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Number, Time, Money & Measurement

1. Categorize big & small objects
2. Categorize long & short objects
3. Shows cards of a set of the same objects and shows cards of a set of
different objects.
4. Count numbers up to 10 (rote counting)
5. Construct/make a set of objects (1-9) with beads, plastic coins
or blocks.
6. Matches set of similar quantity
7. Shows & points to the same/different set in the given material.
8. Point or tick the set with more objects.
9. Point or tick the set with fewer objects.
10. Make a set more by adding objects.
11. Make a set less by removing objects.
12. Make the set same by adding the required member.
13. Make the set same by removing the required member.
14. Verbally says the number after the teacher when she shows the
objects & count the number (1-10).
15. Tell the number of objects when shown a set of objects in
sequence (1-10)
16. Tell the number of objects when asked for a randomly picked set.
17. Construct the set when given a number (1-10).
18. Verbally counts objects (1-10) in sequence when asked.
19. Names/says the numeral or number card (1-10) in sequence.
20. Names/says the numeral when shown card randomly.
21. Give or point the correct numeral to the correct set.
22. Construct/make a set of shown numeral
23. Arranges numbers in ascending order
24. Arranges numbers in descending order.
25. Add single digits numbers with concrete objects.
26. Tell the answer of simple statement addition sums.
27. Solve single-digit addition sums.
28. Rote counting (1-20)
29. Counts by ten (10,20,30, so on).
30. Says/Tells the two-digit number when shown cards (10-20).
31. Counts two-digit numbers (11-20).
32. Writes two-digit numbers on dictation.
33. Places numbers according to place value
34. Point out heavyweight objects & light weight objects by the feel.
35. Tell/point out names of the days of the week.
36. Tell/point out which day was yesterday, which today and which
will be tomorrow.
37. Tell/point out seasons or festivals in a particular month.
38. Shows the right month & date of his/her birth on the calendar.
39. Tell his/her age.
40. Identifies/names math symbols (+, -, =, ×, ÷)
41. Addition of two-digit number after understanding place Value
42. Solve the sums of two-digit addition on a worksheet without carryover
43. Solve the single-digit subtraction sums with concrete objects.
44. Solve single digit subtraction sums on a worksheet.
45. Solve simple multiplication sums e.g. 3×5=? & 2×8=?
46. Solve two-digit subtraction without borrowing.
47. Does/solve two-digit addition with carryover using
48. Does/solve two-digit addition with carryover without using a
49. Does/solve two-digit subtraction with borrowing using
50. Does/solve two-digit subtraction with borrowing without
using aids calculator.
51. Does/solve statement sums/word problem on addition.
52. Solve simple statement sums of multiplication
53. Does/Solve statement sums on subtraction. Uses calculator.
54. Read numbers in thousand e.g. 5079, 2117
55. Write the fractions for shaded figures

56. Compare the length of two objects given to him/her

57. Measure the line drawn with a ruler or paper with a ruler or tape.
58. Measure the length in centimetres and meter
59. Tell which object is far or near in the context of the situation
60. Tell the distance in kilometres
61. Uses a calendar to see/tell the date
62. Tell which transport to take if his/her has to reach early in
context of the situation.
63. Measure liquid & dry things with a measuring cup.
64. Measure dry things with 250gm, 500gm &1Kg weight.
65. Measures liquid in L & Ml.
66. Associate time with daily routine activities
67. Look at the clock whenever wants to know the time.
68. Points/Reads the big and small hands on the clock.
69. Reads numbers on the clock.
70. Read time in the clock by the hour.
71. Reading time by O’clock, (6 O'Clock, 7 O'Clock).
72. Read the time on a digital watch/mobile phone
73. Read time in clock by ½ hour.
74. Read time in Quarter past or Quarter to.
75. Read time in the clock by hour & minutes
76. Tell the time in am or pm
77. Sets the alarm in the alarm clock/mobile phone
78. Set and measure the time on the stopwatch/mobile phone
79. Sorting rupees coins/money coins from similar metal objects.
80. Give/point a rupee note from other paper.
81. Matches all denominations of all coins from mixed coins.
82. Give/point denomination of all coins. (Rs.1,2,5 &10)
83. Name all currency notes. (Rs,10,20,50,100,200,500,2000)
84. Add collects coins to make 10 rupees.
85. Purchase within Rs.10
86. Purchase with Rs.20, Rs.50 and so on and take right
amount of change.
87. Reads price (MRP) on items while shopping
88. Maintain/tell about the account of money in a piggy bank.
89. Deposit money in the bank.
90. Check account balance in the bank through the passbook
entry/ATM/mobile app
91. Check account balance in the bank through ATM/mobile App
92. Make purchases up to Rs. 50 through mobile apps like- BHIM App,
93. Make purchases up to Rs. 50 through credit/debit card
94. Withdrawal of money from the bank/ATM
95. Withdrawal of money from the bank ATM
96. Make a purchase of more than Rs. 50 through mobile apps like-
BHIM App, etc.
97. Make a purchase of more than Rs. 50 through credit/debit card.
5. Environmental Science and General Awareness

1. Point/name daily activities (when a picture is shown)

2. Point/name object associated with daily activities (Concrete
3. Name/point to the specific places in the house like- the bathroom,
4. bedroom, kitchen,
Point/name sitting
the places to room.
visit (House, school, Market, Park,
relative’s house)
5. Name/point activities performed in specific rooms places in the
the house like- Bedroom-Sleeping, Studying, Kitchen, Cooking.
6. Touch and tell – cold & hot, rough & smooth, dry & wet, etc. (as per
child’s tolerance)
7. Taste and tell – salty, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy etc. (as per
child’s tolerance)
8. Smell a flower, perfumes/deodorants, orange, etc. and tell a line
or two about it.
9. Tell the use of water
10. Sort & tell different cereals &grams (Rajma, rice etc.)
11. Tell/point to daily activities that keep us clean. (Brushing,
bathing, handwash, using hanky for sneezing with mouth
12. Name/point the sense organ for seeing, hearing, smelling,
tasting and feeling/touch or relate the senses to its function.
13. List/name/point the activity we do with different parts of the
14. Name/list/point out the different food items and tell their taste
(Salty, sweet, Sour)
15. Sort all items according to the place of use. Exam- utensils and
16. Point/name the activity when an object is shown. Like- soap for
bathing; books for reading, etc.

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