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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,689,025

Abichandani et al. 45 Date of Patent: *Nov. 18, 1997
54 ETHYL BENZENE PRODUCTION PROCESS 5,173,461 12/1992 Absil et al..
WITH EX SITU SELECTIVATED ZEOLTE 5,321,183 6/1994 Changet al. ........................... 585,475
CATALYST 5,349,113 9/1994 Chang et al. . ... 585,475
5,349,114 9/1994 Lago et al.... ... 585,475
Inventors: Jeevan S. Abichandani, Voorhees; 5,365,003 11/1994 Chang et al. . ... 585/470
Jeffrey S. Beck, Princeton, both of N.J.; 5,367,099 11/1994. Becket al..... ... 585/475
Sharon B. McCullen, Newtown, Pa.; 5,382,737 1/1995 Becket al..... 585/475
5,403,800 4/1995 Beck et al. ................................ 502/64
David H. Olson, Pennington, N.J. 5,406,015 4/1995 Beck et al. ... ... 585/475
73 Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation, Fairfax, Va. 5,455,213 10/1995 Chang et al. ............................. 502/63
5,475,179 12/1995 Chang et al. .................... ... 585,475
5,476,823 12/1995 Becket al. ................................ 502/60
* Notice: The term of this patent shall not extend 5,488,194 1/1996 Becket al. ... ... 585/475
beyond the expiration date of Pat. No. 5,495,059 2/1996 Becket al. ... ... 585/470
5,349,114. 5,498,814 3/1996 Chang et al. . ... 585,475
5,516,736 5/1996 Chang et al. ............ ... 585,475
21 Appl. No. 382,103 5,516,956 5/1996 Abichandani et al. .. ... 585/481
5,565,004 10/1996 Becket al............................... 585/475
Related U.S. Application Data 0 296.582 A2 6/1988 European Pat. Off..
63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 69,251, May 28, 1993, Pat. OTHER PUBLICATIONS
No. 5,476,823. Nakajima et al., "p-Xylene-Selective Disproportionation of
51 Int. Cl. ................................................... CO7C2/68 Toluene over a Modified Pentasil Type Zeolite", Sekiyu
52 U.S.C. ... 585/467 Gakkaishi, 35(2), 185-189 (1992). (no month).
58 Field of Search ................................ 585/475, 481, Hibino et al., "Shape-Selectivity over HZSM-5 Modified
585/467 by Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Alkoxide", Jour
nal of Catalysis, 128, 551-558 (1991).
56 References Cited Chen et al., Shape Selective Catalysis in Industrial Appli
cations, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 214-217
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (1989). (no month).
3257,310 6/1966 Plank et al. . Lewis et al., "Ethylbenzene Unit Operates Well on Dilute
3,437.587 4/1969 Elbert et al.. Ethylene." Oil Gas J., 75, 55-58 (1977).
3,682,996 8/1972 Kerr. Dwyer et al., "Efficient, Nonpolluting Ethylbenzene Pro
3,698,157 10/1972 Allen et al.. cess," Chem. Eng, 83,90-91 (1976). (no month).
4,016,218 4/1977 Haag et al. . Dwyer, "Mobil/Badger Ethylbenzene Process-Chemistry
4,060,568 11/1977 Rodewald. and Catalytic Implications,” in Moser, W.R., ed., Catalysis
4,086,287 4/1978 Kaeding et al. . of Organic Reactions, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp.
4,090,981 5/1978 Rodewald. 39-50 (1981). (no month).
4,100,215 7/1978 Chen.
4,107,224 8/1978 Dwyer. Primary Examiner-Steven Bos
4,117,024 9/1978 Kaeding. Assistant Examiner-Thomas G. Dunn, Jr.
4,127,616 11/1978 Rodewald. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Peter W. Roberts; Dennis P.
4,145,315 3/1979 Rodewald. Santini
4,169,111 9/1979 Wight.
4,224,141 9/1980 Morrison et al. . (57) ABSTRACT
4,283,306 8/1981 Herkes .................................... 585/475
4,326,994 4/1982 Haag et al.. A process for ethylbenzene production that involves con
4402,867 9/1983 Rodewald. tacting a hydrocarbon feedstream including benzene and
4,443,554 4/1984. Dessau. ethylene, under alkylation conditions, with a catalytic
4,465,886 8/1984 Rodewald . molecular sieve which has been modified by being ex situ
4,477,583 10/1984 Rodewald. selectivated with a silicon compound. The ex situ selecti
4.487,843 12/1984 Telford et al. . vation involves exposing the molecular sieve to at least two
4,522,929 6/1985 Chester et al. . selectivation sequences, each selectivation sequence com
4,548,914 10/1985 Chu. prising contacting the catalyst with a silicon compound
4559,314 12/1985 Shihabi.
4,843,057 6/1989 D'Amore et al. . followed by calcination. The modified catalyst used in the
4,851,604 7/1989 Absil et al. . process may also be steamed. Optionally, the modified
4,927,979 5/1990 Yamagishi et al.. catalyst may be trim-selectivated.
4,950,835 8/1990 Wang et al..
5,157,185 10/1992 Chu et al.. 21 Claims, No Drawings
1. 2
ETHYLBENZENE PRODUCTION PROCESS Ethylbenzene production processes are described in U.S.
WITH EX STU SELECTIVATED ZEOLTE Pat. No. 3,751,504 (Keown), U.S. Pat. No. 4,547,605
CATALYST (Kresge), and U.S. Pat No. 4,016,218 (Haag); reference is
made to these patents for a detailed description of such
processes. The process described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,751.504
is of particular note since it includes a separate transalky
This is continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. lation step in the recycle loop which is effective for con
08/069,251 filed on May 28, 1993 now U.S. Pat. No. verting a significant proportion of the more highly alkylated
5,476,823. The entire disclosure of the above-cited applica products to the desired ethylbenzene product. Other pro
tion is expressly incorporated herein by reference. 10 cesses for the production of ethylbenzene are disclosed in
U.S. Pat. No. 4,169,111 (Wight) and U.S. Pat. No. 4.459.426
(Inwood), in both of which a preference for large pore size
The present invention is directed to an improved process zeolites such as zeolite Y is expressed, in distinction to the
of alkylation of benzene with ethylene over a modified intermediate pore size zeolites used in the processes
catalytic molecular sieve. - 15 described in the Keown, Kresge and Haag patents. U.S. Pat.
Ethylbenzene is a valuable commodity chemical which is No. 3,755,483 (Burress) describes a process for the produc
currently used industrially for the large scale production of tion of ethylbenzene using zeolite ZSM-12 as the alkylation
styrene monomer. Ethylbenzene may be produced by a catalyst.
number of different chemical processes, but one process The term "shape-selective catalysis” describes unex
which has achieved a significant degree of commercial 20 pected catalytic selectivities in zeolites. the principles
success is the vapor phase alkylation of benzene with behind shape selective catalysis have been reviewed
ethylene in the presence of a solid, acidic ZSM-5 zeolite extensively, e.g., by Chen et al., Shape Selective Catalysis in
catalyst. In the production of ethylbenzene by this process, Industrial Applications, 36, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York
ethylene is used as the alkylating agent and is reacted with (1989). Within a zeolite pore, hydrocarbon conversion reac
benzene in the presence of the catalyst at temperatures 25 tions such as paraffin isomerization, olefin skeletal or double
which vary between the critical temperature of benzene up bond isomerization, oligomerization and aromatic
to 900 F (about 480° C) at the reactor inlet. The reactor disproportionation, alkylation or transalkylation reactions
bed temperature may be as much as 150° F (about 85°C.) are governed by constraints imposed by the channel size.
above the reactor inlet temperature and typical temperatures Several principal shape selectivity constraints operate in
for the benzene/ethylene reaction vary from 600°F. to 900 30 zeolite-catalyzed reactions. Reactant selectivity occurs
F. (315° C. to 480° C), but are usually maintained above when a fraction of the feedstock is too large to enter the
about 700° F (about 371° C) in order to keep the content of zeolite pores to react. Product selectivity, on the other hand,
the more highly alkylated benzenes such as diethylbenzene occurs when some of the products of the reaction cannot
at an acceptably low level. Pressures typically vary from leave the Zeolite channels. Product distributions can also be
atmospheric to 3000 psig (about 20785 kPa abs) with a 35 altered by transition state selectivity in which certain reac
molar ratio of benzene to ethylene of from about 1:1 to 25:1, tions cannot occur because the reaction transition state is too
usually about 5:1 (benzene:ethylene). Weight hourly space large to form within the zeolite pores or cages. Another type
velocity (WHSV) in the reaction is high, usually in the range of selectivity results from configurational constraints on
of 1 to 6, typically 2 to 5, based on the ethylene flow, with diffusion where the dimensions of the molecule approach
the benzene space velocity varying accordingly, in propor that of the zeolite pore system. A small change in the
tion to the ratio of the reactants. The products of the reaction dimensions of the molecule or the zeolite pore can result in
include ethylbenzene, which is obtained in increasing pro large diffusion changes leading to different product distri
portions as temperature increases, together with various butions. This type of shape selective catalysis is
polyethylbenzenes, principally diethylbenzene (DIEB), demonstrated, for example, in shape selective alkylations of
which also are produced in increasing amounts as reaction 45 benzene.
temperature increases. Under favorable operating conditions Various methods are known in the art for increasing the
on the industrial scale, an ethylene conversion in excess of selectivity of zeolite catalysts. One such method is to modify
90 weight percent (wt.%) may be obtained at the start of the the catalyst by treatment with a chemical "selectivating
cycle. agent". For example, U.S. Pat Nos. 5,173,461, 4,950,835,
In the commercial operation of this process, the polyalky 50 4,927,979, 4465,886, 4477,583, 4,379,761, 4,145,315,
lated benzenes, including both polymethylated and poly 4,127.616, 4,100,215, 4,090,981, 4,060.568 and 3,698,157
ethylated benzenes are recycled to the alkylation reactor in disclose specific methods for contacting a catalyst with a
which the reaction between the benzene and the ethylene selectivating agent containing silicon ("silicon-containing
takes place. By recycling the by-products to the alkylation selectivating agent'). Other types of selectivating agents are
reaction, increased conversion is obtained as the polyethy 55 known.
lated benzenes (PEB) are converted to ethylbenzene (EB). In Traditionally, ex situ selectivation of zeolites has involved
addition, the presence of the PEB during the alkylation single applications of the selectivating agent. It may be
reaction reduces formation of these species through equili noted, however, that a suggestion of multiple treatments was
bration of the components because, at a given feed compo made in U.S. Pat. No. 4283.306 to Herkes. The Herkes
sition and under specific operating conditions, the PEB patent discloses the promotion of crystalline silica catalyst
recycle will reach equilibrium at a certain level. This com by application of an amorphous silica such as ethylortho
mercial process is known as the Mobil/Badger process and silicate. The Herkes patent contrasts the performance of
is described in more detail in an article by Francis G. Dwyer, catalyst treated once with an ethylorthosilicate solution
entitled "Mobil/Badger Ethylbenzene Process-Chemistry followed by calcination against the performance of catalyst
and Catalytic Implications”, appearing on pages 39-50 of a 65 treated twice with ethylorthosilicate and calcined after each
book entitled Catalysis of Organic Reactions, edited by treatment. The Herkes disclosure shows that the twice
William R. Moser, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1981). treated catalyst is less active and less selective than the
3 f 4
once-treated catalyst as measured by methylation of toluene modified catalytic molecular sieve by contacting a reaction
by methanol, indicating that multiple ex situ selectivation stream comprising ethylene and benzene, under alkylation
confers no benefit and in fact reduces a catalyst's efficacy in conditions, with a modified catalytic molecular sieve. The
shape-selective reactions. catalytic molecular sieve found to be useful for the process
It is well known to alkylate benzene with ethylene by of the invention has been modified by exposing the catalytic
means of zeolite catalysts. Such a process is described in molecular sieve to at least two ex situ selectivation
U.S. Pat. No. 4,107,224. The catalyst disclosed in this patent sequences. Each ex situ selectivation sequence includes
for producing aromatic compounds in high yield is a ZSM-5 contacting the catalytic molecular sieve with a silicon
type zeolite having 50-75% of the cationic sites occupied by containing selectivating agent, followed by calcination of
hydrogen ions. Other descriptions of benzene alkylation 10 the contacted catalytic molecular sieve. Selectivating agents
reactions are given in Dwyer, F. G., and Lewis, P. J., Chem. useful in the present invention include a large variety of
Eng, 83:90 (1976); Lewis, P. J. and Dwyer, F. G., Oil Gas silicon-containing compounds, preferably silicon com
J., 75:55 (1977); and Chen N. Y., Garwood, W. E., and pounds which are substantially soluble in organic media.
Dwyer, F. G., Shape Selective Catalysis in Industrial Such organic media (i.e., "carriers" for the selectivating
Applications, page 214, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York 15 agent) include alkanes, preferably paraffins having 3 or more
(1989). carbons.
In the vapor phase ethylbenzene (EB) process, the alky In another embodiment, the invention also includes a
lation of benzene with ethylene invariably leads to the process of shape selective alkylation of benzene over a
formation of a small amount of xylenes (ca. 1000 ppm in the modified catalytic molecular sieve that has been further
EB product). The xylene isomers exist in thermodynamic 20 modified by in situ trim-selectivating the modified catalytic
equilibrium quantities (i.e., plm/o:1/2/1). In addition, a molecular sieve. The in situ trim-selectivating may be per
substantial portion of the ethylene is consumed in the formed by coke trim-selectivating wherein an organic com
formation of polyalkylated compounds some of which result pound is decomposed in the presence of the modified
in the formation of heavy components (residue) which are catalytic molecular sieve, at conditions suitable for decom
rejected. This residue formation is associated with loss of 25 posing the organic compound. Alternatively, the trim
valuable feedstocks, i.e., benzene and ethylene. selectivating may be performed by exposing the modified
The xylenes are undesirable because they cannot be easily catalytic molecular sieve to a reaction stream that includes
separated from the productEB, which is the feed to a styrene an organic compound and a trim-selectivating agent, includ
unit. Furthermore, from amongst the xylene isomers the ing any of a large variety of silicon-containing compounds,
30 at reaction conditions.
ortho-xylene is the most undesirable component, because it
is almost impossible to separate it from the styrene, and ends Advantageously, the described modified catalysts have
up as an impurity in the finished product. enhanced shape selectivity for the alkylation of benzene.
Therefore, it would be a significant advance in the art to Accordingly, the benzene alkylation process of the invention
overcome the above-described difficulties, disadvantages 35
exhibits increased selectivity for ethylbenzene as well as
and deficiencies associated with conventional benzene alky against certain of the by-products of the alkylation process.
lation processes in a manner that would enable use of For a better understanding of the present invention,
modified catalytic sieves produced by methods which are together with other and further objects, reference is made to
both more efficient and safer and that would also increase the following detailed description, and its scope will be
product yields and reduce the proportion of undesirable pointed out in the appended claims.
impurities in the product of such alkylation processes. DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE
The present invention solves the difficulties, INVENTION
disadvantages, and deficiencies inherent in the prior art by
providing an improved process for vapor phase alkylation of The present invention relates to enhanced shape selective
benzene. The process of the invention produces greater 45 processes for the vapor phase alkylation of benzene with
product selectivity, and greater product purity than do con ethylene over modified catalytic molecular sieves.
ventional processes. The process of the invention also pro The catalytic molecular sieves useful according to the
vides substantially reduced levels of undesired by-products, invention preferably include intermediate pore zeolites. It is
e.g., ortho-xylene and diethylbenzene. In addition, the pro preferred that the catalytic molecular sieves of the invention
cess of the invention results in substantially lower produc 50 exhibit a Constraint Index of between about 1 and about 12.
tion of residue, which, in turn, results in substantially greater The method for determining Constraint Index is described
economy and efficiency of the benzene alkylation process. fully in U.S. Pat. No. 4,016,218, incorporated by reference
Accordingly, it is a purpose of the invention to provide an herein. Zeolites which conform to the specified values of
improved process for the vapor phase alkylation of benzene 55 Constraint Index for intermediate pore zeolites include
over a catalytic molecular sieve. ZSM-5, ZSM-11, ZSM-5/ZSM-11 intermediate, ZSM-12,
It is a further purpose of the invention to provide an ZSM-22, ZSM-23, ZSM-35, ZSM-48, ZSM-50, and ZSM
improved process for alkylating benzene which overcomes 57. An especially preferred zeolite is ZSM-5. Such zeolites
the above-described difficulties, disadvantages, and defi are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,702,886 and
ciencies of the prior art practice of these processes. Re. 29.949, 3,709,979, 3,832,449, 4,046,859, 4,556,447,
4,076,842, 4,016.245, 4.229,424, 4397,827, 4,640,849,
Other purposes and advantages of the present invention 4,046,685, 3,308,069 and Re. 28.341, to which reference is
will be more fully apparent from the following detailed made for the details of these zeolites.
disclosure and appended claims. The catalytic molecular sieves useful for the invention are
preferably in the hydrogen, "as-synthesized", form prior to
65 modification, but may be used in the ammonium or sodium
In accordance with the present invention, there is pro form. Other materials may also be present, including hydro
vided a process of vapor phase alkylation of benzene over a gen precursor, organic cations, and combinations thereof.
5 6
"Hydrogen precursor" compounds include compounds well aluminaratio of up to about 200 are useful, it is preferred to
known in the art, such as quaternary nitrogen ions, which use zeolites having ratios of at least about 20 to about 1000.
contain hydrogen substituents and which, upon heating, For the improved benzene alkylation processes of this
yield protons. See, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,755,483 to invention, the suitable molecular sieve may be employed in
Burress, the disclosure of which is incorporated by reference 5 combination with a support or binder material such as, for
herein. example, a porous inorganic oxide support or a clay binder.
The crystal size of zeolites used for the invention is While the preferred binder is silica, other non-acidic binder
preferably greater than about 0.1 micron. The accurate materials may be employed, generally in the form of dried
measurement of crystal size of Zeolite materials is frequently inorganic oxide gels or gelatinous precipitates. Suitable clay
very difficult. Microscopy methods, such as SEM and TEM, 10 materials include, by way of example, bentonite and kiesel
are often used, but these methods require measurements on guhr. The relative proportion of suitable crystalline molecu
a large number of crystals, and for each crystal measured, lar sieve to the total composition of catalyst and binder or
values may be required in up to three dimensions. For support may be from about 5% to about 98% by weight and
ZSM-5 materials described in the examples below, estimates is preferably from about 25% to about 80% by weight of the
were made of the effective average crystal size by measuring 15 composition. The composition may be in the form of an
the rate of sorption of 2,2-dimethylbutane at 90° C. and 60 extrudate, beads or fluidizable microspheres. The catalyst
torr hydrocarbon pressure. The crystal size is computed by may also be used in self-bound form.
applying the diffusion equation given by J. Crank, The In conventional applications, the silicon compound
Mathematics of Diffusion, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, employed may be in the form of a solution, an emulsion, or
52-56 (1957), for the rate of sorbate uptake by a solid whose 20 a gas under the conditions of contact with a zeolite. For the
diffusion properties can be approximated by a plane sheet modification of catalysts according to the invention, the
model. In addition, the diffusion constant (D) of 2,2- silicon compoundis preferably contacted with the catalyst as
dimethylbutane under these conditions is taken to be 1.5x a liquid, most preferably a solution including a silicon
10'cm/sec. The relation between crystal size measured in containing selectivating agent dissolved in an organic car
microns, d, the diffusion time measured in minutes, and to, 25 rier. The deposited silicon compound preferably extensively
the time required for the uptake of 30% of capacity of covers, and resides substantially exclusively on, the external
hydrocarbon, is: surface of the molecular sieve. Examples of methods of
d=0.0704xt. depositing silicon on the surface of the Zeolite are found in
U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,090,981, 4,127,616, 4,465,886 and 4477,
In the present case, these measurements have been made on 30 583, which are incorporated by reference herein. Other
a computer controlled, thermogravimetric electrobalance, examples of the deposition of a silicon compound on zeolite
but there are numerous ways by which one skilled in the art surfaces are described in Nakajima et al., Sekiyu Gakkaishi,
could obtain such data. The crystal material preferred for the 35, 185-189 (1992), and in U.S. Pat. No. 4,950,835.
invention has a sorption time, to, of 7.8 minutes, and a For the modification method of the present invention, a
calculated crystal size of 0.20 micron. 35 zeolite, either incorporated with a binder or in unbound
The "alpha value" of a catalyst is an approximate indi form, is contacted at least twice, preferably between about
cation of the catalytic cracking activity of the catalyst two and about six times, with a selectivating agent dissolved
compared to a standard catalyst, and it gives the relative rate in an organic solvent. The selectivating agent comprises a
constant (rate of normal hexane conversion per volume of compound or polymer containing a main group or transition
catalyst per unit time). It is based on the activity of the 40 metal, preferably silicon. The catalyst is contacted with a
amorphous silica-alumina cracking catalyst taken as an solution of the silicon-containing selectivating agent in an
alpha of 1 (Rate Constant=0.16 sec'). The alpha test is organic solvent at a catalyst/selectivating agent weight ratio
described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,354,078 and in Journal of of from about 100/1 to about 1/10, at a temperature of from
Catalysis, 4,522-529 (1965); 6,278 (1966); 61,395 (1980), about 10° C. to about 150° C., at a pressure of from about
each incorporated herein by reference as to that description. 45 0 psig to about 200 psig, for a time of from about 0.1 hr to
It is noted that intrinsic rate constants for many acid about 24 hours. The organic carrier is preferably removed,
catalyzed reactions are proportional to the alpha value for a e.g., by distillation or evaporation, with or without vacuum.
particular crystalline silicate catalyst (see "The Active Site The catalyst is then calcined. This methodological sequence
of Acidic Aluminosilicate Catalysts", Nature, 309,589-591 comprising the step of contacting of the catalyst with the
(14 Jun. 1984). The experimental conditions of the test used 50 selectivating agent solution and the step of calcining the
herein include a constant temperature of 538° C. and a contacted catalyst is termed a "selectivation sequence.”The
variable flow rate as described in detail in the Journal of catalysts of the invention, then, are exposed to at least two
Catalysis, 61, 395 (1980). The alkylation process of the of these selectivation sequences.
present invention generally requires a catalyst having acidic As used herein, the term "selectivating agent" is used to
activity. Such catalysts generally have an alpha value greater 55 indicate substances which will increase the shape-selectivity
than 1, for example, from about 1 to about 2000, preferably of a catalytic molecular sieve to the-desired levels while
from about 10 to about 500, more preferably from about 10 maintaining commercially acceptable levels of hydrocarbon
to about 100. The alpha value of the catalyst may be conversion. Such substances include, for example, organic
increased by initially treating the catalyst by mild steaming. silicon compounds such as phenylmethyl silicone, dimethyl
This type of steaming is discussed in U.S. Pat. No. 4326, 60 silicone, and blends thereof which have been found to be
994. suitable. In general, such organosilicon compounds must be
The silica to alumina ratio (SiO/Al2O) of the catalysts soluble in organic solvents such as those described else
of the invention may be determined by conventional analy where herein. In addition, a "solution" is intended to mean
sis. This ratio is meant to represent, as closely as possible, a uniformly dispersed mixture of one or mores substances at
the ratio in the rigid atomic framework of the zeolite crystal 65 a molecular or ionic level. The skilled artisan will appreciate
and to exclude aluminum in the binder or in cationic or other that solutions, both ideal and colloidal, differ from emul
form within the channels. Although zeolites with a silica to SOS.
7 8
Useful selectivating agents include silicones and silicone be employed as carriers. Especially preferred low volatility
polymers which can be characterized by the general for hydrocarbon carriers of selectivating agents include decane
mula: and dodecane.
It has been found that a scheme comprising at least two
R1 selectivation sequences provides increased efficiency of
deposition of the silicon compound on the surface of the
i-o catalyst. This increased efficiency allows for the use of
R relatively small quantities of the silicon compound as well as
relatively small quantities of the solvent carrier.
1.O Accordingly, the amount of silica deposited on the catalyst,
where R is hydrogen, halogen, hydroxyl, alkyl, halogenated as a fraction of the silicon compound in the selectivating
alkyl, aryl, halogenated aryl, aralkyl, halogenated aralkyl, agent solution, tends to be greater when the deposition is
alkaryl or halogenated alkaryl. The hydrocarbon substituents performed stepwise in a sequential fashion according to the
generally contain from 1 to 10 carbon atoms, preferably invention, than when the deposition is made entirely by a
methyl or ethyl groups. R is independently selected from single contacting of the catalyst with the selectivating agent.
15 In addition, it has been observed that the activity and
the same group as R, and n is an integer of at least 2 and
generally in the range of 3 to 1000. The molecular weight of selectivity of the catalysts modified by multiple selectivation
the silicone compound employed is generally between about sequences tend to be substantially higher than the activity
80 and about 20,000 and preferably within the approximate and selectivity of a catalyst modified by the deposition of a
range of 150 to 10,000. Representative silicone compounds comparable amount of silica in a single step.
include dimethyl silicone, diethyl silicone, phenylmethyl 20 Following each contacting of the catalyst with a silicon
silicone, methylhydrogen silicone, ethylhydrogen silicone, compound, wherein the silicon compound is deposited, the
phenylhydrogen silicone, methylethyl silicone, phenylethyl contacted catalyst is calcined to decompose the molecular or
silicone, diphenyl silicone, methyltrifluoropropyl silicone, polymeric species to a solid state species. The catalyst may
ethyltrifluoropropyl silicone, polydimethyl silicone, tetra be calcined by increasing the temperature at a rate of from
chlorophenylmethyl silicone, tetrachlorophenylethyl 25 about 0.2°C/minute to about 5°C/minute, until reaching a
silicone, tetrachlorophenylhydrogen silicone, tetrachlo temperature greater than 200° C., but below a temperature at
rophenylphenyl silicone, methylvinyl silicone and ethylvi which the crystallinity of the zeolite is adversely affected.
nyl silicone. The silicone compound need not be linear, but Generally, such temperature will be below 600° C. Prefer
may be cyclic, for example, hexamethyl cyclotrisiloxane, ably the temperature of calcination is within the approximate
octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane, hexaphenyl cyclotrisiloxane 30 range of 350° C. to 550° C. The product is maintained at the
and octaphenyl cyclotetrasiloxane. Mixtures of these com calcination temperatire usually for 1 to 24 hours, preferably
pounds may also be used, as may silicones with other for between 2 and 6 hours.
functional groups. The calcination process may be performed in an atmo
Other silicon compounds, including silanes and alkoxy sphere of N, an oxygen-containing atmosphere, preferably
silanes, such as tetramethoxy silane, may also be utilized. 35 air, an atmosphere of N followed by an oxygen-containing
These useful silicon-containing selectivating agents include atmosphere, or an atmosphere containing a mixture of N
silanes and alkoxysilanes characterizable by the general and air. Calcination should be performed in an atmosphere
formula: substantially free of water vapor, to avoid undesirable
uncontrolled steaming of the catalyst. The catalyst may be
R3 calcined once or more than once after each contacting with
Rs-Si-Rs a selectivating agent. The various calcinations in any selec
tivation sequence need not be identical, but may vary with
R respect to the temperature, the rate of temperature rise, the
atmosphere and the duration of calcination.
where R, R RandR are independently selected from the 45 Factors upon which the amount of silica incorporated with
group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxyl, halogen, alkyl, the zeolite is dependent include temperature of contact with
halogenated alkyl, alkoxy, aryl, halogenated aryl, aralkyl, the selectivating agent, the type and concentration of the
halogenated aralkyl, alkaryl, and halogenated alkaryl silicon compound in the contacting medium, the degree to
groups. Mixtures of these compounds may also be used. which the zeolite has been dried prior to contact with the
Preferred silicon-containing selectivating agents include 50 silicon compound, the conditions of calcination of the con
dimethylphenylmethyl polysiloxane (e.g., Dow-550) and tacted zeolite, and the number of selectivation sequences
phenylmethyl polysilocane (e.g., Dow-710). Dow-550 and performed.
Dow-710 are available from Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Subsequent to the ex situ selectivation of the catalyst, the
Mich. catalyst may be further modified in situ, i.e., in the reactor
Preferably, the kinetic diameter of the high efficiency, 55 in which the process of hydrocarbon conversion is per
selectivating agent is larger than the Zeolite pore diameter, in formed.
order to avoid entry of the selectivating agent into the pore The feed of benzene and ethylene may be co-fed simul
and any concomitant reduction in the internal activity of the taneously with a second selectivating agent and hydrogen at
catalyst. reaction conditions until the desired ethylbenzene
Examples of suitable organic media (carriers) for the selectivity, e.g., 90%, is attained, whereupon the co-feed of
organosilicon selectivating agent include linear, branched, selectivating agentis discontinued. This co-feeding of selec
and cyclic alkanes having three or more carbons. In the tivating agent is discontinued. This co-feeding of selectivat
methods of the present invention it is preferred that the ing agent with the hydrocarbon feed is a type of “trim
carrier is a linear, branched, or cyclic alkane having a boiling selectivation' or "in situ selectivation'. Reaction conditions
point greater than about 70° C., and preferably containing 7 65 for this in situ selectivation step generally include a tem
or more carbons. Optionally, mixtures of low volatility perature of from about 350° C. to about 540° C., and a
organic compounds, such as hydrocracker recycle oil, may pressure of from about atmospheric to about 5000 psig. The
reaction stream is fed to the system at a rate of from about by reference to the phase diagram for benzene. In the vapor
0.1 WHSV to about 20 WHSV. Hydrogen may be fed at a phase reaction, the conditions are selected to maintain the
hydrogen to hydrocarbon molar ratio of from about 0.1 to benzene in the vapor phase, for example, with a reactor inlet
about 20. temperature which is above the temperature required to
The selectivating agent for trim-selectivation may be maintain the benzene in the vapor phase at the selected
selected from among the exemplary silicon compounds pressure, with a preferred maximum of about 900° F (about
discussed in greater detail above with respect to ex situ 480° C.). Because the reaction is exothermic, the reactor bed
selectivation. For example, organic silicon compounds such temperature will be higher than the reactor inlet
as phenylmethyl silicone, dimethyl silicone, and mixtures temperatures, typically by as much as about 150° F (about
thereof are suitable. According to one embodiment of the 10 85°C.), but generally it is preferred to control the exotherm
present invention, a silicone containing phenylmethyl to a maximum of about 100°F (about 55°C.). In most cases,
silicone and dimethylsilicone groups in a ratio of about 1:1 the reaction temperature will be from about 300° F (about
is co-fed to the system, while the other components, e.g., 150° C) to about 850° F (about 455° C) with a yield of
hydrocarbon and hydrogen, are fed in the amounts set forth ethylbenzene increasing with increasing temperatures.
above. The selectivating agent is co-fed in an amount of 15 Normally, a temperature of at least 500° F (about 260° C)
from about 0.001 wt.% to about 10 wt.% of the hydrocarbon will be used. Because the yield of PEB and certain other
according to this preferred embodiment. Depending upon by-products usually decreases with increasing temperature,
the percentage of selectivating agent used, the trimselecti higher temperatures toward 900° F (about 480° C) would
vation will last for at least one hour, preferably about 1 to be preferred, although a disadvantage of these higher tem
about 48 hours, more preferably less than 24 hours. peratures is that the yield of xylenes would be increased. The
In this scheme the silicon compound will decompose to weight ratio of ethylbenzene to diethylbenzene produced in
deposit additional silica to on the catalyst. During the in situ the vapor phase alkylation step may be from about 2 to about
selectivation procedure the selectivity of the catalyst will be 30.
observed to increase further. The silicon-containing polymer Pressures during the vapor phase alkylation step typically
or molecular species may be dissolved in toluene or other 25 are between atmospheric and about 3000 psig (about 20785
appropriate aromatic or hydrocarbon carrier. kPa abs) and generally will not exceed 1000 psig (about
Alternatively, the catalyst, prior to contacting with hydro 7000 kPa abs). Relatively low temperature atmospheric
carbon under alkylation conditions, may be subjected to a pressures, for example, about 50 or 100 psig (about 445 or
trim-selectivation process known as "coke trimming". This 790 kPa abs), sufficient to maintain the desired flow rates
process involves exposing the modified catalyst to a ther 30 through the reaction bed, will normally be satisfactory. The
mally decomposable organic compound at an elevated tem reaction is preferably carried out in the absence of hydrogen
perature in excess of the decomposition temperature of said and, accordingly, the prevailing pressures are usually those
compound but below the temperature at which crystallinity of the reactant species. In a typicallow pressure vapor phase
of the zeolite is adversely affected. Generally, this tempera operation, the temperature will be from about 600° F to
ture will be less than about 650° C. 35
about 800°F, (315° C. to 427° C), with the pressure from
Organic materials, thermally decomposable under the about 50 psig to about 500 psig, usually from about 200 psig
above temperature conditions to provide coke trimming, to about 500 psig.
encompass a wide variety of compounds including by way The space velocity may be from about 0.1 to about 10
of example, hydrocarbons, such as paraffinic, WHSV, based on the ethylene feed, butis usually maintained
cycloparaffinic, olefinic, cycloolefinic and aromatic; at a relatively high value, e.g., from about 1 to about 10
oxygen-containing organic compounds such as alcohols, WHSV, typically between about 1 and about 6WHSV, based
aldehydes, ethers, ketones and phenols; heterocyclics such on the ethylene, for the gas phase reaction.
as furans, thiophenes, pyrroles and pyridines. Usually, it is
contemplated that a thermally decomposable hydrocarbon, The ratio of the benzene to the ethylene in the alkylation
such as an olefin or paraffin, will be the source of coke, most 45 reactor is typically about 1:1 on a molar basis
preferably the ethylene itself being subjected to benzene (benzene:ethylene, fresh feed). The ratio in the reactors may
alkylation. In the latter case, the hydrocarbon is initially be higher as a result of the benzene recycle, with ratios
brought into contact with the catalyst under conditions of above 20:1 being possible, typically about 5:1 to about 30:1.
temperature and hydrogen concentration amenable to rapid The use of temperatures significantly above about 950 F.
coke formation. Typically, coke trimming is conducted at 50 is undesirable because, at these high temperatures, various
conditions outside the operating parameters used during the undesirable reactions occur. The reactants and the alkylated
maintime span of the catalytic cycle. When the desired coke products undergo degradation resulting in the loss of the
deposition has been effected, the hydrocarbon feed is con desired products as well as the reactants. In addition, unde
tinued in contact with the coke-containing catalyst under sirable residues may be formed from other side reactions.
conditions of temperature and hydrogen concentration con 55 The ethylene which functions as the alkylating agent will
ducive to benzene alkylation, with a greatly reduced coking tend to polymerize with itself, especially at high pressures or
rate. with other reactants, forming resinous compounds within the
Alkylation of Benzene reaction zone. These resinous compounds together with the
degradation products may lead to the formation of coke-like
The modified zeolite catalysts useful in the present inven deposits on the active surfaces of the catalyst which will
tion are advantageously used in the alkylation of benzene rapidly inhibit the high activity necessary in the catalyst for
with ethylene to provide ethylbenzene (EB). Alkylations of acceptable conversion rates. The use of temperatures below
benzene in which the catalysts of the invention can be used about 900° F (about 480° C) will normally enable these
are described, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,107.224, the problems to be maintained within acceptable bounds.
disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference. 65 The alkylation process can be carried out as a batch-type,
The alkylation reaction is carried out at elevated tempera semi-continuous or continuous operation utilizing a fixed,
tures in the vapor phase. Suitable conditions can be selected fluidized or moving bed catalyst system. The process is,
11 12
however, preferably operated in the general manner The properties of the catalyst of the invention also greatly
described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,751,504 (Keown). Reference is reduce ortho-xylene make, shifting the isomer concentra
made to U.S. Pat. No. 3,751,504 for a description of the tions of the xylenes substantially away from thermodynamic
process configuration. The use of a separate vapor phase equilibrium. The shape selective properties of the catalyst
transalkylation reactor in the recycle loop for the higher described herein also inhibit the formation of larger poly
alkylated products is described in the Keown patent. alkylated molecules. This reduces the residue make, which,
It will be understood that the hydrocarbon feed to the in turn, increases the utilization of ethylene and benzene
transalkylation step may comprise other hydrocarbons in towards formation of more desirable products. Additionally,
addition to benzene and diethylbenzenes. These hydrocar the constraints of the catalyst useful for the invention affect
bons include byproducts from the vapor phase alkylation O the production of diethylbenzene isomers, generally allow
step which are carried over along with diethylbenzenes ing the escape from the catalyst of only the para
when diethylbenzenes are removed from the ethylbenzene diethylbenzene isomer. Therefore, almost pure para-DEB
product from the vapor phase alkylation step. These other may be taken as a by-product, leaving all other polyalkylated
hydrocarbons may include cumene, butylbenzenes and other materials to be diverted to a dealkylation unit. Since this
polyethylbenzenes, such as triethylbenzenes. To the extent 15 secondary reactor is then a true dealkylation unit, it does not
that other polyethylbenzenes, such as triethylbenzenes, are require any compromise in catalyst selection on operating
included in the feed to the transalkylation step, these other conditions, enhancing the utility of the process by further
polyalkylbenzenes can contribute to the yield of ethylben limiting residue formation.
zene products obtained via transalkylation reactions of the As explained in greater detail elsewhere herein, the
polyethylbenzenes with benzene. 20 present invention provides a process for obtaining ethylene
As used herein, the term "ethylbenzene selectivity" means conversions of at least about 95%, preferably at least about
the proportion of ethylbenzene, indicated as a percentage, 98%, with an ethylbenzene selectivity of greater than about
among all of the products of the alkylation reaction. 90%, preferably at least about 95%.
The present invention is described in detail below in 25
The hydrocarbon feed may also contain diluents. Diluents
relation to the alkylation of benzene over a multiply may include other hydrocarbons such as methane and
selectivated catalyst. Normally a single pass conversion of a ethane, which may be present in the feed in aggregate
hydrocarbon stream, comprising benzene and ethylene, amounts greater than the quantity of ethylene of benzene.
results in a product stream which includes ethylbenzene Other diluents include gases such as hydrogen, nitrogen,
along with various C-C aromatics such as benzene, 30
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and mixtures thereof,
toluene, mixed xylenes and other Caromatics as well as a The feed stream may also include various impurities such
variety of C aromatics and polyalkylated aromatics. The as water, hydrogen Sulfide and other organic compounds in
product stream produced by conventional benzene alkyla small amounts, provided that the purity of the product is not
tion processes generally carries an unacceptably high C. greatly compromised.
polyalkylated aromatics content. 35 The hydrocarbon feedstock may also be dried, if desired,
In the vapor phase ethylbenzene (EB) process, the alky in a manner which will minimize moisture entering the
lation of benzene with ethylene invariably leads to the reaction Zone. Numerous methods known in the art are
formation of a small amount of xylenes (ca. 1000 ppm in the suitable for drying the hydrocarbon charge for the process of
EB product). The xylene isomers exist in thermodynamic the invention. These methods include percolation through
equilibrium quantities (i.e. plm?o: 1/2/1). In addition, a sub any suitable desiccant, for example, silica gel, activated
stantial portion of the ethylene is consumed in the formation alumina, molecular sieves or other suitable substances, or
of polyalkylated compounds some of which result in the the use of liquid charge dryers.
formation of heavy components (residue) which are Operating conditions employed in the process of the
rejected. This residue formation is associated with loss of present invention will affect the ethylbenzene selectivity and
valuable feedstocks, benzene and ethylene. 45 hydrocarbon conversion. Such conditions include the
The xylenes are undesirable because they cannot be easily temperature, pressure, space velocity, molar ratio of the
separated from the productEB, which is the feed to a styrene reactants, and the hydrogen to hydrocarbon mole ratio
unit. Furthermore, from amongst the xylene isomers the (H/HC). It has also been observed that an increased space
ortho-xylene is the most undesirable component, because it velocity (WHSV) can enhance the selectivity of the modi
is almost impossible to separate from the styrene, and ends 50 fied catalyst in benzene alkylation reactions. This charac
up as an impurity in the finished product. teristic of the modified catalyst allows for substantially
Typically, the polyalkylated compounds are isolated and improved throughput when compared to current commercial
either recycled back to the reactor or to a separate transalky practices. In addition, it has been observed that the alkyla
lator. The major component in the polyalkylated benzenes is tion process may be performed using Has a diluent, thereby
diethylbenzene (DEB). The primary function of the tran 55 dramatically increasing the cycle length of the catalyst. For
salkylator is to transalkylate DEB with benzene to produce example, it has been observed that an increase in tempera
more E.B. However, the other polyalkylated compounds, ture can increase the activity of the modified catalyst.
such as n-propyl benzene and n-butylbenzene can only be The following Examples further illustrate the various
removed by dealkylation. Therefore, in reality the transalky features of the invention, and are not intended in any way to
lator is also a dealkylator, and hence its catalyst selection limit the scope of the invention, which is defined in the
and operating conditions are a compromise between the appended claims.
optimum for transalkylation and dealkylation. Due to this EXAMPLE 1.
compromise some of the products of dealkylation react
further with polyalkylated compounds to form more residue. In a first ex situ selectivation sequence, 100 grams of dry
In contrast, a catalyst treated in the manner described herein 65 silica-bound HZSM-5 having a crystal size of 0.2 micron
yields a significantly ethylbenzene-enriched product from was contacted with 102 grams of a 7.3% solution of dim
benzene alkylation with ethylene. ethylphenylmethyl polysilicone (Dow-550) in dodecane at
13 14
room temperature with mixing for two hours. The sample The ethylene conversion is greater than 95% in a single
was filtered and then calcined. The moist sample was heated pass. The ethylbenzene purity is greater than 95%. No more
in 400 cc/min N at a heating rate of 1°C/min to 140° C. than 5% of C is produced (reduced residue make), along
and held for two hours. After two hours at 140° C., the with no more than 500 ppm of p-xylene. Moreover, no more
sample was heated at 2°C/min to 540° C. and held for two than 20 ppm of o-xylene is produced. Almost pure (>75%)
hours. The sample was then cooled to 300°C. in nitrogen at para-diethylbenzene (para-DEB) is taken as a transalkyla
which time air was introduced followed by heating in air at tion by-product. Para-DEB, uncontaminated with meta and
2°C/minto 540° C. and held for 6 hours. The weight uptake ortho isomers, is a very valuable commodity and commands
was 3.0% SiO. a high price.
While the invention has been described with reference to
In a second ex situ selectivation sequence, all of the 10
specific embodiments, it will be apparent that numerous
once-treated catalyst was contacted with 105 grams of a variations, modifications, and alternative embodiments of
7.3% Dow 550/dodecane solution at room temperature with the invention are possible, and accordingly all such
mixing for two hours. The sample was filtered and then variations, modifications, and alternative embodiments are
calcined as described above for the first selectivation to be regarded as being within the spirit and scope of the
sequence. The weight uptake was 2.65% SiO, 15
present invention as claimed.
In a third ex situ selectivation sequence, 98 grams of the What is claimed is:
twice-treated catalyst was contacted with 98 grams of 7.3% 1. A process for improved shape selective alkylation of
Dow 550/dodecane solution at room temperature with mix benzene comprising:
ing for two hours. The sample was filtered and then calcined contacting a reaction stream comprising ethylene and
as described above for the first selectivation sequence. The benzene, under alkylation conditions sufficient to pro
weight uptake was 2.65% SiO2. duce ethylbenzene, with a catalytic molecular sieve
In a fourthex situ selectivation sequence, 40 grams of the which comprises a zeolite having a constraint index of
from about 1 to about 12 and which has been modified
three-times treated catalyst was contacted with 40 grams of by being exposed to at least two ex-situ selectivation
a 7.3% Dow 550/dodecane solution at room temperature 25 sequences;
with mixing for two hours. The sample was filtered and then wherein each ex-situ selectivation sequence includes the
calcined as described above for the first selectivation
sequence. The weight uptake was 2.45% SiO, steps of contacting the catalytic molecular sieve with a
selectivating agent dissolved in an organic carrier and
In a fifth ex situ selectivation sequence, 42 grams of the subsequently calcining the catalytic molecular sieve.
four-times treated catalyst was contacted with 42 grams of 30 2. A process of claim 1, wherein the alkylation conditions
a 5.2% Dow 550/dodecane solution at room temperature comprise a temperature of from about 150° C. to about 480°
with mixing for two hours. The sample was filtered and then C., a pressure of from about 0.1 atmosphere to about 200
calcined as described above for the first selectivation atmospheres, and a weight hourly space velocity of from
sequence. The weight uptake was 1.3%. SiO, The total silica about 0.1 to about 10.
weight uptake for the 5-step ex situ selectivation process 35 3. The process of claim 2, wherein the alkylation condi
was about 10%. tions further comprise a hydrogen/hydrocarbon moleratio of
EXAMPLE 2 from greater than 0 to about 100.
4. The process of claim 1, wherein the catalytic molecular
The five-times selectivated catalyst of Example 1 was sieve has been modified by between two and six ex situ
employed for the disproportionation of toluene under con selectivation sequences.
ditions comprising a toluene WHSV of 3 hr', a H/HC 5. The process of claim 1, wherein the selectivating agent
molar ratio of 1, a pressure of 300 psig, and a temperature comprises a silicon compound selected from the group
of 760° F to 800° F. consisting of
Data obtained from this reaction are illustrated in FIG. 1.
45 R1
At toluene conversion rates of from 28.7% to 36.1%, the
para-xylene selectivity was at least 92.4% to 87.8%. Within Si-O
the xylenes fraction, no more than 1% of meta-xylene was R
produced. Moreover, no more than 500 ppm of o-xylene was
produced. (For a non-shape selective catalyst, the expected
xylene distribution would be 24% para-, 50% meta-, and wherein R and R2 are independently selected from the
26% ortho-xylene) This extremely low ortho-xylene make group consisting of hydrogen, halogen, hydroxyl, alkyl,
indicates that in the ethylation of benzene, the generation of alkoxy, halogenated alkyl, aryl, halogenated aryl, aralkyl,
ortho-xylene would be substantially reduced as compared to halogenated aralkyl, alkaryi, and halogenated alkaryl, and n
conventional processes. Accordingly, because of the diffi 55 is between 2 and 1000; and
culty of removing ortho-xylene from ethylbenzene, the
purity of the product of an ethylbenzene production process R3
using this catalyst would be expected to be substantially
higher than the product of ethylbenzene production pro R- -Rs
cesses using conventional catalysts. R
wherein R. R. Rs and R are independently selected from
The five-times selectivated catalyst of Example 1 is the group consisting of hydrogen, halogen, hydroxyl, alkyl,
employed for the alkylation of benzene with ethylene under alkoxy, halogenated alkyl, aryl, halogenated aryl, aralkyl,
conditions comprising an ethylene WHSV of from 2 to 4 65 halogenated aralkyl, alkaryl, and halogenated alkaryl.
hr', a benzene to ethylene weight ratio of 20, a pressure of 6. The process of claim 5, wherein the selectivating agent
250 psig, and a temperature of 750 F. comprises dimethylphenylmethyl polysiloxane.
7. The process of claim 1, wherein the organic carrier tures thereof, at a temperature in excess of the decomposi
comprises a linear, branched, or cyclic hydrocarbon. tion temperature of the thermally decomposable organic
8. The process of claim 7, wherein the organic carrier is compound.
a paraffin containing at least 7 carbon atoms. 16. The process of claim 15, wherein the thermally
9. The process of claim 8, wherein the organic carrier decomposable organic compound is ethylene.
comprises dodecane. 17. The process of claim 15, wherein the in situ trim
10. The process of claim 7, wherein the organic carrier selectivating step comprises contacting the modified cata
component comprises hydrocracker recycle oil. lytic molecular sieve with a reaction stream comprising
11. The process of claim 1, wherein the catalytic molecu hydrocarbon and a trim-selectivating agent.
lar sieve contains an ion selected from the group consisting O
18. The process of claim 1, further comprising the step of
of hydrogen, hydrogen precursor, organic cations, and com transalkylating polyethylbenzenes produced during said
binations thereof. contacting step.
12. The process of claim 11, wherein the catalytic molecu 19. The process of claim 18, wherein said transalkylating
lar sieve is modified in an as-synthesized condition. step comprises recycling said polyethylbenzenes into said
13. The process of claim 1, wherein the modified catalytic 15
reaction stream.
molecular sieve has been further modified by the step of 20. The process of claim 18, wherein said transalkylating
steaming the modified catalytic molecular sieve. step comprises introducing said polyethylbenzenes into a
14. The process of claim 1, wherein the modified catalytic separate transalkylation reactor and reacting said polyethyl
molecular sieve has been further modified by the step of in benzenes with benzene under sufficient vapor phase or liquid
situ trim-selectivating the modified catalytic molecular 20
phase conditions to produce ethylbenzene.
15. The process of claim 14, wherein the in situ trim 21. The process of claim 20, further comprising the step
selectivating step comprises contacting the modified cata of combining said ethylbenzene produced during said tran
lytic molecular sieve with a thermally decomposable organic salkylating step with said ethylbenzene produced in said
compound selected from the group consisting of paraffins, 25 contacting step.
cycloparaffins, olefins, cycloolefins, aromatics, alcohols,
aldehydes, ethers, ketones, phenols, heterocyclics, and mix

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