Project TALA (Technology - Based Activity and Learning Assistant) An Intervention To Maximize Performance of ICT Learners

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, 2022


[email protected]
Lemery Senior High School, Batangas, Philippines



This study aimed to develop an intervention to maximize the performance of ICT 12-Shannon learners in
Computer Programming during the first semester of S.Y. 2021-2022. The study involved 56 learners to
gather data and utilized the descriptive research design. Based on the findings, learners experienced
difficulties in Computer Programming specifically in one of the learning competencies during the second
quarter which is apply basic of java language. To address this problem, the researcher utilized chatbot
technology and came up with Project TALA (Technology-based Activity and Learning Assistant) which
provides interactive and immediate responses when prompted by learners and delivers the content of the
learning activity sheet. It is an automated instructional material that can be accessed by learners through
the messenger application. The learner should provide the lesson code to prompt TALA to deliver the
lesson. There will be two options on how to go through the lesson; text/image format and video format.
The content is based on the learning activity sheet for week six of the second quarter with the learning
competency of apply basic of the java language. TALA can also provide supplementary learning materials
and additional examples of the lesson. Learners are expected to give their answers to the activity in real-
time. After the implementation of Project TALA, it was revealed that there is an improvement in the
performance of the learners as revealed by Pre-Test and Post-Test results. With this result, the researcher
recommends TALA be replicated in other learning areas.

Keywords: intervention, technology-based, chatbot, interactive

INTRODUCTION Instructions when given using technology

can help create flexible learning environments
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world where teachers can truly personalize learning and
in 2020, schools were closed and students' foster an environment where students are involved
education was moved to their homes. Teachers in their education at their most comfortable time
had been able to teach students at a distance. and venue. It can offer timely communication and
Digital technology played a very important role, can serve multiple students simultaneously.
enabling both synchronous and asynchronous A chatbot is one of many options that
communication to be used in teaching and technology offers. It is defined as computer
learning. Its primary goal is to modify the way programs replicating human-like conversations
teachers and students gather, access, evaluate, using natural language structures (Garcia
present, and communicate information. Brustenga et al., 2018; Pham et al., 2018). It can
be a powerful virtual assistant which can also be
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CUPO, V.K.D., Project TALA ( Technology – Based Activity and Learning Assistant): An Intervention to Maximize
Performance of ICT Learners in Modular Distance Learning, pp. 262 - 267
utilized for educational purposes. It could be composed of 37 males and 19 females with a
deployed over messaging apps like Facebook total of 56 students of ICT 12-Shannon. No
Messenger and the like, custom school apps, or sampling was done among the respondents of the
the school’s website when available to facilitate study to gather the exact data. Weighted mean and
automatic around-the-clock interaction and mean percentage scores were also used as
communication. statistical tools.
Lemery Senior High School has many The research instrument used was a
enrollees utilizing two distance learning modalities questionnaire. To measure the difficulties
namely online distance learning and modular encountered by ICT 12 Shannon in Computer
distance learning, in modular distance learning, Programming as well as the effect of the
students are provided with a hard copy of their implementation of Project TALA as perceived by
learning materials, and their answer sheets are ICT 12-Shannon learners in Computer
retrieved regularly. However, this has consumed Programming (Java) weighted mean was used. On
so many resources in terms of the reproduction the other hand, the mean percentage score was
and sorting of learning materials. Moreover, utilized to determine the level of mastery of the
teachers also experienced delays in checking respondents among Learning Competencies in
students’ outputs and giving them feedback as they Computer Programming during the first semester.
wait until the answer sheets are retrieved, resulting Likewise, the researcher seeks consent
in difficulty keeping track of students’ learning and from the District and School heads to conduct the
making effective instructional decisions that study. Parental consent is also requested from
significantly impact students’ performance. As this each of the respondents before they were given the
has been observed especially in learners in questionnaire. The research instrument was used
modular distance learning, Project TALA to undergo content validation and reliability testing
(Technology-based Activity and Learning to ensure that the data that will be gathered is
Assistant) is an intervention proposed to provide a reliable.
more interactive way and immediate support to
Grade 12- ICT learners in Computer Programming RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
specifically section Shannon in accomplishing their
learning activities to easily monitor and maximize 1. Level of mastery of ICT 12-Shannon in
their performance. Computer Programming (Java)

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Table 1 presents the level of mastery of ICT

12-Shannon among the learning competencies in
This study primarily aims to: 1. Determine Computer Programming during the first semester.
the level of mastery of ICT 12-Shannon in The data shows that in Quarter 2, there is near
Computer Programming (Java); 2. Identify the mastery in apply basics of java language which has
difficulties encountered by ICT 12 Shannon in the least mean score of 23.45 and 73.45 mean
Computer Programming; 3. Propose an percentage score among the learning
intervention to enhance the level of mastery of ICT competencies during the first semester.
12-Shannon in Computer Programming; 4. This could mean that the learning
Determine the effect of the implementation of competency that deals with java programming
Project TALA as perceived by ICT 12-Shannon language is challenging among learners. This
learners in Computer Programming (Java). shows that learners experience difficulties in
creating their program due to limited examples
METHODOLOGY before the hands-on activities which is parallel to
the idea of Rusminah (2018) that learners
This research study used Descriptive perform poorly while learning programming
Design. A questionnaire was used to gather the courses due to insufficient examples provided to
necessary data. The respondents of the study were them.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
CUPO, V.K.D., Project TALA ( Technology – Based Activity and Learning Assistant): An Intervention to Maximize
Performance of ICT Learners in Modular Distance Learning, pp. 262 - 267
Table 1 their most encountered difficulty which got the
Level of Mastery of ICT 12- Shannon in Computer highest rank with a 3.84 weighted mean. It
Programming (Java) during First Semester
Learning Mean Mps Remarks indicates that learners can learn more if teachers
Competencies Score utilize interactive media in the delivery of
Quarter 1 instruction.
1. Lead workplace 37.39 87.39 Mastered
communication Table 2
(LWC) Difficulties encountered by ICT 12 Shannon in Computer
2. Lead small teams 38.44 88.44 Mastered Difficulties Encountered Weighted VI Rank
(LST) Mean
1. Ineffective time 3.32 SA 6
3. Develop and 34.11 84.11 Mastered management in reading the
practice negotiation learning materials and
skills (DPN) answering the activities

4. Solve problems 24.02 74.02 Nearly 2. Lack of real-time feedback 3.65 SA 4

related to work Mastered from teachers
activities (PRW)
3. Lack of supplementary 3.72 SA 2
5. Apply quality 37.28 87.28 Mastered examples to clearly
standards (AQS) understand the lesson

6. Use relevant 24.38 74.38 Nearly 4. Absence of interactive 3.84 SA 1

technologies (URT) Mastered medium to engage interest
in learning
7. Apply quality 24.15 74.15 Nearly
standards (AQS) Mastered 5. Limited instructions to 3.69 SA 3
easily understand how to do
8. Perform computer 24.15 74.15 Nearly the learning activities
operations (PCO) Mastered
6. Limited time of access to 3.54 SA 7
Quarter 2 Learning Activity Sheets
and Weekly Home Learning
9. Access information 24.00 74.00 Mastered Plan
using computer
7. Lack of well-timed 3.31 SA 5
10. Maintain computer 24.22 74.22 Mastered communication on
equipment performance and learning
11. Performing Object 23.45 73.88 Nearly
Oriented Analysis Mastered Average Weighted Mean 3.58 SA
and Design: Apply
Basics of Java
This could also mean that to be able to
enhance Grade 12-Shannon learners’
performance in Computer Programming the
2. Difficulties encountered by ICT 12 Shannon teacher should devise ways on incorporating
in Computer Programming interactive activities in modular distance learning
which is similar to the idea of Allen (2021) who has
Table 2 presents the difficulties proven that interactive learning increases learner’s
encountered by ICT 12- Shannon learners in performance and help them learn independently.
Computer Programming. The data shows that the Moreover, he mentioned that it also improves
learners strongly agreed that the absence of an learners’ retention of material and promotes self-
interactive medium to engage interest in learning is directed learning. In addition, Grade 12- Shannon

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

CUPO, V.K.D., Project TALA ( Technology – Based Activity and Learning Assistant): An Intervention to Maximize
Performance of ICT Learners in Modular Distance Learning, pp. 262 - 267
learners strongly agreed that limited time of access will be two options on how to go through the
to learning activity sheets and weekly home lesson; text/image format and video format.
learning plan is one of the difficulties encountered
in the subject as supported by the lowest weighted
mean of 3.54. It indicates that the learners have
insufficient time in using the learning activity
sheets. It could also mean that their given time is
not enough to complete the different learning
activities. With this, it can be inferred that some of
the learners submit incomplete outputs due to time
pressure which could affect the transfer of learning.
This can be supported by the study conducted by
George (2013) where he recommended that
learners should be given a study timetable long
enough for effective academic exercises. It is found
that there is an improvement in the academic
performance of the learners with long study times.
In general, the average weighted mean of
3.58 revealed that the learners strongly agreed that
they experienced some difficulties taking computer
programming subjects. This indicates that the
learners can further improve their performance in
programming if the identified difficulties are
addressed properly. Moreover, it also implies that
the teachers should devise strategies that are
parallel to the needs of the learners. This shows
that appropriate intervention must be given to be
able to improve the learning delivery in computer
programming subject. This is supported by the
study of Othman (2010) who concluded that
learning interventions are useful in improving
learners’ academic performance and should be
considered a routine tool in the teaching and
learning process.

3. Proposed intervention strategy to enhance

the level of mastery of ICT 12-Shannon in
Computer Programming

To enhance the level of mastery of ICT 12-

Shannon in Computer Programming, Project TALA
(Technology-based Activity and Learning
Assistant) is proposed by the researcher. It is an
automated instructional material that can be
accessed by learners through the messenger Figure 1. Flowchart of TALA (Technology- based Activity and
application. The learner should provide the lesson Learning Assistant)
code to prompt TALA to deliver the lesson. There

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

CUPO, V.K.D., Project TALA ( Technology – Based Activity and Learning Assistant): An Intervention to Maximize
Performance of ICT Learners in Modular Distance Learning, pp. 262 - 267
quality of performance which got the highest
rank having a weighted mean of 3.84. It indicates
that TALA, when used, can contribute to increasing
the level of performance of the learners. This could
also mean that TALA contributes to alleviating the
difficulties encountered by ICT 12-Shannon in
doing their activities in computer programming.
This is like the idea of Okonkwo (2021) who cited
that the primary advantage of implementing a
chatbot system in education is that it will improve
students' learning performance.


Based on the findings the following

Figure 2. Use Case Diagram of TALA (Technology-based Activity
conclusions were drawn. The study revealed that
and Learning Assistant ICT 12-Shannon learners experienced difficulties
in Computer Programming specifically in one of the
4. Difficulties encountered by ICT 12 Shannon learning competencies during the second quarter
in Computer Programming of the first semester which is apply basics of java
language. The absence of an interactive medium
Table 3 to engage interest in learning greatly impacts their
Difficulties encountered by ICT 12 Shannon in Computer performance. Moreover, they need additional
Programming examples to clearly understand the lesson. The
Effects of the Weighted VI Rank implementation of Project TALA (Technology-
Implementation of Project Mean based Activity and Learning Assistant) served as
TALA an effective intervention to maximize the
1. Acquire advanced learning
performance of ICT learners in modular distance
3.32 SA 6
in Computer Programming learning. The implementation of Project TALA
improved the quality of performance of ICT 12-
2. Motivate to complete 3.65 SA 4
different learning tasks
Shannon learners in computer programming.
3. Promote time management 3.72 SA 2 RECOMMENDATION
in accomplishing different
learning tasks.
4. Improve the quality of 3.84 SA 1 Given the findings and conclusions drawn, the
performance outputs researcher recommends the following:
5. Reduce academic stress in 3.69 SA 3
completing assigned 1. Further evaluation of Project TALA using a
learning activities quasi-experimental approach.
Average Weighted Mean 3.58 SA 2. Other teachers should replicate TALA
(Technology-based Activity and Learning
Assistant) as an intervention to maximize the
Table 3 presents the effects of the performance of learners in other subjects.
implementation of Project TALA as perceived by Further study as well as consistent monitoring
ICT 12-Shannon learners in Computer and evaluation should be conducted to enhance
Programming (Java). The data shows that the the project.
learners strongly agreed that TALA improves the

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

CUPO, V.K.D., Project TALA ( Technology – Based Activity and Learning Assistant): An Intervention to Maximize
Performance of ICT Learners in Modular Distance Learning, pp. 262 - 267
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P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

CUPO, V.K.D., Project TALA ( Technology – Based Activity and Learning Assistant): An Intervention to Maximize
Performance of ICT Learners in Modular Distance Learning, pp. 262 - 267

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