1999vol 2 PDF
1999vol 2 PDF
1999vol 2 PDF
The Newsletter of the GLOCK Sport Shooting FoundationTM Volume II, 1999
page One
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page Three
High (Adult) Female: Debbie 3rd Civilian Team: The Trigger 2nd L. E. Team Phoenix Police
Ross Jerks; Daniel Thomson, Gary Cohen, Department; Juan Garza, Hector
High Junior Male: Dustin Stapp Suzanne Floyd Gonzalez, Richard Hartson
High Senior: James Buehler 3rd L. E. Team Professional
High Challenger: Peter Reis LAW ENFORCEMENT: Outcomes; Ivan Evancho, Kyle
1st Civilian Team: GLOCKWORKS; 1st A Class: Salim Dominguez Vowinkel, David Shumway
Dustin Stapp, Peter Reis, Glen 1st B Class: Billy Trimble 1st Unlimited Class: Craig Stapp
Uchimura 1st C Class: Ed Krafton 1st Competition Class: Ivan Gelo
2nd Civilian Team: 1st L. E. Team DEA Tucson; Jon 1st Subcompact Class: Timothy
Sportshooter.com; Ken Siverts, John Ciarletta, Salim Dominguez, F. Dante Forshey
Murphy, Millard Ellingsworth Sorianello
For a free
GSSF 1999
Match Schedule
Poster write to:
The GLOCK Report
Free Poster Offer
P.O. Box 1254
Smyrna, GA 30081
page Four
page Five
C. T.
Hooked On GSSF
nclosed please find my registration form and fee
E for the match in Carrollton, Texas. I joined GSSF
too late last year to make that match, but I did manage My Baby and Me
to get to San Antonio in December for my first-ever his 10-shot imprint of my “Baby 26,” shot standing
GSSF competition. What fun! Due to a slight case of
nerves, I finished 92 out of 102 in the Amateur Civilian
T double-handed at 10 yards convinced me to join
my first-ever handgun competition—the GSSF/ISI
class. Now that I have done it and understand how it Ballistic Challenge held last October in Piru, California.
works, I hope to do better on my next try. I’ve got a lot Not surprisingly, I showed my inexperience in one of
of room for improvement. the stages—the GLOCK “M,” where I failed to fully seat
I have read several letters in the GLOCK Report my magazine after chambering one round from a strip-
about how friendly and helpful everyone, staff and vol- per. Needless to say, “we” did not win anything, but
unteer alike, is at the GSSF events, and the writers “we” had so much fun that it was well worth the trip.
weren’t kidding. The case of nerves I spoke of above With the new Amateur Subcompact category in
would have been worse had it not been for the help and “our” sights, expect to see “us,” my baby and me, in this
interest the Range Officers running the match showed year’s match. After a year together, “we” hope to do
to me and the other participants. much better this time. Thank you, and more power to
Now that I’ve done this once and seen what fun it is, your great organization.
I’m hooked. I would encourage everyone who, like me
for awhile, just reads the results in the GLOCK Report J. V.
and thinks they would be in over their head or California
page Six
Match Box
henever I’m at a GLOCK match, I receive
W positve comments on my “GSSF Match Box.” I
thought I’d send you this letter and a photo. There may
be others doing this, but I have not seen any like mine
during the past three years.
It provides a comfortable seat wherever I am, and
has room enough inside to carry ammo, magazines,
sunscreen, First Aid kit, snacks, towels, etc.
Appreciates GSSF
irst, let me say that I thoroughly enjoy shooting in
F GSSF competition. I have attended matches in
Indianapolis and Lexington, and found your staff and
the hosts to have the impeccable manners to go along
with their impeccable safety records. In addition to the
GLOCK matches, I also shoot in the IDPA using a stock
G19 with factory sights. I was able to place second in
the sharpshooter division in the Illinois state finals.
Much of that is due to the reliability and shootability of
your pistol.
I am looking forward to this summer, when I hope to
have the opportunity to participate in several GSSF
matches. With carriage bolts, I attached two lengths of PVC
pipe to the underside. These serve as water bottle car-
R. E. riers. I just freeze the bottles overnight before a match.
Illinois The box itself shades the bottles, keeping them from
melting too quickly. This provides ice water all day.
Beware of It’s another Pistol People idea worth sharing.
P. B.
wo friends of mine and I shoot in local combat,
T PPC and bowling pin matches. We also have
concealed carry permits. At first, we weren’t interested
page Seven
C. M.
We had a great time—thanks to the St. Charles Kudos to the GSSF Folks
Sportsmens Club and GLOCK for putting on such an his is a short note of thanks for the jobs the
outstanding event. T people of GSSF are doing for its members. I
participated in my first GSSF match in April, 1993 in
B. D.
Delaware Southern California. Since then, I have been able to
attend seven matches and have always had a positive
experience. This due in no small part to the staff and
Welcome to Colorado volunteers of GSSF.
received Volume I, 1999, of the GLOCK Report First, let me thank the volunteers who run the
I today. I enjoy it very much, had hope you will give
some thought to putting it out monthly, or even
stations. These folks are always friendly and helpful. If
you take heed of the shooting tips they offer, any of
bi-monthly. you shooters can improve your performance.
The letter “I Sold My GLOCK!” struck a chord with Second, the armorers are a GLOCK owner’s best
me, as I have had other semi-autos that would not fire friend. I always see them before I shoot a match. If
an entire box of shells without a jam, or hold up to parts are worn out, they replace them. If upgrades have
repeated firing on the range. I believe in Masaad been recommended, they install them. If your firearm
Ayoob’s recommendation that you not trust a pistol is dirty, they clean it. If you need cleaning, lubrication
until you can fire 200 rounds through it without a or GLOCK care advice, you will get what you need with
misfire of any kind. a smile.
I am happy to say that I have now put over 600 Lastly, thanks to the staff for putting on these
rounds through my G22 without one failure! And this is events. A second place finish in class B in 1994 paid my
with many different brands and styles of bullets. I think entry fees for my next five GSSF matches.
next on my list will be the G30. I have read many glow-
ing reports of this pistol, and I can’t wait to try one. M. G.
I was surprised and pleased to see that the Rocky California
Mountain Regional Classic V will be held here in
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Need some GLOCK apparel or accessories for your next GSSF match or
just to show off at the range? Don’t forget to visit the sales tent at
your next GSSF match or an official GLOCK Stocking Dealer near you!
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Meet GSSF’s 7 8 9 10
e at GLOCK, Inc. hope that you and the members of your community will take a first step toward
responsibility for the safe handling and safe storage of guns. Reading this safety handbook will give
you a good start toward safe and enjoyable firearm use. To learn more about safety and the shooting
sports, enroll in one of the many gun safety and shooting courses offered in all parts of the country. Learn more
about gun safety by signing up for a course in your area today. Remember that firearm safety is up to you!
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