FMC Battery Replacement
FMC Battery Replacement
FMC Battery Replacement
Service bulletin FMC-XX00-34-29 replaces the A2 NOTE: If the FMC is pre-loaded with the Vspeed
Navigation Circuit Card. The new A2 card further database and or Navigation Database, then remove
extends battery life of units. each database first by starting the dataload, wait
until the dataload process is at 1%, then press the
To minimize the impact from a depleted battery, CANCEL line select key. This will clear the memory
Rockwell Collins recommends batteries installed in so the Performance Database can be loaded first
post service bulletin FMC-XX00-34-25 units be and allocated correctly in the FMC memory to
replaced four (4) years from the installation of the prevent FMC lock up during the dataload process.
batteries. If service bulletin FMC-XX00-34-27 is
incorporated recommended battery replacement is DATABASE DOWNLOAD ASSISTANCE
five (5) years. Rockwell Collins will replace both
batteries at the same time. Battery installation dates There are several documents and videos available
will be marked on the front of the FMC to help to download and assist in the dataloading process
operators determine when to proactively replace the on the Avionics Customer Support Self Help
batteries and avoid the impact of a depleted battery. website. The website is
If service bulletin FMC-XX00-34-29 is incorporated
recommended battery replacement is 12 years. service.
REPLACEMENT INSTALLATION NEXT STEPS Under the “Self-Help Information” heading at the top
of the web page, there is a section entitled “Self-
A new, repaired, or updated Flight Management Help Videos”, as well as a section entitled “Self-Help
Computer (FMC) does not contain any databases. A Articles”. On the Video web page, there is a section
Navigation Database and, in some cases, a VSpeed entitled “Dataloading”. Here you will find hyperlinks
and/or Performance Database (as well as a Thrust to download narrated videos to a computer, which
Performance Database for Bombardier aircraft) must will guide you through the process of dataloading
be loaded after installation. A specific load order of your aircraft if the aircraft has a DBU-5000 data
these databases is required due to the Dynamic loading system installed.
Memory Allocation of the FMC memory during the
loading process. The FMC may become unusable if On the Articles web page, there is a document listed
the databases are not loaded in the proper order under the “Avionics” heading, entitled “Database
and will have to be returned to a Rockwell Collins Web Download”. This document will step through
Service Center for repair. If you are unsure if you the process of downloading the aircraft databases
have a Performance of VSpeed database, or are from the Collins Aerospace FMS Flight Deck
unsure of the correct database part number, please Content” page, and installing the databases to a
contact the OEM of your aircraft. USB drive to then move the USB drive to the aircraft
data loading system.
If you have a Flight Management Computer that has
no databases loaded and requires Navigation, If additional assistance is required beyond the
VSpeed, and Performance Databases, always load aforementioned videos and articles, technical
in the following order: (1) Performance Database (2) assistance is available. Collins Aerospace
VSpeed Database (3) Navigation Database. Customer Support Engineers (CSE) that are
assigned to your area. A listing of CSE points of
For those aircraft utilizing the Thrust Performance contact can be found at the following web link, under
Database, the load order is (1) Performance (2) the “Service and Support” section:
Thrust (3) Vspeed (4) Navigation