Why Does The Sugar Dissolve Slowly in Cold Water
Why Does The Sugar Dissolve Slowly in Cold Water
Why Does The Sugar Dissolve Slowly in Cold Water
Pengson Research 1
9-Lazaro(Mendeleev) Quarter 2
Why does the sugar dissolve slowly in cold water?
Sugar is a generic name for sweet-tasting soluble carbohydrates, many of which
are used in food. Simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, including glucose,
fructose, and galactose. This soluble substance is soluble in water but at what
temperature will it dissolve faster? Will it be cold or hot?
This research aims to test how fast sugar dissolves in different temperatures of
Ho: The water temperature doesn’t affect how quickly the sugar dissolves.
Ha: The water temperature does affect how quickly the sugar dissolves.
1 spoon
2 glasses of the same size
Hot water
Cold water
1. Get two glasses of the same size.
2. Pour the hot water into the glass in almost full and repeat it for the cold
3. Use your spoon, get 1 tablespoon of sugar, and pour it into a glass of cold
water and hot water.
4. Observe and list data
The sugar dissolves in water but the sugar dissolves faster in hot water than in
slow cold water.
The result shows that the sugar dissolves faster in hot water than in cold water.
Because particles have more energy of movement and it results in a faster
dissolving of a solute in a warmer solvent than it does in a cooler solvent. The
temperature of the solvent is another factor that affects how fast a solute
dissolves. For a given amount of solute, smaller particles have a greater surface
area. With greater surface area, there can be more contact between particles of
solute and solvent which the solute is the sugar and the solvent is the water.
In this research, the scientist finds out that the temperature of water affects how
quickly the sugar dissolves. The alternative hypothesis is accepted. Scientists have
concluded that the temperature of a solvent affects how quickly the solute