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The Hunger Games Trilogy - GRP 5

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The story opens with katniss and Gale discussing how they hated the hunger games while

they were out in the woods hunting. Eventually, the day came
where 2 pairs from every district will be choosen to participate in the game. Katniss voluntered as a tribute to her sister,Primrose, katniss had no choice.
From the boys representative, Peeta Mellark was choosen. Both players were hesitant because this game will decide whether they live or die, they became
the District 12 representatives. The hunger games begun. Katniss stands out from the other players because of her outstanding skill in archery. Katniss and
Peeta entrances the audience by spinning of a tragic love story to gain sponsors for the game. The game was brutal, the tributes died one by one by killing
and hunting each other, Rue also dies, a kid that once saved Katniss. The rules then change: Two tributes will be permitted to win, so long as they’re from
the same district. Eventually, Katniss and Peeta survived but the rules was changed again, making only one winner. Both decide to kill themselves by eating
toxic nightlock berries but before then they were proclaimed as champions of the game. But the danger begins as theCapitol now has a target on Katniss
due to her rebellious actions. Peeta found out that Katniss was only pretending to be in love with him during during the games. The seventy fifth starts
again but the players were past winners of the game, Peeta and Katniss was choosen as tributes once more. Katniss with other tributes who became their
allays survived the game because she destroyed the game by destroying the arena. However, Peetah and Johhana was caught by the capitol. The Capitol
dropped bombs after the games were done, Katniss' family was safe, but district 12 is gone. Katniss found herself in district 13 who was the organizing force
of the rebellion and she serve as the face of the rebellion, their Mockingjay. By the time Peeta is rescued from the Capitol, his memory of her has been
twisted so violently. She tries to win allays to fight againts the Capitol. The Capitol was attacked then a great chaos begun.Many are killed, including
Katniss’s sister Primrose. Katniss finally made it to President snow,who was severely ill, but turned out that Coin was also an enemy. In the excecution day
Katniss killed Coin and the crowd killed Prisedent Snow. After Katniss was arrested she was freed then freed. Haymitch and Katniss move back into their
houses in the Victor’s Circle. Soon, Peeta joins them, and thethree begin to heal. Katniss and Peeta find love with each other once again, and a new peace in
the knowledge that their children will never know the nightmares of the Hunger Games.
Caesar Flickerman Claudius Templesmith President Snow
The ostentatious television Prim Everdeen
The announcer during the The president of Katniss’s little sister. She
host who interviews Katniss Panem. is small and gentle, and
and Peeta before and after Hunger Games.
Katniss volunteers in her
the Games. place when her name is
drawn in the reaping.

Peeta Mellark Katniss Everdeen Haymitch Abernathy Rue

The male tribute of District The protagonist and female Katniss’s and Peeta’s The female tribute
12 and the son of a baker. He tribute of District 12. She is trainer. He is a drunk and
one of only two people
from District 11.
Katniss and Rue
is kind and loyal, and he an excellent hunter and from District 12 to win become allies during
becomes Katniss’s love tremendously resourceful. the Hunger Games (and the Games.
interest and main ally during the only one still living).
the Hunger Games.
Thresh President Alma Coin Glimmer Clove
The male tribute Throughout the novel, The female tribute from The female tribute from
from District 11. He Katniss and her team use District 1. She dies when District 2. She actually
shows mercy her external appearance, Katniss drops a tracker jacker defeats Katniss in a fight
toward Katniss including what she says nest on her and some other and nearly kills her, but
because of the way and how she behaves, to tributes. Thresh intervenes and
Katniss treated control how other people saves Katniss’s life.
Rue. perceive her.

Cinna Effie Trinket Cato Foxface

Katniss’s main stylist. He The escort of the The male tribute from District A female tribute in the
becomes Katniss’s friend tributes from District 12. 2. He is a career tribute, Hunger Games
over the course of the She is very concerned meaning he has trained for the characterized by her
story and counsels with appearances and Hunger Games his entire life, wiliness and intelligence.
Katniss to be herself. her own career. and he is large, short- She dies by eating
tempered, and a fierce poisonous berries
fighter. collected by Peeta.
Gale Hawthorne Johanna Mason Mags Finnick Odair
Throughout the novel, Throughout the novel, Throughout the novel, Katniss Throughout the novel,
Katniss and her team use Katniss and her team and her team use her external Katniss and her team use
her external appearance, use her external appearance, including what her external
including what she says appearance, including she says and how she behaves, appearance, including
and how she behaves, to what she says and how to control how other people what she says and how
control how other people she behaves, to control perceive her. she behaves, to control
perceive her. how other people how other people
perceive her. perceive her.

Beetee Latier Wiress Enobaria Plutarch Heavensbee

Throughout the novel, Throughout the novel, Throughout the novel, Katniss Throughout the novel,
Katniss and her team use Katniss and her team use and her team use her external Katniss and her team use
her external appearance, her external appearance, appearance, including what her external appearance,
including what she says and including what she says she says and how she behaves, including what she says
how she behaves, to control and how she behaves, to to control how other people and how she behaves, to
how other people perceive control how other people perceive her. control how other people
her. perceive her. perceive her.
The protagonist of this first book in the Hunger Games trilogy is Katniss Everdeen, our narrator. The antagonist
is somewhat harder to identify, as we are not quite sure whom to blame for the harsh realities of Katniss’s life.
The Capitol and the Gamemakers set the stage and pull the strings, but the other tributes are the ones who try
to end our protagonist’s life. This discussion about who the true enemy is recurs throughout the series,
Peeta found out that Katniss was only pretending to be in love with him during during thegames. The
seventy fifth starts again but the players were past winners of the game, Peeta andKatnisswas
choosen as tributes once more. Katniss with other tributes who became their allays survived the
game because she destroyed the game by destroying the arena. However, Peetahand Johhana was
caught by the capitol. The Capitol dropped bombs after the games weredone, Katniss' family was
safe, but district 12 is gone

Katniss found herself in district 13 who was the organizing force of the rebellion and
The hunger games begun. Katniss stands out from the other players because of her sheserveas the face of the rebellion, their Mockingjay. By the time Peeta is rescued
outstanding skill in archery. Katniss and Peeta entrances the audience by spinning of a fromthe Capitol, hismemory of her has been twisted so violently. She tries to win allays
tragiclove story to gain sponsors for the game. The game was brutal, the tributes died one to fight againts the Capitol. The Capitol was attacked then a great chaos begun.Many
by onebykilling and hunting each other, Rue also dies, a kid that once saved Katniss. The are killed, including Katniss’s sister Primrose.
rules thenchange: Two tributes will be permitted to win, so long as they’re from the same
district. Eventually, Katniss and Peeta survived but the rules was changed again, making
only onewinner. Both decide to kill themselves by eating toxic nightlock berries but before
Katniss finally made it to President snow,who was severely ill, but turned out that
then they wereproclaimed as champions of the game. But the danger begins as theCapitol
Coin wasalsoan enemy. In the excecution day Katniss killed Coin and the crowd killed
nowhas a target onKatniss due to her rebellious actions.
Prisedent Snow. After Katniss was arrested she was freed then freed. Haymitch and
Katniss move back into their houses in the Victor’s Circle. Soon, Peeta joins them,
The story opens with katniss and Gale discussing how they and thethree begin to heal. Katniss andPeeta find love with each other once again,
hated the hunger games whiletheywere out in the woods and a new peace in the knowledge that their childrenwill never know the nightmares
hunting. Eventually, the day came where 2 pairs fromevery of the Hunger Games.
district will bechoosen to participate in the game. Katniss
voluntered as a tribute to her sister,Primrose, katniss had no
choice. From the boys representative, Peeta Mellark was
choosen. Both playerswere hesitant because this game will
decide whether they live or die, they became the District 12
an unspecified future time, in the dystopian,
post-apocalyptic nation of Panem in North
Inequality between rich and poor, Self-sacrifice, Corruption of Authority,
Survival of the Fittest, Destrcution of Morals, the Duplicity and power of
The Duplicity and Power of Appearances
Right from the start, Katniss and many of the people close to her must maintain appearances that often contrast with
reality, and as the story progresses we see several cases of characters who appear to be one thing but turn out to be
quite another. To begin with, Katniss and Peeta have to act as if they’re in love so that the Capitol can keep up the lie
that their threat of suicide at the end of the previous novel was simply the desperate act of two love-crazed teenagers
and not a gesture of defiance. That fear speaks to the power of appearances, since as President Snow explains to
Katniss, if people saw Katniss as a rebel, that alone could encourage the districts to revolt.
The Ignorance of the Privileged
The privileged of Panem are chiefly those people who live in the Capitol, and their ignorance stems from the fact that
they’re insulated from the hardships faced by the people in the districts. They are relatively wealthy and always have
enough to eat. They aren’t forced into exhausting and often dangerous labor. Their children also don’t have to
participate in the Hunger Games. Because their lives are so comfortable and secure, they generally don’t have to think
of things that people in the districts think of, such as how to feed their families. As a result, many if not all are
oblivious to the harsh realities that most of the people in Panem face.
Even in times when death seems easier, sweeter and simpler - FIGHT!
Be considerate. One person’s least favorite food can be someone else’s medicine to live.
Unknowingly, our actions could set things of consequences in motion.
Betrayal stings, but sometimes it is necessary.
The best intention may have the worst of motivations.
What may seem like a gift/token of gratitude to one, may become a symbol of torture for another.
Being ruthless can get you to the front of the competition, but showing compassion and kindness goes a long way in
winning the hearts of the masses.
The choices you make now decides your future.
Rules are made to be broken - What is arguably Katniss’ greatest character attribute is her refusal to follow blind
orders. She doesn’t do what others expect her to do, simply because they demand it. She boldly defies district rules to
hunt in the woods, and knows when to pierce authority with a well-aimed arrow. Remember to always question things
that you hear, and remain true to yourself at your core. Yes, perception is important, but choosing to do the right thing
is nearly always the correct choice to make – regardless of who tells you otherwise.
Never doubt the importance of perception- “I don’t care what people think about me.” No? Well, maybe you should.
Katniss and Peeta kept themselves alive in the games by fooling Panem with their “star-crossed lovers” act. Sponsors
were so in love with Katniss and Peeta’s dalliance that they spent massive amounts of money to send them life-saving
parachutes during the games. The point is this: it doesn’t matter that Katniss and Peeta weren’t in love. Everyone
thought they were. A well known quote states, “we tend to judge ourselves by our intention, and others by their
behavior.” Remember that what people perceive to be true is usually what they believe. The impression you leave on
others is marked. Hopefully the way you present yourself is in your favor.
Blunt, dark , thrilling, suspenseful and often horrifying, reflecting the seriousness of the
The novel is written from the point of view of the heroine, Katniss Everdeen.
young adult science fiction thriller series
The mockingjay represents defiance in the novel, with the bird’s symbolism deriving initially from its origins. The
mockingjay, we learn, came about as a result of a failed project by the Capitol to spy on the rebellious districts, and since
then the bird has served as a reminder of this failure and the districts’ recalcitrance—Katniss describes them as “something
of a slap in the face to the Capitol.” The mockingjay pin Madge gives to Katniss is at first an emblem of that resistance. Later
in the novel, however, the birds come to symbolize a different sort of defiance. Mockingjays become a link between Katniss
and Rue, with the two using the birds to communicate. When Rue dies, Katniss decorates her body with flowers as a means
of memorializing Rue, but also to defy the Capitol. When Katniss later sees mockingjays, they remind her of Rue, and that
memory inevitably stirs her hatred of the Capitol and her wish to rebel, and take revenge, against it. The mockingjay
consequently takes on an additional layer of symbolism, representing not only a general rebellion against the Capitol, but
also Katniss’s specific desire to defy it.
Panem is the country in which The Hunger Games takes place, and it symbolizes a dystopian United States. The word panem
is Latin for “bread,” and given the similarity of the Hunger Games to the gladiatorial Games of Ancient Rome, it recalls
panem et circenses, or “bread and circuses.” The phrase refers to the Roman Caesars’ strategy of quelling public discontent
by providing the people with plenty of food and entertainment. The entertainment, of course, was largely provided by
gladiatorial Games. In the novel, these gladiatorial Games are crossed with reality television to create the Hunger Games.
Setting Panem in the location of the present-day United States, and retaining parts of U.S. culture like the mining industry
of Appalachia that we see in District 12, draws a link between the two. But the metaphor gets more complicated because of
the Ancient Roman influences of Panem. The result is a triple metaphor that uses Panem to draw connections between
Ancient Rome and the modern United States, and it suggests that the modern United States has something like its own
panem et circenses strategy in place, with reality television taking on the role of the gladiatorial Games.
Katniss’s dresses
The dresses Cinna designs for Katniss not only give Katniss her epithet, “the girl who was on fire,” but also come to
symbolize her spirit. Cinna designs the first dress to reflect the main industry of Katniss’s home district, coal mining, and
since coal’s purpose is to burn, Cinna creates a dress that would be lit with synthetic flames. This dress begins the
association between Katniss and fire while also giving Katniss her epithet, “the girl who was on fire.” That epithet comes to
describe Katniss generally, however, and not just how she appears in Cinna’s designs. Haymitch, for instance, explains
Katniss’s high training score by saying the judges must have liked her temper and her “heat.” (Katniss also thinks the
Gamemakers may have targeted her with fireballs in the arena as a reference to “the girl who was on fire.”) The dresses,
notably the first one for the opening ceremony but also the more subdued versions Cinna creates for Katniss’s interviews,
serve as outward, nearly literal representations of Katniss’s inner “fire.”
When Rue fails to make it to the meeting point she and Katniss agreed to, this is a warning
to Katniss that something is amiss

The entire Hunger Games tournament is an allusion to the Greek myth of Theseus and the

The arena of the Games is treated as a living entity that interacts with the tributes. Aside from the other tributes, it
is the biggest threat and sometimes the toughest opponent, as no one but the Gamemakers knows what it will do
The lives of the people in the different districts are a clear example of parallelism in the novel. At first glance it may
seem that life in District 12, one of poverty and back-breaking drudgery, is diametrically opposed to that of District 1,
where inhabitants have enough resources and free time to specially train for the Hunger Games. However, whether
they are pampered or impoverished, all non-Capitol inhabitants of Panem follow parallel life trajectories. At age 12,
whether their family makes precious jewels for the Capitol or mines coal to power Panem, their name gets entered in
the reaping lottery and stays there until age 18. The parallel lives of Panem’s citizens illustrate that no one is beyond
the reach of the Capitol
inequality between rich and poor, importance of looks, corrupt government, and watching
others suffer as a means of entertainment, you must get people to like you inorder to
inequality between rich and poor- rich people are always give more opportunities and more considerations than those who are
struggling in life. If you are poor, you have the least possibility of achieving success, unless you work harder.
Importance of looks- Most of us, still, judges someone based from their physical appearance. If you have the looks, you can
have people
corrupt government- Elected politicians think (mostly) of themselves and their relatives more than the society they're serving.
watching others suffer as means of entertainment- People nowadays make fun of those who are struggling in life instead of
lending them a hand.
get people to like you inorder to survive- As Haymitch tells Katniss, “You really wanna know how to stay alive? You get people to
like you." This does not mean that every single person has to like you, but you do need somewhat of a support system. If people
don’t like you, they will seek to undermine your efforts in any situation. It is definitely in your best interest to have admirers,
whether this is in your social circle or at your office. Having haters does mean you are doing something right, but only if that
comes hand-in-hand with people encouraging you.
for participating

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