Conservation Letters - 2022 - Early Capistr N - Integrating Local Ecological Knowledge Ecological Monitoring and Computer PDF
Conservation Letters - 2022 - Early Capistr N - Integrating Local Ecological Knowledge Ecological Monitoring and Computer PDF
Conservation Letters - 2022 - Early Capistr N - Integrating Local Ecological Knowledge Ecological Monitoring and Computer PDF
See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Received: 11 July 2022 Accepted: 10 August 2022
DOI: 10.1111/conl.12921
Elena Solana-Arellano, Departamento de Abstract
Ecología Marina, Centro de Investigación Successful conservation of long-lived species requires reliable understanding of
Científica y deEducación Superior de
Ensenada, Carretera Ensenada-Tijuana long-term trends and historical baselines. We present a framework for evaluating
No. 3918, Zona Playitas, 22860, Ensenada, abundance trends and conservation outcomes for long-lived marine species by
Baja California, Mexico.
integrating local ecological knowledge (LEK), ecological monitoring, and com-
Email: [email protected]
puter simulation, tested on a case-study of long-lived and heavily exploited green
turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Eastern Pacific. Models fit to LEK and monitor-
ing data indicate that turtle abundance is increasing, but only after ∼40 years of
safeguarding the species’ nesting and foraging habitats in Mexico. However, cur-
rent abundance is at ∼60% of baseline levels and historic population structure
has not been reestablished, indicating the need for sustained, long-term con-
servation actions. We demonstrate the potential of linking LEK and ecological
science to provide critical information for conservation, by establishing reference
baselines and gauging population status with a long-term historical perspective,
while promoting equitable and sustainable futures.
conservation, local ecological knowledge, long-term data, marine historical ecology, nonlinear
modeling, sea turtles, transdisciplinary research
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Conservation Letters published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
F I G U R E 1 General chronology of green turtle fishing and conservation in Bahía de los Ángeles. Fishing efficiency increased along with
demand between 1960 and 1980, leading to population collapse. Long-term conservation and research began in the late 1970s in response to
diminishing populations. Fishing permits for green turtles were suspended by the Federal Government in 1983 as the fishery collapsed.
Regulations and conservation measures across green turtle habitats increased from the late 1970s onward, reaching full legal protection with
the total ban in 1990 (Early-Capistrán et al., 2020a; Márquez, 1996; Seminoff et al., 2008)
Green turtles are classified as endangered under Mex- to long-lived taxa to understand long-term change and
ican legislation and by the IUCN, and all sea turtle inform management.
exploitation in Mexico is banned since 1990 (DOF, 1990;
IUCN, 2021). Decades of nesting beach and habitat pro-
tection across the species’ range in Mexico supported 2 METHODS
population increases since the early 2000s (Seminoff et al.,
2015). Unlike regions where large-scale human impacts 2.1 Study site
occurred centuries ago (cf. McClenachan et al., 2012), the
Baja California peninsula’s unique geographic and histor- Bahía de los Ángeles (BLA), Baja California, Mexico
ical conditions provide an important case study with an (28.951917◦ , −113.562433◦ ) is a warm-temperate foraging
established historical baseline within living memory (see area in the Gulf of California, which was one of the
Early-Capistrán et al., 2018, 2020a). most important green turtle fishing grounds in the East-
We demonstrate a novel framework for linking ecolog- ern Pacific (Early-Capistrán et al., 2018) (Figure S1). This
ical science, LEK, and computer simulation, promoting index site hosts significant in-water foraging aggrega-
conservation processes by harnessing local and scientific tions and systematic monitoring, which began in 1995 and
capacities (Game et al., 2015). We integrated scientific has continued as a collaboration between government,
monitoring data with historical catch rate reconstruc- academic, and nongovernmental institutions (Figure 1;
tions generated collaboratively with local fishers, resulting Early-Capistrán et al., 2020a). Establishing spatial and
in (to our knowledge) the longest available standardized numerical links between foraging areas and nesting rook-
time-series (1952−2018) worldwide for a critical sea turtle eries is challenging, due to (i) foraging areas’ frequent
foraging habitat. Our approach can be adapted and applied incorporation of individuals from multiple genetic stocks;
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4 of 10 EARLY-CAPISTRÁN et al.
(ii) limited animal-borne telemetry data for the East Pacific of missing data (i.e., blank observations or unavailable val-
DPS; and (iii) limited data on foraging sites (Dutton et al., ues) (Commercial Fishing = 48%, Conservation = 42%).
2019; Seminoff et al., 2015). The index nesting beach for This systematic method is robust for scenarios with up to
this population is Colola, Michoacán, Mexico (18.297392◦ , 75% missingness (Takahashi, 2017) (Supporting Informa-
−103.410956◦ ), ∼1500 km southeast of BLA (Seminoff et al., tion 6; Figure S4). We assumed that values were missing
2003) (Figure S1). Colola is the only green turtle nesting site at random (i.e., missingness was not systematically related
in the Northeast Pacific with long-term data (>30 years), to catch rates) (Thurstan et al., 2014).
and accounts for 56%–71% of green turtles in the Gulf of Each missing value was replaced with a plausible value
California (Delgado-Trejo, 2016; Koch, 2013). generated using Markov Chain Monte-Carlo simulations
To establish baseline abundance and analyze long-term to sample subsets of observed values (van Buuren &
change before scientific monitoring (1952−1982), we used Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011) (Supporting Information 6).
a published data set of LEK-derived catch-per-unit-effort We generated m complete data sets, equivalent to the per-
(CPUE) estimates (Early-Capistrán et al., 2020b). For the- centage of missing values for each process, running 1500
oretical framing, full methodological details, data sets, and iterations (Bodner, 2008) (Figures S5 and S6). Observed
code used for LEK-derived CPUE estimation, see Early- values were retained.
Capistrán and collaborators (2020a, 2020b) and Supporting We fitted each of the m complete data sets separately to
Information 1 and 2. the model:
To evaluate changes in abundance after the implemen-
tation of conservation measures (1995−2018), we used 𝑌 𝑎⋅𝑒(𝛽𝑥) , (1)
CPUE values from in-water monitoring. Data were pro-
vided by author Seminoff (2003; NOAA, Unpublished where Y is the response variable (CPUE), x is the indepen-
raw data), Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Pro- dent variable (year), and α and β are fitted constants. We
tegidas (CONANP) (unpublished raw data), and Grupo pooled results of the m fitted models using Rubin’s Rules
Tortuguero de Bahía de los Ángeles (unpublished raw (Dong & Peng, 2013) to obtain parameter estimates with
data). For details on monitoring procedures and data, see standard errors that (i) describe the uncertainty of imputed
Supporting Information 3. missing data and (ii) are unbiased and have valid statisti-
During in-water monitoring, turtles were captured with cal properties (van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011)
set-nets of the same design as in commercial green turtle (Figure S4) (Supporting Information 6.1–6.3; Table S3).
fishing (Seminoff et al., 2003). To enable direct comparison Validity was ratified through residual analysis (ei ∼ N(0,
across time, CPUE values from monitoring and LEK were σ2 )) (Nguyen et al., 2017) (Supporting Information 6.4).
standardized to one 12-h in-water set for a single 100 m We developed an ad hoc method to (i) visualize a pooled
net (Seminoff et al., 2003). Mean annual CPUE values trend line (broadly equivalent to regression line) and (ii)
were analyzed to evaluate central tendencies (see Early- derive 95% confidence intervals using Rubin’s Rules (Dong
Capistrán, 2020a, 2020b] and Supporting Information 2–4; & Peng, 2013; Nguyen et al., 2017) (Supporting Information
Figures S2 and S3 and Tables S1 and S2 for details). 6.5).
2.2.1 Nonlinear models and Multiple We used curved carapace length (CCL) size distributions
Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) from monitoring data to analyze changes in population
structure after the implementation of conservation mea-
We evaluated CPUE trends for two distinct processes: sures. CCL values were converted to life stages based
Commercial Fishing (1952−1983) and Conservation on mean nester size at Colola (82.0 cm CCL) (Seminoff
(1978−2018). We appended LEK values from 1978−1982 et al., 2015); i.e., adults > 82.0. We used Mann–Whitney
to the monitoring data set to interpolate values in the U tests (α = 0.05) to compare size and life stage composi-
temporal gap between commercial fishing (1983) and tion over time (Period 1: 1995−2005; Period 2: 2009−2018;
in-water monitoring (1995). This is justified, as conser- Figure S7).
vation efforts began in the late 1970s and increased over Given the high variability in size composition across
time (Figure 1) (Márquez, 1996; Seminoff et al., 2008) time, we used LEK to describe general trends before scien-
(Supporting Information 5). tific monitoring. LEK-based size composition is described
We ran Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations using weight (kg), which fishers recollected accurately as
(MICE) with the mice package in R 4.0.4 (van Buuren & the basis of payment for catches (see Early-Capistrán et al.,
Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011) to handle the high percentage 2020a).
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EARLY-CAPISTRÁN et al. 5 of 10
F I G U R E 2 Long-term trends in mean annual catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) Annotations show key events in sea turtle conservation and
management: (1) start of permanent sea turtle research efforts at Bahía de los Ángeles (1979); (2) start of nesting beach protection at Colola,
Michoacán (1979); (3) suspension of green turtle fishing permits by the Federal Government (1983); (4) permanent ban on all sea turtle
capture in Mexico (1990); (5) start of in-water monitoring at Bahía de los Ángeles (1990). Shaded area shows data derived from Local
Ecological Knowledge (LEK). Values below x-axis represent missing data
F I G U R E 3 Trends in catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for 1952−2018 using Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE). Data points
show mean value for each year (mean imputed values are for illustrative purposes only). Pooled parameter estimates and R2 values are shown
for Commercial Fishing phase (1952−1983; blue box) and Conservation (1978−2018; green box). Solid trend line shows pooled predicted values
across all m imputed models, and dashed lines show 95% confidence intervals for the pooled trend line (Supporting Information 6). Standard
errors were pooled according to Rubin’s Rules to account for within-model and between-model variance (Dong & Peng, 2013) (Supporting
Information 6.5). Marginal rug plots show density distributions of imputed values for Commercial Fishing (blue rug plot, n = 630) and
Conservation (green rug plot, n = 816) (see also Figures S5 and S6). Pooled 95% confidence intervals for parameter estimates and R2 values are
reported in Table 1.
TA B L E 1 Results of Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) analysis with nonlinear model
Pooled std.
Parameter Pooled estimate Pooled 95% CI error p Value Pooled df Pooled R2
Commercial Fishing (1952–1982; LEK data) Model: y ∼ α (β•x)
; df (complete data) = 29; m = 48; e ∼ N(0, σ ) for mean residuals
F I G U R E 4 Trends in size distribution from Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) and monitoring data. Adapted from Early-Capistrán
et al. (2020a), table 4
F I G U R E 5 Total captures per year in scientific monitoring for adult (Curved Carapace Length, CCL > 82.0 cm) and juvenile (CCL ≤
82.0 cm) green turtles. Size at maturity is based on mean size of nesting females at Colola (Figueroa et al. cited in Seminoff et al., 2015).
Shaded area shows a time span with 30+ years of nesting beach protection in Colola (initiated in 1979) and 20+ years since the total ban on
sea turtle capture in Mexico (initiated in 1990). Values below the x-axis represent missing data
taxa, including large sharks, sirenids, and cetaceans the importance of foraging habitats as focal points of
(cf. Chaloupka et al., 2008; McClenachan et al., 2012). conservation research and practice.
Our results correspond with consensus among senior Patterns of historical green turtle abundance, decline
fishers that green turtles are abundant but below num- from overfishing, and growth following conservation
bers observed as young harpooners (Early-Capistrán et al., efforts are documented in several populations (Broderick
2020a). Furthermore, historical trends in size class distri- et al., 2006; Mazaris et al., 2017). LEK-based approaches
bution suggest that large adults were extirpated during the will become increasingly relevant as sea turtle popula-
commercial fishery (see Early-Capistrán et al., 2020a). The tions grow (e.g., Christianen et al., 2021), particularly
smaller mode size and absence of large adults (>150 kg) as conservation conflicts can arise when management
in ecological monitoring (Figure 4) suggest that historical frameworks overlook or discount sea turtles’ cultural and
population structure has not been reached. Considering material importance (cf. Barrios-Garrido et al., 2018). Our
green turtles’ slow growth rates, decades of continued results were only possible thanks to long-term, collabo-
protection at foraging areas may be required to increase rative efforts with the BLA community, whose LEK was
juvenile survivorship and prolonged adult growth in order indispensable for establishing baseline levels and evalu-
to recover historical population structure (Seminoff et al., ating conservation outcomes. Importantly, LEK must be
2003). Our results are consistent with theoretical models recognized for its inherent value and become integral to
that suggest ecological recovery may take at least four gen- conservation policy and practice, with self-determination
erations in populations where multiple life stages were as the guiding principle of scientific collaboration (Mawyer
impacted (Piacenza et al., 2017). Likewise, reduction in & Jacka, 2018).
mean body sizes has been observed in recovering green To succeed, future conservation and policy measures
turtle populations, as shifting recruitment dynamics drive for long-lived and highly migratory species must inte-
changes in population structure (sensu Hays et al., 2022). grate international and basin-wide approaches built upon
Synchronous over-exploitation across life stages and locally grounded efforts (e.g., Vierros et al., 2020). Social
habitats from 1960−1980 drove steep population declines dimensions to conservation are expanding as human
by simultaneously decreasing adult survivorship, hatch- impacts on marine environments increase. Thus, multi-
ling production, and juvenile recruitment (sensu Semi- ple forms of expertise—including local collaboration—are
noff & Shanker, 2008). Indeed, population trajectories at essential for creating diverse and inclusive approaches to
BLA largely coincide with trends at the Colola index conservation (e.g., Carman & González Carman, 2020).
nesting site, which was largely uninhabited until the Our methods provide a tangible and adaptable system that
1950s. Like BLA’s foraging population, the Colola rook- fosters innovative and equitable approaches to marine con-
ery has grown substantially since ∼2010: nesting rates servation science and practice. LEK, held by people living
increased 508% from 1982 (3383 nests/year) to 2015 (15,196 with and from the sea, is indispensable for comprehending
nests/year). Nevertheless, the degree of relative increase long-term change and building sustainable futures.
remains unclear due to the absence of preexploitation
baseline data (Delgado-Trejo, 2016). The availability of syn- AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
chronous time-series for nesting and foraging habitats We thank the community of Bahía de los Ángeles and Pos-
will enable new insights into population dynamics (e.g., grado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM, where
life stage duration, reproductive phenology, etc.) and for this research was conducted. We thank CONANP and
development of age–structure models for this population. Grupo Tortuguero de Bahía de los Ángeles for monitor-
Our results suggest a robust causal relationship between ing data. We thank R. Ávalos, J. Candela, L. Crowder, and
abundance trends and key events in conservation and V. Koch. Data and code are available at
management policies (Figures 1 and 2). BLA’s foraging earlycapistran/miceNls.
population shows an encouraging trend related to decades
of conservation measures enacted over broad spatiotem- FUNDING
poral scales. Decades of fishing bans and nesting beach Research was funded by CONACYT doctoral fellow-
protection have generated a positive feedback loop of ship (#289695) to M.M.E.C. and approved by CICESE’s
increased survivorship and recruitment across life stages Bioethics Committee (#2S.3.1).
and habitats. Demographic models suggest that impacts
on adults and large sub-adults can generate dramatic pop- ORCID
ulation declines and, likewise, restoration of these life Michelle María Early-Capistrán
stages can have the greatest contribution to recovery (e.g., 0003-2626-9262
Crowder et al., 1994; Piacenza et al., 2017), highlighting Nemer E. Narchi
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EARLY-CAPISTRÁN et al. 9 of 10
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