WL Parameter - Eng PDF
WL Parameter - Eng PDF
WL Parameter - Eng PDF
EN 1991-1-4 2
DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA 2
ÖNORM B 1991-1-4 5
NA to BS EN 1991-1-4 8
EN 1991-1-4
Currently (11/2014) the version EN 1991-1-4:2005 + A1:2010 + AC:2010 is implemented.
Note: if no prefix “NA” (eg. „NA-7.1.2“) is used, references are made to the document mentioned above.
DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA
Currently (11/2014) the version DIN 1991-1-4/NA:2010-12 is implemented.
Wind zone
To be selected in accordance with in the wind zone
map in Annex NA-A, figure A.1.
Terrain category
As per annex NA-B
Tab. B1.
Altitude factor Hf
Increase factor for hMSL > 800m
hMSL < 1100 m as per Annex A A.2 (2)
hMSL > 1100 m as per Annex A A.2 (3)
The user should carefully consider this selection. A
user-defined increase factor Hf is allowed in
accordance with Annex A.2.
Velocity pressure qb
qb = 1/2 · · vb2 equation 4.10
air density as per NA-4.5 = 1.25 kg/m3
Is currently not taken into account
In the area z > b, the wind pressure behaviour is determined by approximation with the help of partial
rectangles, the top edges of which have the distance zj to the upwind base. A division into rectangles
with a height hj of approx. 5 m has turned out to be sufficiently detailed.
The width b is calculated from the extent of the lowest storey perpendicular to the wind direction.
For buildings with non-rectangular floor plans or floor plans varying from storey to storey, the width is
determined by approximation.
According to NA 7.1.2, the eccentricity is determined from figure 7.1.
ÖNORM B 1991-1-4
Currently (11/2014) the version ÖNORM B 1991-1-4:2013 is implemented.
Note: The structure of the national annex has been changed.
Compared with the previous version, the wind loads are unchanched.
After selecting the municipality in accordance with tab. A.1, the following values are taken over: Altitude hMSL,
basic wind velocity vb,0 and basic wind velocity pressure qb,0.
Terrain category
Indicates the roughness of the terrain in accordance with table 41. of ÖNORM EN 1991-1-4.
NA does not allow category 0 and 1.
Velocity pressure qb
The value can be adjusted manually.
Is currently not taken into account as per NA 6.3.3
In the area z > b, the wind pressure behaviour is determined by approximation with the help of partial
rectangles, the top edges of which have the distance zj to the upwind base. A division into rectangles
with a height hj of approx. 5 m has turned out to be sufficiently detailed.
The width is determined from the extent of the lowest storey perpendicular to the to the wind direction.
For buildings with non-rectangular floor plans or floor plans varying from storey to storey, the width is
determined by approximation.
NA to BS EN 1991-1-4
Currently (11/2014) the version NA to BS EN 1991-1-4 is: 2005 + A1: 2010 is implemented.
Note: There were no different wind loads to the previous version..
Terrain category
To be specified in accordance with NA 2.11.
Velocity pressure qb
The value can be adjusted manually.
Velocity pressure qb
qb = 1/2 · · vb2 equation 4.10
: air density as per NA 2.18: = 1.226 kg/m3
In the area z > b, the wind pressure behaviour is determined by approximation with the help of partial
rectangles, the top edges of which have the distance zj to the upwind base. A division into rectangles
with a height hj of approx. 5 m has turned out to be sufficiently detailed.
The width is determined from the extent of the lowest storey perpendicular to the to the wind direction.
For buildings with non-rectangular floor plans or floor plans varying from storey to storey, the width is
determined by approximation.
Leeward face: according to NA 2.26, a constant pressure distribution is to be assumed over the
total building height with ce (z=h).