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Component-Based Method for the Modeling and

Control of Modular Production Systems
Daniel Côté and Richard St-Denis

Abstract— Control software systems for manufacturing plants facing serious limitations due to the inherent complexity of
reveal common system architectural elements. This suggests the systems to be modeled. In addition, there is a major issue
taking advantage of a development paradigm based on reusable with increasing model size, which leaves practitioners daunted
components. Creating and upgrading a repository of reusable
components suitable for many systems that share common by the inability of synthesis tools to deliver safety-control
characteristics present a challenge for engineers, especially if software systems of a size comparable to those programmed by
composition mechanisms must be founded on control theories hand. Component-based software engineering (CBSE) seems
of discrete event systems and if formal synthesis tools must be to be an attractive avenue to manage the modeling complex-
integrated into well-accepted component-based software devel- ity of systems, because large control software systems may
opment processes. This paper explores a component model and
a pragmatic method for the development of control software be obtained by composition of reusable, well-defined, and
systems. The method, along with the underlying component separated small artifacts [4]. A predominant preoccupation of
model, fills the gap between a hierarchical control theory and the CBSE community has been the definition of operations
component-based software engineering. A detailed case study for combining components, based on various algebras and
developed around a Festo didactic learning modular production calculi, simultaneously with the formulation of mathematical
system demonstrates the relevance of the proposed approach to
industrial application. laws to specify the properties satisfied by these operations
(e.g., [5]–[7]). However, most recent formal models of inter-
Index Terms— Component-based software engineering, acting components pay little attention to control. Therefore, a
discrete event system, hierarchical control, model-driven
engineering, modular production system, supervisory control framework of reusable components based on a theory specific
theory. to an application domain may constitute a good way to take
into account both these aspects. Supervisory control theory
I. I NTRODUCTION (SCT) [8] is a valuable candidate, especially if procedures that
automatically generate implementable controllers are used in

E VEN IF scientists spent decades developing programming

theories that guarantee program correctness for safety-
critical systems, control engineers generally follow some prin-
conjunction with a CBSE approach. As SCT has grown and
matured in the model-driven engineering paradigm, wrapping
it in a component model may certainly represent an advance
ciples and empirical methods to develop computer programs in the control engineering of discrete event systems (DES).
and verify them with a limited number of test cases. In A software development method based on reusable compo-
fact, there is a dearth of evidence that the use of formal nents that conforms to a hierarchical control theory of DES,
methods is becoming increasingly common in industry [1]. including a complete experiment done with a system similar
This is for multiple and complex reasons [2]. Nowadays, most to those encountered in the manufacturing industry, constitutes
researchers embrace an alternative promising paradigm for the the main contribution of this paper.
construction of control software systems, i.e., model-driven This paper is organized as follows. Section II highlights the
engineering. This paradigm encompasses software develop- links between SCT and CBSE. It removes the obstacles of
ment approaches in which a model of system behavior, with the former to make it accessible to engineers with respect to
precise mathematical semantics, is built early in the develop- a target application domain. Section III details a component
ment process [3]. Formal tools for automated reasoning about model that matches concepts of a hierarchical control theory
models are then used to verify their correctness with respect of DES and describes a systematic reuse-based development
to given properties, feed them into an interpreter for abstract method for control software systems. It also places emphasis
execution, refine them into correct-by-construction implemen- on code generation such that code generators can be written on
tations, or improve system performance with performance the basis of an abstract dynamic. Section IV summarizes a case
analysis. From a practitioner’s perspective, the extensive adop- study based on the proposed method, which is characterized by
tion of model-driven engineering approaches appears to be a large state space to convince the reader how the underlying
Manuscript received August 25, 2011; revised July 3, 2012; accepted hierarchical design method combined with CBSE is scalable.
July 11, 2012. Manuscript received in final form July 14, 2012. Date of Finally, Section V presents related work from a technical point
publication August 31, 2012; date of current version August 12, 2013. of view and provides concluding remarks.
Recommended by Associate Editor A. Giua.
The authors are with the Département d’informatique, Université de
Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC J1K 2R1, Canada (e-mail: daniel.r.cote@
usherbrooke.ca; [email protected]). II. C ONNECTIONS B ETWEEN SCT AND CBSE
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. CBSE approaches owe much of their attractiveness to the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2012.2209178 following techniques: abstraction, aggregation, composition-
1063-6536 © 2012 IEEE

ality, encapsulation, instantiation, and reusability. These tech-

niques were absent in the original formulation of SCT, because
the focus was on formulating conditions for the solvability
of control problems, designing algorithms for the automatic
derivation of supervisors from mathematical models of DES,
and developing translation procedures for code generation of
software controllers, which must be correct by construction.
SCT has an intuitive notion of component, since a model
of system behavior is often expressed as the synchronous
composition of automata, namely G := i G i , where the
automaton G is interpreted as the interconnection of com-
ponents G 1 , . . . , G n . However, G 1 , . . . , G n are not, strictly Fig. 1. Elements of a component with respect to HCA.
speaking, instances of genuine reusable components as defined
in CBSE. They are unique models of simpler subsystems, or
they are obtained by adapting existing transition structures observer is the key for aggregation and refinement to achieve
(e.g., label renaming). In the latter case, the process of creating hierarchical consistency while preserving nonblockingness.
instances cannot be associated with instantiation, because there An aggregate model Ghi is obtained from a low-level model
is no instantiable pattern with parameters that allow model Glo by refining the information sent up from the low-level
customization. Furthermore, if instances must share events model to the high-level model to ensure that the supervisor
or show any other form of interdependency, the meaning of of the latter can be implemented in the former. This property,
instantiation is blurred. Nevertheless, several extensions to called hierarchical consistency [14], is equivalent to control
SCT have led to richer paradigms that integrate some CBSE consistency [15], which ensures the correspondence between
techniques in different forms. For instance, the paradigm control structures through the information channel. Once this
of control under partial observation includes the notion of property has been established for Glo and Ghi , the process can
projection, which hides a form of encapsulation. The use of be repeated from Ghi to get Gnhi , the next level. Consistency
observation equivalence, process equivalence, or automaton for Ghi and Gnhi can be fulfilled without reexamining that for
abstraction is akin to making abstractions with the aim of sim- Glo and Ghi . It is also advantageous to consider Glo as the
plifying the components G 1 , . . . , G n of a modular system [9], composition of concurrent subsystems executing in parallel,
[10]. This is more apparent when one considers the hierarchi- with their own abstraction, instead of a monolithic system.
cal control paradigm. Structural multilevel hierarchies [11], Therefore, this variant is powerful enough to support the usage
aggregate multilevel hierarchies [12], [13], and aggregate of successive abstraction and composition of subsystems using
models [14]–[20] are valuable representatives of this para- natural projections [17], [18], [20] or causal maps [21].
digm providing abstraction, aggregation, compositionality, and Generally, the low level fits with the standard control
encapsulation. But, being mostly addressed to nonexperts of technology (i.e., a partition of the set of events  in a
control theories, CBSE must also provide a software devel- subset of controllable events c and a subset of uncontrollable
opment method that shields the user from theoretical diffi- events u ), which induces a standard locally definable control
culties based on reuse, through component instantiation and structure Clo on L = L(Glo ) ⊆  ∗ (Clo : F L → P 2 (L),
adaptation, and allow system implementation (e.g., through where F L is the set of prefix-closed sublanguages of L). In
code generation). The aim is to supply a software architecture HCA, the abstraction mechanism takes the form of a causal
that supports the development of control software systems, map θ : L → T ∗ , where T is the alphabet representing the
scales for large systems, and conforms with SCT in order to events of the high level. It is assumed that L = L m (Glo ),
ensure correctness with respect to faultless behavioral models. θ (L) = M = L(Ghi ) ⊆ T ∗ , and M = M = L m (Ghi ). Thus,
Although it would be valuable to investigate how such an θ , Glo , and Ghi are, respectively, models of the information
approach could be applied for all variants of the hierarchical channel, the agent, and the abstraction. Because they can erase
control paradigm, this paper focuses on the hierarchical control transitions instead of events and change event labels arbitrarily,
architecture (HCA) [15] with borrowings from the modeling causal maps often provide more flexible design alternatives for
framework developed around the concept of state tree structure subsystem abstraction as compared with natural projections.
(STS) [11]. The usual information flow diagram of hierarchical control,
as depicted in Fig. 1, resembles the notion of component
encountered in recent component models of CBSE (e.g., [22]).
A. HCA: An Aggregate Model Approach It has been reshaped into a diagram representing an abstract
Early work on hierarchical supervision [14] culminated in component defined in terms of HCA elements, which, in turn,
an abstract hierarchical control theory formulated around the is refined into a typically reusable component. Under some
concepts of control structure and observer [15], [16]. A control construction rules for Tc and Tu , the causal map θ leads to
structure is a means to represent control abstractly with a set of a standard
control technology in the abstraction (i.e., T =
controllable sublanguages, while a control technology, such as Tc ∪Tu ). This makes it possible to exploit any synthesis proce-
partitioning the event set into controllable and uncontrollable dure, developed a while ago in the standard SCT framework,
events, represents a specific implementation of control. An to generate a control law VT : M → P(T ) on the abstraction

The new composite component can then be stored in the

repository, and the previous steps can be repeated with the
new components. Notwithstanding instantiation, the methods
described in [13], and [17]–[20] adopt variations of this
iterative process. Nonetheless, a clearly defined meaningful
self-contained unit of reuse is still lacking.
Properties that must be preserved when applying the pre-
vious operations on components come from the HCA cen-
tral theorem (control consistency, consistency of marking,
observer, and generalized partner freedom). Applying this
theorem constitutes a substantial challenge to practitioners for
two reasons. First, the generalized partner-freedom condition
relies on how the standard control technology for the abstrac-
tion is determined, in particular on the set of controllable
events Tc . In the general setting [21], (L, θ ) is required
to be output control consistent to obtain the finest possible
Fig. 2. Composition of components and superposition of control.
control granularity. Requiring this property severely limits the
number of possible abstractions, and such abstractions are
such that L(VT /Ghi ) = κ M (E), where κ M (E) is the supremal often uselessly complex with respect to their intended use.
controllable sublanguage of the admissible behavior E for the Furthermore, this property is not preserved when components
abstraction. Therefore, the high level has its own standard, are aggregated horizontally [23]. This is a rather serious
locally definable control structure Chi : F M → P 2 (M), just pitfall, since it runs counter to the most important principle
like the low level. The control law for the agent V , with of CBSE methods. Therefore, the HCA central theorem has
K = κ L ◦ θ −1 (E) such that L(V /Glo ) = κ L ◦ θ −1 (κ M (E)), been specialized under a particular instance of a weaker form
can then be obtained without calculating the supremal element of control consistency, namely Chi (M) ⊆ θ (Clo (L)), provided
in the low level [21]. In this way, the control in the high that the admissible behavior for the abstraction is controllable,
level is realized through implementation in the low level. The with the result that control options in the agent may be
triple (L, θ, Clo ), however, must be control-consistent (i.e., discarded. Control then becomes coarser as the hierarchy of
Chi (θ (K )) = θ (Clo (K )) for all K ∈ F L ). In addition, if θ is an abstraction builds up. Nevertheless, it often proves adequate
observer, and consistency of marking (i.e., θ −1 (Mm ) = L m ) for practical use, as it embodies the usual tradeoff made
and the generalized partner-freedom condition hold, then the to obtain coarser-grained interfaces or simpler abstractions
nonblocking property is preserved between V and VT , more to encapsulate complexity. Second, as mentioned in [24], a
precisely, for all E ⊆ M, κ M (E) is nonblocking iff κ L ◦θ −1 (E) causal map “is hard to define on a DES with large state
is nonblocking ([16, Th. 6], called the HCA central theorem size or composed of multiple components, as a designer must
afterward). explicitly specify the output symbol for every transition in
A sound component model must support systematic com- the monolithic automaton model.” A comparable situation
position and infer properties about the result of applying an arises with a forgetful map [25]. This issue is less critical
operation to components. To facilitate reasoning about the with natural observers, which are natural projections with the
aforementioned properties prescribed by HCA, such oper- observer property. Obviously, all these maps generally select
ations must be atomic. Atomic operations have their own a subset of Clo (L) since erasing controllable events gives rise
characteristics, thereby preventing the lumping of composition to more restricted control through the projection. Nevertheless,
and control. In addition, composition operations, combined efforts in designing a map with the observer property are fully
with a closure property, must allow for aggregation in an justified in the context of reusable components.
arbitrary way with an unrestrained number of components Based on these observations, the standard control technol-
and an unrestrained number of levels. As illustrated in Fig. 2, ogy in the abstraction is defined as follows:
there are three atomic operations to consider on components:
Tc := {τ ∈ Tθ | X τ ⊆  ∗ c } and Tu := Tθ − Tc (C1)
1) components are aggregated horizontally without adding sup-
plementary control; 2) components are aggregated vertically where X τ := {sσ ∈ L voc | ω(sσ ) = τ } and Tθ := {τ ∈ T |
without adding supplementary control; and 3) supplementary X τ = ∅}. An event τ is controllable if all vocal strings
control is superposed to the control of the abstraction of that cause the generation of τ through θ end with an event
a component. Since CBSE requires a repository to supply that belongs to c (for a given string that belongs to L,
predefined components, a typical scenario for building a new the tail map ω indicates if it is vocal with the event τ or
reusable component follows this pattern. Some components silent; and L voc is the set of vocal strings [16]). This choice
are retrieved from the repository and instantiated. Their inter- is based on the fact that condition (C1) leads to control
faces are aggregated horizontally to form the abstraction of a coincidence (θ −1 (Chi (M)) ⊆ Clo (L)), which is a sufficient
working subsystem. Control is then applied to this subsystem condition for the particular instance of the weaker form
abstraction to restrict further its behavior. Finally, vertical of control consistency and the generalized partner-freedom
aggregation is used to re-abstract the result into an interface. condition. Whereas natural observers implicitly provide a set

of sufficient conditions implying conformance with the HCA into predicates or characteristic functions to be used in efficient
central theorem [17], [18], [20], that same set of conditions symbolic representation techniques (e.g., BDD). The resulting
are established during the design of a causal map using simple predicates are generally more readable than legal language
rules. Finally, the term κ L ◦ θ −1 (E), which appears in the automata (e.g., offer better traceability to the original informal
conclusion of the HCA central theorem, can be replaced by specification). Control implementation is also facilitated since
θ −1 (κ M (E)) when the admissible behavior for the abstraction the result of synthesis is a state feedback control function.
is controllable. Therefore, the HCA central theorem is refor-
mulated as follows [26].. C. Application Domain
Theorem 1: Let c ∪u = .  be the standard control
technology for the agent, Tc ∪Tu be the standard control The following assumption is made to circumscribe the
technology for the abstraction that satisfies condition (C1), application domain.
. Assumption: Instances of reusable components are pairwise
and θ : L → (Tc ∪Tu )∗ be a causal map. Suppose consistency
disjoint (i.e., they do not share events).
of marking and θ is an observer. Then, for all E ⊆ M, κ M (E)
Similar conditions have been imposed on events in the lit-
is nonblocking iff θ −1 (κ M (E)) is nonblocking.
erature (e.g., local coupling [11], pairwise disjoint low-level
Within the context of Theorem 1, a synthesis procedure that
transition structures [12], disjoint sets of relevant events [18]).
computes κ M (E) while satisfying the nonblocking property
This limitation is reasonable for modular production systems.
ensures that the implementation of the high-level synthesis
This kind of systems, which are widespread in modern indus-
in the low level is nonblocking. The main advantage of this
trial plants, consist of physical modular components that can
theorem is that there is an algorithm for computing an observer
be configured to adapt to distinct manufacturing processes.
from a causal map θ in polynomial time [27] that satisfies the
Each physical modular component has its own sensors and
consistency of marking.
actuators, corresponding to inputs and outputs, that give rise
to occurrences of events observable by the control logic. Since
B. Supervisory Control of State Tree Structures these components do not share I/O, they are then pairwise
This variant of SCT embraces a top-down modeling disjoint and evolve in parallel.
approach in the sense that states can be decomposed. The Relaxing this assumption would introduce dependencies
dynamics of a hierarchical system with concurrent processes is between reusable components. It is unclear what such event
described using a kind of hierarchical state machine formalism sharing means in terms of the modeled subsystems relative
very close to statecharts [28], called an STS. The state space to the controlled hardware. When hardware devices share
is organized into OR and AND superstates from a tree structure events, they can probably be modeled as a single subsystem.
called a state tree. The local dynamics of an STS is defined When it becomes necessary for subsystems to share sub-
by a set of holons assigned to all the OR superstates of its component instances, then their local control specifications
state tree. While the concept of state tree makes it possible to could eventually conflict. The framework presented in this
structure the state space following a principle of modularity, paper assumes a conflict-avoidance policy similar to [18].
holons are used to define system behavior in a modular fashion However, nothing prevents one from using a scheme of conflict
as well. A holon is an automaton in which the state set, event resolution through coordination as suggested in [17] since the
set, and transition structure are partitioned into an internal underlying theoretical framework is the same.
state set and an external state set, an internal event set and
a boundary event set, and an internal transition structure III. C OMPONENT M ODEL
and a boundary transition structure, respectively. Connections A component model typically includes component syntax
between holons must satisfy boundary consistency [11]. and semantics as well as composition mechanisms. These three
Exploiting the HCA variant for successive abstraction of features are defined to match HCA concepts as closely as
subsystems does not preclude the use of the STS framework possible while approaching CBSE practices.
to solve local control problems. Since the approach advocated The syntax offers a means of describing and denoting com-
in this paper aims at control specification reuse as well as sub- ponent constituent parts. The Fractal component model [22]
system description reuse, the use of STS models is motivated constitutes a sound foundation for introducing them. Since a
by pragmatic considerations, in particular a compact graphical component must provide control capabilities, it consists of
representation of the state space and a more human-readable three parts, as shown in Fig. 1: an interface, an implemen-
form of control specifications. More precisely, the parallel tation, and a controller. The implementation part is composed
composition of independent subsystems forming a system can of other components, called subcomponents, which are under
be represented by an equivalent STS model without vertical the supervision of the controller for the enclosing component.
structure [11]. The state tree of such an STS has a single AND The latter takes actions regarding the behavior to be associated
superstate at the root where each AND cell is an OR superstate with a component. In particular, it can superpose control
matched to a holon with an empty external structure (typically behavior to the behavior of its subcomponents so as to exercise
an automaton). In addition, AND cells may represent memory coercion on the way components interact. Even though the
elements that are used to formulate control specifications as a Fractal component model distinguishes between different types
set of sub-state-trees of the STSs underlying state tree. These of interfaces, such a distinction is omitted in the sequel to
define forbidden state families that are eventually translated keep the component model as general as possible. Despite

the fact that variables should need to be assigned sooner or satisfied by the control technology for the abstraction and
later to sensors, actuators, and devices, a component does on computation of observers from causal maps, especially
not expose its contents. It is private. Since the interface is those associated with elementary components and ϕ in the
visible outside a component, it is public, just like the glue case of vertical composition. Focusing on these specific points
code used during code generation. Additional elements are preserves the formal guaranties provided by HCA throughout
included in component description for documentation pur- the entire design process with the aim of a correct design, but
poses: a behavioral model of the implementation and interface, not necessarily optimal with regard to the weakening of HCA.
an exhaustive model in the case of an elementary component,
or an assembly diagram in the case of a composite component,
and a control problem specification. They result from modeling A. Construction of Elementary Components
tasks and synthesis procedures upstream and downstream from An elementary component is typically associated with a
a structured process of control problem solving. hardware device. Its exhaustive model is built a priori in
The semantics clarifies the role of each constituent part much the same way that similar models are generally obtained
of a component. The behavioral model is formally expressed currently in SCT. Each state in GFB corresponds to a device
by a pair of automata C := (G, G) that defines component configuration that can be determined by actually testing for
semantics in terms of dynamic behavior. The first element is specific concrete states. The event set is defined in terms of
a Mealy machine G := (Q, , {ε} ∪ T, δ, λ, q0 , Q m ), with detectable hardware state changes or other hardware activities
an input alphabet  and a disjoint output alphabet {ε} ∪ T detectable by the control logic.
(ε ∈ T is a special symbol meaning no output), specifying the The behavioral model (G, G) is the result of an ad hoc
implementation’s controlled behavior. Discarding all outputs modeling process from the exhaustive model. Assumptions are
associated with the transitions from G (keeping only its made on the latter to obtain a suitable model that depicts an
transition structure) yields the deterministic finite automaton admissible nonblocking behavior of the device. In particular,
(DFA) Gts = (Q, , δ, q0 , Q m ). In practice, G is derived this step allows the elimination of instability problems such as
from Gts by giving a causal map θ : L → M “around” Gts , inertial effects due to chaotic usage of a command. Identifying
adding to it the output alphabet and output function λ. The hazardous and prohibited transitions results in a control law
second element is a quotient DFA G = (Y, T, η, y0 , Ym ) spec- f and a DFA Gts that model the device behavior in a
ifying the way the component interacts with other components normal operation mode. The modeling process should include
through its interface. It is endowed with the observer property formal verification techniques or, at the very least, statistical
and computed with the algorithm described in [27] from an validation techniques to ensure the validity of Gts . The Mealy
appropriate relabeling of Gts . Given well-defined instantia- machine G is obtained by giving a causal map θ with the
tion mechanisms, behavioral models can be seen as generic observer property. The former is then refined into an expressive
schemata for the declaration of instances, which can be used model G to provide an interface for the component.
to build larger components, subsystems, and systems, making Fig. 3 shows the exhaustive model of a typical pneumatic
components reusable. In the case of a composite component, jack (or cylinder) with two sensors that detect the end of
the assembly diagram is an STS without vertical structure. travel positions and three valves for one stable position. In
Since elementary components do not have subcomponents, the this model, the symbols Xi (i = 0, 1) and Y0 denote sensor
assembly diagram is useless in this case. An exhaustive model inputs and an actuator command, respectively. More precisely,
GFB replaces it, where GFB is a DFA expressing the internal the values X0 and X1 indicate, respectively, that the jack is
behavior of a component in the absence of any control. For a completely retracted and completely extended. Furthermore,
composite component, GFB can be obtained from its assem- X0∧X1 holds when the jack is neither completely retracted nor
bly diagram. The control problem specification completely fully extended. Therefore, Y0∧X1 represents the case in which
describes a control problem, which is implicit in a behavioral the cylinder goes out. Likewise, in the symmetric case Y0∧X0,
model. It contains, among other things, a control specification it goes in. The expressions Xi and Xi denote, respectively,
and a control law. The control specification is expressed with a signal rising and falling edges. The signal Y0 corresponds
set of normalized logical formulas, which, in fact, corresponds to action extend and Y0 corresponds to actions retract and
to a set of illegal sub-state-trees, as formulated in [11], except cancel extension. The transitions with dashed edges have been
for explicit constraints. The control law is a state feedback identified as nonessential experimentally. Eliminating these
control function f such that Gts = f /GFB . In other words, transitions yields control actions, which disable the superfluous
Gts is the solution of the control problem. controllable transitions. The interface makes it possible to
The composition mechanisms are based on algebraic oper- extend and retract the cylinder repeatedly. Such an abstraction
ators that allow combining components while maintaining reduces the number of states to consider at the next layer.
invariant control coincidence, consistency of marking, and Even if the reduction ratio is small, the combined effect on
the observer property when applying any atomic operation several layers may be considerable. The two configurations in
of Fig. 2. For instance, components with the observer prop- which X0 ∧ X1 holds have been excluded from the model.
erty are closed under horizontal and vertical composition as They happen, for example, when a sensor is stuck at true,
well as under superposition of control [26]. This feature of which causes the nonfaulty model to block if all the symbols
the component model is very important because engineers that delineate the state space appear in conditions associated
only have to concentrate their efforts on the condition to be with a command. Taking into account faulty configurations

1 Elementary Component Jack111:ce Y0,X0,X1 {

2 State Variable = Y0, X0, X1
3 f Y0 := Y0 ∧ X0 ∧ X1
4 f Y0 := Y0 ∧ X0
5 Project Y0 () := {return Funcextend ();}
6 Project Y0 () := {
7 if (X1) then return Funcretract ();
8 else return Funcce ();}
9 Project X1 () := {
10 if (Y0) then return Funceoe ();
11 else return true;}
12 Project X0 () := {return Funceor ();}
13 LactionsY0 () := {set(Y0);}
14 LactionsY0 () := {reset(Y0);}
15 Cycle() := Cycle() + {
16 if (X0) then FuncX0 ();
17 if (X1) then FuncX1 ();
18 FuncY0 ();
19 FuncY0 ();
20 }
21 }

Fig. 4. Control problem specification for Jack111:ce .

Exhaustive Control
Implementation Interface
model specifica-
Component GFB tion
(No. of (No. of
(No. of (No. of
states) states)
states) predicates)

Conveyorbelt 6 6 2 2
Conveyorrotary 3 4 2 2
Injector 8 12 2 4
Jack100 6 8 2 4
Jack101 6 7 2 4
Jack110 6 7 2 4
Jack111 6 6 2 4
Jack111:ce 6 6 3 4
Jack111:cecr 6 6 4 4
Jack111:cr 6 6 3 4
Jack111:ss 6 6 2 2
Fig. 3. Models for the elementary component Jack111:ce . Jack211::e 6 9 2 4
Jack211::r 6 9 2 4
Relayad 6 8 2 4
during code generation is not obvious and would require more Relaysd 4 4 2 4
SuctionCup 4 6 2 4
investigation. SuctionCup:cc 4 6 3 4
The header of a control problem specification contains the Timerod 4 4 2 3
name of an elementary component and an instantiation signa- Timerod:nc:e 4 4 3 3
ture. Every symbol declared in the instantiation signature has
a data type that falls under the scope of a set of conventional
type definitions for sensors, actuators, timers, registers, and For instance, Y0 is enabled if Y0 ∧ X0 ∧ X1. This example
memory elements. For example, the symbol Y0 designates a gives the reader an idea of the extent of pseudo-routines.
Boolean actuator, whereas X0 and X1 are Boolean sensors. The pseudo-routines Projectσ () represent the observer θ (lines
As a last step before code generation, engineers assign actual 5–12). The pseudo-routines Lactionsσ () send a command to an
physical resources to the symbols declared in the instantiation actuator to reflect the occurrence of the event σ (lines 13–14).
signature using a syntax that is proper to the target hardware The pseudo-routine Cycle() is accessible by the main loop and
[e.g., Y0 := Q0.5 assigns hardware Boolean input point Q0.5 its explanation appears later in this section.
to the symbol Y0 on a Siemens programmable logic controller
(PLC)]. On instantiation of a component, the instance has
access to a state variable containing the value corresponding B. Sample of Elementary Components
to its current state. It is declared from symbols that appear in Presently, the repository contains 48 elementary components
the instantiation signature. The rest of the control problem usually encountered in modular production systems. Table I
specification consists of glue code, mainly pseudo-routines presents a sample of them. There is a wide variety of conveyors
used by code generation procedures. for material handling. A conveyor belt conveys workpieces one
Fig. 4 contains the control problem specification of the after another. Two sensors detect when a workpiece reaches or
component Jack111:ce , in particular, the control law expressed leaves the belt, respectively. A relay starts and stops an elec-
by a family of predicates { f σ | σ ∈ } (lines 3–4) such trical motor that drives the belt. A rotary conveyor is a driving
that f σ (v) :⇔ σ ∈ f (v), where v denotes the state variable. mechanism equipped with a geared motor (i.e., with a latency

time at stopping). Such devices must be controlled locally

because of strict temporal constraints involved between the
alignment sensor and driving mechanism. An injector consists
of a jack coupled with a cylinder barrel located in the basis
of a gravity-feed magazine, which is monitored by a sensor
to detect the presence of a workpiece. It pushes the bottom
workpiece out of the magazine. This component is considered
as an elementary component because its subcomponents are
strongly coupled. Pneumatic jacks come in various forms.
Their main features are the number of valves to regulate the
exhaust air flow (e.g., three valves for one stable position or
five valves for two stable positions), the valve type (e.g., self-
locking valve), and the presence of sensors to detect the end
of travel positions. The lack of sensors at either end of the
travel positions requires a timer to assess complete extension
or retraction. Jacks may have various interfaces, differing in Fig. 5. Assembly diagram of the composite component Hooke:f .
the number of commands they provide and their initial state.
The following nomenclature is used in referring to jacks:
ce: cancel extension represented by an augmented relabeled version G X of Gρ for
cr: cancel retraction
cecr: cancel extension/cancel retraction a given ρ ∈ R. The model G X inherits the transition structure
ss: start/stop from Gρ but it may be augmented with self-loop transitions
e: initially in extension
r: initially in retraction
on local events, called synthetic events, which are specific
Jackvre:i:i to the memories H1, . . . , Hm of the composite component
C = (G, G) under construction. Essentially, a memory is a
0: timer to assess complete extension
1: sensor to detect complete extension. DFA H that coordinates, possibly through internal data, the
0: timer to assess complete retraction behavior of subcomponent instances C1 , . . . , Cn used in the
1: sensor to detect complete retraction
construction of C. Its alphabet TH is a subset of the union of
1: three valves
2: five self-locking valves alphabets of GC1 , . . . , GCn (i.e., TH ⊆ ∪i∈{1,...,n} TCi and may
contain synthetic events). Synthetic events are not generated by
Jack111 is used as an example. It has a four-state interface with any subcomponent instance but rather belong to the subsystem
a fixed initial state because there is only one stable position. itself. Their purpose is to enable the subsystem to change its
Sensors detect the end travel positions. Adding or removing local memory state independently of subcomponent instance
commands yields four other jacks. To avoid redundancy, activity. Since memory is under internal control, synthetic
Jack100 , Jack101 , and Jack110 are given in only one form in events are controllable. Therefore, memory elements and sub-
Table I. Jack211 comes in two standard versions according to component instances can synchronize on synthetic events to
the initial state. There are almost as many relays as jacks. introduce explicit behavioral constraints. These notions allow
They are used to electrically turn on/off switches, while con- the expression of the control specification and control law
sidering latency effects. An electrical motor that cannot reach as a family of predicates on the state space. The memo-
its nominal speed instantaneously is a good example of an ries H1, . . . , Hm and instances C1 , . . . , Cn are then grouped
instance of a relay. The delay can be asymmetric, symmetric, together in an assembly diagram. Contrary to an elementary
or null. Five interfaces are possible for an asymmetric delay component, the control law f and the corresponding transition
relay, but only two for the other relay types. A suction cup structure Gts associated with a composite component are
can be used to pick up and hold objects with smooth surfaces calculated from a control specification and the free behavior
by vacuum. SuctionCup:cc is like SuctionCup, but with an GFB = H1  · · ·  Hm  GC1  · · ·  GCn in accordance with
additional command (cancel close). Finally, the component a synthesis procedure. The pair (G, G) is obtained in the same
Timerod encapsulates the behavior of an on-delay timer. There way as for an elementary component.
are four different interfaces for this device according to the The construction of a composite component is illustrated
initial state, and presence or nonpresence of a transition to with a typical extendable hook with a failure/recovery mode,
cancel the timing. The size of the control specification does not named Hooke:f . Fig. 5 shows the assembly diagram of this
take into account simplifications to reflect the effort done by component. It consists of a winch, hook, and memory that puts
engineers to specify them and the difference between devices the operations in order with respect to two operation modes. In
of same type. the normal mode, a workpiece is gripped and then released by
the extendable hook. The failure/recovery mode is used when
C. Construction of Composite Components it is impossible to create the vacuum because no workpiece
A repository of reusable components can be seen as a set of is at the grip position. The free behavior of the extendable
generic schemata {Cρ | Cρ = (Gρ , Gρ ), ρ ∈ R}, where R is hook is obtained by the product of the three automata. This
an index set. A generic schema of a prefabricated component yields an automaton with 44 states and 89 transitions. The
can be specialized by declaring a new type of instances X behavioral model (G, G) of Hooke:f , depicted in Fig. 6, is the

1 Composite Component Hooke:f {

2 State Variable = <Seq, Winch, Hook>
3 Synthetic Events := { c := {clr} }
4 Seq : MW;
5 Winch : Jack111:ce with {
6 c := {extend[wd], ce[wcd], retract[wu]}
7 u := {eoe[wed], eor[wea]}
8 η = η ∪ { r, clr, r }
9 }
10 Hook : SuctionCup:cc with {
11 c := {close[hig], cc[hcg], open[hir]}
12 u := {eoc[hfg], eoo[hfr]}
13 η = η ∪ { nv, clr, nv }
14 }
15 CtrlSpec {
16 /* Explicit control constraints */
17 /*(1) clr <= Seq = f ∧ Winch = r
18 ∧ Hook = nv */
19 /*(2) hig <= Seq = g */
20 /*(3) wcd <= Seq = g */
21 /*(4) hcg <= Seq = f */
22 /* Standard control constraints */
23 /*(5) */ Seq = f ∧ Winch = ie
24 /* Implicit control constraints */
25 /*(6) */ Winch = r ∧ Hook ∈ {l, p}
26 /*(7) */ Seq = g ∧ Winch = ie ∧ Hook = l
27 /*(8) */ Seq = g ∧ Winch = ir
28 ∧ Hook ∈ {l, p}
29 /*(9) */ Seq = g ∧ Winch = ir ∧ Hook = nv
30 /*(10)*/ Seq = f ∧ Winch = ir
31 ∧ Hook ∈ {l, p, v}
32 /*(11)*/ Seq = r ∧ Winch ∈ {ie, ir}
33 ∧ Hook ∈ {l, p}
34 /*(12)*/ Seq = r ∧ Winch = ie ∧ Hook = nv
35 /*(13)*/ Seq = r ∧ Winch = ir ∧ Hook = v
36 /*(14)*/ Seq = r ∧ Winch = e ∧ Hook = p
37 }
38 f clr : Seq = f ∧ Winch = r
Fig. 6. Models for the composite component Hooke:f . 39 f wd : Seq ∈ {g, r} ∧ Winch = r
40 f wcd : Seq = g ∧ Winch = ie ∧ Hook = v
41 f wu : Winch = e ∧ Hook = nv
result of the control problem stated in the control problem 42 f hig : Winch = ie ∧ Hook = nv
43 f hcg : Seq = f ∧ Hook = p
specification of Fig. 7. The transition structure Gts of G is the 44 f hir : Winch = e ∧ Hook = v
Cycle() := Cycle() + { Funcclr (); }
result of a synthesis procedure which computes the control 45
46 }
law. Then, (G, G) is derived from Gts with an algorithm that 47 }

synthesizes an observer based on the decisions of engineers.

The component Hooke:f is a self-contained generic schema Fig. 7. Control problem specification of Hooke:f .
defining a new type that can be stored in the repository
and used afterward in the construction of more complex
components, such as a crane. to compute a controllable solution. It can, however, make
The control problem specification introduces the synthetic the subsystem blocking. Therefore, the synthesis procedure
event clr (line 3), and indicates that Seq is a memory (line is still required to avoid blockingness. Excluding too many
4), Winch a specialization of Jack111:ce (lines 5–9), and Hook transitions can possibly lead to overspecification. Engineers
a specialization of SuctionCup:cc (lines 10–14). The control must be aware of this potentially undesirable side effect, but
specification associated with this component includes 14 con- it is common practice in SCT and often makes sense. Implicit
straints. Inspired from the work of Ma and Wonham [11], they control constraints also define sets of forbidden states, but their
are classified into three groups: explicit control constraints, formulation is not based on event-sharing. The addition of
standard control constraints, and implicit control constraints. extraneous memories is unnecessary in this case. Engineers
An uncontrollable event shared between a memory and at write propositional logic formulas by focusing on local states
least one subcomponent instance implies that there must be of each subcomponent instance that appears in the assembly
a transition labeled with this event from every state in the diagram. They express strict shuffling of command pair, equip-
transition diagram of the memory because the occurrence of ment safety, and functionality requirements. For example:
such events cannot be directly forbidden by some means. The 1) clr ⇐ Seq = f ∧ Winch = r ∧ Hook = nv (lines 17–18)
states from which they should not occur may, however, be indicates that the event clr can only occur if the value
considered illegal. Defining a set of forbidden states corre- of the state variable is f, r, nv. It is an explicit control
sponds to prescribe a standard control constraint expressed in constraint;
a propositional logic formula. Excluding transitions labeled 2) Seq = r ∧Winch ∈ {ie, ir}∧Hook ∈ {l, p} (lines 32–33)
with a controllable event is always possible. This corresponds is a strict shuffling of command pair constraint. When
to prescribing explicit control constraints. In this case, contrary negated, this formula means that the winch and the hook
to standard control constraints, the control is direct in the cannot proceed simultaneously in the release mode.
sense that a synthesis procedure does not have to backtrack The control problem specification also includes the nonblock-
on a sequence of uncontrollable transitions from illegal states ing control law (lines 38–44). The predicate f clr (line 38)

State- Flat state-
Control specification Interface
space space
upper upper
Component (No. of predicates) G
bound bound
(No. of (No. of
states) states)

Conveyorts 12 32 2 5 2
Cranebr 256 5184 19 11 2
Cranelr 16 54 5 4 6
Cranelr:all 16 54 5 4 9
Cranelr2 64 5832 13 14 5
Cranelr2:f 192 17 496 14 24 7
Cranewlr2:f 21 52 488 5 38 2
Dispatcher 80 180 3 4 6
Drill 128 864 10 6 2
Hooke 32 72 6 4 4
Hooke:f 48 108 14 6 6
Servomotor 12 16 2 3 4
Tester 12 24 6 5 3
Fig. 8. Instantiation of Jack111:ce .

is a direct consequence of the first explicit control constraint free behavior of subcomponent instances. Furthermore, such
(lines 17–18). Since there is only one state in G with Seq = f constraints may vary from one control problem to another.
and Winch = r , the condition Hook = nv is superfluous and That of Hooke:f is 48 = 3 × 4 × 4. The upper bound of
has been eliminated. The predicate f wu (line 41) enables the the corresponding flat state space is 108 = 3 × 6 × 6 (3
occurrence of wu when the winch is extended only if there is for the memory and 6 for the size of Jack111:ce and the
no vacuum because of constraints 10, 11, and 13. The pseudo- size of SuctionCup:cc with respect to the data in the second
routines Projectσ () have not been included in Fig. 7 because column of Table I). The size of its interface G is 6. Its control
they are generated from G. specification includes 14 normalized constraints and reuses 6
constraints (3 from Jack111:ce and 3 from SuctionCup:cc ). It is
D. A Sample of Composite Components easy to observe the impact of abstraction on several levels by
The repository also includes 17 composite components comparing upper bounds in the first two columns.
common in transportation (e.g., cranes, complex conveyors,
dispatchers, and sorters) and processing (e.g., drills, microm- E. Instantiation of Reusable Components
eters, and testers). In Table II, Cranebr is a base rail crane Generally, the instantiation mechanism is used when build-
driven by a servomotor that picks up a workpiece from three ing a subsystem from subcomponent instances, where a sub-
possible input positions and moves it to a unique output system is the base unit of modularization and subcomponent
position, where it is put down. Cranelr is a unidirectional instances are derived from reusable components. A reusable
crane which moves a workpiece from left to right. The component is precisely a subsystem specification in which a
component Cranelr2 is similar, but it has two output positions causal map with the observer property is defined as a means
and an extendable hook. The version Cranelr2:f takes into to give the subsystem an interface. A system can then be seen
consideration a failure/recovery mode when trying to pick as the instance of a subsystem with no interface located at
up a workpiece. The component Cranelr:all is like Cranelr in the root of an aggregation tree of subcomponent instances
which all events are projected. Reusable components with an in which the leaves are instances of elementary components.
interface identical to their implementation make it possible Fig. 8 illustrates how the subcomponent instance Winch is
to impose constraints on their whole behavior when they created from the component Jack111:ce . The relabeling function
are instantiated. Cranewlr2:f wrap the interfaces of Cranelr2:f rWinch is based on an aliasing map defined in the with clause
for specific usages by adding more state information defined of a subcomponent instance declaration (lines 5–9 in Fig. 7),
by a memory. The former is not really reusable, but it has where each interface event is associated with a corresponding
been added to the repository to show how to create other alias given within square brackets. Since the alphabets of
components that model similar cranes, but with different, subcomponent instances must be pairwise disjoint within a
even more permissive, behaviors. The state-space size of a subsystem, event aliases are expected to be unique across all
component is given in terms of upper bounds calculated from subcomponents within the subsystem. The transition structure
the size of memories and subcomponent instances that appear resulting from this aliasing is identical to that of the original
in the assembly diagram without considering synchronization interface definition, except that the event names have been
(see Fig. 5). Upper bounds include reachable states as well as replaced by their aliases and transitions on synthetic events
unreachable states because the memories represent constraints have been added to synchronize with memories, if necessary.
that can shrink or expand the state space defined from the The relabeled version becomes a new formal object defined

Fig. 10. Control flow in an aggregation tree.

control hardware. It fulfills three main goals. First, it expresses

the relative ordering of the operations performed within a
subsystem itself, and between a subsystem and its component
Fig. 9. Environment structure of Hooke:f . subsystems during the execution of the main control loop
according to a control flow established from an aggregation
tree that mimics the hierarchical aggregation of components
within the subsystem. As part of this adaptation mechanism, (see Fig. 10). Second, it provides a mechanism for component
the subsystem designer may also change the status of events runtime adaptation realized by specific points in the execution
from controllable to uncontrollable, if it makes sense in the of subsystems into which glue code can be inserted. Third, it
subsystem design. The converse is forbidden. allows for customizable code generators specific to different
The instantiation process can be seen as the creation of targets using any appropriate combination of target languages
an abstract computational environment—one per instance— and machine architectures. In this way, code generators can
which consists of a self-contained namespace where abstract be written without overconstraining their design.
computational objects are defined. Fig. 9 depicts a part of The abstract dynamic of components and subsystems is
the environment structure of the subsystem associated with an specified using a set of abstract pseudo-routines. They are
instance of Hooke:f (h), which itself aggregates a subsystem computational objects that are either defined or declared in
obtained through instantiation of Jack111:ce and named Winch a subsystem’s local environment and have free access to any
in the former subsystem. The environment of Winch is con- other object defined in it. The following sets of routines are
tained in the one of h (h aggregates Winch). Global types defined within a subsystem’s local environment: {Pσ () :→
Hooke:f and Jack111:ce are accessible system-wide and both B | σ ∈ }, {Projectσ () :→ B | σ ∈ }, {Lactionsσ () :→
subsystems define an object G of their corresponding types. void | σ ∈ }, {Funcσ () :→ B | σ ∈ }, and Cycle() :→ void.
Since the environments define self-contained namespaces, The following set of abstract routine declarations is added to
however, it is clear that  in the environment of h (h.) is dis- this: {Funcτ () :→ B | τ ∈ T }.
tinct from  in the environment of Winch (h.W i nch.). The Routines Pσ () correspond to the family of predicates { f σ |
control problem specification of Hooke:f in Fig. 7 introduces a σ ∈ }. For a given σ ∈ , Pσ () returns the Boolean value
memory and two subcomponent instances. The memory HSeq of f σ evaluated from the current state of the local subsystem
is defined and created locally. The subcomponent instances using its state variable v.
GWinch and GHook are defined through appropriate relabeling Routines Projectσ () add global control on top of local
and made available locally. Finally, the following abstract control. For subsystems derived from composite component,
computational objects are accessible in each abstract computa- they are automatically generated from G and this skeleton:
tional environment: a state variable v and pseudo-routines. The 1 Project σ () :→ B
2 if (v = q ∧ λ(q, σ ) = τ ∈ T ) then
state variable v reflects the current state of sensors, actuators, 3 return Funcτ ();
timers, and devices in the case of an elementary component or 4 else return true;
5 end.
the current state of its subcomponent instances and memories
in the case of a composite component. The pseudo-routines For a given σ ∈ , Projectσ () tests whether or not a transition
are related to the abstract dynamic. on σ is erased or projected across the interface of the local
subsystem (line 2). If σ is erased, it returns true (line 4),
meaning that σ may happen because it cannot be disabled by
F. Abstract Dynamic control in the outer subsystem. A code generator can take into
Usually, code generation schemata are defined for a general account the trivial case where σ is always erased to optimize
application architecture. Since it is often impossible to foresee the code generated for Projectσ (). Otherwise, it returns the
all the mechanisms that may be required to adapt new or exist- result of Funcτ () (line 3), a place-holder symbol. The goal of
ing control hardware to an application architecture, this paper this artifice is twofold. First, it activates the outer subsystem
introduces an abstract dynamic both for interactions between with a call to the corresponding Funcσ  () routine, where σ  is
components among themselves, and between components and an event of the outer subsystem (not the local one) such that its

occurrence coincides with that of τ because of relabeling used

in the instantiation mechanism. Second, it verifies whether or
not the projected event is enabled by control in the global
system (i.e., the outer subsystem and other subsystems above
it in the aggregation tree). If σ  is permitted to occur in the
global system, then Funcτ (), under its alias name Funcσ  (),
returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
Routines Lactionsσ () perform all changes required to the
local subsystem environment. In particular, they update their
state variable. For a given σ ∈ , Lactionsσ () executes all
local actions associated with the occurrence of σ .
Routines Funcσ () react to the occurrence of their corre-
sponding events. They are automatically generated from the
control problem specification and following skeleton:
1 Funcσ () :→ B
2 if Pσ () then
3 if Project σ () then
4 Lactionsσ ();
5 return true; Fig. 11. Relationship between instantiation and control flow.
6 end;
7 return false;
8 end.

For a given σ ∈ , Funcσ () evaluates the control predicate Routines Funcτ () are symbols that are declared in the
associated with σ (line 2). If it holds, σ is enabled locally local environment but not bound locally to any definition.
and Funcσ () invokes Projectσ () (line 3) to determine if σ They are rather bound at instantiation to routines Funcσ  ()
is enabled globally when projected. If these two conditions located inside the outer subsystem. The information for the
are satisfied, then Funcσ () invokes Lactionsσ () to execute binding is given by the aliasing map defined in the control
actions consequent upon the occurrence of σ and returns true problem specification. As illustrated in Fig. 11, the with clause
(lines 4–5). In all other cases, the subsystem state remains contains terms of the form τ [σ  ], which establish an aliasing
the same and Funcσ () returns false (line 7), meaning that σ is relationship between the two events (i.e., τ is aliased by σ  ).
prohibited by global control. Routines Funcσ () can return false This relationship is implemented by binding the declaration
only for controllable events, since Pσ () always holds for an of Funcτ () (declared in the subcomponent environment) to
uncontrollable event σ , and the instantiation mechanism does Funcσ  () (defined in the outer subsystem environment).
not permit the change of status of an event from uncontrollable For subsystems derived from elementary components, the
to controllable. A code generator can exploit this restriction to pseudo-routines Pσ (), Projectσ (), Lactionsσ (), and Cycle()
optimize the code generated for Funcσ (). It should be noted interact with the hardware and need glue code as a mechanism
that, when the call to Projectσ () is successful, any subsystems for adaptation. These code blocks appear between braces in
above the current subsystem in the aggregation tree have control problem specifications. In order to preserve the ability
already changed their state. Accordingly, the global system to generate code automatically, glue code insertion is restricted
state changes propagate from the root down to the leaves. to elements of the abstract dynamic, with the exception
In particular, the commands that correspond to controllable Funcτ () routines. Insertion of glue code takes the form of a
events are sent last in the sequence of environmental changes. routine redefinition, which is written as an assignment (“:=”)
The routine Cycle() is directly and exclusively accessible of a code block to the routine name. By default, f σ is assigned
by the main control loop. Based on a synchronous execution to Pσ (). A syntax variation can be used to add glue code
model for control applications, the control hardware cyclically at the beginning or at the end of routines Lactionsσ () and
executes a main control loop that allocates a time slice to every Cycle(). In Fig. 4, a code block is appended to Cycle()
single component subsystem by invoking its Cycle() routine. (lines 15–20). The syntax forbids adding glue code to Pσ (),
Invocation of Cycle() routines is done in depth-first post- Projectσ (), and Funcσ (), but they can be redefined completely
order along the aggregation tree. The active Cycle() routine with a single code block. For composite components, glue
calls the routines Funcσ () associated with all events generated code insertion can be avoided entirely as the control problem
by a subsystem instantiated from an elementary component specification and the assembly diagram are enough to generate
(see Fig. 4) or associated with all local synthetic events of the intermediate code. However, for elementary components,
a subsystem instantiated from a composite component (see glue code insertion seems unavoidable to provide hardware
Fig. 7) to evaluate the control law from the current state adaptation. Consequently cross-platform portability issues may
of sensors and memories, send commands to actuators, and arise. To circumvent this and ease code generator retargeting,
update memories in a hierarchical manner. In the case of an glue code should have its own proper syntax, which should
uncontrollable event, the call is conditional upon the detection forbid looping constructs as the proposed execution model is
of its occurrence. In the case of a controllable event, the call synchronous and cyclical. Here, a C-like idiom is used for
is systematic. The routine Cycle() may also be involved with conciseness but, for cross-platform portability, a proper subset
local periodic tasks such as timer activation and time out. of IEC 61131-3 [29], [30] may reveal to be more judicious.

G. Code Generation

The development of a trustworthy code generator along

the lines of the abstract dynamic introduced in the previous
subsection is straightforward given a PLC target. This is
particularly true if the generated intermediate code is also
Structured Text, since it can provide the mechanism to imple-
ment function block (FB) as an architectural unit of reuse to
encapsulate a subsystem [30]. Structuring the implementation
around such units provides two benefits. First, FBs can be
invoked, with an appropriate call signature, and return a result
rather like functions in conventional programming languages.
Their use presents an advantage for implementing the routines
Funcτ () and their binding to Funcσ  (), as illustrated in Fig. 11.
Second, FBs have a state, through the association with data
blocks, which provides a convenient way to implement envi-
ronments of the abstract dynamic. These characteristics help
make the generated code human readable, since the structure
and elements of the abstract dynamic can be recognized
more easily within it. Fig. 12 contains a part of the code
generated for the Winch. The code, written in S7-SCL (the
Siemens version of Structured Text defined in the standard
IEC 61131-3), is intended to run on a Siemens CPU 315PN/DP
PLC connected to a PROFIBUS network.
Overall, the call structure of FB units among themselves
follows the structure in Fig. 10, in which each box repre-
sents an FB unit. The main control loop (called OB1 after
Siemens terminology) systematically calls the FB in depth-first
post-order. The FB signature contains common parameters—
a subsystem number (ssn) and an event number (evn)—to Fig. 12. Code generated for the Winch subcomponent.
distinguish between a call from the main loop and a call from
an inner subsystem. The main loop has a special dedicated component FB receives calls from two sources, OB1 call
subsystem number (OB1_ssn) and defines two events: initial- processing (lines 8–23) must be isolated from subcomponent
ization (OB1_init) and cyclic feedback (OB1_process). An FB FB calls (lines 24–68). In the first case, the code of the routine
receiving a cyclic feedback event from OB1 is expected to Cycle() only deals with synthetic events. According to the
execute the code corresponding to its routine Cycle(). control problem specification of Hooke:f (line 45 in Fig. 7),
In the case of an FB implementing a subsystem derived from the code for the routine Funcclr () is in-lined (lines 13–20).
an elementary component, extra parameters, corresponding In the second case, a two-level case structure dispatches the
to their input/output resources, are appended to its signature call to Funcτ () to the appropriate local Funcσ  (), according
(lines 8, 9, and 12 in Fig. 12). Apart from the initialization to the binding illustrated in Fig. 11. The first-level case
code (lines 19–23), which is isolated from cyclic feedback dispatches on the subsystem number ssn; the second on the
code by a RETURN statement, the FB only contains the event number evn. In this way, call chains always go from
code corresponding to the abstract dynamic (lines 24–51). inner subsystems to outer subsystems and toward the root of
It is generated from the definition of Cycle() in Fig. 4. All the aggregation tree. The lengths of call chains are finite, since
events are processed sequentially, beginning with uncontrol- glue-code insertion forbids looping constructs. The worst case
lable events. For a given event σ , the code corresponding to performance of the scan cycle can even be computed.
Pσ (), Projectσ (), Lactionsσ (), and Funcσ () is in-lined. Only
the call to Funcτ () actually takes the form of a call to the
outer subsystem FB (lines 26, 32, 37, 44, and 46). IV. C ASE S TUDY
Fig. 13 shows the FB implementing a subsystem derived Fig. 14 shows the didactic learning modular production
from the composite component Hooke:f . In this case, a system [31] used as a test bench in the case study. It is
Boolean value is appended to its signature (line 4 in Fig. 13). a part of a complete system (nine individual stations) that
Contrary to an elementary component FB that only accepts assembles a pneumatic cylinder made up of several elements.
main-loop OB1 calls, a composite component FB also receives The version available in our laboratory consists of the first
subcomponent FB calls. In the abstract dynamic, this corre- five stations (distribution, testing, processing, handling, and
sponds to subcomponents calling one of their routines Funcτ (), sorting), plus an homemade returning station added to the
which all return a Boolean result. Hence, the callee must make original system to implement a continuous manufacturing
this result available to the caller upon return. Since a composite process. The distribution station removes a workpiece from the

(e.g., color, material) of a workpiece using three proximity

sensors with digital output, measures its thickness with an
analog sensor based on a linear potentiometer with voltage
divider tapping, and either rejects it or makes it available to
the processing station via a lift and evacuator. The processing
station comprises a rotary indexed table module, a drilling
module, and a drilled-hole checking module. The table has
four workpiece retainers fixed on a rotating plate that trans-
ports every workpiece from the home position to the end
position, including the drilling and checking positions. The
handling station conveys a workpiece from the end position
of the processing station to either the sorting station or a
slide, based on the result of the drilled-hole checking module.
A rotary cylinder and two linear cylinders permit rotational
motions in the X–Y plane and horizontal and vertical motions
in X- and Z -axes, respectively. The sorting station and the
returning station, which constitute the handling subsystem, are
described in detail in a companion paper [32].
It is not hard to identify and separate the constituent parts of
the modular production system from its description to obtain
its hierarchical representation in terms of elementary compo-
nents, composite components, and subsystems. For instance,
Fig. 15 shows the hierarchical structure of the processing sub-
system, which includes the processing station and the handling
station. In this figure, the names of the physical modules
appear just above the boxes, which represent reusable software
components or local software components (dashed outline).
These names are also used to designate the corresponding
instances of software components. For example, the probe and
the winch are all instances of the same reusable component
Jack111:ce . As shown in Table III, the upper bound of the state-
space size has been estimated at 7.13 × 1013 reachable and
unreachable states (256 for the memories, 8 for the Stopper
or Jack100:ss, 32 for Conveyorts , 864 for the Drill, 24 for
the tester, and 52 488 for the Cranewlr2:f ). It consists of 19
components and 10 memories organized into five levels. The
control specification includes 94 predicates, 84% of which are
Fig. 13. Code generated for the h subsystem. reused (2 + 7 + 16 + 11 + 43). An S7-SCL program generated
for this subsystem has 1272 lines of code (without blank and
comment lines, and constant declarations), which corresponds
to an object code of 13 454 bytes. Table III presents the
statistics for the other subsystems. The first two correspond
to the distribution and testing stations.
The last column demonstrates the relevance of the proposed
method to industrial application, since the system used in the
case study, with all its pneumatic, mechanical, and electrical
apparatuses, is similar to those encountered in the manufac-
turing industry. The method has been used successfully in the
systematic derivation of an S7-SCL program with a naive
code generation procedure from the glue code of reusable
components after instantiation. The program has 3590 lines
Fig. 14. Global view of the didactic learning modular production system. of source code. The size of the object code is greater than
that obtained from an ad hoc solution programmed using
feed magazine to make it available for the testing station. This Sequential Function Chart (36 580 versus 26 718 bytes), since
is accomplished by a transfer module, which is a pneumatic no code optimization algorithm has been integrated into the
handling device that grabs a workpiece with a vacuum suction code generator. The run times are less than 350 ms for
cup and transfers it from between 0° and 180° via a swivel synthesizing each control law with Supremica [33] and less
drive. The testing station determines physical characteristics than 1 s for computing each observer with our own C++


Distribution Testing Processing Handling Modular

subsystem subsystem subsystem subsystem production system

State-space upper bound 1.10 × 104 5.29 × 104 7.13 × 1013 7.17 × 108 2.97 × 1031
Number of components 5 6 19 13 44
Number of memories 1 2 10 7 22
Number of layers 3 3 5 5 6
Control specification 14 22 15 10 4
Control specification (reuse) 11 14 79 48 213
Total 25 36 94 58 217
Size of source code (LOC) 337 390 1272 901 3590
Size of object code (bytes) 3944 3964 13 454 9948 36 580

maximum number of allocated atoms impacts on automata

maximal size. The run times observed with A LLOY were
significantly higher than those recorded with Supremica and
the C++ program.

The multifaceted method proposed in this paper is based on
knowledge and practices inherited from two fields: SCT and
CBSE. In particular, this paper showed how a formal frame-
work such as HCA can support CBSE to reduce modeling
complexity through abstraction, save a significant amount of
effort during system design through reuse, and avoid error-
prone programming through code generation. It also revealed
that the goal of correctness by construction is not antago-
nistic to scalability and within the scope of domain experts
with no deep knowledge of any control theory. Compared to
related work (e.g., [13] and [17]–[19]), this paper presented a
complementary perspective where CBSE issues were given as
much attention as SCT issues. It is hoped that associating SCT
and CBSE in this fashion will stimulate research in directions
Fig. 15. Hierarchical structure of the processing subsystem. which have so far mostly escaped formal treatment in SCT
despite a clear need for it (e.g., failure detection, diagnostic,
and recovery).
implementation of the algorithm developed by Wong and
Wonham [27]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
time that the HCA framework has been adapted to solve a A. Technical Notes with respect to Related Work
control problem of substantial size in the context of CBSE. While abstraction, reuse, and code generation techniques
This also demonstrates how the underlying hierarchical design have been investigated separately in previous SCT work,
method combined with CBSE is scalable. especially in the context of hierarchical control, they are
A previous paper reported an experiment to evaluate integrated in a uniform and consistent way in the method
whether it was possible to build a repository of reusable com- proposed in this paper.
ponents with a SAT-solving approach [32]. The condition (C1) The idea of exploiting both abstraction techniques and
imposed on Tc as well as consistency of marking, observer, and reusable components to develop software hierarchically goes
controllability properties were formulated with respect to the back to 1970, but it is relatively recent in SCT. On the
specification language A LLOY [34], a symbolic model checker one hand, reducing modeling complexity by using abstraction
that uses SAT-solvers to verify the satisfiability of axioms techniques has been considered many times in the DES com-
defined in a model and find counterexamples for properties munity. Some researchers have, however, mentioned that hier-
(theorems) that should be deduced from these axioms. This archical variants lag far behind in terms of application because
approach is interesting because the A LLOY model developed they are disparate and lacking a unifying theme [35]. The main
for this purpose is concise (about 400 lines) and close to the differences between the methods that combine both horizontal
mathematical formulation of HCA and SCT. The experiment and vertical aggregations can be given with respect to the
was successful for all elementary components. Because of following three points: 1) the mathematical objects to perform
the limitations imposed by A LLOY, however, it has been abstraction (e.g., natural projection [17], [18], [20]; causal
impossible to build some composite components because the map [16]; automaton abstraction [10]); 2) conditions to achieve

nonblockingness and/or optimality; and 3) architectural restric- around a repository of reusable components and a hierarchical
tions (e.g., limited [12] or unlimited [13] number of levels software architecture, as described in Section III. For instance,
in module hierarchies). To appreciate the differences between abstraction is a means to reduce the state space and thus
such methods, we refer the reader to [20]. Nevertheless, even computation time for the synthesis of supervisors. Therefore,
though hierarchical variants are based on very different mod- interfaces are tied to specific control problem formulations
els and theoretical formulations, deeper examination quickly and a component does not have to represent a meaningful set
reveals many more commonalities among them than differ- of services. It should, however, be noted that the approach
ences in terms of the concepts used. For example, the observer followed by Schmidt and Breindl [20] to develop a solution
property in HCA is echoed by strict rules for holon matching for a system comparable to the one used in our case study is in
in the STS framework [11] and strict rules for level-wise the same spirit as ours notwithstanding the two latter points.
controllability and nonblocking in hierarchical interface-based
supervisory control [12], [13]. On the other hand, reusable B. Open Issues
components are omnipresent in industrial engineering [36]. In
the DES community, this issue has been tackled independently Some issues remain with respect to the work presented
of hierarchical control, except by Leduc et al. [12], where in this paper. First, the component model details in depth
low-level subsystems could be recast as generic models. Stan- an instantiation mechanism with its underlying creation of
dardized models have been proposed as a means to create an abstract computational environment. The latter is defined
global plant models [37]. Some state-machine templates have according to an abstract dynamic independent of machine
been introduced to program control software systems [35], architectures. In general, these aspects were lacking in pre-
[38]. Reuse of subsystem models is one of the main features vious attempts about reusable components in the context of
of a modeling, analysis, and synthesis tool [39]. However, SCT. The proposed solution, however, could be improved
the three last solutions do not include robust composition when considering, for example, the components Cranelr2:f and
mechanisms. Cranewlr2:f . Instead of including the latter in the repository,
As shown in this paper, code generation depends on a model instances of this type could be directly obtained from the
of the abstract dynamic. Balemi et al. [40] and Cieslack et former, if the instantiation mechanism made it possible to add
al. [41] were amongst the first to study the implementation state information in addition to relabeling. Second, the current
aspects of supervisors as theoretically defined in SCT. The implementation on a Siemens PLC was devised for illustration
former associated commands and responses to controllable purposes. The FB call chain and the abstract dynamic are
events and uncontrollable events, respectively. The latter were made obvious in the source code. The disadvantage is that this
preoccupied with the translation of supervisors into executable implementation does not provide object code reuse. Any call to
code. Charbonnier et al. [42] introduced a new supervised an outer subsystem FB must be explicit in the source code. To
control schema to force the occurrences of events associated obtain object code reuse would require the use of pointers or
with commands sent to actuators. Basile and Chiacchio [43] a similar mechanism. There seems to be little doubt that such
extended this schema by adding a dispatcher for conflict a mechanism can be provided at the expense of source code
resolution. They identified several problems that might arise clarity. Finally, the dominant rationale behind the proposed
in implementing supervisors and defined properties to avoid approach is to create repositories of reusable components
them. They also provided code generation algorithms from that could pass through a standard certification process that
automaton or Petri net supervisors. The target code, written assesses their reliability. In this way, the substantial work and
in ST [30], preserves the semantic meaning of the closed- effort invested in constructing components can eventually pay
loop behavior. These solutions are far from satisfying the for itself in subsequent years, potentially compounding the
goals mentioned in Section III-F, except for code generation. cost savings usually associated with reuse.
First, they consider a simpler theoretical framework that does
not support hierarchical aggregation of components. Second, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
they pay no attention to a mechanism for component runtime The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers
adaptation since instantiation was not a preoccupation. for their useful comments. They also gratefully acknowledge
Finally, it should be mentioned that several empirical studies the technical support of R. Desrochers and D. Imbeault.
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