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Community Livestock Health Workers

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Human Recourse Research
Development Board Livestock And FISHERIES
Government of (Sindh)

Submitted by:

Table Content
 Title page----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Introduction program------------------------------------------------------------
 Executive summary-------------------------------------------------------------------.
 Introduction of Livestock & Role of women in Livestock-----------------------------------
 Training Objectives--------------------------------------------------------------------
 Individual Pre-Test --------------------------------------------------------------------
 Training Methodologies----------------------------------------------------------------

 Training Proceeding-------------------------------------------------------------------
 Outcome/Achievements----------------------------------------------------------------
 Acknowledgement--------------------------------------------------------------------
 Certificate & Closing ceremony & Picture------------------------------------------------

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Program (BBSYDP) is a contribution of the
government of Sindh for addressing the twin issues of poverty and un-employment through youth
based human resources development (HRD) in the province of Sindh. Since 2008 to phase- V, the
program has successfully managed to arrange the skill development trainings for more than198,
000 youth in employable trades exceeding to 389; while the employment among graduated youth
has been observed as 31%. In recognition of accomplishments of BBSYDP, the program has been
transformed into BBSHRRDB, through an act, unanimously passed by provincial assembly of Sindh
and duly assented to by the governor of Sindh. Due to performance BBSHRRDB presented, the
world bank interested a grant of US $2.755M for the training of ‘vulnerable youth of Sindh’ under
JSTF through which 7124 trainees successfully trained against a target of 5050, preceding to the
funding of SSDP with the credit of US $ 15M, to strengthen its skill development training program
to improve the skills set and employability of 45000 youth in three years through BBSHRRDB.

Executive Summary
First, we survey 10 villages in district Badin then registered those female, which have their
own livestock, and they need this training for proper care and management of her animals in
their homes at village level, after registration we started 22 days training program at each

the training was started on 05 December 2022& it completed on 03 january2023. My training
venue was at village Noor Muhammad Turk also visited 20 Females were registered as
Trainees. When we initiated the training program at that time the females not have any
knowledge regarding Livestock breeds, management, importance of water, feeding, nutrition,
diseases, vaccination, drenching, etc. as our training proceed we were proudly observed great
changes in our trainees regarding Livestock management and health care. Training was started
according to the schedule. Lectures were given according to schedule and all practical was
performed very efficiently, We trained the women about proper feeding/watering of animals
and told them about the use of Rawal milk powder & urea molasses Chooran. During the
training, the Drenching was also done according to schedule. During Drenching Practical Large
Animals & Small Animals of trainees were Drenched. On weekly basis, the test was taken from
the trainees. In last week, it was observed that the trainees became aware about the livestock
& farm management, breeds, animal health, diseases, nutrition, milk production, poultry, etc.
BBSHRDB team frequently visited for supervisory and monitoring the processes of Workshop
and facilities to the trainee participants and had conversation with trainee.Respected PD
BBSHRRDB DR Majeed Hakeem Dhamrah DPD BBSHRRDB Livestock Sir Farooq, DMC of
Badin,A.D of BBSHRRDB Sir Shakeel Memon ,A.D of BBSHRRDB Madam Murk Pirzada visited
the training and had briefing from trainees about what theylearnt during practical classes.
Trainees on different topics also gave presentationswere also given by trainees on different

Introduction of Livestock & Role of women in Livestock:

Livestock sector is performing a vital role in the boost up development in economies
everywhere; it is a source of animal protein (food), income, employment and foreign exchange.
For small income producers, it provides draught power and organic fertilizer for crop production;
serves as store of wealth and means of transportation as well. Livestock sector has an
acknowledged importance in the rural economy. Apart from providing income to rural people,
livestock provides animal protein of high biological value in the form of milk, meat and eggs which
is a base for industrial raw materials like: wool, hides, skins— organic fertilizer for crops—security
against crop failures— and financial support in hard times of the farmers. In this way, livestock
development is the driving force for rural development. Since women mostly raise livestock, their
participation is closely linked with economic empowerment and social well-being of women folk
along with agriculture; women also make a significant contribution towards the rearing of
livestock. Livestock production requires substantial amounts of time, labor and specialized
activities in which women participate considerably side by side with men. The intensive
participation of women in livestock management activities is productive in terms of saving money
that would otherwise be spent in hiring labor. Milk and milk products not only meet the
household consumption needs but also help in income generation when the same are sold in the

market for cash. Livestock rearing substantially increases the work load of women who not only
have to shoulder the daily burden of housework but to provide meal for all those working in the
field as well. Evidences from micro studies show that rural women undertake a wide range of
agriculture related activities both in the field and at home but their role in rural economy has
never been appreciated and monetized fully. Livestock management is largely a woman’s job.
According to a few available time allocation studies, the estimated time spent by a woman on
livestock related activities ranges from three to five hours per day. The role of women involves a
wide range of tasks such as making feedconcentrates, feeding, collecting fodder, grazing, cleaning
animals and theirsheds, making dung cakes, collecting manure for organic fertilizer, as well
asmilking, processing and marketing ofAnimal products such as ghee and eggs

Training Objectives
 To enhance Management skills to promote housing, hygiene, nutrition and general
healthof animals in daily life.
 To create awareness regarding animal production and income generating tools at
 To prevent animals against bacterial and viral infections.

Training Methodologies
Community livestock extension workers (CLEWs) training comprised of housing, nutrition,
healthcare management, breeding management, poultry husbandry and extension services
in farm animals. Strategically training sessions were divided into four sections.

Individual Pre-Test
An instrument has been provided to the CLEWs participants to assess the pre training
conceptual understanding on Livestock management, extension services and practices. The
questionnaire was developed in local language. The result of the pre training assessment
has also been incorporated in this report.

During this part of session basic principles of housing management, hygiene condition, nutrition,
healthcare, procedures to rescue animals during any life risk moment, first aid, precautions to
reduce life risk, care and management of animals in adverse situations with less production and
less resources were discussed. Trainees shared their experience regarding healthcare issues.
Questions were raised regarding their previous experience of diseased animals. Annual
vaccination charts were used to deliver annual vaccination calendar. Other pictorial charts were
used to identify common microbial diseases, difference between contagious and non-contagious

diseases were explained to them.

Group Activities
Group work was conducted to analyses the understanding of participants. Participants also
presentedquestions regarding topics discussed and prevailing issues of animal health.
Intentionally questionanswer session was lengthened to discuss more and provide learning
opportunity to participants.Group activities help trainees to discuss topics with each other and
put their new ideas regarding theirprevious experience. Difference between healthy and sick
animal was discussed during live animaldemonstration and frequent check-ups were made to
make training activities more beneficial toparticipants

Practical / Technical Skills

Difference between healthy and sick animal was discussed during live animal demonstration
andfrequent check-ups were made to make training activities more beneficial to participants.
Practicalactivities like those that de-worming, vaccination, farm management, and general check-
up of animal andfeeding of animals were conducted to create a balance between theory and
practical work.

Exposure Visit
Visit was arranged at Houses of village Noor Muhammad Turk district Badin to observe aways of
livestock farm. Trainees recorded their observations and compared it to the theory theyhad been
taught during lectures.

Provision of Relevant Material:

Training material was provided in the form of book, written in local language. The book
mainlycomprises of farm management, small and large scale farming etc. Feeding, health and
breedingmanagement, poultry and extension were also part of the book.

Training Workshop Proceeding

The Thirty days training started at Village Noor Muhammad TurkDistrict, Badin with introduction
to the participants. The training course was designed keeping in view the objectives of the
Programmed for Improved Nutrition in Sindh funded by Sindh Government for reduction of
malnutrition and stunting in the province. This capacity building activity is comprised of eight
sections consist of classroom and onsite-learning assignments - training schedule is mentioned

Animal Breeding (cattle, buffalo, sheep & goat):
During conducting training through presentation & Manual Book pictures) different breeds and
their economic benefits were introduced to the trainees. Objective is to make participants able
understands that what type of the breed is suitable for our atmosphere and profitable in term of
milk and meat production


Concept of model farm at village level:

Sustainability is the objective utilization of inputs without impairing the quality of environment
ith, which it interacts. Therefore, it is clear that farming system is a process in which sustainability
of production is the objective. During training, the trainees were demonstrated and taught for

significance of maintaining farm hygiene and benefits of 24 hrs. Water availability. On the farm
the various scientific techniques/practical works was done. Beside this, some useful
medicinesalsoprovided for the treatment of sick animal

Practical Livestock Nutrition

Suggestions were collected from participants to store the grass for feeding, procedure for hay,
silage making were described, and practical were conducted to make trainees aware about how
to make hay and silage. Importance of green grass was also elaborated. Practical sessions were
conducted for urea treatment in hay as well as urea molasses, chooran were made by trainees

Practical sessions were conducted urea molasses, chooran

Practical - Animal Health Management

Signs of healthy animal and difference between healthy and sick animal was discussed and
demonstrated to trainees. Different types of diseases were discussed which effect more to
production or threaten life, suitable preventions before any outbreak or at the time of risk were
mentioned to reduce risk factor. In case of any casualty, the kind of first aid animal needs to survive
and what management should be adopted to maintain production level was also discussed
between groups. The Teat Dipping and Mastitis detection test commonly known as “Surf Test” was
also taught and brought into the practice of trainees Preventive measure like vaccination and
drenching was the main subject of practical sessions in which different routes of drug
administration especially vaccination were discussed anddemonstrated during practical. This
session will provide the information about major diseases of the animal


Introduction and Importance of Poultry

Poultry are the domesticated birds kept by humans for their eggs, meat or feathers. Poultry
science is the study of practices and principals involved in production and marketing of poultry
and its products. It include breeding, nutrition, management, housing, disease control and
marketing. Commercial chicken: broilers are those fast growing poultry birds of young age, which
are kept and only used for meat purpose .Layers, which lay table quality egg for food of human
consumption. Breeders birds of both sexes which are kept for breeding purpose to obtain
Fertilized eggs for hatching to get chicks i.e., broilers and layer

Trainee indeed thankful to BBSHRDB for organized valuable training for female activists keeping
in view the objectives and observations of the training, BBSHRDB Training can be regarded as a
Milestone in the field of Livestock, to promote management and healthcare and breeding
techniquesand to protect assets of community members. Before training, the trainees were
unaware about the farm management, animal care, feeding, medicine and vaccination. Animal’s
health was not good and they were not gaining maximum benefits in terms of production from
their animals. They were not conducting vaccination or deworming practices regularly for their
animals. Besides this, they were unaware about the use of inj. Oxytocin. After this training the
health of all animals became very good and milk production of some animals was increased. Now
they are following all the vaccination and de-worming schedules regularly and gaining more
benefits from their livestock, and become a progressive worker for the community. They will play
the role of bridge between the community and the research institute to transfer the latest
knowledge and its adaptation.

What were lessons learnt from the activity

1. As for as my observations concerned,the group selection was good enough, moreover really
they were needy and whenever there is need always there is deed
2. Training format and methodology, was also good because the community feel comfort in
their own environment as we facilitate them in their own society, and that was quite
appreciable approach, where the community was use to with their surroundings and feel free
in learning, doing and asking as a whole a participatory environment was been developed
soon immediate to first conversation.
3. Logistic arrangemen:was good and timely managed that is why we approach on right time to
designated point.
4. Approach and methodology for 22 days training session was also appreciable we used
sheets, multimedia and laptop to facilitate the trainees, provide each and every session in
pictorial form, that was a big stone to make successful any of training mostly when the
participants are illiterate, they don’t understand the written captions but they definitely
understood every session its importance by viewing the picture.


Final day closing ceremony of BBSHRDB Training was organized at the end of training in which
prizes were distributed among top three candidates. Respected PDBBSHRRDB Livestock Sir
Majeed Dhamrah, DMC Tando Muhmmad Khan A.D of BBSHRRDB Madam Murk Pirzada also
attended the closing ceremony. At the end of the training trainees weregiven chance to share
their views about training and give suggestions for improvement. Trainees shared their views
individually about the training and they said it was very good opportunity for them to learn about

livestock management generally and animal’s production particularly. They appreciated the
friendly atmosphere and trainer, all of them showed satisfaction about training. They were very
happy and thankful of BBSHRRDB at the end of closing ceremony Dr Sundas Bhutto said a lot of
Thanks to all trainees for their active participation.

Prize Distribution toCandidates


First, praise and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout
my training work to complete the training successfully.
I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my training supervisor, Dr.
Majeed Dhamrah Project director at BBSHRRDB, Dr.Farooque Ahmed Memon Deputy Project
Director, Dr.Murk Pirzada Assistant Director and Dr. Shakeel Assistant Director at
BBSHRRDB,forallowing metodotraining andproviding
invaluableguidancethroughoutthistraining and encourage us. It was a great privilege and
honor to work under his guidance. I am extremely grateful for what they have offered
I would also like to thank all of the visitors to this training, who came to see us and express
their appreciation.
Once again, I am grateful to Dr. Murk Pirzada for her friendship, empathy, and great sense of
humor, as well as her ongoing support in completing this training.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone at BBSHRRDB who has helped me complete training
work, whether directly or indirectly.


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