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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

Wind load parameters - Eurocode

Note: This document describes the definition of the wind load parameters in the software applications
GEO - Frilo Building Model and WL Wind Loads. The description is limited to the Eurocode-specific
application. Documents referring to former standards are available in our document archive at
www.frilo.eu Service >> Documentation >>Manuals >>Archive.


EN 1991-1-4 2
DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA 2
ÖNORM B 1991-1-4 5
NA to BS EN 1991-1-4 8

Software application with integrated graphical user interface:

GEO Building Model
WL Wind Loads

FRILO Software GmbH 14.02.2022 Page 1

Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

EN 1991-1-4
Currently (11/2014) the version EN 1991-1-4:2005 + A1:2010 + AC:2010 is implemented.

Note: if no prefix “NA” (eg. „NA-7.1.2“) is used, references are made to the document mentioned above.

DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA
Currently (11/2014) the version DIN 1991-1-4/NA:2010-12 is implemented.

Height above sea level hMSL

As per annex NA-A A.2, an increase factor is to be
taken into account for heights above hMSL= 800 m.

Wind zone
To be selected in accordance with in the wind zone
map in Annex NA-A, figure A.1.

Terrain category
As per annex NA-B
Tab. B1.

Altitude factor Hf
Increase factor for hMSL > 800m
hMSL < 1100 m as per Annex A A.2 (2)
hMSL > 1100 m as per Annex A A.2 (3)
The user should carefully consider this selection. A
user-defined increase factor Hf is allowed in
accordance with Annex A.2.

Directional factor cdir

Normally equal to 1.0, other factors can be
determined in closer examinations.

Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb,0

The value can be adjusted manually.

Basic wind velocity vb

vb = vb,0 · cdir · cseason equation 4.1
vb,0 fundamental value of the basic wind velocity as specified
cdir =1.0 (NA-4.2.) or direction coefficient as specified
cseason = 1.0 (NA-4.2)

Velocity pressure qb
qb = 1/2 ·  · vb2 equation 4.10
 air density as per NA-4.5  = 1.25 kg/m3

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

Peak wind velocity qp

qp = k · qb · (z/10)a tables B.2 Annex NA-B
z distance of the ordinate to the upwind base.
z > zmin as per table B.2
k coefficient depending on the terrain category as per table B.2
a exponent depending on the terrain category as per table B.2

Is currently not taken into account

Wind force (external pressure)

Fw,j = csds ·  (cf · qp (ze) · Aref) equation 5.4

qp: Peak velocity pressure

Sectionalised calculation for a partial area Aref in accordance with 7.2.2 figure 7.4

Building with h <= b

qp = qp (ze = h) const.

Building with b < h <= 2b

ze > b qp = qp (ze = h) const.
ze <= b qp = qp (ze = b) const.

Building with h > 2b

ze > h - b qp = qp (ze = h) const.
ze <= b qp = qp (ze = b) const.
b < ze < h-b qp = qp (ze = zj) const. for each partial rectangle

In the area z > b, the wind pressure behaviour is determined by approximation with the help of partial
rectangles, the top edges of which have the distance zj to the upwind base. A division into rectangles
with a height hj of approx. 5 m has turned out to be sufficiently detailed.
The width b is calculated from the extent of the lowest storey perpendicular to the wind direction.
For buildings with non-rectangular floor plans or floor plans varying from storey to storey, the width is
determined by approximation.

csds: structural factor

The structural factor takes an increase of the peak pressure due to dynamic influences (cd) into
account as well as the fact that the peak pressure does not apply to the whole building at the same
time. As prescribed by NA-4.42.1, the factor is calculated in accordance with NA-C. It is not separated
into partial factors.
!! Attention: Currently this value is assumed equal to 1.0.
In accordance with 6.2.c, the factor applies to braced buildings that are lower than 100 m and the
height of which is smaller than the fourfold depth of the building. In all other cases, further
considerations are required.

cf: aerodynamic shape coefficient.

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

To be calculated for rectangular buildings as per NA 7.2.2.

According to NA 7.1.2, the eccentricity is determined from figure 7.1.

Wind force due to internal pressure

A portion due to internal pressure is not taken into account. Where permeable exterior walls as per 7.2.9 (1)
are concerned, additional considerations are required in regard to a lump-sum increase of cf, for instance.

Wind force due to friction

A portion Fw,r as per equation 5.7 is not calculated. According to 5.3(4), this is suitable if the total area of all
sides parallel to the wind direction is equal to the fourfold sum of the areas perpendicular to the wind
direction. Otherwise, further considerations are required.

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

ÖNORM B 1991-1-4
Currently (11/2014) the version ÖNORM B 1991-1-4:2013 is implemented.
Note: The structure of the national annex has been changed.
Compared with the previous version, the wind loads are unchanched.

After selecting the municipality in accordance with tab. A.1, the following values are taken over: Altitude hMSL,
basic wind velocity vb,0 and basic wind velocity pressure qb,0.

Height above sea level hMSL

This manual adjustment is possible, if the condition hMSL > hMSL(A1)+250 m is satisfied as required by
NA-6.2.2 qb,0 table A.2.

Terrain category
Indicates the roughness of the terrain in accordance with table 41. of ÖNORM EN 1991-1-4.
NA does not allow category 0 and 1.

Directional factor cdir

Manual adjustment is possible, if the condition of NA 6.2.3 cdir =1.0 is satisfied.

Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb,0

The value can be adjusted manually.

Velocity pressure qb
The value can be adjusted manually.

Basic wind velocity vb

vb = vb,0 · cdir · cseason equation 4.1
vb,0 fundamental value of the basic wind velocity as specified
cdir = 1.0 (NA-6.2.3) or directional factor as specified
cseason = 1.0 (NA-6.2.4)

Wind velocity pressure qb

qb = 1/2 ·  · vb2 equation 4.10
: air density as per NA-,  = 1.25 kg/m3

Peak velocity pressure qp

qp = k · qb · (z/10)a NA-table 1
z: distance of the ordinate to the upwind base
z > zmin as per NA-table 1.
k: coefficient depending on the terrain category as per NA-table 1
a coefficient depending on the terrain category as per NA-table 1

Is currently not taken into account as per NA 6.3.3

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

Wind force (external pressure)

Fw,j = csds ·  (cf · qp (ze) · Aref) equation 5.4
qp: Peak velocity pressure
sectionalised calculation for a partial area Aref in accordance with 7.2.2 figure 7.4
Building with h <= b
qp = qp (ze = h) const.

Building with b < h <= 2b

ze > b qp = qp (ze = h) const.
ze <= b qp = qp (ze = b) const.

Building with h > 2b

ze > h - b qp = qp (ze = h) const.
ze <= b qp = qp (ze = b) const.
b < ze < h-b qp = qp (ze = zj) const. for each partial rectangle

In the area z > b, the wind pressure behaviour is determined by approximation with the help of partial
rectangles, the top edges of which have the distance zj to the upwind base. A division into rectangles
with a height hj of approx. 5 m has turned out to be sufficiently detailed.
The width is determined from the extent of the lowest storey perpendicular to the to the wind direction.
For buildings with non-rectangular floor plans or floor plans varying from storey to storey, the width is
determined by approximation.

csds: structural factor

The structural factor takes an increase of the peak pressure due to dynamic influences (cd) into
account as well as the fact that the peak pressure does not apply to the whole building at the same
time. As prescribed by NA-8.2, the factor is to be separated and calculated in accordance with Annex B.
!! Attention: Currently, this value is assumed equal to 1.0.
In accordance with 6.2.c the factor applies to braced buildings that are lower than 100 m and the
height of which is smaller than the fourfold depth of the building. In all other cases, further
considerations are required.

cf: aerodynamic shape coefficient.

Value to be taken from table NA.5 for rectangular buildings.
Wind load parameters
To be specified by the user. According to NA-9.1.1, an eccentricity of 1/10 of the ground floor dimension in
question should be considered, when the load transfer of the wind action takes place near the centroidal axis.

Wind force due to internal pressure

A portion due to internal pressure is not taken into account. Where permeable exterior walls as per 7.2.9 (1)
are concerned, additional considerations are required in regard to a lump-sum increase of cf, for instance.

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

Wind force due to friction

A portion Fw,r as per equation 5.7 is not calculated. According to 5.3(4), this is suitable, if the total area of all
sides parallel to the wind direction is equal to the fourfold sum of the areas perpendicular to the wind
direction. Otherwise, further considerations are required.

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

NA to BS EN 1991-1-4
Currently (11/2014) the version NA to BS EN 1991-1-4 is: 2005 + A1: 2010 is implemented.
Note: There were no different wind loads to the previous version..

Height above sea level hMSL

Value specified by the user for the calculation of factor calt using equation NA 2.a and NA 2.b

Terrain category
To be specified in accordance with NA 2.11.

Directional factor cdir

To be specified in accordance with NA.1.

Distance to the coastline dSea

To be specified in combination with the categories Country terrain and Town terrain. The default value is
dsea=0.1 km (close to the sea).

Distance to the urban boundary dtown

To be specified in combination with the category Town terrain.

Wind velocity vb,map

To be specified in accordance with figure NA.1.

Velocity pressure qb
The value can be adjusted manually.

Altitude factor calt

calt = 1+ 0.001 · A z <= 10 m equation NA 2.a
calt = 1+ 0.001 · A · (10/z)0.2 z > 10 m equation NA2.b
A: corresponds to the specified hMSL
Z: distance of the upwind base to the considered building height.

Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity

vb,0 = vb,map · calt equation NA.1
vb,map wind velocity as specified

Basic wind velocity vb

vb = vb,0 · cdir · cseason equation 4.1
cdir directional factor as specified
cseason = 1.0

Velocity pressure qb
qb = 1/2 ·  · vb2 equation 4.10
: air density as per NA 2.18:  = 1.226 kg/m3

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

Topography according to fig. NA.2 significant for:

Location on a hill or ridge
upwind slope of  > 0.05
downwind slope of  > 0.05
Location at a slope
upwind slope of  > 0.05

Peak velocity pressure qp without consideration of topography

qp = ce(z) · ce,T · qb equation NA.3.a and NA.3.b
ce(z): topography factor according to figure NA.7
Calculation with the help of the data given by FigureNA7.csv at www.istructe.org
and with the help of the values specified for dsea and hdis.
Ce,T: correction factor for urban location as per figure NA.8.
Calculation with the help of the data given by FigureNA8.csv at www.istructe.org
and with the help of the values specified for dsea and hdis.
A reduction of qp to compensate the missing correlation between wind on the
windward face and the leeward face in accordance with 7.2 (3) is currently not
taken into account.

Peak velocity pressure qp without consideration of topography

!! Attention: is currently not enabled in the software.

Wind force (external pressure)

Fw,j = csds ·  (cf · qp (ze) · Aref) equation 5.4

qp peak velocity pressure

Windward face: sectionalised calculation for a partial area Aref in accordance with 7.2.2 figure 7.4

Building with h <= b

qp = qp (ze = h) const.

Building with b < h <= 2b

ze > b qp = qp (ze = h) const.
ze <= b qp = qp (ze = b) const.

Building with h > 2b

ze > h - b qp = qp (ze = h) const.
ze <= b qp = qp (ze = b) const.
b < ze < h-b qp = qp (ze = zj) const. for each partial rectangle

In the area z > b, the wind pressure behaviour is determined by approximation with the help of partial
rectangles, the top edges of which have the distance zj to the upwind base. A division into rectangles
with a height hj of approx. 5 m has turned out to be sufficiently detailed.
The width is determined from the extent of the lowest storey perpendicular to the to the wind direction.
For buildings with non-rectangular floor plans or floor plans varying from storey to storey, the width is
determined by approximation.
Leeward face: according to NA 2.26, a constant pressure distribution is to be assumed over the
total building height with ce (z=h).

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Manual GEO/WL: additional document Wind load parameters - Eurocode

csds: structural factor

The structural factor takes an increase of the peak pressure due to dynamic influences (cd) into
account as well as the fact that the peak pressure does not apply to the whole building at the same
time. According to NA 2.20, the factor can be separated into a size factor cs (figure NA.3) and a
dynamic factor cd (figure NA.9). Otherwise, it is to be calculated in accordance with BS EN 1991-1-4,
chap. 6.3 and Annex B.
!! Attention: Currently, this value is assumed equal to 1.0.
In accordance with 6.2.c the factor applies to braced buildings that are lower than 100 m and the
height of which is smaller than the fourfold depth of the building. In all other cases, further
considerations are required.

cf: aerodynamic shape coefficient.

Value to be taken from table NA.4 for rectangular buildings.

Wind load parameters

Value to be specified, must correspond to the wind pressure distribution shown in figure NA.10 for the torsion
load case.

Wind force due to internal pressure

!! A portion due to internal pressure is not taken into account.
Where permeable exterior walls as per 7.2.9 (1) are concerned, additional considerations are required in
regard to a lump-sum increase of cf, for instance.

Wind force due to friction

!! A portion Fw,r as per equation 5.7 is not calculated.
According to 5.3(4), this is suitable if the total area of all sides parallel to the wind direction is equal to the
fourfold sum of the areas perpendicular to the wind direction. Otherwise, further considerations are required.

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