C12 LessonP PT1 2023

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Rukmini Devi Public School

Lesson Plan

Name: Ms. Neha Makhija Subject : Computer Science Class : XII

Topics to be covered:
— Revision of Python topics covered in Class XI
— Functions
— Introduction to files, types of files (Text file, Binary file, CSV file)
— Text file/ Binary Files/ CSV Files

Duration: 20.03.2023 to 29.05.2023 No. of Days : 48 Cycle: Periodic Test-1

A Learning Objectives
 Student should be able to
 Apply the concept of function.
 Explain and use the concept of file handling.
 Use basic data structure: Stacks
 Explain basics of computer networks.
 Use Database concepts, SQL along with connectivity between Python and SQL.

B Learning outcomes: After completion of the chapter the students will be able to:-
 Write python programs implementing Problem solving and programming capability.
 To acquire programming skills in core Python.
 To acquire Object Oriented Skills in Python
 To develop the ability to write database applications in Python

C Pre-requisite knowledge:
 Computer Science- Class XI

D Introduction of the Chapter (in brief): Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was created
by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and further developed by the Python Software Foundation. It was designed with an emphasis on
code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code.
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. There are two major Python
versions: Python 2 and Python 3. Both are quite different.

What can Python do?

 Python can be used on a server to create web applications.
 Python can be used alongside software to create workflows.
 Python can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.
 Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.
 Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.
E. While reading
(i)Teaching aids / activities to be used/done: - Introduction/ GD – Group Discussion ,GA – Group Activity; ICT – Information
Communication Technology, Q/A – Question / Answer Recapitulation / Pre Reading Task / Applications / Activities / Outdoor
Teaching and other applications to be used while teaching, if any.

Days / Weeks Relevant Teaching Aids to be used, Teaching Relevant CA / HA Observations

Topics / Pedagogies
Topics CA:
Topic: Revision — Revision of Python topics covered in Class XI 1. Class Assignment
of Python (refer Annexure I –
Steps involved in ICT Usage W.S : 1.1) (Q1 to 10)
Duration:  Introduction of the topic to be shown, with
20/03/2023 theoretical notes.
To  Explanation of the topic with visuals/activities (20
24/03/2023 min) HA:
 Discussion of topic through interactive session 1. Home Assignment
completion of visuals (10 min) (refer Annexure I –
H.A: 1.1) (Q1 to Q12))
— Functions: types of function (built-in functions, CA:
Topic: Python functions defined in module, user defined functions), 1. Class Assignment
Functions creating user defined function, arguments and (refer Annexure II–
parameters, default parameters, positional W.S : 1.2) (Q1 to Q10)
Duration: parameters, function returning value(s), flow of
27/03/2023 execution, scope of a variable (global scope, local
To scope)
31/03/2023 HA:
Steps involved in ICT Usage 1. Home Assignment
 Introduction of the topic to be shown (refer Annexure II –
 Explanation of the topic with visuals/activities (20 H.A: 1.2) (Q1 to Q12)
 Discussion of topic through interactive session
completion of visuals (10 min)

Topic: File — Introduction to files, types of files (Text file, Binary CA:
Handling in file, CSV file), relative and absolute paths 1. Class Assignment
Python (refer Annexure III–
W.S : 1.3) (Q1 to Q12)
— Text file/ Binary Files/ CSV Files : opening, open
modes (r, r+, w, w+, a, a+), closing, opening a
file using with clause, writing/appending data HA:
Duration: file using write() and write lines(), reading from 1. Home Assignment
03/04/2023 a text file using read(), readline() and (refer Annexure III –
To readlines(), seek and tell methods, manipulation H.A: 1.3) (Q1 to Q15)
07/04/2023 of data in a text file

ICT Usage
To Make Mind Map of theoretical Topics, so that they
can be retained by the students.

Steps involved in ICT Usage

 Introduction of the topic to be shown
 Explanation of the topic with visuals/activities (20
Discussion of topic through interactive session
completion of visuals (10 min)
Topic: File — import pickle module, dump() and load() method, 1. Class Assignment
Handling 2 read, write/create, search, append and update (refer Annexure IV–
operations in a binary file W.S : 1.4) (Q1 to Q8)
10/04/2023 ICT Usage
To To make the topics everlasting or long lasting in HA:
14/04/2023 memory CAL will be used. 1. Home Assignment
Steps involved in ICT Usage (refer Annexure IV –
Implementation using ICT with Python Programming
H.A: 1.4) (Q1 to Q15)

Topic: Revision Revision of Topics covered in Class XII CA:

With practical implementation 1. Class Assignment
Duration: (refer Annexure V –
17/04/2023 ICT Usage W.S : 1.5) (Q1 to Q12)
To To Make Mind Map of theoretical Topics, so that they
28/04/2023 can be retained by the students. HA:
Steps involved in ICT Usage 1. Home Assignment
 Introduction of the topic to be shown (refer Annexure V –
 Explanation of the topic with visuals.
H.A: 1.5) (Q1 to Q16)
Practical Students will work on programs based on python Requirement
Lab Work programs Covered During the academic Year 2023 - 24 Programs practiced
during the academic
Project File
Project Guidelines Refer Annexure XI
Submission by Synopsis and Project Development
May 2023

(ii)Learning schedule/ practices: - Worksheets/Assignments / Practices (oral & written) and other material to be used
for learning purposes. (Attach the relevant material of assignments, related worksheets, flashcards, silent reading of a particular portion
of the chapter assigned to a particular group of students followed with question / answer session, dramatization of the content of the
chapter, visit to some place related to the content of the chapter, arrange some guest lecturers in relation to the content of the chapter, if
required, framing of questions by the students related to the content of the chapter etc.)

Days / Weeks Particulars Worksheets / Practices (Oral Relevant CW / HW Observations

& Written) etc.
Duration: Special Assignments ------
17/04/2023 containing sample paper
To questions, and CBSE Board
28/04/2023 pattern Questions

Teacher’s Sign. : __________ Coordinator: VP ________ Principal ________

ANNEXURE – I W.S : 1.1

TOPIC-1 / Basics of Python

Q1: What is Python ? State some programming language features of Python.

Q 2: What do you mean by expression in Python ?
Q 3: What will be the output of the following code :
a = 3 – 4 + 10 b = 5 * 6 c = 7.0/8.0
Q 4: How are lists implemented in memory? (or) How is memory allocated to a list in Python?
Q 5: Write a program in Python to explain assignment operators
TOPIC-2 / Lists, Dictionaries & Tuples

Q 6: Accept Describe list() with its syntax.

Q 7: Write the output of the following code [CBSE Text Book]
A = [2, 4, 6, 8,10]
L = len (A)
for I in range (1, L, 2):
S + = A[I]
print “Sum=”, S

Q 8: What is string in Python and how can we access values in list.

Q 9: Write the output for the following codes. [CBSE Text Book]

A= (10:1000,20:2000,30:3000,40:4000, 50:5000}
print A.items()
print A.keys()
print A.values()

Q 10: Consider the following list 95 79 19 43 52 3

Write the passes of bubble sort sorting the list in ascending order till the 3rd iteration.


Q1 What are the important parts of a program?

Q 2 Identify variable or identifier, operator and value in a = 5 statement.
Q 3 What do you mean by address, value and data type? How to print the address, value, and data type of a variable in a python program?
Q 4 Draw a diagram of primary data types available in python.
Q 5 Explain the primary data types available in Python.
Q 6 What is a variable?
Q 7 Explain variable assignment in detail with multiple assignment statements.
Q 8 How to use input() function and print() function? Explain n detail.
Q 9 What is typecasting? Explain with example.
Q 10 Which of the following are invalid identifiers?
mynum, 1tab, stu roll no, for1, for, While, while
Q 11 Find errors in the following code:
i) stu_marks = 90
print(Students Score stu_marks)

ii) a = 30, b = 40

iii) stu_name (input=”Enter name of student:”)

print(“Student Name:”,Stu_name)

iv) x, y = 30, 7
z = (int) x/y

Q 12 Find the output:

(i) a=3

(ii) a=5

(iii) cname = “Subodh”

print(“Customer Name & Bill:”,cname+1500)

(iv) a = 55
a = 30, b + 2
print(b, a)

(v) a, b = 10, 30
a, b, a = b, b + 3, a – 5
print( a, b)
(vi) a, b = 10 , 5


Q1. What is a function?

Q2. Why do programmers need functions in python programming?
Q3. How to create a function in python? Explain in detail.
Q4. What are the parts of functions? Explain with a suitable example.
Q5. How to call a function? Write steps.
Q6. Find the output of the following :
1. def Fun1():
print(‘Python, let\’s fun with functions’)

2. def add(i):
return i

3. import math
def area(r):
return math.pi*r*r

4. def fun1(x, y):


5. def div5(n):
if n%5==0:
return n*5
return n+5
def output(m=5):
for i in range(0,m):
print(div5(i),’@’,end=” “)

Q7. Error-based questions working with functions, Find and correct the errors of code
1. def in(x,y):
x=x + y

2. void get(x=10,y):

3. // Program to compute result

def res():
eng = 56
math = 40
sci = 60
if eng<=35 || math<=35 || sci=35
print(‘Not Qualified’)
4. a=5, b=10
def swap(x,y):

5. def sum(*n):
for i in n:
print(‘Sum=’, total)
Application Based Questions / HOTS
Q8. Write a function that takes amount in dollars and dollar to rupee conversion price and returns amount converted to rupees. Create a function in void
and non-void forms.
Q9. Write a function that receives two numbers and generates a random number from that range. Using this function, the main program should be able to
print three numbers randomly.
Q10. Write a program with a function that takes an integer and prints the number that follows after it. Call the function with these arguments
4, 6, 8, 2+1, 4-3*2, -3-2


Q1. What are the comments? What are the role comments in the program? How to write single-line comments and multi-line comments?
Q2. Explain the physical line structure of a program. Illustrate with an example.
Q3. Illustrate the flow of execution in the function call statement.
Q4. Write and explain the types of functions supported by python.
Q5. Write the ways of import module in the python program.
Q6. Differentiate between parameters and arguments.
Q7. What are the arguments supported by python? Explain each of them with a suitable example.
Q8. What is the local variable and global variable? Explain with an example.
Q9. What are the rules for combining three types of arguments in a Python function?

Application Based Questions / HOTS

Q10. Write a function namely nthRoot() that receives two parameters x and n , and returns nth root of x i.e x to the power 1/n.
Q11. Write a function that takes a number n and then returns a randomly generated number having exactly n digits (not starting with zero).
Q12. Write a function that takes two numbers and returns the number that has minimum one’s digit.


Q1. What are the different file-processing modes supported by Python?
Q2. What is the difference between readline() and readlines() function?
Q3. What is the difference between "w" and "a" modes?
Q4. What are the advantages of saving data in:
(i) Binary form
(ii) Text form
Q5. What is a CSV file? What are the advantages of CSV file formats?
Q6. What are the advantages of saving data in:
(i) Binary form
(ii) Text form
Q7. Write a function file_long() that accepts a filename and reports the file's longest line.
Q8. Write a program to count the number of uppercase alphabets present in a text file "Pome.txt".
Q9. Write a function remove_lowercase() that accepts two file names, and copies all lines that do not start with a lowercase letter from the first file to the
second file.
Q10. Write a program that reads characters from the keyboard one by one. All lower case characters get stored inside the file LOWER, all upper case
characters get stored inside the file UPPER and all other characters get stored inside file OTHERS.
Q11. Reading a file line by line from the beginning What if you want to read a file backward? This happens when you need to read log files. Write a program
to read and display content of file from end to beginning.
Q12. Write a statement in Python to perform the following operations:
• To open a text file "MYPET.TXT" in write mode
• To open a text file "MYPET.TXT" in read mode


Q1. Differentiate between file modes r+ and w+ with respect to python.
Q2. Differentiate between file modes r+ and rb+ with respect to Python.
Q3. What would be the data type of variable data in the following statements?
(a) data = f.read()
(b) data = f.read(10)
(c) data = f.readline()
(d) data = f.readlines()
Q4. Differentiate between a text file and a binary file.
Q5. Write a method in Python to read lines from a text file MYNOTES.TXT and display those lines which start with the alphabet 'K'.
Q6. Write a method in Python to write multiple lines of text contents into a text file daynote.txt line.
Q7. Write a Python program to display the size of a file after removing EOL characters, leading and trailing white spaces and blank lines.
Q8. Write a user-defined function in Python that displays the number of lines starting with 'H' in the file Para.
txt. Example, if the file contains:
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
Then the line count should be 2.

Q9. Consider a binary file Employee.dat containing details such as empno: ename: salary (separator ':'). Write a Python function to display details of those
employees who are earning between 20000 and 40000 (both values inclusive).
Q10. Write a function countmy() in Python to read the text file "DATA.TXT" and count the number of times "my" occurs in the file.
For example, if the file "DATA.TXT" contains "This is my website. I have displayed my preferences in the CHOICE section." - the countmy() function should
display the output as: "my occurs 2 times".
Q11. Write a method/function DISPLAYWORDS() in python to read lines from a text file STORY.TXT, and display those words, which are less than 4
Q12. Write a method in Python to read lines from a text file DIARY.TXT and display those lines which start with the alphabet 'P'.
Q13. Consider the file “SarojiniPoem.txt”
Autumn Song
Like a joy on the heart of a sorrow, The sunset hangs on a cloud;
A golden storm of glittering sheaves, frail and fluttering leaves,
The wild wind blows in a cloud.
Hark to a voice that is calling
To my heart in the voice of the wind: My heart is weary and sad and alone,
For its dreams like the fluttering leaves have gone, And why should I stay behind?
-----------Sarojini Naidu

Based on the above file, answer the following question:

(a) What would be the output of following code?
file = open ("sarojiniPoem.txt","r")
text = file.readlines()
for line in text :
print (line , end = ' ' )
print ( )
(b) Modify the program so that the lines are printed in reverse order.
(c) Modify the code so as to output to another file instead of the screen. Let your script overwrite the output file.
(d)Change the script of part (c) that it append output to an existing file.
(e) Modify the program so that each line is printed with a line number at beginning.

Q14. Write a program using Dictionary and Text files to store roman numbers and find their equivalents.
Q15. Observe the following code and answer the questions that follow:
File = open ("Mydata","a")

(i) What type (Text/Binary) of file is Mydata?

(ii) Fill the Blank1 with statement to write "ABC" in the file "Mydata"
Q. How many file objects would you need to manage the following situations:
(a) To process four files sequentially.
(b) To merge two sorted files into third file.


Q1. What will be displayed by the following code ?
import pickle
Names = ["First", "second", 'third', 'fourth', 'Fifth']
lst = []
for i in range(-1, -5, -1):
with open("test.dat", 'wb') as fout:
pickle.dump(lst, fout)
with open("test.dat", 'rb') as fin:
nlist = pickle.load(fin)

Q2. Following code is written to update a record in a file opened with following code:
import pickle
fin = open("Stu.dat', 'rb')
while True:
_____ = fin.tell() # Line 1: store file-pointer position before reading the record
stu = pickle.load(fin))
if stu['Marks'] in [92, 93, 94]:
stu[ 'Marks'] += 3 #changes made in the record
fin._____ (_____) # Line 2 :place the file-pointer at the exact location of the record
pickle.dump(stu, fin) # now write the updated record on the exact location
Fill in the blanks in Lines 1 and 2 to complete the code.
Q3. Identify the error in the following code:
1. import pickle
2. data = ['one', 2, [3, 4, 5]]
3. with open('data2.dat', 'rb') as f:
4. pickle.dump(data, f)
Q4. Write a program to read a text file and display the count of lowercase and uppercase letters in the file.
Q5. Your recipe uses some ingredients. Write a program to store the list of ingredients in a binary file.
Q6. Write a method in python to read lines from a text file INDIA.TXT, to find and display the occurrence of the word "India".
For example:- If the content of the file is
"India is the fastest growing economy.
India is looking for more investments around the globe.
The whole world is looking at India as a great market.
Most of the Indians can foresee the heights that India is
capable of reaching."
The output should be 4
Q7. Write a method in python to read lines from a text file MYNOTES.TXT, and display those lines, which are starting with an alphabet "K".
Q8. Considering the following definition of dictionary MULTIPLEX, write a method in python to search and display all the content in a pickled file
CINEMA.DAT, where MTYPE key of the dictionary is matching with the value "Comedy".
MULTIPLEX = {'MNO': _____, 'MNAME": _____, 'MTYPE': _____}


Q1. Identify the error in the following code.

1. f = open("/tmp/workfile', 'r+')
2. f.write('0123456789abcdef')
3. f.write('xyz8466')
4. f.close()
5. f.seek (0)
6. f.read()

Q2. Identify the error in the following code?

1. import csv
2. line [[1,2,3], [4, 5, 6]]
3. with open (path, "w", newline = '') as csv_file:
4. writer csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter = '|')
5. for line in data:
6. writer.writerow (line)
Q3. Write a program to increase the salary by Rs. 2000/- of the employee having empno as 1251 in the file empl.dat.
Q4. Take a sample text file and find the most commonly occurring word. Also, list the frequencies of words in the text file.
Q5. Write a program to read following details of sports' performance (sport, competitions, prizes-won) of your school and store into a csv file delimited with
tab character.
Q6. Write a program to get item details (code, description and price) for multiple items from the user and create a csv file by writing all the item details in
one go.

Q7. Write a program that reads a text file and then create a new file where each character‘s case is inverted.
Q8. Write code to print just the last line of a text file 'data.txt'.

Q. Create a file phonebook.det that stores the details in following format:

Name Phone
Jiving 8666000
Kriti 1010101
Obtain the details from the user.
Q9. Write a program to edit the phone number of “Arvind” infile “phonebook.det”. If there is no record for “Arvind”, report error.
Q10. Write a function in Python to count the number of lines in a text file 'STORY.TXT' which are starting with the alphabet 'A'.
Q11. A text file contains alphanumeric text (say an.txt). Write a program that reads this text file and prints only the numbers or digits from the file.
Q12. Write a function in python to count the number of lines in a text file 'STORY.TXT' which is starting with an alphabet 'A'.
Q13. Following is the structure of each record in a data file named "PRODUCT.DAT".
("prod_code": value, "prod_desc": value, "stock": value)
The values for prod_code and prod_desc are strings and the value for stock is an integer.
Q14. Write a function in Python to update the file with a new value of stock. The stock and the product_code, whose stock is to be updated, are to be
inputted during the execution of the function.
Q15. Create a CSV file "Groceries" to store information of different items existing in a shop. The information is to be stored w.r.t. each item code, name,
price, qty. Write a program to accept the data from user and store it permanently in CSV file.

ANNEXURE – V W.S : 1.5

Q1. What is the difference between read() and readlines() function?
Q2. Differentiate between the following:
(i) f = open('diary.txt', 'r')
(ii) f = open('diary.txt', 'w')
Q3. Write a single loop to display all the contents of a text file poem.txt after removing leading and trailing white-spaces.
Q4. Write a function stats() that accepts a filename and reports the file's longest line.
Q5. What is the output of following code fragment? Explain.
out = open("output.txt", "w")
out.write("Hello, world! \n")
out.write("How are you?")
print (open("output.txt").read())

Q6. Write a function remove_lowercase() that accepts two filenames, and copies all lines that do not start with a lowercase letter from the first file into the
Q7. What is the output of following code ?
file ("e:\\poem.txt", "r").readline().split()
Recall that poem.txt has some leading and trailing whitespaces.
Q8. What is the output of following code ?
file("e: \\poem.txt", "r").readline()
Q9. What is the output of following code ?
fh = file ("poem.txt", "r")
size = len(fh.read())
print (fh.read (5))
Q10. Write a program to display all the records in a file along with line / record number.
Q11. What is the output produced by following code ?
obj = open("New.txt","w")
obj.write("A poem by Paramhansa Yogananda ")
obj.write("Better than Heaven or Arcadia")
obj.write("I love thee, O my India!")
obj.write("And thy love I shall give")
obj.write("To every brother nation that lives.")
obj1 = open("New.txt","r")
s1 = obj1.read(48)

Q12. The file "New.txt" contains the following:-

Better than Heaven or Arcadia
I love thee, O my India !
And thy love I shall give
To every brother nation that lives.
Considering the given file, what output will be produced by the following code ?
obj1 = open("New.txt","r")
s1 = obj1.readline()
s2 = obj1.readline()
s3 = obj1.readline()
s4 = obj1.read(15)
print (s4)


Q1. Two identical files (p1.txt and p2.txt) were created by following two codes (carefully go through the two codes given below).
obj = open("p1.txt", "w")
obj.write("Better than Heaven or Arcadia")
obj.write("I love thee, O my India!")
obj.write("And thy love I shall give")
obj.write("To every brother nation that lives.")
obj = open("p2.txt","w")
obj.write("Better than Heaven or Arcadia \n")
obj.write("I love thee, O my India!\n")
obj.write("And thy love I shall give\n")
obj.write("To every brother nation that lives.\n")
What would be the output produced if the files are read and printed with following code.

Q2. Considering the two files pl.txt and p2.txt created in previous question, what output will be produced by following code fragments ?
obj1 = open("p1.txt", "r")
s1 = obj1.readline()
s2= obj1.read(15)
print (s2)
obj1 = open("p2.txt", "r")
s1 = obj1.readline()
s2 = obj1.read(15)
Q3. Consider the file p2.txt created above. Now predict the output of following code that works with p2.txt. Explain the reason behind this output.
Fp1= open("p2.txt", "r")
print (fp1.readline(20))
s1= fp1.readline (30)
print (fp1.readline (25))
Q4. Read the code given below and answer the question:-
fh = open("main.txt", "W")
If the file contains “GOOD” before execution, what will be the contents of the file after execution of this code?
Q5. A given text file "data.txt" contains:
Line 1\n
Line 3
Line 4
Line 6
What would be the output of following code?
fh = open ("data.txt", "r")
1st = fh.readlines()
print (1st[0], end = '')
print (1st[2], end = "")
print (1st[5], end = '')
print (1st[1], end = '')
print (1st[4], end = '')
print (1st[3])
Q6. Write a program that copies a text file "source.txt" onto "target.txt" barring the lines starting with a "@" sign.
Q7. Consider the following statement. In which file mode is the file opened ? Justify your answer.
with open( 'poen.txt') as f:
Q8. What is pickling process? What is its need ?
Q9. What is unpickling?
Q10. What is the difference between a regular text file and a delimited text file ?
Q11. What is the significance of newline = ’’ argument in file open() function?
Q12. What does csv.writer object do?
Q13. What is the function of csv.reader object?
Q14. What will be stored in the file school.csv after the following code is executed?
data = [[ 'DRS Delhi', 'Esha', 'Badminton'], ['BTS Patna', 'Abhi', 'Tennis']]
import csv
with open('schoo;.csv', 'w', newline ="") as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ',')
writer.writerow(['School', 'Nickname', 'Sport'])
Q15. Write a program to remove all the lines that contain the character 'a' in this file and write other lines into another file.
Q16. Differentiate between the following:-
(i) f = open ('diary.txt', 'r')
(ii) f = open ('diary.txt", "w')

ANNEXURE – V Project Synopsis

A synopsis is a brief summary of your project which you are going to working on. A computer science student of class has to submit a project for
complete their course. In synopsis include a brief detail of our project it’s just like a prototype which shows that how will be project. The page size of the
synopsis should be near about 10-15 pages.

Following are topics which at least should be cover and student can increase many things depend on the complexity of the project.

Synopsis Topic :
— Introduction of Project
— Objective of the Project
— Scope of the Project
— Project Plan
— The Existing System
— Background of the Organization
— Current Problems
— Areas for Improvement
— Proposed System
— Hardware and Software Requirement
— Future Scope of the Project
— Conclusion
— Reference or Bibliography


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