet
 Use of broad-spectrum antibiotics
 Smoking tobacco
Systemic factors
 Old age
 Diabetes mellitus
 Nutritional deficiency
 Malignancy
 Immune defects

2. Name types of luting cements commonly used for fixed partial dentures?
 Zinc phosphate cement
 Zinc oxide/eugenol cements
 Zinc polycarboxylate cements
 Glass ionomer cements
 Resin-based cements

3. Name anatomical landmarks in the edentulous maxilla used during complete denture
 Labial frenum
 Labial vestibule
 Buccal frenum
 Buccal vestibule
 Hamular notch
 Vibrating line
 Tuberosity

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 Fovea palatini
 Palatal midline
 Palatal rugae
 Incisive papilla
4. Name anatomical landmarks in the mandible
 Labial frenum.
 Labial vestibule.
 Buccal frenum.
 Buccal vestibule.
 Lingual frenum.
 Alveololingual sulcus.
 Retromolar pads.
 Pterygomandibular raphe.

5. Give types of pontics in fixed partial dentures, based on mucosal contact?

With mucosal contact
 Saddle Pontic
 Ridge Lap Pontic
 Modified Ridge Lap Pontic
 Ovate Pontic
Without mucosal contact
 Bullet Pontic
 Hygienic or Sanitary Pontic

7. Give types of pontics in fixed partial dentures, based on the type of material used?
 Metal and Porcelain Veneered Pontic
 Metal and Resin Veneered Pontic
 All Metal Pontic
 All ceramic pontic

8. Give types of pontics in fixed partial dentures, based on the method of fabrication?

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 Custom made pontic

 Prefabricated pontic
 Prefabricated Custom Modified Pontic

9. Give advantages of the partial veneer crown preparation for posterior teeth.
 Conserves tooth structure
 Easy access to margin
 Less gingival involvement
 Easy escape of cement and good seating
 Verification of seating is simple
 Electric pulp testing is feasible

10. Name four types of resin-bonded fixed partial denture.

 Rochette bridge
 Maryland bridge
 Cast mesh fixed partial denture
 Virginia bridge
11. Name four major factors that determine the path of insertion of the removable partial
 Retentive undercuts
 Interference
 Aesthetics
 Guiding planes
 Denture base
 Location of vertical minor connector
 Point of origin of the approach arm

12. Name two types of full coverage crown that could be used to restore a maxillary central
incisor tooth in an adult.
 Metal-ceramic

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 All ceramic
 Gold
 Stainless steel
 Non-precious alloy
 Cobalt chromium

13. Name two Indications for removal of maxillary tori:

 Interference of speech
 Loss of posterior palatal seal
 Poor denture stability

14. Name four factors influencing the prognosis of complete denture?

 Gross resorption of alveolar bone
 Sharp bony prominences
 Abnormalities in the development of the palate
 Difference in arch form and size between the two jaws
 Flabby ridge
 Variation in supporting mucous membrane
 High frenal attachments
 Muscular dystrophies
 Denture-related stomatitis

15. What are the causes for failure of Resin bonded fixed partial dentures:
i. Inappropriate patient selection:
a. Mal-alignment of teeth results in poor path of insertion.
b. Insufficient vertical length of the abutment teeth.
c. Inadequate enamel for bonding.
d. History of metal sensitivity.
e. Decreased labio-lingual dimension of abutments.
ii. Incomplete tooth preparation:
a. Insufficient proximal and lingual surface reduction.

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b. Incomplete or less than 180 degree extension of the retainer.

c. Lack of accommodation to mandibular protrusion.
iii. Bonding failure:
a. Prolonged mixing
b. Inappropriate luting agent.

16. Give advantages of partial veneer crown preparation for anterior teeth
 Conserves tooth structure
 Easy acces to margins for finishing (dentist)
 Less gingival involvement than with complete cast crown
 Easy escape of cement and good seating
 Easy verification of complete seating
 Electric vitality test feasible

17. Give three functions of complete dentures.


18. Name four parts of a complete denture.

Denture base
Denture flange
Denture border
Denture teeth
19. Give four indications for fixed partial dentures.
a. Short span edentulous spaces
b. Presence of sound teeth that can offer sufficient support adjacent to an edentulous
c. Cases with ridge resorption where a RPD cannot be stable or retentive
d. Patient’s preference

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e. Mentally compromised or physically handicapped patient who cannot maintain

removable prosthesis

20. Name the three different types of jaw relations.

a. Orientation jaw relation.
b. Vertical jaw relation
c. Horizontal jaw relation
21. Name three materials that would be appropriate to be used to take an impression for a
full veneer gold crown.
a. Agar agar?
b. Addition cured silicone
c. Condensation cured silicone
d. Polyether
e. Polysulphide

22. Name three materials that could be used to construct a baseplate for a maxillary
removable partial denture.
a. Acrylic
b. Cobalt chromium
c. Stainless steel
d. Gold
e. Polycarbonate
23. Give two soft tissue complications of wearing complete dentures.
a. Denture stomatitis/candida infection/denture candidiasis
b. Traumatic ulcer
c. Angular cheilitis
24. What are the possible reasons of repeating impression in complete and rejecting the
 improper positioning of the impression tray
 Large voids
 Improper consistency of impression material

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 Movement of the tray during the setting of the impression material.

 Inadequate scrapping of the border moulding material.
 Using too much or too little impression material.
25. What are the main factors controlling the form of an occlusal rims?
 Relationship of the natural teeth to the alveolar bone.
 Relationship of the occlusal rim to the edentulous ridge
 Standard dimensions used to fabricate an occlusal rim.
 Technique of fabrication
 Clinical guidelines.

26. What are the limitation of provisional restoration?

 Lack of inherent strength
 Poor marginal adaptation.
 Poor colour stability.
 Poor wear properties.
 Detectable odour
 Inadequate bonding characteristics
 Poor tissue response often resulting in mild to moderate tissue irritation.
 Arduous cement removal
 The temporary cement usually flows into the proximal gingival cuff and into the
depth of the embrasure.
27. 25 years old male comes to your dental clinic, he complain about missing of 4, 5, 6 teeth
after complete history and examination you decide to insert five unit of bridge, give post
insertion instruction?
 The patient is asked to exercise all oral functions and awareness should be created
regarding the initial discomfort.
 Sudden impact forces should be avoided in the restored area, e.g. biting on a nut
or metallic object.
 Maintenance:
— Oral hygiene procedures with special attention to use of floss, inter-dental
brushes in the concerned area.

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— De-sensitizing tooth paste or mouth wash can be used if there is sensitivity.

 Regular recall visits for review.
 The patient is advised to report immediately if there is pain.
28. What are the factors influencing choice of an abutment?
 Location, Position and Condition of the Tooth
 Root Configuration
 Crown Root Ratio
 Root Support
 Periodontal Ligament Area
 Assessment of Pulpal Health
29. Indications of full mouth rehabilitation?
 When both anterior and posterior teeth are to be replaced.
 When a combination of prostheses (RPD & FPD) are to be inserted for a patient.
 For maxillary single complete dentures are to oppose a mandibular distal
extension denture base.
 When there is a change in vertical dimension.
 When the remaining teeth have supra-erupted with an altered occlusal plane.
30. What are the characteristics of major connectors?
 Made from an alloy compatible with oral tissue
 Is rigid and provides cross-arch stability through the principle of broad
distribution of stress
 Does not interfere with and is not irritating to the tongue
 Does not substantially alter the natural contour of the lingual surface of the
mandibular alveolar ridge or of the palate
 Does not harm oral tissue when the restoration is placed, removed, or rotates in
 Covers no more tissue than is absolutely necessary
 Does not cause retention or trapping of food particles
 Has support from other elements of the framework
 Contributes to the support of the prosthesis

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31. Difference between acrylic and porcelain teeth?

32. What are the types of guiding plane?

 Guiding planes on abutment teeth supporting a tooth supported partial denture.
 Guide planes on abutment teeth that support a secondary distal extension denture
 Guide plane prepared on lingual surface of abutment teeth.
 Guide planes on anterior abutments
33. What are the indications and contraindications of lingual bars?
Indications for Use:
 The height of the floor of the mouth in relation to the free gingival margins will
be less than 6 mm
 If the lingual frenum does not produce ant interference.
 It’s used in the presence of anterior lingual undercut
Contra indication:
 Lingual tori
 High frenum attachment
 Excessive elevation of the mouth during functional movements.

34. What are the Factors that aid to improve capillary attraction?
 Closeness of adaptation of denture base to soft tissue.

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 Greater surface of the denture-bearing area.

 Thin film of saliva should be present.

35. The advantages of having the height of contour between the gingival and middle third of
the crown?
 Aesthetic placement of the clasp
 Reduces the rotational force on the abutment tooth
 Reduces the forces transferred to the abutment.
36. Balance between retention and resistance?

The following features in a preparation should be designed to strike the balance between
retention and resistance forms.
 Taper
 Freedom of Displacement
 Length
 Substitution of Internal Features
 Path of Insertion

37. The length of crown improves retention in two ways?

 First, the height of the prepared tooth should be greater than the tipping arc of
displacement, to prevent displacement of the restoration.
 Second, increase in height increases the area of cementation there by improving

38. Indications of Substitution of internal features?

 Over tapered preparations.
 Partial veneer crowns.
 Absence of two opposing walls

39. List two anatomical factors that affect retention?

 Size of the denture-bearing area.

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 Quality of the denture-bearing area.

40. Factors that affect structural durability?

 Occlusal reduction
 Axial reduction
 Fucntional cusp bevel

41. Indications of Long-term Temporary Restorations?

 Long span posterior fixed partial dentures.
 Prolonged treatment time.
 If the patient is unable to avoid excessive forces on the prosthesis.

42. The factors that affect retention?

 Anatomical factors.
 Physiological factors.
 Physical factors.
 Mechanical factors.
 Muscular factors.

43. Management of long span bridges?

 Increasing occlusoginival height of a pontic
 Double abutment
 Modifying the tooth preparation

44. Indications for Single palatal strap?

 Bilateral edentulous spaces of short span in a tooth-supported restoration.
45. Mechanical design of abutment?

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46. Management of retained teeth and roots?

A. Removal of Unerupted Teeth

 The unerupted teeth lying close the the ridge should be removed.
 Deeply submerged, non-symptomatic teeth with normal bony trabeculae can be
left untouched.

B. Removal of Retained Roots

 All retained roots should be removed especially if there is any sign of pathology.
 Asymptomatic roots, which are present deep in the bone, whose removal can
result in a large bony defect, can be cautiously left untouched.

47. A single colour can be described under four parameters.

 Hue.
 Saturation or chroma.
 Brilliance or value.
 Translucency.

48. Theories that determine form of tooth?

49. What are the factors that affecting design of pontic?

 Edentulous space.
 Residual ridge contout.
 Occlusal load on the pontic.

50. Contraindications for FPD?

 Large amount of bone loss as in trauma.
 Very young patients where teeth have large pulp chambers.
 Presence of periodontally compromised abutments.

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 Long span edentulous spaces.

 Bilateral edentulous spaces, which require cross arch stabilization.
 Congenitally malformed teeth, which do not have adequate tooth structure to offer
 Mentally sensitive patients who cannot cooperate with invasive treatment
 Medically compromised patients (e.g. leukemia, hypertension).
 Very old patients.
 Distal extension denture bases as in class I and class II cases.

51. Criteria for selecting type of retainers?

 Alignment of abutment teeth and retention
 Appearance
 The condition of the abutment teeth
 Cost
 Preservation of tooth structure

52. Ideal requirements of a pontic?

 It should restore the function of the tooth it replaces.
 It should provide good aesthetics.
 It should be comfortable to the patient
 It should be biocompatible.
 It should permit effective oral hygiene.
 It should preserve underlying mucosa and bone.

53. Types of non-rigid connectors?

 Tenon-Mortise connectors
 Loop connectors
 Split pontic connectors
 Cross pin and wing connectors

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54. What are the major factors to be considered while designing FPD?
 Primary requirement.
 Bio-mechanical considerations.
 Abutment selection.
 Residual ridge of the patient.
 Occlusion with the opposing teeth.

55. What are the factors that determine the type of material used for the restoration or
 Age
 Amount of occlusal load
 Amount of remaining tooth structure
 Existing state of oral hygiene
 Viscosity of saliva
 Type of opposing teeth

56. List the major biomechanical factors which affect the design of an FPD?
 Length of the edentulous span
 Occlusogingival height of the pontic.
 Arch curvature.
 The direction of forces acting on the FPD.

57. What is the Classification of impression materials?

 Reversible hydrocolloid impression.
 Irreversible hydrocolloid impression.
 Modelling plastic impression (Impression compound).
 Plaster impression.
 Wax impression.
 Silicone impression.

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 Thiokol rubber impression.

58. Advantages of alginate

 It is relatively cheap to purchase

 Easy to manipulate

 In most instances, produce excellent results.

59. Disadvantages of alginate:

 liable to distort if abused, both during and subsequent to impression taking

 Relatively low resistance to tearing when withdrawn from moderate to severe


60. Increased or decreased Vertical dimension?

61. Write 5 objectives of impression

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 Retention.
 Stability.
 Support.
 Aesthetics.
 Preservation of remaining structures.

62. What are the causes of denture pain and denture loosen?
Causes of Denture Pain
 Occlusion
 Denture base (fit & contour)
 Vertical dimension
 Infection
 Systemic disease/condition
 Allergy (rare)
Causes of Denture Looseness
 Occlusion
 Denture base (fit & contour)
 Tooth Position Problems
 Poor Anatomy

63. What are Factors influencing the prognosis of complete denture?

 Gross resorption of alveolar bone
 Sharp bony prominences
 Abnormalities in the development of the palate
 difference in arch form and size between the two jaws
 Flabby ridge
 Variation in supporting mucous membrane
 High fraenal attachments
 Muscular dystrophies
 Denture-related stomatitis

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64. What is typical history when pain is related to occlusal vertical dimension (OVD)?

Excessive OVD:

 Soreness over entire ridge

 Worse during the day (increased occlusal contact)
 Dentures ‘click’ when speaking
 Feels ‘too full’ difficulty getting lips together

Insufficient OVD:

 Lack of chewing power

 Minimal ridge discomfort
 Angular chelitis
 Esthetic complaints:
 Chin prominent
 Minimal vermilion border display

65. Why denture falls down during open the mouth?

 the base may be under-extended causing lack of a border seal
 or overextended causing too much tissue displacement or interfering with the
moving coronoid process

66. The requisites for a cantilever abutment are:

 More than average bone support should be present.

 Sufficient amount of tooth structure should be available because the final retainer
should be more retentive.
 The abutment should be selected such that its position favours the development of
an ideal occlusal scheme.
 Endodontically treated teeth are not preferred.
 Endodontically treated teeth with excessive crown damage are contraindicated.

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 Teeth with short roots are contraindicated.

67. Management of tilted abutment?

 Mesial Reduction
 Modified Partial Veneer Crown (Proximal-half Crown Over the Second Molar)
 Orthodontic Treatment
 Non-rigid Connector
 Telescopic Crown
68. Six essential factors to be consider during dowel core preparation?
 The canal should be obturated only with gutta-percha and not silver cones because
it is easy to remove.
 The longer the dowel the greater is the retention.
 For proper retention, the length of the dowel core inside the root should be at least
2/3rd of the length of the root
 While preparing a dowel core for a premolar, the operator should be cautious to
avoid canal perforation near the proximal root concavities, thin walled areas and
other steeply tapered parts
 The coronal portion of the dowel should be encircled atleast by 1-2 mm of tooth
structure to obtain a ‘ferrule’ effect and protect the tooth from fracture
 An anti-rotational groove should be made on the wall of the canal preparation in
order to prevent the dowel from rotating within the canal
 Dowels are not indicated for anterior teeth unless there is complete destruction of
the coronal tooth structure.

69. Write advantage and disadvantage of metal ceramic FPD?

 Aesthetically pleasing
 Stronger metal substructure
 Characterization possible with use of internal and external stains.

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 Significant tooth preparation necessary; not conservative.
 To achieve better aesthetics, the facial margin of an anterior restoration is often
placed subgingivally, this increases the potential for gingival destruction.
 Slightly inferior in aesthetics compared to all ceramic restorations.
 Brittle fracture can occur due to failure at the metal ceramic junction.
 More expensive.

70. Write advantages and disadvantages of cantilever fixed partial dentures?

 Very conservative design especially when a single abutment is involved.
 When secondary abutments are used, parallel preparation can be easily obtained
because the abutments are adjacent to one another.
 Easy to fabricate.

 Produces torquing forces on the abutment
 Cannot be used to restore long span edentulous spaces
 Minor design errors can affect the abutments in a large scale.

71. Write advantages and disadvantages of fixed fixed partial dentures?

 Easy to fabricate
 Economical design
 Strong
 Easy to maintain
 Robust design provides maximum retention and strength
 Helps to splint mobile abutments
 Can be used for long bridges alongwith periodontally weak abutments.

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 Since the connectors are rigid, unwanted stress and lever forces are directly
transferred to the abutment producing considerable damage.
 Requires excessive tooth preparation to achieve a single path of placement.
 Difficult to cement on multiple abutments
 Contraindicated for pier abutments

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