Art - Experience M Hiriyanna PDF
Art - Experience M Hiriyanna PDF
Art - Experience M Hiriyanna PDF
By M. Hiriyanna
M. H I R I Y A N N A
First Published 1954
This is the third volume of Prof, Hiriyanna's essays to be
published. All the papers collected here—including a few
review articles—are devoted to a consideration of the problems
of Aesthetics. Of these, two studies—Indian Aesthetics—2 and
Art and Morality—are being published here for the first time;
the others have appeared, from time to time, in various journals
and publications.
Corrected copies of the essays left by the author have been
made use of in editing the volume and the marginal notes
found in the papers have been, as far as possible, incorporated
either as part of the text or as footnotes. In the few instances
where it was found necessary by the editors to add a word or
two, these have been enclosed within square brackets. Articles
with identical titles have been numbered 1 and 2, for purposes
of easy reference.
We are deeply grateful to the late Prof. Hiriyanna's
daughter who placed at our disposal all the papers needed in
the editing of the volume. We are under a deep debt of
gratitude to Prof. T. N. Sreekantaiya of the Karnatak Uni-
versity, Dharwar, a former pupil of Prof. Hiriyanna, who
gladly took upon himself the editorial responsibility of this
collection including the reading of proofs. Our thanks are
due to Sri N. Sivarama Sastry of the University of Mysore,
who has been extremely helpful editorially; to Sri R. K.
Narayan who has been helpful in many ways; and to the
authorities of the Wesley Press and Publishing House who
have spared no pains to make the volume handsome.
I am grateful to Messrs. George Allen and Unwin Ltd., for
their courtesy in allowing me to include in this collection my
Jate father Prof. Hiriyanna's article Art Experience appearing in
Radhakrishnan: Comparative Studies in Philosophy presented in
honour of his sixtieth birthday. My thanks are also due to
the Secretaries of the All-India Oriental Conference,the Registrars
of the Universities of Madras and Mysore and the Registrar of
the Annamalai University, the Editors of the Indian Review, the
Aryan Path and The Hindu and the Authorities of the Adyar
Library, Madras, who readily gave permission to include in the
present volume the several essays and reviews first published
by them.
M. R.
Indian Aesthetics—1: Proceedings of the First All-India Oriental
Conference, 1919.
What to Expect of Poetry ? Mysore University Magazine, 1923.
Art Contemplation: Indian Review, 1946.
Art Experience—1: Aryan Path, 1941.
Art Experience—2: Radhakrishnan: Comparative Studies in
Philosophy presented in honour of his sixtieth birthday. Allen
and Unwin, 1951.
The Number of Rasas: Foreword to The Number of Rasas by
Dr. V. Raghavan. The Adyar Library, Madras, 1940.
The Problem of the Rasavadalamkara: Proceedings of the
Fifteenth All-India Oriental Conference, 1949.
Some Aspects of Literary Criticism in Sanskrit. [=Rasa and
Dhvani]: Journal of the Madras University, 1929.
The Philosophy of Aesthetic Pleasure: Journal of the Annamalai
University, 1941,
Studies on some Concepts of the Alamkara Literature: Journal of
the Madras University, 1942.
Sanskrit Poetics: The Hindu, 8 Oct. 1944.
Process and Purpose in Art: Aryan Path, 1944.
Experience: First and Final: Aryan Path, 1948.
3. A R T CONTEMPLATION . . . . . . . . 22
Introductory—Nature and Art—Art Experience—The Content
of Art—The Method of Art—Art and Morality
It has become somewhat of a commonplace in these days to
speak of the ancient Hindus as having achieved distinction in
philosophy. But the word 'philosophy* is so loosely used and
the phases of philosophic investigation are so many and so varied
in character that such an opinion, standing by itself, cannot be taken
to indicate anything beyond a certain aptitude of the Hindu mind
for abstract speculation. A signal illustration of the indefiniteness
of this opinion is furnished by Max Miiller, the very scholar
that was largely responsible for giving currency to the view that
the ancient Hindus were highly gifted philosophically; for while
he at one time described them as 'a nation of philosophers', yet,
at another time, gave out as his considered opinion that 'the idea
of the beautiful in Nature did not exist in the Hindu mind.'1
The fact is that a vague and general statement like the above is
of little practical value unless it is supported by evidence of
progress made in the various departments of philosophic study,
such as logic, psychology and metaphysics. Here is a vast
field for the student of Indian antiquities to labour in and the
harvest, if well garnered, will be of advantage not only for the
history of Indian thought but also, it may be hoped, for Universal
Philosophy. The object of the present paper is to indicate,
however slightly it may be, the nature of the advance made by
the Indians in one bye-path of philosophy, viz., aesthetics or the
inquiry into the character of beauty in Nature as well as in art.
The most noticeable feature of Indian philosophy is the stress
, which it lays upon the influence which knowledge ought to have
on life. None of the systems that developed in the course of
centuries in India stopped short at the discovery of truth; but
each followed it up by an inquiry as to how the discovered truth
could be best applied to the practical problems of life. The
ultimate goal of philosophic quest was not knowledge (tattva-
jndna) so much as the achievement of true freedom (moksa).
* See The Philosophy of the Beautiful. by William Knight. Part I. d. 17.
Indian philosophy was thus more than a way of thought; it was a
way of life; and whoever entered upon its study was expected
to aim at more than an intellectual assimilation of its truths and
try to bring his everyday life into conformity with them. Con-
sistently with this pragmatic aim, ethics occupies a very important
place in Indian philosophy. Like ethics, aesthetics is dependent
upon philosophy and like ethics, it aims chiefly at influencing
life. When such is the kinship between ethics and aesthetics,
is it probable that a people who devoted so much attention to
one of them, altogether neglected the other? Is it conceivable
that they who showed special power in the grasp of the good did
not even stumble upon the kindred conception of the beautiful?
We are not however left to such vague surmises; for, not infre-
quently we find in Sanskrit philosophical works1 parallels drawn
from art which imply that the close relation of the beautiful to
the good and the true was not all unknown to ancient India.
We have even more direct evidence in the numerous works in
Sanskrit on poetics which, though their set purpose is only to
elucidate the principles exemplified in poetry and the drama,
yet furnish adequate data for constructing a theory of fine art in
general, A consideration of the teachings of these works shows
us that Indian aesthetics had its own history; and the process of
its evolution, as may well be expected, followed closely that of
general philosophy.
It is well known that the earliest philosophy of India consisted
in the explanation of the universe by means of a number of super-
natural powers called devas, 'the shining ones', or 'gods'. This
pluralistic explanation however soon appeared inadequate to
the growing philosophic consciousness of the Indian; and a quest
began thereafter whose aim was to discover the unity underlying
the diversity of the world. The history of this quest is very
long and can be traced from the Mantras, through the Brahmanas,
down to the period of the Upanisads. Various principles were
in turn regarded as representing this ultimate reality—some
concrete, others abstract—and although each solution was in turn
given up as unsatisfactory, the search itself was not abandoned
until an abiding conclusion was reached in what is known as 'the
atman doctrine' of the Upanisads. The central point of this
Compare, e.g., Samkhya-karika, st. 65; Samkhya-tattva-kaumudi on
st. 42, 59; and Pancadasi of Vidyarapya, ch. X.
doctrine is that whatever is, is one; and that its essence is manifested
more clearly in the inner self of man than in the outer world.
This doctrine brought about a total revolution in the point of
view from which speculation had proceeded till then; for the
ultimate reality was no longer regarded as something external but
as fundamentally identical with man's own self. The enunciation
of the absolute kinship of Nature with Man marks the most im-
portant advance in the whole history of Indian thought. I am
not, however, for the moment, concerned with this philosophic
solution in general, reached in the Upanisadic period. I am
interested only in emphasising one aspect of it, viz., that what
we commonly regard as real is not in itself the ultimate reality
but only a semblance of it. The world of sense, equally with the
world of thought, is but an appearance of the ultimate truth—
an imperfect expression of it but yet adequate, if rightly approach-
ed, to point to the underlying unity. Neither our senses nor our
mind can grasp this unity, but so much of it as they can grasp is
sufficient to find out its true meaning and realise it within our-
There is a second aspect of Indian philosophy to which it is
necessary to draw attention before speaking of Indian art. The
earliest philosophy of India had a supernatural basis. Although
the objects of early Aryan worship were in reality only power
of Nature, there were supposed to be working behind them
supernatural beings. So long as this belief continued, the ambition
of the Indian in this life was to secure the favour of those beings
with a view to attain companionship with them hereafter. This
eschatological view changed with the change of belief in the gods,
but yet for long afterwards there lingered the view that the highest
good that man could attain was attainable only after death. With
an ideal like this, man naturally looked upon the present life as
merely a passage to another and a better one. He lived mainly
for the coming world, disregarding, if not altogether discarding,
the realities of this life. Asceticism was the natural outcome of it.
In course of time this ideal of practical life also underwent a
change, not less important than the change on the speculative
side to which I have already referred and it came to be believed
that the highest ideal that man could attain was attainable on
this side of death, here and now. The full development of this
view belongs to the period that followed the composition of the
classical Upanisads but its source can be traced earlier in those
Upanisadic passages which refer to jivanmukti1. Jivanmukti,
to speak from the purely philosophic standpoint, marks the highest
conception of freedom. It is one of the points where Indian
philosophy emerges clearly from Indian religion; for, the goal of
existence according to this conception is not the attainment of a
hypothetical bliss hereafter but the finding of true freedom on
this bank and shoal of time. It is difficult to exaggerate the import-
ance of this change. It transformed the whole outlook of the
Indian upon life and remoulded his ethical ideal. The ideal,
no doubt, was yet as far as ever from the average man; but what
once was more or less a matter of pure speculation had been
brought within the possibility of positive experience. The aim
of life was no longer conceived as something to be sought for be-
yond this world, but to be realised here, and if one so willed,
now. The new ideal was the achievement of a life of harmony,
not through the extinguishment of interests but by an expansion
of them—not through repressing natural impulses but by purifying
and refining them. It was a mode of living characterised by
passionless purity and an equal love for all, such for instance as is
described in glowing terms more than once in the Bhagavadgita.2
For the realisation of this ideal, the training of the feelings was a
necessary preliminary and in consequence, the first aim of life
came to be looked upon not so much the cultivation of the
intellect or the development of the will, as the culture of the
In these two characteristic features of early Indian philos-
ophy, it seems to me, we have the main influences which moulded
the theory of art as it is disclosed to us in Sanskrit works on
poetics. We do not know when this class of works began to
appear. Tradition is at one8 in counting Bhamaha among the
earliest writers on poetics; but in him we see the subject has
already assumed a definite shape. His name, along with those
of some others like Udbhata, Rudrata, Dandin and Vamana is
associated with a distinctive canon of poetry. There are indeed
The word jivarrmukta is not known to the Upanisads; but the concep-
tion is there all the same. Cf., e.g., Kafka Up. II. ii. 1., II. iii. 14.
e.g., v. 23-5.
Comp., e.g., the first sloka of the Prataparudriya; Alamkara-sarvasva
(Nir. S. Pr.), p. 3.
differences in matters of detail among these writers. For instance,
there is no clear distinction recognised between gunas and alam-
kdras by some,1 while others give the one or the other of these
the first place in judging the worth of a poem2. It is not necessary
to enter into these details here; for all these writers, in spite of
minor differences, exhibit cognate ways of thinking. We may
therefore regard them as, on the whole, representing the first
stage in the growth of poetic criticism. In the writers of this
pradna school we find the subject of poetry dealt with under
three heads,—dosas, gunas, and alamkaras. The last, alamkaras,
may be left out of consideration here; for, in the first place, they
are not recognised by all to be essential, and in the second, they
almost exclusively relate to imaginative literature and have no
proper place in any general theory of art. Some of the conditions
laid down under the remaining two heads are intended only to
secure logical or grammatical requirements such as coherence of
thought and correctness of language. Even the others as we
shall presently see, rarely allude to the central essence of poetry.
Where they do involve a reference to this essence, its importance
is misjudged and only a subordinate place is assigned to it.*
The attention of this school is practically confined to the outward
expression of poetry, viz., sabda (word) and artha (sense). Certain
forms of these are regarded as dosas and certain others as gunas;
and it is held that what confers excellence on poetry is the absence
of the one and the presence of the other.
There is another school known as the later or navina school
of critics, the theory advanced by whom is far different. As in
the case of the earlier school, this also seems to have had more
than one branch. We shall here consider the most important
of them as represented by the Dhvanvaloka. Apparently it is
the oldest work of the kind extant; but this very work contains
evidence of the fact that the point of view which it adopts in
judging poetry had been more or less well known for a long time
before.4 This work starts by distinguishing between two kinds of
meaning—the explicit and the implicit—and attempts to estimate
the worth of a poem by reference to the latter rather than to the
e-g., by Udbhata (see Alamkara-sarvasva bv Ruyyaka, p. 7.).
See Vamana : Kavyalamkara-sutra, III. i. I, 2 and 3.
Vide Alamkara-Sarvasva by Ruyyaka pp. 3-7; Dhvanyaloka, pp. 9-10.
Vide slokai i 1; iii. 34, 52; also the final sloka of the Aloka.
former. The explicit meaning, no less than the words in which
it is clothed, constitutes, according to this view, the mere vesture
of poetry.* They together are its outward embodiment—the
necessary conditions under which a poetic mood manifests itself.
These external and accidental features alone appealed to the earlier
school. But the critic of the new school concentrated his attention
on the implicit meaning which forms the real essence of poetry.
From this new standpoint things like dosas or gunas, in settling
the nature of which there was once so much controversy, are
easily explained. It is as though we are now in possession of
the right key to the understanding of all poetry. Whatever
in sound or sense subserves the poetic end in view is a guna; what-
ever does not, is a dosa3. Dosas and gunas are relative in character.
There is no absolute standard of valuation for them. They are to
be judged only in reference to the inner meaning which constitutes
the truly poetical. The artist never really feels concerned about
them; for, a thought or feeling experienced with poetic intensity
is sure to find expression. The expression is also likely to be
more or less imperfect, but the question is not whether it is perfect,
but whether it is adequate to convey the thought or emotion to
others. If it is adequate it is good poetry, otherwise it is not.
(The implicit meaning is threefold and the poet may aim at
communicating a fact (vastu) or transferring an imaginative
(alamkara) or an emotional mood (rasa). The first is obviously
the least poetic and whatever artistic character it may possess is
entirely due to treatment and not to subject. We may, there-
fore consider here only the remaining two, which have their
bases respectively in imagination and feeling. True art is no
doubt a compound of feeling and imagination but in any particular
case the one or the other may predominate and the twofold
classification should be regarded as having reference to the pre-
dominant factor. In this view art represents the almost sponta-
neous expression of a responsive mind when it comes under
the spell of an imaginative or an emotional mood.} It was this
expression—the outward element of poetry and not its inner
springs which the older school of critics analysed4. The later
school, as we have already seen, occupied itself with what this
expression signifies. The expression was important to them only
1 2
Vide Dhvanyaloka, i. 3-5. Id., i. 7-12.
3 4
Cf. Dhvanyaloka, ii. 6. See Dhvanyaloka, iii. 52.
as a means of suggesting or pointing to the implicit significance.
Here we find a theory of art which exactly corresponds to the
doctrine of atman. Just as the passing things of experience are
not in themselves real but only imperfect manifestations of reality,
so word and explicit meaning are but the exterior of poetry and
until we penetrate beneath that exterior, we do not reach the poetic
So far we have considered the essence of poetry as consisting
in the imaginative thought or the emotional mood which a poet
succeeds in communicating to us. But gradually more stress
came to be laid upon the latter than upon the former. Under
the influence of the altered ethical ideal to which allusion has
been made above art came to be more and more utilised as a
means of emotional culture. There was peculiar fitness in its
being so used, for it can not only teach, but also please and while
it can successfully persuade, it can keep its persuasive character
concealed from view. It was thus that poetry came to be viewed
as possessing a double aim—the direct one of giving aesthetic
delight (sadyah-paranirvrti) and the indirect one of contributing
toward the refinement of character1. This particular use to
which art was out made rasa more important than either vastu
or alamkara2. (It is this change in the nature of Sanskrit poetry
that is meant when it is stated that rasa is the atman of poetry—
a statement which by the way shows clearly the dependence of
this canon on the atman doctrine of the Upanisads. When
the predominance of rasa came to be insisted upon as indis-
pensable to artistic excellence, many of the systems of philosophy
applied their own fundamental principles to its interpretation
so that in course of time there came to be more than one theory
of rasa. I shall devote the rest of the paper to an elucidation of
these theories according to two of the chief systems, viz., Vedanta
and Samkhya alluding incidentally to the corresponding concep-
tions of beauty in Nature)
And first as regards the vedanta. Among the various appro-
ximate terms used in the Upanisads to denote Brahman, one is
dnanda. Ananda means bliss; and Brahman according to the
monistic and idealistic teaching of the Upanisads, represents
the inner harmony of the universe. Brahman is termed dnanda
1 2
Cf., e.g., Kavya-prakasa, i. 2. Cf., e.g., Dhvanyaloka, p. 27 (com.)-
because of the restful bliss that results from realising that har-
mony. Brahman is so termed for instance in the Tait. Up. iii.
The appropriateness of the term ananda consists just in this sug-
gestion that the harmony of the universe must be realised in one's
own experience and not merely intellectually apprehended;
for there can be no such thing as mediated ananda. This word
contains the clue to the whole aesthetic theory of the Vedanta.
Common experience takes for granted that variety is the ultimate
truth. According to the Vedanta, the final truth lies in the uni-
fication of this variety through a proper synthesis. But this
unification is what takes place in perfect knowledge. Commonly
we are occupied with appearances which give only a fragmentary
view of reality. They alone concern us in our everyday life.
But he who attains perfect knowledge—the jivanmukta—transcends
this fragmentary view. He may continue to perceive variety;
but it ceases to have any ultimate significance for him. He merges
in the unity which he realises all separate existence including
his own and enjoys ananda—the peace that passeth understanding.
This higher viewpoint is not possible for us while we are yet
on the empirical plane. We are absorbed in the narrow distinc-
tion between the self and the not-self. But sometimes, though
rarely, there is a break in this routine and then in the sudden
transition from one empirical state to another, we transcend our
narrow selves. Our connection with the work-a-day world
seems to snap. We do not indeed realise then, like the knower,
the unity of all that is, but we yet resemble him in one respect,
in that we lose sight of ourselves and feel delight, however short-
lived it may be.
But among the myriad impressions that reach us from the
outer world, what is it that gives rise to such an attitude? This
question admits of a variety of answers. It is now symmetry,
now novelty, and now something else; and it is this variety
that accounts for the almost bewildering number of theories of
the beautiful that one finds in any history of aesthetics. Accord-
ing to the Vedanta, these do not constitute true beauty at all
but are only its outward and visible symbols. Though diverse
in themselves they point to the same underlying harmony which
constitutes real beauty. But, this perfect beauty which is identical
with the ultimate reality is revealed only to the knower. We
perceive only its outward symbols and we may describe them as
beautiful in a secondary sense, since we experience ananda at
their sight. Those who identify beauty with these external
factors and seek it as an attribute forget that while these are per-
ceivable by the senses, beauty is disclosed only to the 'inward
eye.1 True beauty is neither expressible in words nor knowable
objectively; it can only be realised.
Beauty in Nature then, as we commonly understand, is any-
thing that brings about a break in the routine life and serves
as a point of departure towards the realisation of delight. This
is the only condition which it should satisfy. But what is the
significance of this break? Generally we lead a life of continuous
tension, bent as we are upon securing aims more or less personal
in character. In Samkara's words life is characterised by avidyd-
kdma-karma, i.e., desire and strife, arising out of the ignorance
of the ultimate truth. When we are not actively engaged we
may feel this tension relaxed; but that feeling of relaxation
is deceptive for even then self-interest persists as may be within
the experience of us all. Delight means the transcending of even
this inner strain. The absence of desire then is the determining
condition of pleasure; and its presence, that of pain. The absence
of desire may be due to any cause whatever—to a particular
desire having been gratified or to there being, for the time, nothing
to desire. The chief thing is that the selfish attitude of the
mind—the 'ego-centric predicament'—must be transcended at
least temporarily, and a point of detachment has to be reached
before we can enjoy happiness. Joy or bliss is the intrinsic
nature of the self according to the Vedanta, that being the signi-
ficance of describing the ultimate reality as ananda. The break
in the routine life restores this character to the self. If its intrinsic
nature is not always manifest, it is because desire veils it. When
this veil is stripped off, no matter how, the real nature of atman
asserts itself and we feel the happiness which is all our own.
In the case of a jnanin the true source of this delight is known;
but even when such enlightenment is lacking we may experience
similar delight. We may enjoy while yet we do not know. To
use Samkara's words again, the ever-recurring series of kama
and karman or interest and activity constitutes life. The elimination
of kama and karman while their cause avidyd continues in a
latent form, marks the aesthetic attitude; the dismissal of avidyd
even in this latent form marks the saintly attitude. Thus the
artistic attitude is one of disinterested contemplation but not of true
enlightenment while the attitude of the saint is one of true en-
lightenment and disinterestedness but not necessarily of passivity.
The two attitudes thus resemble each other in one important
respect, viz., unselfishness.
(And now as regards the Vedantic theory of rasa. The
immediate aim of art, as already indicated, being pure delight,
the theory of rasa in the Vedanta will be known if we ascertain
the conditions that determine a pleasurable attitude of the mind.
The overcoming of desire is the indispensable condition of pleasure.
The artist has therefore to induce an attitude of detachment and
he can easily do it by means of the ideal creations of his art.
Being products of fancy they cannot awaken desire and when
attention is once concentrated upon them, the ordinary state of
tension caused by selfish desires is relaxed and joy ensues as a
matter of course. The various devices of art such as rhythm,
symmetry, etc., are intended to help this concentration and success-
fully maintain it. They also serve another important purpose,
viz., securing unity to the subject portrayed. We have seen that
the knower who enjoys perfect beatitude realises unity in Nature's
diversity. Similarly in artistic perception also, which is followed
by pure delight, there is a realisation of unity in variety. But
while in the one case what is realised is the truth of Nature, it is
in the other the truth of art. The latter, no doubt, is a lower
truth; but there is yet a close resemblance between the two
attitudes; and we may well compare the person appreciating art
to jivanmukta. He does indeed get a foretaste of moksa then;
but it is not moksa in fact because it is transient, not being based
upon perfect knowledge.)
To turn to the Samkhya: The essential features of this sys-
tem are its dualism and its realism. It starts with two absolutes
which are altogether disparate—Prakrti and Purusa. The
former splits up on the one hand into the entire psychic apparatus,
with buddhi as its main factor; and, on the other, into the physical
world constituted out of the five elements. The Purusa or
self is awareness, pure and simple. It stands at one extreme
while at the other is the objective world. The whole of the mental
apparatus is designed to bring about a mediation between them.
How buddhi, itself a product of Prakrti, can serve as a connecting
link between them—how a physical stimulus is converted into
a psychical experience—is a question which we need not stop
to discuss. Our concern is not primarily with Samkhya psycho-
logy or metaphysics but only with its conception of art. It is
enough for our purpose if we remember that by such mediation
buddhi enables the Purusa to realise either of the two ideals of
life—bhoga and apavarga—that is, to experience pleasure and
pain or to attain spiritual aloofness through right knowledge.
It is also necessary to make a brief reference here to the theory
of the three gunas. The conception of gunas is as difficult to
understand as it is essential to the system. Of the large number
of effects1 that can be traced to these gunas, sukha, duhkha and
moha, which are respectively the result of sattva, rajas and tamos,
are the most important; and it is possible that the Samkhya
system is less concerned with the intrinsic nature of things than
with their meaning for us. It seems to aim primarily at estimating
the value2 of things as means of pleasure and pain and may there-
fore be described as a philosophy of valuation. Two applications
of the doctrine of gunas, we have to notice in particular here—
(i) Everything whether it belongs to the outer physical world or
to the inner psychic apparatus is made up of these three factors.
But some are predominantly sattvic, others predominantly
rajasic or tamasic. The buddhi is intrinsically sattvic in this
sense.8 We must, however, remember that each individual
buddhi has in it, from the beginning, vasands or acquired impulses
which may modify its intrinsic sattvic character and transform it
into a predominantly rajasic or tamasic entity, (ii) The feeling
of pain or pleasure which we experience arises from the inter-
action of the two spheres of prakrtic development—the buddhi
on the one hand and the objective world on the other, the Purusa
standing by, only as an onlooker. Though the buddhi owing
to its intrinsic sattvic character should give rise only to pleasure,
the play of its acquired impulses coupled with the character of
the particular physical object acting upon it may reverse this
Vide quotation from Pancaiikhd in Samkkya-pravacana-bhasya,i. 127.
Since no value has any meaning apart from consciousness, we probably
have here an explanation for the persistent effort of certain orientalists to
describe the Samkhya philosophy as idealistic
What is meant is that buddhi when purged of all its egoistic impulses
as in the case of a jivanmukta, is sattvic. Compare Samkhya-tattva-kaumudt
on st. 65; Maniprabha on Yogasutras, 1.49; and Samkhya-pravacana-bhasya,
ii. 15.
result. The same thing may therefore affect different persons
differently. What causes pleasure to one may cause pain to
another, and what one regards as beautiful, another may regard
as ugly; everything that is perceived comes to be viewed through
the distracting medium of individual purpose, and we ordinarily
live in a secondary world, ignoring the intrinsic nature of things
and setting a conventional value upon them according to our
individual bias.
Now according to the Samkhya, the basic cause of this predi-
cament is to be traced to a mistaken identification of the buddhi
with the Purusa. The mistake cannot be avoided until the
Purusa dissociates himself from buddhi altogether, but, according
to the Sarhkhya, the question of neither pleasure nor pain arises
then. So far as the ordinary empirical state is concerned, indi-
vidual purpose or selfish desire is ineradicable and life becomes
a condition of pain mixed with uncertain pleasure. What is
pleasant to one may be unpleasant to another; or even to the same
person at a different time. He, on the other hand, who acquires
true knowledge and realises the intrinsic disparateness of Prakrti
and Purusa transcends the sphere of pain as well as of pleasure.
Such a man is a jivanmukta. He sees things not as related to
him but as related among themselves, that is, as they are absolutely.
Everything impresses him in the same way and nothing excite
his love or hatred so that he is able to maintain complete composure
of mind, and be, as Vijnanabhiksu says, serene like a mountain-
But such absolute detachment is beyond the reach of ordinary
man; for he cannot transcend his buddhi. He cannot therefore
grow impersonal even for a while. But we should not therefore
consider that the average man cannot escape from pain at all:
for although he cannot transcend his buddhi, he can, by resorting
to art, find a temporary release from the natural world, the
second of the two factors contributing to the misery of ordinary
existence. Pleasure untainted by sorrow does not exist in the
real world and has therefore to be sought outside it. The world
of art is no doubt like Nature, but being idealised it does not
evoke our egoistic impulses. There we have a distinct class
of things altogether, which are not made up of the three gunas.
Samkhya-sara, vii. 16.
They cannot give rise to either pleasure or pain. The
mind is thus enabled to assume a well-poised attitude of which the
automatic result is a feeling of pleasure. The artist's function
is thus to restore equanimity to the mind by leading us away
from the common world and offering us another in exchange.
I have stated that in not a few systems of philosophy, there
was a deliberate application of fundamental principles to the
interpretation of rasa. The distinctive doctrines of more than
one system are found mentioned in Sanskrit works on poetics.1
As an illustration of them, I shall take up the theory of rasa
associated with the name of Bhatta Nayaka and show how it is
identical with the Samkhya theory as briefly sketched above.2
Bhatta Nayaka was a reputed alamkarika and wrote a work known
as Hrdaya-darpana which, I believe, has not been discovered yet.
But references to it are plentiful in alamkdra works, especially in
Abhinavagupta's commentary on the Dhvanydloka. Bhatta Nayaka
does not seem to have been much older than Abhinavagupta
himself. The following is a resume of the theory as given in the
na tatasthyena natmagatatvena rasah pratiyate notpad-
yate nabhivyajyate api tu kavye natye cabhidhato
dvitiyena vibhavadisadharanikaranatmana bhavakatva-
vyaparena bhavyamanah sthayi sattvodrekaprakasa-
n a n d a m a y a s a r h v i d v i s r a n t i s a t a t t v e n a bhogena
bhujyate // (iv.)
If we leave out the references to the other views from which the
present theory differs, there are three points worthy of note here:
(i) The first refers to the nature of the objects contemplated
in art. They have no reference to anybody in particular. In
life everything is consciously or unconsciously related to the indi-
vidual perceiver (atman) or to sorne one else (tatastha); but the
creations of art are wholly impersonal. It is not given to the
ordinary man to transcend personal relations; art by its imperson-
alised forms affords the best means for a temporary escape from
the ills of life arising from such relations.
The commentary on Alamkara-sarvasva refers to as many as a dozen
theories. (Vide p. 9.)
The Kavya-pradipa identifies this theory as the one corresponding to
the Samkhya.
(ii) The next point refers to three stages in the appreciation
of poetry which gradually lead up to aesthetic experience. The
first of them is the apprehension of the meaning of the words of
a poem; the second the finding through them of generalised
conceptions unrelated to any one in particular and lastly the actual
experience of delight. This statement brings out clearly the
characteristic of the Samkhya theory that aesthetic delight is the
result of contemplating the imaginative and therefore impersonal
creations of the poet. In the passage quoted above these three
states are represented as vydpdras or processes ascribable to a work
of art. The first of them is abhidha by means of which the
words constituting a poem convey their ordinary meaning. The
second is bhdvana.1 It is the process of impersonalising by
virtue of which the accessories of the emotion portrayed such as
the vibhavas become generalised (sadhdranikrta) thereby gaining
a power of equal appeal to all. The words and their literal mean-
ings are not therefore to be regarded as important in themselves
but only as pointing to these generalised ideas. The third or
bhoglkarana is that by virtue of which we are enabled to derive
pure pleasure—bhoga—from these idealised creations of the
artist. The purpose of evolution in the Samkhya is bhoga and
apavarga and the use of this word bhoga in this passage constitutes
a link connecting the present theory with the Samkhya. What
is implied by the use of this word here is that the artistic attitude
in spite of its being the source of unalloyed pleasure is more akin
to the empirical than to the saintly attitude. Of these three
vydpdras the first is recognised by all. But it appears strange
that the remaining two should be ascribed to a work of art. If
however we remember that this theory is based on the Samkhya
we see that the statement is not altogether inappropriate. The
Purusa according to the Samkhya conception is absolutely passive
so that all activity must be of Prakrti. Prakrti not only creates
everything but also brings about Purusa's experience of pleasure
and pain through them, by means of its own agency. Thus
Prakrti discharges two functions: (a) that of evolving the things
The word bhavana reminds one of Mimdmsd and it is possible that
Bhafta Nayaka was indebted to that system of philosophy for this conception.
He was, we know from Abhinavagupta, a Mimamsaka. In one of his many
unkind remarks against Bhafta Nayaka, Abhinavagupta suggests this. Cf
Dhvanydloka, p. 63.
Ordinarily an emotion, no doubt, is also directed upon some object;
but here, as aesthetic activity is not practical in its usual sense, this element
is lacking.
Cf. Rasadir artho hi sahaiva vacyenavabhasate: DA., p. 67. See also
pp. 182-7.
to be of a higher order1 than the mere contemplation of the
Other kind of poetry. It is this higher experience, that is called
The aim of art is implicit in what we have said so far. It is to
secure for man a unique form of experience which, according to
one view, can never be attained in actual life and, according to the
other, can be attained only when self-perfection is achieved.
But either way, it is an ultimate value in the sense that it is sought
for its own sake and not as a means to anything else.1 The charac-
teristics of this art experience are two:
(1) The first is unselfishness. It is true that all or nearly all
men, in virtue of their social nature, show more or less of unselfish-
ness in their behaviour; but it may be the result of habit or of
prudential, and therefore eventually of selfish, considerations.
Such outward unselfishness is not what is meant here. Even
when it is spontaneous and therefore quite genuine, it is not com-
plete. The selflessness signified by art experience, on the other
hand, is not only spontaneous but also complete. Man grows so
unselfish then that he becomes virtually unconscious of his private
self. This is the meaning of saying that art experience consists
in the disinterested contemplation of beauty. The intrusion of
any personal aim is sure to vitiate it, and make the pursuit of art
(2) The second characteristic, which is probably a consequence
of the first, is that it yields a kind of joy which is pure and untainted
by even the least pain. This is a further indication of the trans-
cendental character of art experience; and it shows that the
aesthetic attitude stands higher than that of common or everyday
life which is invariably characterised by more or less of mental
There is an ultimate ideal according to the second view also; but it is
a state transcending joy as well as suffering. Positivistically speaking, this
means that man may cultivate detachment to such an extent that he will
ignore nature altogether. But there is nothing resembling aesthetic pleasure
then, unless we understand the aesthetic end itself in an uncommon way.
Self-realisation in Advaita is value-realisation, for the Self is the
ultimate value.
On account of these excellences, art experience is regarded as
identifiable with the ultimate goal of life as it is conceived by the
idealists. When we take the ideal of life, as it is conceived
by others, art experience affords the same escape from worldly
concerns as that ideal, when attained, does; but it also does more
for, while the latter does not represent a state of supreme joy, the
former does. According to both, it is one of the only two such
values recognised by Indians—atmananda and rasanubhava.
But what is the means whereby the artist is able to secure
for us such experience? All art is a blend of form and content;
and it is through certain excellences characterising either, that he
succeeds in inducing in us the artistic attitude. In the case of
poetry, for example, the content is constituted by the figurative ideas
and sentiments it expresses; and the form, by the musical language
through which they find expression. Of these, the form varies
much from one art to another; and it is also technical. We
shall not refer to it here at any length, and shall confine our
attention mainly to the content. We shall only observe, in
passing, that the legitimate function of form is to subserve the
content; and if it assumes greater importance, the work in
which it does so marks a lapse from the best type of art.
The content of art may be defined generally as the meaning
which it expresses. The excellences that may characterise it are
many, and they have been classified in various ways. But these
details, while they are undoubtedly helpful in indicating to us their
character in a concrete manner, can never be exhaustively enumer-
ated. As one Indian literary critic observes,1 they can only be
indicated generally. This general character of the content of
art is that it must be drawn from actual life, but that it should also
be judiciously idealised. The purpose of the idealisation is two-
fold: In the first place, it is that, having its source in the artist's
imagination, it may appeal to the same faculty in the spectator
and not to his intellect merely. In the second place, it is that the
particular things of common experience may thereby be trans-
formed into general ones, and thus readily induce a detached
attitude in the spectator which, as we have pointed out, is a salient
feature of all art experience. But it is necessary to add that the
Cf. Vagbhatalamkara, p. 77.
things represented in art will not become false or fictitious
through such idealisation. For a spectator to mistake them for
'.real objects, as we do in illusions, will be to lapse from the truly
aesthetic attitude, because he will then cease to remain detached.
But at the same time, they cannot be viewed as unreal or false
because then they will cease to interest him. Thus the things
depicted in art assume a unique character which the spectator can
describe as neither real nor unreal. In brief, we do not take a
logical view of them. We neither believe nor disbelieve in their
reality. We merely entertain them.1
This is the general view of the content of art which is prevalent
•everywhere. Indian aestheticians also held the same opinion
for a long time; but a profound change in this respect, the germs of
which seem to have been there all along, was introduced about
the 9th century A.D. The change was to look upon what had so far
been regarded as the content of art, viz., the meaning also as only
the outer vesture of art and to take emotion as its true content.2
When the meaning in general was regarded as the content, it might
be emotion or might not be; but now it is laid down that it should
be only emotion. We have stated that the appeal of art should
be to the imagination; and imagination always implies the presence
of emotion in some degree or other. But it is not this emotion that
we should think of now. It is the emotional character of the
situation depicted by the artist that constitutes the true content of
art, and the type of experience to which it gives rise in the spectator
is called rasa. A consequence of this change in the idea of the
content of art was to deny that the expressed meaning can have
any excellences of its own and to assert that, like the form, it also
has them only in relation to the emotion which it is intended to
subserve. The excellences of meaning may be the very best,
according to earlier standards; but yet they may produce the exact
opposite of artistic feeling in the spectator, if they are out of
harmony with the emotion depicted. This rightly introduces a
relativistic view into art criticism; and neither form nor meaning
was thenceforward regarded as beautiful in itself. The standards
by which they were judged remained more or less the same, but
?they ceased to be taken as absolute.
We may point out before concluding this topic that the earlier
view of art as consisting in the excellences characterising its form
1 2
Cf. " Poetic Truth". [Poetry was] brought nearer music thereby.
and meaning was not abandoned. That view also was retained;
but works answering to that description came to be assigned an
inferior status. It is designated citra, a term which, ia ail prob-
ability signifies that its merit lies more in skill which appeals to
our intellect rather than in affecting our life or soul.
Now emotions cannot be directly communicated. We can,
of course, talk of (say) love or fear; but these words, when used by
themselves, merely convey the idea of the corresponding feeling
and do not communicate it to the listener. Such communication
' of it is possible only through a proper portrayal of select aspects
of its causes and consequences. That is, the artist is obliged, if he
is to succeed in what is his foremost aim, to adopt an indirect
method in dealing with his material. This method is called
dhvani] and secondarily, the work of art also, which is characterised
by it, is designated by the same term. It had always been recog-
nised as important for the artist, but only as one of those at his
disposal for conveying the appropriate sentiment to the spectator.
We may instance, as illustrating this point, alamkaras like paryd-
yokta and samdsokti, which are mentioned in the earliest alamkdra
works. The discovery that was made later was that it was the sole
method of the best type of art. This, we may add, was the
direct consequence of recognising rasa to be the aim/>#r excellence
of the artist. The method of art is thus as unique as its aim.
The method of dhvani has naturally been extended to other
spheres of art where direct communication is possible, viz.,
alamkaras; and has led to a preference being shown to them when
they are indirectly suggested, instead of being directly expressed.
Owing, however, to the intimate connection between imagination
on which alamkaras are chiefly based and emotion on which rasa
is, the difference between them is not always quite definite. The
one may easily pass into another. Hence the decision in any parti-
cular case, depends upon the view one takes of it; and it
accordingly becomes personal, illustrating the well-known saying
that tastes differ. Another extension of this theory of dhvani is to
those poetic representations, which can be regarded neither as rasa
nor as alamkara and are therefore indefinitely designated as vastu.
The innovation thus introduced by the dhvani canon here,
like that in the case of alamkaras, we may observe, is more in
re-arranging conclusions that had already been reached than in
making any new additions. The above statements enable us to
divide the subject of first-rate art in a triple way. It may be
emotion, when the resulting experience is called rasa-dhvani,
it may be any other imaginative situation, in which case it
will be alamkdradhvani; or it may be a matter-of-fact representa-
tion, in which case it will be vastu-dhvani.
The discovery that the dhvani method is the secret of true art
furnishes another instance of what we described above as the
alogical character of art. The conclusions suggested by this method
vary according to the persons concerned and the contexts to which
they belong, although the premises given are the same. At best,
the mental process involved resembles analogical reasoning. Some
of the erroneous views current before the method of dhvani was
formulated or after are due to mistaking the method of art to be
logical. Thus Mahima Bhatta tried to make out that the process
involved in the so-called dhvani was nothing but inferential; and
others like Mukula Bhatta represented the secondary senses of
words as derived through the pramana known as arthapatti. Both
forgot that the dhvani lacks the element of necessity, which is.
essential to what is strictly a logical process.
The spiritually pure includes the morally good and the artistically
I gladly respond to the desire of Dr. Raghavan that I should
contribute a Foreword to this book.1 He has been carrying on
researches in the field of Sanskrit literary criticism for several years
past, and the material which he has brought together here shows
how extensive is his acquaintance with the literature on the subject.
He draws his data, it will be seen, from unpublished manuscripts
as readily as he does from published works. The opinion formed
on any aspect of the subject by one, who has devoted so much time
to its study and whose knowledge of it is so wide, is of special
value and deserves the careful attention of all scholars.
The particular problem considered here is that of the number
of rasas, and its consideration necessarily involves the discussion
of many important points relating to their nature and scope.
As in the case of other problems investigated by the ancient
Indians, we find here also an astounding variety of solutions.
While some thinkers have held that there is but one rasa, others
have maintained that the rasas are many, there being a wide
divergence of opinion respecting their exact number. The usual
view, however, is that there are eight rasas or nine, with the
addition of what is termed santa:
srngarahasyakaruna raudravirabhayanakah I
bibhatsadbhutasantas ca rasah purvair udahrtah II
Although Dr. Raghavan considers all these views more or less
in detail, the main part of his discussion is concerned with the
admissibility of santa as the ninth rasa. His treatment of the
question is quite comprehensive, and he examines it both from
tie historical and the aesthetic sides. A brief reference to each
of them may not be out of place.
Owing to the uncertainty of our knowledge of the early
phases of Indian classical literature, it is not possible to say
when poets began to portray this rasa. The ascetic and mystic
elements, however, which form its distinctive basis, are very-
old features of Indian life; and they were highly valued by those
who followed the teaching of the Veda as well as by those who
did not. (So we may assume that the santa attitude found
The Number of Rasas by V. Raghavan, M.A., Ph.D. The Adyar
Library, Madras, 1940.
expression in literature quite early; and this is corroborated by
the works of Agvaghosa even if, on account of its chronological
indefiniteness, we leave out of consideration the Mahdbhdrata,
the usual example given of the santa rasa. As regards writers
on poetics, the earliest to recognise it definitely, so far as our
knowledge at present goes, was Udbhata.) Possibly its recogni-
tion by them was even earlier. Bharata^s view in the matter is
somewhat doubtful, by reason of the unsatisfactory character of the
Ndtyatastra as it has come down to us. Some manuscripts of it
mention only eight rasas, but others nine. The weight of evidence
bearing on the point seems, on the whole, to be on the former
side; and Dr. Raghavan adduces several convincing arguments to
show that the references to this rasa in Bharata are all spurious.
But it should be added that the Natyasastra contains nearly all
the essential points necessary for a theoretical formulation of it.
Before we pass on to the aesthetic aspect of the question, it
is desirable to distinguish the emotive content or theme of a
literary work from the aesthetic sentiment which, according to
the prevalent Indian view, its idealised representation evokes in
the reader or the spectator. Thus in the case of the Sakuntala,
Dusyanta's love for Sakuntala forms the chief theme while the
emotion, which it awakens in us as we witness the drama enacted,
is srngara. When we ask whether santa can be a rasa, we mean
whether situations in life involving the quietistic sentiment lend
themselves to be similarly dealt with in literature. If they do,
then santa is a rasa; otherwise, it is not. The practice of great
poets like Kalidasa, which is after all the true touchstone in such
matters, shows that santa situations can certainly be thus deline-
ated in literary works. In the last act of his play, just alluded
to, Kalidasa describes the tranquillity and holiness of Marica'a
hermitage in a manner which affects us most profoundly. But,
however splendidly depicted, the santa rasa occupies only a
subordinate place there; and a doubt may therefore arise
whether it can be the leading sentiment in a work, i.e., whether it
can be portrayed in such a manner that it will impress us at the
end as the predominant element in -the unity of rasas which,
according to the Indian view, every work of art is expected to
achieve. Some of the works of Asvaghosa, to whom I have
already referred, show that it can be so represented. The
Mahabharata also, at any rate in its present form, illustrates the
same truth, as set forth by Anandavardhana in his masterly
way in the last section of the Dhvanyaloka.
Yet there were theorists who denied that the idnta could be
an art emotion. It is hardly necessary to examine their arguments
when we have the practice of great poets and the opinion of great
art critics to the contrary. But a reference should be made to one
of them which appears, at first sight, to possess some force. This
argument is that the attitude of mind for which santa stands is
altogether a rare one, and that its representation in art cannot
therefore appeal to more than a very few. The objection, it is
obvious, is based on the supposition that the test of true art is
in the wideness of its appeal. The advocates of idnta brush
this argument aside usually by saying that such questions are
not to be decided by a plebiscite; but, by thus admitting the narrow-
ness of its appeal, they seem to give up their position. Their
conclusion that santa is a rasa is irresistible. Indeed, it would
have been a strange irony of circumstance if Indians, of all,
had excluded it from the sphere of art. The way in which this
particular objection is met, however, is not satisfactory. May it
be that the contention that the appeal of santa is only to a very few
is wrong? No unwonted occasion in life—whether it be one
of joy or one of sorrow—passes without bringing home to man
the supreme desirability of spiritual peace. It means that the
need for such peace is fundamental to the human heart; and
this conclusion is confirmed by the pure satisfaction which the
contemplation, for example, of the images of Buddha in meditative
repose brings to so many. If so, the idnta mood is by no means
uncommon; and the santa rasa need not be an exception to the
rule that the appeal of art is general. What is uncommon is
the capacity in man to capture that mood and cultivate it, so that
it may come to prevail over all other moods; but this deficiency
does not matter so far as art is concerned for it has the power,
of itself to enable him to attain, albeit only for a while, the peace
of spirit which, as an old Indian critic has observed, even a yogin
has to strain himself long to win.
Dr. Raghavan makes a valuable contribution to the study not
merely of Sanskrit literary criticism but of Indian aesthetics as
a whole, for the conception of rasa, though it is here dealt with
chiefly in its relation to poetry, is general and furnishes the criterion
by which the worth of all forms of fine art may be judged. I have
no doubt that the book will be read and appreciated very widely.
The Rasavadalamkara is one of a small group of .alamkaras,
generally recognised by the older writers on Sanskrit poetics.
Some of these alamkaras are differently explained sometimes,8
but they all relate to emotional states. It is with this, their
common feature, that we shall be concerned here, and not with
any of their internal differences. Our choice of the Rasavadalarii-
kara for specific consideration here is as a type representing the
whole group, and what we say of it will apply mutatis mutandis
to the other members of it also. We shall not accordingly refer
to any of the latter, except when they illustrate some point that
is of importance to our topic.
The significance of describing this as an alamkarcP is that it
is an attribute of poetry—essential according to some, but only
desirable according to others. As, however, poetry is defined
as sabdarthau sahitau4 an alamkara may embellish either its
form or its content. The Rasavadalamkara, being an arthdlam-
kdra, contributes to the beauty of poetry, not on its formal but
on its content side. Our present purpose is to find out whether
such a view is tenable.
We have stated that the Rasavadalaihkara embellishes the
content side of poetry. Since this content is acknowledged
here to be vdcya? the Alamkara may be described as vacyopas-
I am grateful to Dr. V. Raghavan of Madras for his kindness in reading
the draft of this paper and making suggestions which were of much use to me
in revising it.
Contrast, e.g., Dandin's view of urjasvi (ii. 293-4) with that of Udbhata
<iv. 5).
These old writers sometimes appear to grant the pre-eminent position
of rasa in poetry, commonly recognised by later writers. Cf. BhSmaha, i. 21,
v. 3. But it is not a well-articulated view, and seems only to be a formal echo
of what is found in Bharata (Cf. Na hi rasad rte kascid arthah pravartate) and
is sometimes expressed by poets themselves.
Bhamaha, i. 16.
We are overlooking the distinction between vacya and laksya, as it i*
not of importance to our purpose here.
kdraka or subserving the meaning directly expressed in poetry.
But a question now arises as to whether this Alariikara itself is
vdcya or not. Two views seem theoretically possible in this
regard: It should be vacya, if we may judge, for instance, from
Dandin's definition of preyolamkara1 which is one of the group;
and Udbhata's statement that one of the means of communicating
an emotion to the reader is to name it, for example, as rati
or srngara lends support to the same conclusion. But, at the same
time, the use of expressions like sucana in this connection3 by
the latter, and gamayati and gamaka by his commentators suggests
that the Alariikara may not be vacya. Since, however, no vyang-
ydrtha is admitted by the older writers, it should, in that case,
be indirectly known—through some form of inference, say,
arthapatti. As it is not easy to decide between these alternatives,
viz., whether the Rasavadalamkara is vacya or not, we shall refer
to both the possibilities in the consideration of our subject.
(i) Let us first select the view that the Rasavadalamkara
is vacya or directly expressed; and for this purpose, let us examine
briefly the instance which Udbhata gives of it:
iti bhavayatas tasya samastan parvatigunan |
sambhrtan alpasamkalpah kandarpah prabalo 'bhavat II
svidyatapi sa gatrena babhara pulakotkaram |
kadambakalikakosakesaraprakaropamam II
ksanam autsukyagarbhinya cintaniscalaya ksanam |
ksanam pramodalasaya drsasyasyam abhusyata II
These stanzas, which are Udbhata's own, speak of Siva's love
for Parvatl. They first state that, as Siva pondered over all her
surpassing beauty, love for her planted itself firmly in his heart;
and then they refer to certain striking manifestations of it, such as
a bristling of the hairs on the body, perspiration and the like.
Here it is obvious that Udbhata describes not the emotion of
love but only its causes, consequences and accessories; and since,
by hypothesis, the Rasavadalarhkara is vdcya, it is these that we
must take as standing for the emotion in his view. But they
cannot do so, unless a materialistic view (which was repugnant to
old Indian thinkers generally) is held of emotion, and it is identified
Preyab priyatardkhyanam (ii. 275). *
t Sva-sabda-sthayi-samcari-vibhavabhinayaspadam (iv. 3).
« Cf. iv. 2.
with its objective accompaniments. So we must conclude that
the emotion, in its essence, here remains uncommunicated.
(2) If, to avoid this difficulty, we suppose the Rasavadalamkara
to be not vacya but arthdpatti-gamya, that is, deduced in one
way or another from the vibhdvas and the like, an idea of the emot-
ion in question will certainly be conveyed; but it will be conceptual,
and cannot therefore represent rasa which always means a felt
emotion. For inference, as is well known, gives rise to conclusions
of a generalised or abstract character, while poetry is expected
to speak to us in concrete terms. The consequence is that the
emotion portrayed comes to be known as only of a certain
type, instead of as a fully particularised instance of it. In the
hunting scene at the beginning of the Sdkuntala, for example,
Kalidasa does not tell us merely that the deer fled in fear, but depicts
the precise manner in which the fear manifested itself then and
there. He makes it known to us, of course, that the animal
was frightened, but he does so essentially through concrete
Hence we may conclude that, in neither case, can rasa be
classed under alamkara. If the Rasavadalamkara is held to be
vacya, it will not yield the intended experience but only present its
objective accompaniments; if, on the other hand, it is taken to
be arthdpatti-gamya, the experience to which it leads will be
very far from what is meant by rasa.
We may now draw an important corollary from the above.
But, before we can do so, we should make a passing reference to a
point which does not strictly fall within the scope of this paper.
It is that some alamkarikas, like Vamana, regard rasa not as an
alamkara, but as gunna1 of poetry. Since, however, gunas too, like
alarhkdras, are conceived as attributive to poetry, that view also
may be shown to be untenable on the reasoning adopted above.
When we take this fact along with another, viz., that gunas and
alamkaras are the only positive attributes of poetry, we may
conclude that rasa should be an alamkarya (or gunin) and not an
alamkdra? The only point to be granted for this conclusion to
be necessary is that rasa is an element of poetic value—a point
Kavyalamkara-sutra, III. ii. 14.
Dhvanyaloka (com.), P- 78: Alamkarya-vyatiriktas ca alamkrah
abhyupagantavyah, lake tatha siddhatvat. This work will hereafter be referred
to at DA.
which is not disputed by any alamkarikas, old or new. In other
words, it stands for the 'soul' (atman) or essence of poetry—not
for what embellishes, but for what is embellished. That is,
indeed, the view on the basis of which the later (navina) school
criticised the above conception of the Rasavadalamkara; and, in
taking their stand on it, they judged aright the place of rasa
in poetry.
But misconceiving the status of rasa in poetry was not the
only fault of the older (pracina) school. They also failed to explain
how rasa experience comes to be evoked at all. For, in trying
to explain it, they landed themselves, as we have seen, in a dilemma,
viz., that either it remains unevoked in its essence or only an idea
of the corresponding emotion is conveyed in purely conceptual
terms. The later school has successfully avoided this dilemma
by enunciating what is known as vyanjand-vydpdra, whose import-
ance in elucidating the nature of poetry cannot be exaggerated.
It means "a process of suggestion", as it is commonly interpreted;
but it also signifies more—that the reader should ideally re-
produce in himself, with the aid of the suggestive elements and
with that of his own feeling equipment, a mode of experience
similar to the one, under the spell of which the poet has expressed
himself in the form of the poem in question.1 These suggestive
elements are the vibhavas and the like which he has portrayed;
but, being only its outward accompaniments, they have to be
imaginatively synthesised by the reader before they can give
rise to the integral aesthetic experience (akhanda-carvana) for
which the term rasa stands.2 According to this explanation,
then, emotions are not communicated at all by the poet; he only
suggests them and thereby helps their waking to life in the mind
of a competent person, when they will necessarily be inwardly
experienced by him. Here the later school has, unlike the earlier,
rightly taken into account the important psychological fact that
no emotions, other than one's own, can be directly experienced.
But, when we speak of an emotion as 'waking up' in the mind of
the reader, it should not be regarded as a revival of his private
experience: that would, by no means, constitute rasa. For,
though the process may eventually go back to impressions latent
in his mind (vasana), the emotional experience itself, in virtue
Cf. Nayakasya kaveh s r o t u h samanonubhavah: DA., p. 29. (com.).
Na hi vibhdvdnubhava-vyabhicdrina eva rasdh: DA., p. 183.
of the idealised character of the vibhdvas and the like or, to
state the same otherwise, owing to the imaginative level at which the
waking takes place, becomes impersonal (sadharani-krta)2
and quite unique (alaukika)3 This is the solution by the later
school of the riddle of rasa experience.
The logical consequence of such a view is to exclude the
Rasavadalamkara from the sphere of poetics altogether, for it
is a self-discrepant conception representing an alamkarya as
an alamkdra. And that is what the later school has, in effect,
done. But Indian thinkers do not ordinarily discard an old con-
cept, even when they come to see that it is not strictly legitimate,
if they can profitably utilise it in any other way. Now an alath-
kdra, by its very nature, forms a subsidiary category. It is what
contributes to, or enhances, the beauty of something else. And
it so happens that, even though rasa is intrinsically primal in
character, it is sometimes found to subserve other suggested
poetic elements—another rasadi or vastumatra, (more correctly,
only rasddi);' and then it may be secondarily described as an
alamkdra. It is thus, not in its original sense that the name
'Rasavadalamkara' survives in the later view, but only in an
upacarita or figurative sense:
pradhane 'nyatra vakyarthe yatrangam tu rasadayah |
kavye tasminn alamkaro rasadir iti me matih ||5
This is well illustrated in the following stanza where karuna-
rasa serves to enhance the glory of a conquering prince, which
forms the chief point of the poem:
kim hasyena na me prayasyasi punah praptas cirad darsanam
keyam niskaruna pravasarucita kenasi durikrtah |
svapnantesv iti te vadan priyatamavyasaktakanthagrahgraho
buddhva roditi riktabahuvalayas tararh ripustrijanah II 6
The very words vibhava, anubhava etc., imply idealisation; and they
dre not mere karana, karya etc., as the older writers persist in describing
them. See e.g., com. on Udbhata's work, iv. 2, and cf. Kavya-prakasa, iv.
Deta-kdla-pramdtr-bheddniyantrito rasah: Abhinava-bharatl, I, p. 292.
« Cf. DA*, pp. 56-7 (com.). * See DA., pp. 71 and 74 (com.).
* DA., ii. 5. DA., p. 72.
It should be added that this fact that a rasa may subserve
another suggested element of poetry was not a new discovery
by Anandavardhana or by any other later thinker. For Udbhata
(if not some other early writers also) admits what he calls udat-
talamkara, one of whose two varieties is based upon a recognition
of that very fact. The rasa element is present in it; and yet it
is distinguished by him from the Rasavadalamkara, because
that element is not of first importance there. The following is
his illustration of it:
tasyadikrodapinamsanigharse 'pi punah punah |
niskampasya sthitavato himadrer bhavati suta II
The stanza speaks of the prowess of Visnu as adi-varaha, butting
repeatedly against the Himavan, and the mountain successfully
resisting it. Here there is a clear portrayal of vira-rasa. But
it is not portrayed for its own sake; rather, it serves to indicate
the sublime constancy and steadfastness of the mountain lord.1
Hence it is an instance of the udattalamkara, and not of the Rasava-
da'amkara. It will be seen that, in this respect, it is exactly similar
to the illustrative example of the Rasavadalamkara cited above
from Anandavardhana. In this distinciton which Udbhata makes
between the Rasavadalamkara and the udattdlarnkara, we may
say, lies implicit an important aspect of the theory of rasa, as
propounded later, viz., that where the rasa element is predom-
inant, we have the variety of kavya designated dhvani; and
where it is subordinate, we have the Rasavadalamkara.2 But
he had not the necessary aesthetic outlook for rightly interpreting
it, and therefore spoke of them both as alamkaras.
Na hy atra mahatma-caritam angitaya sthitam api tu angatam gatam:
* See DA., ii. 4-5-
This1 is a thesis for the Doctorate of Philosophy in the Univer-
sity of Madras; and it was, if we remember rightly, the first of its
kind to be approved by that academic body. It deals with Sans-
krit Poetics or AlamkaraSastra as it is called—a subject in which
the Indian mind has achieved particular excellence. Its literature
is vast; and, though the works that have been already published
are numerous, there are many still awaiting publication. The
theories propounded in them are diverse—as many as eight of
them being of distinctive importance according to our author.
The most important of these theories is that contained in the
Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana, a work of the 9th century A.D.
It is known as the theory of dhvani or 'suggestiveness* which is
based upon the view that what we may call the poetic ultimate is
essentially incommunicable and can at best be only suggested.
The present thesis treats of its subject with special reference to this
work. The Dhvanyaloka is not to be regarded as merely a treatise
on empirical aesthetics as several others are; for it develops its views
in close connection with philosophical theories, raising now and
again questions like the logical status of verbal testimony and the
psychological basis of idnta-rasa. Another feature in which it
differs from the common run ofAlamkara works is that the theory
which it enunciates, though in the first instance intended to explain
the method and aim of poetry, is equally applicable to all forms of
fine art. This is indicated by Anandavardhana's own references
to other arts like music for purposes of illustration. It is also clear
from the nature of dhvani itself; for the means of suggestion need
not be confined to linguistic forms, but may extend beyond to the
media employed in arts other than poetry. Features such as these
show that the Dhvanyaloka is a difficult work to comprehend; and
the difficulty is considerably increased by the imperfect character
of the only edition of it published so far.2 But our author brings
to its study a mind adequately equipped both in literature and
philosophy. He also possesses the care and patience necessary for
Some Aspects of Literary Criticism in Sanskrit or the Theories of Rasa and
Dhvani by A. Sankaran, M.A., Ph.D., University of Madras, 1929.
[Other editions, some of them of single chapters of the work, have since
appeared in Benares, Calcutta and Madras.—Ed.]
the examination of manuscript material incidental to such inquiries.
The result is an essay which contains many well-tested facts and
inferences, all set forth in a lucid manner. It is not merely on the
expository side that its excellence lies but also on the historical
and critical sides. In all these respects the thesis, though com-
paratively brief, goes deeper than any modern work we know on the
subject Of the several questions of interest considered here, we
may mention one in particular, viz., the relation between the
principles of rasa and dhvani. The point is discussed at consider-
able length and its elucidation is a valuable contribution to the
study of the subject. The thesis which represents apparently the
first effort of its author, gives promise of much valuable work
by him in the field of Sanskrit Research.
This volume1 contains the thesis presented by the author for
the M.O.L. Degree of the University of Madras. Its theme is
Indian Aesthetics—a subject in which, as in so many others
investigated by them, the ancient Indians have advanced numerous
theories. Many of these theories are briefly referred to here;
but the volume is chiefly concerned with the elucidation of the
most prominent among them, which is known as the theory of
rasa. The book is divided into ten chapters. The first three of
them deal with the subject in a general way, and point out the
importance as well as the antiquity of the rasa-theory. It is
mentioned already in the Natya-sastra of Bharata, the earliest work
on Sanskrit literary criticism that has come down to us. The
next four chapters treat of the chief interpretations of Bharata's
view of rasa and show how the latest of them, which we owe to
Anandavardhana and Abhinavagupta of the 9th and 10th centuries
respectively, is the best. This view superseded all the rest, and has
virtually dominated Indian literary criticism ever since. The
next two chapters are taken up with the discussion of the exact
significance of this theory, the extent of its influence and the
modifications, all more or less slight, which it underwent in later
times. The last chapter deals with the number of rasas, and consid-
ers in particular the question whether the santa can be the pre-
dominant rasa in poetry and in the drama. The view maintained
here, on the strength of the opinions of great critics and the
practice of artists of the first rank like Vyasa and Asvaghosa, is
that it can well be so.
The literature relating to this subject in Sanskrit is vast, and
the author shows a close acquaintance with it. His exposition
of the main theme, 'the suggestion theory' of rasa as he terms it, is
very good. But there are large portions of the book which dwell
at unnecessary length on matters that are well known to students of
Sanskrit criticism. We have also come across a few doubtful or
misleading statements. In dealing with Bhatta Lollata's view, for
The Philosophy of Aesthetic Pleasure by P. Pancapagesa Sastri, with a
Foreword by Mahamahopadhyaya Prof. S. Kuppuswami Sastrigal. Annamalai
University, 1940. pp. xxiv -f 324.
instance, it is stated (pp. 64 ff.) that the anubhavas or expressions of
the emotions help the spectator in inferring the mental attitude
of the hero and the heroine. But the spectator's conclusions in
this respect have nothing whatever to do with the 'generation of
rasa9 in the actors or the characters represented by them. The
anubhavas seem rather to serve as aids to the hero and the heroine
themselves to discover each other's frame of mind. But speaking
as a whole, the book brings together a good deal of information
touching the theory of rasas, which now lies scattered in many
books; and its publication will accordingly be welcomed by all
students of Sanskrit literature. The various indexes included in
the volume, and the analytical table of contents will greatly facilitate
the work of referring to it.
There are nine sections in this book1, and each section treats
of some leading concept of Sanskrit Poetics. The concepts selected
for consideration here, like so much else relating to this branch of
Sanskrit study, go back to the Natya-sastra of Bharata, which is
the foundation of most, if not all, of the Indian theories of poetry.
Some of these concepts, like laksana and bhavika, are less familiar
now than others; but all of them are more or less vague. Hence
the need for explaining them. Their antiquity is part-cause of
their vagueness, and the fact that they have frequently shifted
their meaning in the course of history has contributed not a little
to it. A satisfactory explanation of their present significance there-
fore makes it necessary to trace the course of these shiftings as
fully as possible. The author brings to bear upon this aspect of
the study his extensive knowledge of Alamkara literature, including
not only the portion of it which has found its way into print, but
also that which is still in the manuscript stage. The discussions
are throughout instructive, and they clarify many doubtful points
in old Alamkara works.2 They also contain some interesting
speculations as, for example, that concerning the origin of the
earlier name of jati for svabhavokti or a realistic description of things
(p. 94). In arriving at his conclusions, the author guides himself,
rightly as many will think, by the views of Anandavardhana and
Abhinavagupta. They were great, both as poets and as critics;
and in the theory of rasa, as finally formulated by them, Sanskrit
literary criticism reached its high-water mark. We may refer to
one small point in this connection. It is stated on p. 201 that the
word anitya, in the sense of 'relative', came into use only after
Anandavardhana. But it seems to have that meaning already in
Jaimini-sutra (I, ii. i), for it is explained there as equivalent to
aniyata or sapeksa, i.e., 'not invariable* or 'dependent*.
Naturally details like these will have no attraction to students
* Studies en Some Concepts of the Alamkara-sastra by V. Raghavan, M.A.,
Ph.D. The Adyor Library, 1942. pp. xx + 312. (The Adyar Library Series.
No. 33).
E.g., pallava on p. 132, rasa-prayoga on p. 198 and kriydkalpa on pp.
of Sanskrit in general; but their value to the specialist—whether
he is studying advanced treatises on the subject or is engaged in
research work in it—is great. The book is, indeed, a veritable
storehouse of useful information for him. But it should not be
concluded from this that it is of no interest at all to others, for the
author in the course of his discussions now and then makes
comments, appreciative or critical, on Sanskrit poets and poetry;
and these comments, he always supports by apposite quotations.
We may mention as an excellent instance of this'practical criticism',
as it is termed, the Section on the 'use and abuse of Alathkdrai.
Occasionally, one also comes across bits of new and useful inform-
ation as in the note on Ramabhyudaya, a lost dramatic work of
Ya&warman, the royal patron of Bhavabhuti (p. 205). The book,
as a whole, is a notable addition to the slowly increasing number
of works in English on a relatively neglected branch of Sanskrit
learning. The author alludes in the footnotes to one or two
other works on allied topics as under preparation by him. We
hope that they will be published soon.
This is the first publication1 of the Institute newly founded
in Madras in the name of the late Prof. Kuppuswami Sastriar; and
it greatly redounds to the credit of its authorities that they should
have issued it so very promptly. There is more than one Institute
of the kind in North India to direct and co-ordinate the work done
in the field of oriental research. The lack of a similar institution
in the South has long been felt; and now that it has been started,
we trust that it will receive not only from scholars, engaged in
oriental research, but also from the general public all the help and
encouragement which it requires for fulfilling its important
The book under review treats of Sanskrit poetics. It was first
published several years ago in the Kavyamala Series at Bombay
with the classical commentary of Abhinavagupta, called Locana.
Owing, however, to the meagreness of the manuscript material
available then and its unsatisfactory character, the edition was far
from correct. But the imperfect form in which the work appeared
did not prevent scholars from discovering its great value, and
Prof. Kuppuswami Sastriar was one of the first to do so. He had
it included in the course of studies for the Honours Degree in
Sanskrit of the Madras University, and taught it several times. In
teaching it, he thoroughly corrected the printed edition with the
help of old MSS. of the work which had by that time been secured
for the Madras Oriental Library. It is in this corrected form that
the original work and the commentary of Abhinava appear here.
The present edition also includes a hitherto unpublished gloss on
the latter, called Kaumudt, by one Uttungodaya which affords real
help in understanding this difficult work. To these, Prof. Sastriar
has added his own annotations in Sanskrit, which he terms Upa-
locana. They are brief; but, as may be expected from his many-
sided scholarship and rare critical insight, they are invariably
illuminating. The usefulness of an edition, provided with such
aids to study, is obvious and does not need to be stressed.
Dhvanyaloka by Anandavardhana, edited by the late MM. Prof.
S. Kuppuswami Sastri, Sastra-ratnakara T. V. Ramachandra Dikshitar and
Dr. T. R. Chintamani. The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Madras,
5944. PP- xx -f 304.
The work belongs to the 9th century A.D. ; and its importance
is well indicated by the fact that the view of poetry which it form-
ulated has come to dominate Sanskrit literary criticism completely,
superseding all the earlier views. It would be out of place, in a
review like this, to enter into its details which are necessarily
somewhat technical. We may, however, draw attention to two
of its broad features. The first is the emphasis it places on what
is known as the rasa theory. This theory not only points to the
general importance of feeling in poetry, which is universally
admitted; it also signifies that primary emotions (bhava) like love,
fear and wonder form its subject-matter par excellence, provided
their treatment by the poet satisfies the well-known aesthetic
requirements such as lifting them above the purely personal level.
Other things than emotional states also have certainly a place in
poetry. In fact, there is no object, according to the present view,
which is not potentially aesthetic. But, speaking in the main,
their purpose is to subserve the portrayal of emotion. The impli-
cation of such a theory is that poetry, when it is at its best, approx-
imates to music. Both alike centre about emotion, and aim at
inducing a predominantly emotional attitude in the hearer. The
other feature concerns the method of poetry which, it is maintained,
is not so much expression as suggestion or dhvani —a term which,
it will be noticed, occurs in the title of the work. It is evidently
deduced from the fact that emotions are quite indescribable, and
that an idea of them can be conveyed only indirectly by depicting
the more prominent among their outward signs. But when once
thus deduced, the method came to be commended in the case of the
other types of poetry also as a means of heightening their charm,
although it may not be necessitated by the nature of their content.
The volume under notice contains only the first of the four
chapters comprising the work. We are sure that the two scholars,
associated with Prof. Sastriar in its publication, will not allow it to
remain a fragment, but will secure whatever MS. notes he may have
left behind and see that the rest of the work is published soon. We
may also express the hope that the Institute series will include the
other unpublished works of the late Professor, such as his lectures
on Indian epistemology delivered some years ago under the
auspices of the University of Madras.
Many theories of the beautiful have been formulated in the past;
and, though several of them may contain elements of truth, none
is altogether satisfactory. This is the reason why the aesthetic
problem still remains an object of fresh research and study. There
has recently been published in America a notable book,1 which deals
with most of the fundamental questions relating to it. It shows
the author's wide knowledge of the literature on the subject, and
also his close acquaintance with masterpieces in more than one of
the fine arts. His approach to the problem is not merely aesthetical;
it is also philosophical. "For some years now", he writes in the
Preface, **I have hoped to understand art and beauty not merely in
a way which would be consonant with my own appreciations, but
also in a way which seemed to me philosophically satisfactory."
But the book is written in a much-condensed style, and a single
page of it will easily 'dilute' into half-a-dozen pages of an ordinary
book on the subject. It consequently makes tough reading; but
there is no question that a careful reader will derive from it much
valuable insight into the nature of the aesthetic process—whether
it be of creating beauty or of appreciating it. It is not possible in a
brief review, like the present one, to do justice to its many merits.
We shall therefore content ourselves with drawing attention to one
important point in it, viz., its view of aesthetic experience.
We shall indicate its main features best by contrasting it with
what may be called the naive view of aesthetic experience. The
latter starts with an analysis of the work of art into elements, which
it takes to be distinctive of its beauty, and describes aesthetic
experience as a form of delight resulting from their contemplation.
That is, aesthetic experience is assumed here to ensue the process of
contemplating beauty. According to the present view, on the
other hand, process and result together form a single whole, and
their separation is altogether unwarranted. The distinction
between the two views is vital. In the one case, aesthetic experience
is the end to which the apprehension of beauty is the means. There
is, no doubt, a causal connection between them; but, otherwise,
they stand apart as antecedent and consequent. In the other case,
The Aesthetic Process by Bertram Morris. Evanston, 1943. (Northwestern
University Studies in the Humanities, No. 8).
that experience is conceived as a continuous process of which
means and end are but two phases. The only difference between
them is that while in the first the creation or appreciation of beauty
is in progress, in the second it is consummated. It is clear that,
as thus conceived, means and end do not form a mere sequence as
in the other view, but are integral. In fact, the means itself is
wrought up finally into the end, according to the present view. It
is this unified whole of experience that constitutes aesthetic value
here and not mere delight. But delight is not excluded, for that
experience, as aesthetic, necessarily involves a feeling of pleasure;
only it becomes an aspect of the value here instead of being
identified with it. That is, we seek art not merely for the pleasure
it affords, but for the unique experience it brings.
The process of contemplation again is looked upon as active
in this view, and not passive as in the other. That it is so is clear
from the fact that the aesthetic attitude is critical. A competent
spectator will instantly notice the least fault which may mar the
excellence of a work of art. Those who regard the process as
passive do so, because they start, as we stated earlier, with a ready-
made object of beauty and naturally assume that its distinctive
features, already there, have merely to be apprehended for
attaining the aesthetic end. Really, however, it can be gained
only through striving as much in the appreciation of art as in its
creation. It implies that all great art involves a problematic
situation, i.e. a situation whose meaning is problematic, and that
its true significance will be revealed to none who does not
insightfully follow the development of that situation until its latent
tensions and conflicts are fully and satisfyingly resolved. It is
to this consummatory stage that the author gives the name of
''beauty". He frequently speaks of art as process, and product
as beauty. He means thereby, if we have rightly understood
him, that, like other values, the aesthetic also becomes a value
only when it is realized in one's own experience.
Students of Sanskrit will recognise here a striking resemblance
to a theory that has dominated art criticism in India for over a
thousand years.2 It is not necessary to enter into its technicalities
to bring out the resemblance. It will suffice to refer to the signi-
ficance of the title of "rasa theory" given to it. The word rasa
primarily means "taste" or "savour" such as sweetness; and it has,
See Abhinavagupta's com. on Bharata's Natyasastra, vol. I, pp. 286-91.
by a metaphorical extension, been applied to aesthetic experience.
The point of the metaphor is that both signify a process and that
the process is, in neither, sundered from the result. If we neglect
the almost infinitesimal time required to excite taste when a
savoury thing is placed on the tongue, the process of tasting and
the satisfaction that is its result are coincident. That is to say,
experience is fulfilment in the one case as in the other. The
metaphor has also a deeper implication. It points to the unity
of aesthetic experience, however complex it may be, as also to
its uniqueness for, when two or more tastes are properly blended,
it is pointed out, the result is one single taste which surpasses all
of them in its flavour. The appropriateness of selecting one
of the 'lower' senses, rather than the 'higher', to typify aesthetic
experience is in the importance of the element of feeling in art
for, as psychologists tell us, that element is at a maximum in
But, as may be expected from the widely remote circumstances
in which the two theories have been developed, the resemblance is
only partial; and there are more or less important differences bet-
ween them. To refer briefly to only one of them: the rasa theory
not only points to the general importance of feeling in art, which
is universally admitted; it also signifies that primary emotions
(bhava) like love, fear and wonder form its subject-matter par
excellence, provided their treatment by the artist satisfies the well-
known aesthetic requirements such as lifting them above the per-
sonal level. Other things also have certainly a place in art, and
there is no object according to the Indian view which is not poten-
tially aesthetic. But, speaking in the main, their purpose is to
subserve the portrayal of emotions. In the best art of India, it is
this emotional theme that is depicted. In Kalidasa's Sakuntala,
for example, it is love (srngara); and the secret of appeal in so much
of Indian music lies in the fact that it embodies the longing for
God of passionately devout hearts. So far as we have been able
to gather, the author of the work under review does not give the
same paramount place to emotions as Indian aesthedcians do.
The purpose of this book1 is to determine the relation bet-
ween two forms of experience—the aesthetic and the religious,
which are apt to be regarded as hostile to each other. But, as the
views commonly held about the nature of these experiences are
widely divergent, it is necessary to state in what way they are to
be understood here.
To take up aesthetic experience first. The author begins with
a brief sketch of the history of aesthetic theories from the earliest
times; but he sets nearly all of them aside as of little help to us in
rightly understanding the character of this experience. Its secret,
he thinks, was discovered only when it was investigated by the
Italian philosopher, Benedetto Croce, in the beginning of the pre-
sent century. There is no doubt that Croce's view of art is
unique and shows several novel and striking features. This has
been recognised by competent authorities ever since it was
put forward. But our author goes much farther and (though, as
we shall see, he finds it necessary to modify the view in some
respects) claims that Croce has said there the last word on what is
distinctive of aesthetic activity. However that may be, we should
know his view, before we can follow the argument of this book.
It cannot be made quite clear apart from his philosophy, but we
shall try to state it with as little reference as possible to his
general philosophical position.
Croce speaks of two forms of knowledge or the theoretical
activity of the mind, which he respectively terms 'intuition* and
'logical knowledge'. The former produces images; and the latter,
concepts or universals. Of these, logical knowledge invariably
involves intuition and is dependent upon it; intuitive knowledge,
on the other hand, is fundamental and independent. Similarly,
he divides the practical activity of the mind or will into the
economic and the ethical, which bear a relation to each other
analogous to that between intuition and logical knowledge.
Further, this practical activity, as a whole, presupposes the
theoretical and is dependent upon it; but the reverse does not
hold good. There are thus altogether four, and only four, grades
Aesthetic Experience in Religion by Geddes MacGregor. Macmillan
& Co., London, 1947. pp. 246.
of experience of which intuition, being the lowest, is the ground
of all the rest; and the ethical, being the highest, is the most
dependent of them.
It is intuition, in this sense, that Croce identifies with aesthetic
experience. But what is its exact nature? Even an idle mood of
ours in which we relax our mind and allow free play to our imagina-
tion is not, according to him, free from reflective elements such
as judgments and suppositions, comparisons and contrasts. To
get to the true intuitive stage, we have to go mentally a step lower,
abstracting all such elements from it. It is this first mode of
consciousness, when the image-forming activity of the mind goes
on without any admixture of reflection, that is intuition. It is said
to present things in their immediacy and to give us a knowledge of
them in their concreteness and individuality, as distinguished from
their general features; but it is a knowledge which, being detached
from all logical considerations, is necessarily indifferent to the
' question of truth and falsity. Examples of intuition are 'this river',
'this raindrop', as contrasted with the concept of 'water1. Only
we should remember that the particulars meant here are simpler
and more fundamental than the corresponding percepts because
they do not, like the latter, involve the distinction of real and un-
real. From what has been stated, it will appear that this basic
form of experience cannot be for us more than a moment's
glimmer; but Croce holds that true artists and, with their aid,
those who appreciate their works have the power to capture that
momentary experience and, keeping it pure from reflective
intrusions, persist in it longer than others can.
Now as regards religious experience: Its varieties, according
to Dr. MacGregor, are almost inexhaustible; and he dismisses, as
altogether unconvincing, views like that of the late Dr. Otto which
maintain that all religions, without exception, contain a unique
element and are, so far, one. It being impossible to discuss the
problem of the present book with reference to this infinite variety
of religious views, some specific form of it has to be chosen for the
purpose; and the choice of Dr. MacGregor falls on Catholic mystic-
ism. Its essential features are expounded here in the course of a
learned and very interesting survey of mediaeval literautre, going
back to the Augustinian tradition; but we can refer only to a few
of them in this review. Before doing so, however, we may draw
attention to one of the changes which Dr. MacGregor, as already
indicated, makes in the Crocean view. Religion, according to
Croce, does not stand for a separate form of experience. It is for
him a "hybrid activity of the mind, in part art and in part
philosophy." Here it is reckoned as distinct, and also as the
highest kind of activity in the development of man's spiritual life.
Some forms of theism take mystical experience to mean the
attainment of absolute unity with God. But here the unity is
such as preserves the distinction between God and the aspirant.
It is described as an 'I-thou' relation. That is, the individual does
not lose himself in God then, but only finds the fulfilment of his
life's purpose there. This experience is non-sensory and immed-
iate. It is also radically incommunicable. It cannot obviously
be reached without a long course of training. Broadly speaking,
the training consists in acquiring a knowledge of God and in
loving contemplation of him. To confine our attention to the
former: It is twofold—one, knowing, in faith, the truth about God;
and the other, of rational reflection upon it. Both these forms of
knowledge, owing to the ineffable nature of God, necessarily involve
analogies drawn from ordinary life, such as thinking of Him, say,
as our 'father*. It is this knowledge that should eventually grow
into mystic experience; but it cannot have any place in that ex-
perience which, by hypothesis, is immediate, until the analogical
images it involves, which externalise God, are rejected. Before
explaining what this rejection means, it is necessary to refer to two
other changes which Dr. MacGregor makes in the Crocean view.
First, Croce, as we have seen, holds intuition to be the ground
of all the higher grades of experience. Only, being mingled in
each with its characteristic determinations, it has to be isolated
from them before we can get at it. But he does not accept in it any
differences corresponding to those grades. All intuition for him
is alike perfect. But here such a gradation is postulated, with the
result that intuition comes to be viewed not only as basic to all
other forms of experience but also as growing richer and fuller
as those forms rise higher in the scale. Secondly, Croce denies
that we apprehend any external reality at any level of experience
since, according to him, mind is the sole reality and there is nothing
transcendent to it. But our author argues at great length to show
(without committing himself to any specific epistemological theory)
that such a reality must be accepted in the case of every mode of
experience. The significance of these changes to the present
question is that our ideas of God are not without their own objective
reference and that we can therefore also have an intuitive knowledge
of Him which, as these ideas advance and become enriched,
reveals to us His nature more and more clearly.
With this significance in our mind, we shall be able to see
what the place of. aesthetic experience is in religion. We have
spoken of the need for rejecting the imagery of the earlier stages in
knowing God, before mystic experience can be attained. After an
examination of the statements of typical mystics in this respect,
Dr. MacGregor concludes that the rejection is at first only of the
analogical'pictures', and that the corresponding aesthetic intuitions
especially those that are based upon theological propostions and are
therefore particularly relevant to divine nature, continue till the
aspirant actually enters upon mystical union. They too are re-
nounced then, but only temporarily as indicated by the fact that,
when a mystic elects to describe his experience, he reverts to that
very imagery. This shows that aesthetic experience is essential
to the mystic state, viewed as a whole and distinguished from
the act of mystic union. But, we should add, it is not sufficient,
because there is also need, as already pointed out, for the activity
of love. If mystic experience is incommunicable, it is so only in
so far as it depends upon that element in the discipline, and not
upon aesthetic experience.
The reader of this book cannot help feeling that the solution
it offers is incomplete for, though the problem raised is general,
it is discussed only in reference to what, after all, is a particular
view of aesthetic experience and is a particular type of religion.
But there is no question that the book makes a substantial contrib-
ution towards a general and final solution of it. The treatment
of the subject is clear and methodical. The discussions are
throughout on a high level; and the exposition is full of suggestions,
which students of art as well as those of religion will greatly value.
The relation between art experience and religion is considered
by Indian thinkers also, and we may close this review by making a
brief reference to their conclusion. To those who are familiar
with Indian thought, it is clear from the account given above of the
approach to mystic experience, that there is a striking resemblance
between it and the three ascending steps of spiritual discipline
prescribed in Indian works—sravana, manana and dhyana, which
respectively stand for knowledge of God, by faith, reflection upon
it and meditation with a view to transform it into direct experience.
Since rasa or aesthetic experience also, like this final one of jivan-
mukti, is characterised by complete detachment and is accompanied
by a unique form of delight, the two are described as similar.
But there is one vital difference between them. It is the lack in
the former of the knowledge of ultimate reality, which is essential
to the latter (a deficiency which is made good here by assuming
grades of aesthetic intuition that progressively reveal reality).
To this, they trace the lapse from art experience which takes place
sooner or later when, to speak generally, all the tensions of ordinary
life return. There is a reversion to common life from the experience
of jivanmukti also; but it can, by no means, be regarded as a 'lapse',
since the philosophic conviction endures then, with all its expected
influence upon life's conduct. In other words, there is according
to the Indian view, no direct connection between aesthetic and
absolute experience, as seems to be supposed here.. The discipline
of the fine arts, particularly of music, is not, however, excluded
from religion; but it is explained as only a useful aid to success in
meditation upon the Highest (cf. Yajnavalkya-smrti, iii. 115).
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All of them (the 17 essays in the volume) maintain a
uniform level of excellence and bear the characteristic marks
for which Prof. Hiriyanna's writings were always famous—
arrangement of ideas with an eye to their inner affinities,
precision derived from first-hand acquaintance with the original
texts, clear and lucid expression. These essays throw additional
light on several topics dealt with in the author's Outlines of Indian
Philosophy and can be read as a supplement to that work.
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Prof. Hiriyanna's scholarship is obvious as we read on.
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The contributions are brief and illuminating. Prof.
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material to the core of a subject. He has also the capacity to
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