Sup10emp Evaluation Procedures

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1 START-UP 10 Evaluation Procedures


English 10th Form Level VI

Class: Teacher:

Dear Student:

Welcome to the 10th grade and to English VI. We hope that you are feeling highly motivated to face the year
ahead and to improve your English skills. To help you organise your personal learning process we would like to
present you with the forms of evaluation that will be used to evaluate you this academic year.

You will be evaluated in a continuous assessment and evaluation format. This means that you will have:
• Two written tests each term (Test 1 and Test 2)
• Two listening tests each term (Listening 1 and Listening 2)
• An oral presentation/oral interview
• A dictation
• Your participation in class (oral and written)
• Your homework
• Your portfolio
• Your attitude towards the subject (punctuality and absenteeism)

To pass English you have to get a positive mark (10 or higher) at the end of each term. Coming to class on a
regular basis and doing all the exercises and homework that your teacher gives you will help you to develop
your English skills and pass the subject. Please note that you have to do all the tests. If you miss a test for any
reason, your teacher will only give you a second test if you present a doctor’s certificate.

Continuous Assessment and Evaluation

Task Percentage Structure Date
A. Pre-reading question related to the text
B. Reading comprehension exercise
1. General reading questions (T/F or matching)
2. Comprehension questions
Test 1 15% 3. Vocabulary exercise related to the text
C. Vocabulary exercise on the topic of the block
D. 1 and 2. Grammar questions
• Rewriting exercise
• Gap filling exercise
• Matching exercise
E. Writing exercise on the topic of the block
Test 2 15% Same as Test 1
You will listen to 1-2 text(s) and do two/three listening comprehension
related to the text you heard:
Listening Test 1 5% • Tick the topics mentioned
• Complete the gaps
• Complete the sentences
Listening Test 2 5% Same as Listening Test 1
The dictation will be based on a text that you have done in class. The
teacher will read out the text three times and you will have to write
Dictation 15%
• Quick reading of the text
• Slow reading (sentence by sentence with punctuation)
• Quick reading for you to confirm your text

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
2 START-UP 10 Evaluation Procedures
Task Percentage Structure Date
You will be expected to present an oral presentation based on a
topic of your choice related to the topics that you are studying.
The presentation will last 5-10 minutes. If you exceed this time limit,
you will be asked to stop and your mark will be lowered.
Structure of presentation:
• Introduction
• Development
• Final argument(s)
Class presentation NO READING IS ALLOWED. If you read from your notes
25% or PowerPoint presentation, your mark will be significantly
Oral interview lowered.

Formal interview with an interviewer and assessor.

Structure of interview:
• Part 1: General questions
• Part 2: Description and discussion of an image/photo
• Part 3: Dialogue with another student

This mark will be composed of the work you do in class, your

Written work 10% homework, and any other tasks the teacher gives you including
your portfolio

Your attitude in class and towards English will also be evaluated;

the following criteria will be taken into account:
• Punctuality
• Absenteeism
Behaviour and 10% • Bringing the necessary material to class
attitudes • Having appropriate attitudes and behaviour in class
• Participation in class
• Concentration and work produced in class
• Self-evaluation and evaluation of other students in pair work and group work

Your final mark will be a mark on a scale of 1-20.

I will be available to clear up any doubts so please look for me in the teacher’s room if you feel the need.
Should you wish to contact me via e-mail please use the following e-mail:


Good luck for the year ahead. I look forward to working with you. In the meantime, here is a little
something for you to practise your English and become a better student…

How to Be a Good Student

By Benjamin Twist:

Improve your study habits, motivation, and organisational skills to improve the quality of your learning at school. When
you have a reason to care – such as a need for good grades, a desire to qualify for a good school or scholarship or a
fascination with the subject material – you can use this to motivate yourself to develop the habits that will make you a
good student.

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves
3 START-UP 10 Evaluation Procedures
1. Instructions

1. Minimize your commitments to make sure your schedule is free enough to allow a balanced lifestyle of
thorough study, sufficient sleep and regular exercise and recreation. Many people overestimate how much
they can get done in a day. If you are overworked, seriously consider dropping an optional club or
activity. To overcome fear of disappointing people, remind yourself that a few things done with excellence
will be more satisfying than many things left undone.

2. Create a study plan by checking what you learnt in class every lesson and preparing for the tests in
advance and not on the day before. Set yourself targets and objectives so that you don’t leave everything
for the last minute.

3. Tell at least one other person about your study plan to create an accountability system. This person can
apply unpleasant consequences if you miss your targets. He/she can also remind you of the things that you
said that you’d do and thereby motivate you to achieve them.

4. Schedule a specific time each day for studying, reading, and working on assignments. Alternate 20 to 30
minutes of working with 5 to 10-minute breaks to keep your mind fresh and alert. Do your best to avoid
other activities during your study times; keeping them consistent will begin to build habits and train your
brain to move into study mode at certain times and in certain settings.

5. Ask for help if you are having trouble completing assignments on time or understanding a topic. Seek out
resources at your school, such as help from your teacher or a fellow student or friend. Another way to get
help is to form a study group with any classmates who are interested.

6. Go the extra mile once your basic requirements are under control. Some ways to do this include checking
out extra books from the library to help you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, doing
extra tasks for your portfolio, reading books in English, listening to English films without reading the
subtitles, or surfing English sites related to the topics you are studying on the Internet.

2. Tips & Warnings

Maintain your mental and physical health by sleeping enough, eating healthy foods in wise quantities, and
exercising regularly. Even a daily walk can keep your mind more alert and receptive. Remember, you are not
given a grade, you earn it! Instead of arguing with your teacher about why you should have gotten a 20, ask
how you could have done better.

Looking forward to seeing you in class on a regular basis.

Your teacher, ……………………………………………………………………

Virgínia Barros, Luísa Barros, Maria José Rodrigues, Vanessa Reis Esteves

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