Introduction To Political Theory PDF

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Write the meaning of politics?

Ans . In ancient times the word “Politics “was used for the term “political science” . The term
political science is derived from the Greek word “polis” which mean City -State , the general
form of political organization obtaining in ancient Greece. In ancient Greece there were small
City-States . “Politics “therefore meant to be in ancient Greece, the pertaining to State and
Government . Aristotle concentrated his study on these city -states . He drew his practical and
theoretical inclusion in his study in his famous book “politics “ . Now, place of City -State , we
have big territorial states . Now a days, Political Science is the Science which studies the origin
,necessity , development , nature and future of the State.

What is Political Theory ? Definition of Political Theory

Ans. Political Theory involves the analytical study of ideas and doctrines that relate to political
phenomena and political institutions.
Political theory is concerned with questions related to issues such as justice, freedom, equality
,rule of law and so on .
Political theory is primarily interested in examining what great thinkers such as plato ,Kautilya
and Marx said about justice, law political power and obedience to authority

What were the conditions when the thinkers presented their theories in past ?
Name of thinker yr Theory
Karl Marx 1818-83 Class War
Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948 Swaraj – Swaraj is to be for all, including the farmer , but
emphatically including the maimed, the blind, the starving toiling millions
Bhimrao Ambedkar1896-1956 Struggle against “oppression in modern times “. He
mobilized the Dalit’s and the backward castes and taught them that strength lay in political and
economic power

Is Politics Art and Science of Government .

Ans . Society involves many relationships and many organisations such as families ,
communities, tribes and intricate associations . Each associations play an important role in
grooming personality of each individual . Man needs are varied , hence, need of associations -
religious, economic, cultural ,political and economic and even leisure time needs recreational
centres. Among all, Government is important .
The Govt. binds individuals to''certain uniform rules of behaviour . Such rules are essential
for a harmonious and ordered social life”.
Politics is : (It is all about )
a) Why do we need the govt?
b) How are the legislature , executive, judicial organs of govt. constituted ?
c)How do they operate and perform their functions



❖ Forms of Government –Political theory help us evaluate the various forms of Government
like Monarchy,Dictatorship,military rule, democracy, Federalism etc

❖ Separation of Powers,Rule of Law,and Judicial Independence-Connected with the forms of

Government are these subjects:
i)Separation of powers,i.e legislature, Executive and Judicial powers should be divided
among several bodies as a precaution against abuse of power. It allows the System of
Checks and Balances
ii)Rule of Law,i.e No one can be denied justice and ensures equal protection of Law
iii)Judicial Independence,i.e Judges should be independent of both legislative and
executive.They should not be easily dismissible

❖ Conditions of Freedom,Equality and Justice

Political thinkers desired to improve the above conditions .It is a ‘goal’ in which in their view
required right to life,equality,etc and has led to innumerable debates
Eg-Political thinkers have debated in great extent with the issues of ethnic minorities ,the
Dalits and the backward classes

❖ New Rights-
The concept of rights is not static and has developed with the change in times and needs of
the people.
Eg- SC ruled that the right to life includes rights like minimum clothing,Nutrition and
shelter.With the time Political theorists also discussed issues on new rights like –The rights
of the Children,rights of the aged people,rights of Women against the domestic
violence,LGBT,right to privacy ,right to clean environment etc
To sum up the scope of political theory extends to the facts of political
life(Government.Law,Political institutions)and Political philosophy(Values like
Equality,freedom,Justice etc)


❖ Useful in the kind of work one is doing

Political theory is closely related to a number of academic disciplines such as
history,sociology,Economics and other areas of study. These subjects furnishes
Details ,theories and data which political theorists use to construct Political theory.It also
helps modern man evaluate and solve problems in the modern society.

❖ Knowledge of our Rights and Duties

It is the Knowledge of political theory that tells us that the dictatorship can never be a
substitute for democracy
We should be conscious of our rights, especially the right to Vote. The knowledge of
Political theory tells us that Right to vote is not only a Right but a duty as well .
The Knowledge of Political theory makes us assess the issues like Uniform Civil Code(A
uniform civil code administers the same set of secular civil laws to govern all people
irrespective of their religion, caste and tribe. This supersedes the right of citizens to be
governed under different personal laws based on their religion or caste or tribe. Such codes
are in place in most modern nations.)Role of MNC’s, in countrys economy.When choices
have to be made,only an intelligent citizen can decide which policy is the best for the

❖ Political theory liberalizes the outlook

One gets to think logically about the concepts like equality,Liberty and Justice.Hence
Philosopher’s like Aristotle ,Plato,J.S Mill,Mahatma Gandhi is associated with Political
theory.These are not just abstract principles but the concepts we should try to follow.

❖ Politics is essentially the part of the possible

We should not expect too much from the government because they must work under
various constraints and compulsions.In India the government is working in an environment
where more people are willing to receive than to give. An understanding of politics can be
helpful in appreciating factors of this kind

❖ Growth in the reasoning Powers of the Mind-

The concept of political theory helps us in developing our reasoning power.Different
ideologies like liberalism,Marxism,Socialism,etc have been subjected to verification and
thinkers have relied on facts and practical experiences. It is because of our reasoning power
we have relied on facts and practical experience.It is because of our reasoning power we
have realized that the Fascist and Nazi ideologies are based on myths and scientific theory.
Reasoning power helps the students to participate in debates and issues such as
➢ Is secularism suitable for India?
➢ Are reservations an anti-poverty measure?
➢ Can there be a global citizenship ?
➢ Are reservations an Anti-poverty Measure? Etc

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