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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAKABAYAN

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College of Education
No.9 Central Avenue, Commonwealth, Quezon City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Makabayan:

Community Cooperation

Presented by:
Matt Andren S. Gamueda
I. Objective:

In studying about community cooperation, students are able to:

● Gain knowledge of ways of working together in the community.

● What can happen in the community without mutual cooperation
● The interest in discussing the lesson is shown by answering the teacher's
questions, and participating in discussion and group work.

II. Topic Lesson:

Topic: Community Cooperation

Unit: Unit III: Tungo sa Pagkakaisa
Reference: Lahing Pilipino (page 159-167)
Equipment: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Photos

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

1. Preliminary Activity

A. Greetings

Hello students! How are you today? -Good morning sir! We're feeling fine.

B. Prayer

Who’s the one assigned to lead the -(Student who is assigned will lead the
prayer? Please come in front so that we prayer)
can start our class.

C. Checking of Attendance

To make it short, just say the name of

your classmate who is absent today. -(Student will state the name of absent on
the class)
Okay let's start our discussion

2. Motivation

-I have pictures and I mean you answer

my questions, can you?

-What do you see in the picture? -Yes.

-Children running.

-Children having fun.

(Picture of children who participated a fun
run) -Children who are enthusiastically
involved in a community or school run.

-Children joining in a fun run.

-Your answers are correct. It's a picture of

the kids joining a contest for the pleasure
of running towards a goal.

-Have you ever seen this happen?

-It happens if people want to be united for
-What do you think is the purpose of 'fun a purpose in an interesting work.
runs' like this?

-Great! 'Fun runs' like this are done by

communities or communities or individual
groups for the same purpose, to help their

-Do you think, what happen to our

community if we don't work together? -I think that, without cooperation in our
communities, there will be no progress.
-Thank you so much for your thoughts.
We've learned a lot from a picture. Now,
prepare for our new lesson.

3. Lesson Proper

A. Introduction

- All the time, we need unity in our

community. In a time of fun, cooperation
or unity is needed. So it is in times of

- Why do we need to unite or work

together in our community? -(Students will give answers)

B. Lecture

-You're right, kids! Great! Many types of

cooperation are seen in the community
(the teacher will display a picture of the


-What do you see in this picture

-BAYANIHAN. It is the people's

collaboration in moving houses, planting -(Students will give answer)
and harvesting, and celebrating feasts.


-What do you see in this picture?

-When we have fellow victims of
DISASTER, it is the right task to help -(Students will give answer)

-The STORM is an example of disaster.

We can help disaster victims by providing
food, clothing, donations, and prayers.


-What do you see in this picture?

-This picture shows the Exchange or

Share of Wealth
-(Students will give answer)
-Exchanging or sharing resources to meet
the needs of the community. Through it,
everyone will have a good life.

-For example, we can share items that we

have, and others aren't.


-What do you see in this picture?

-This picture shows a Medical Mission.

-This picture shows a Dental Mission. -(Students will give answer)

-The Medical Mission is done by doctors.

They go somewhere and check-up or
treat people there with no required
compensation. Sometimes they also
distribute free medicines.

-The Dental Mission is done by dentists.

They go somewhere and look at and treat
people's teeth there without demanding

C. Group Activity

The teacher will divide the class into four

(5) groups. Each group will buy a "group
leader" and "group secretary."
The teacher will provide a (1) picture to
each group. The pictures will show a
collaboration or non-cooperation with the

-Children, I gave you your pictures. Look

at these pictures. Answer the questions
on the next paper. Write the answers in
the drawings here.

______1.Do people in this picture work

together? Yes or No?

______2.Why? If they don't work

together, what should they do?

______3.What do you think will happen if

there is no unity or cooperation in the

Each group leader will go to the front of

the class and share their picture and their
response to the questions that followed.
-(Each group's "group leader" would go
-Now what thoughts did you develop from one by one and share with their
your work? classmates what they had done)

-Great, kids! Now we are aware of the

types of community cooperation and what -Working together in the community is
can happen here without cooperation. important. And if this doesn't happen, it
Prepare your paper. may be as bad as it would be for the
community as children would stop school
without adequate housing, water and
D. Evaluation nutrition programs.

The teacher will show pictures on a

screen projector. Write on your paper
what kind of cooperation it is.

1.a picture of Bayanihan

2.A picture of Helping Disaster Victims

3.A photo of sharing in a community

4.A picture of the Medical Mission

5.Should there be cooperation in the

community? What do you think will
happen when there is no cooperation in
the community?

E. Homework

Okay children for your assignment, look

for other kinds of events that involve
helping the community. Share it for
tomorrow's class. -Okay Sir!

Any Questions about our discussion?

Okay then I’ll see you tomorrow, Bye

class! -None Sir!

-Goodbye, Sir!

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