Planning Messages Business

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As a leader, in addition to having leadership character, he must alsa master

managerial fucntions. This managerial function will help the leader to run the
organization in achieving organizational goals. It is important to remember that if
a leader does not have managerial skills, he will only be able to formulate and
determine the organizations visionj or mission going forward, but is unable to
carry out all organizational activities towards achieving the organizations vission
or mission.

Therefore, as a leader, knowing managerial functions is very important,

because management is an art in managing an organization in order to achieve
organizational goals.

Management is a process of regulation or management to achieve a goal

by involving others. Management is the science and art of regulating the process
of utilizing other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve certain goals.
There are many management functions expressed by management experts, but in
this material will contain management functions that are simple and more
comprehensive by George R. Terry, namely P.O.A.C (Planning, Organizing,
Actuating and Controlling).

P.O.A.C is a management function that is general in nature and covers all

managerial processes. Many experts add a lot of understanding of the
management function, but among the many additions, it includes the four
functions introduced by George R. Terry, namely Planning, Organizing, Driving,
and Supervising.


1.1.1. Definition

Planning is an arrangement of steps systematically and

regularly to achieve organizational goals or solve certain problems.
Planning is also interpreted as an effort to utilize available
resources by taking into account all limitations in order to achieve
goals efficiently and effectively. Plannig is the first step in the
managemengt process, because by planning future organizational
activities, all resources in the organization are focused on
achieving organizational goals.

In carrying out the planning yhere are activities that must be

carried out, which is tp forecast (plan) organizational activities and
budgeting. Forecast functions to determine the planned activities
that will be carried forward by the organization in an effort to
achieve organizational goals, organizational resources and also
conduct an organizational analysis (can use SWOT) to determine
internal and external potential.

1.1.2. Factors Affecting

There are several factors that need to be considered in

planning, which must be SMART :

 Spesific
It means that planning must be clear about its purpose
and scope. Not too wide and too idealistic.
 Measurable
This means that the work program of an organization
or plan must be able to measure its level of success.

 Achievable
The meaning can be achieved. So it's not just a dream
in planning and can not be implemented.
 Realistic
The meaning is in accordance with the capabilities and
available resources. Not too easy and not too difficult.
 Time
Meaning there is a clear deadline. Weekly, monthly,
quarterly, semester or yearly. So it is easily assessed
and evaluated.

1.1.3. Example of Planning in Business

1. Determine Location
In this case, choosing a location as a place to start a
business must be planned. Because location can also affect how
customers see the company's products.
2. Goods to Sell
The purpose of planning also helps entrepreneurs to
determine what items they will sell.
3. Advantages and Disadvantages
Every company must plan how they run their business so
that they make a profit and avoid loss.

1.1.4. Step Instructions

Steps in making planning:

1. Analyze the situation & identify the problem

Analyzing and identifying the situation of the
organization by taking into account the objectives of the
organization. in analyzing the situation can use SWOT
analysis techniques

2. Determine the priority scale
After analyzing and identifying problems, it is
necessary to determine priorities for the implementation of
activities. This is so that the urgent needs of the
organization take precedence to ensure the sustainability of
the organization
3. Determine program objectives
So that the implementation of all organizational
activities will lead to the achievement of organizational
goals, it is necessary to determine program objectives, so
that later the implementation of the program can be
measured its achievements.
4. Arranging operational work plans (including budgeting)

1.2.1. Definition

Organizing is defined as the activity of division of tasks

among people involved in organizational activities, in accordance
with their HR competencies. Thus it can be said that this activity is
the whole process of selecting people and allocating facilities and
infrastructure to support the tasks of those people in the
organization, as well as regulating the mechanism of its work so as
to guarantee the achievement of program objectives and
organizational goals.

According to George R. Terry, the task of organizing is to

harmonize different groups of people, bring together various
interests and utilize all abilities in a particular direction.

1.2.2. Example of Organizing in Business

In organizing activities carried out namely staffing

(integration of staff) and the integration of all organizational
resources. Staffing is very important in organizing. By placing the
right people in the right place in the organization, the continuity of
the organization's activities will be guaranteed.

The function of the leader here is to be able to place the

right man in the right place. The leader must be able to see the
potential of qualified human resources and be responsible for
carrying out the activities of the organization. After placing the
right people for a particular task, it is also necessary to coordinate
and integrate the full potential of the HR in order to work
synergistically to achieve organizational goals.

1.2.3. Step Instructions

Organizational Steps:

1. The goals of the organization must be understood by staff.

(Explain the entire staff about the organizational goals to be
2. Distribute the work clearly to staff. (Position competent
people in the right position. And don't let there be an empty
strategic position, because it will affect the overall
achievement of the organization)
3. Determine procedural staff. (Determine the way of working
and evaluating the staff, as well as the punishment and
reward received. It also explains the lines of coordination
and synergy within the organization, so that all positions
are integrated to achieve organizational goals)
4. Delegate authority. (Dare to delegate authority according to
the duties and functions of each staff)

1.3.1. Definition

Actuating is an action taken in the framework of efforts so

that all planning and objectives of the company can be achieved as
expected. At this stage of implementation requires hard work,
discipline and also cooperation between divisions or departments.

Good planning and organizing is less meaningful if it is not

followed by the carrying out of responsible organizational work.
For this reason, all existing Human Resources (HR) must be
optimized to achieve the organization's vision, mission and work

Implementation of work must be in line with work plans

that have been prepared. Each organizational actor must work in
accordance with the duties, functions and roles, expertise and
competencies of each HR to achieve the organization's vision,
mission and work program.

1.3.2. Factors Affecting

Factors that can influence the actuating in business are by carrying

out organizational activities, organizational actors must:

1. Feel confident and able to do a job,

2. Believing that work has added value to themselves,
3. Not burdened by personal problems or other more
important or urgent tasks,
4. The assignment given is quite relevant,
5. Harmonious relations between colleagues.

1.3.3. Example of Actuating in Business

Actuating includes mobilizing leadership and coordination.

Leadership, namely the leadership style of the leader in optimizing
all the potential and resources of the organization to lead to the
achievement of program and organizational goals. While
coordination is an activity that brings people involved in the
organization into a harmonious atmosphere of cooperation. With
the existence of coordination can avoid the possibility of unfair
competition and confusion in acting between people involved in
achieving goals. This coordination invites all available human
resources to work together in one direction that has been

The lead work includes five activities namely:

1. Make decisions
2. Establish communication so that there is mutual
understanding between leaders and subordinates.
3. Encouraging, inspiring, and encouraging subordinates to
4. Choose people who are members of the group appropriately
5. Improve the knowledge and attitudes of subordinates so
that they are skilled in trying to achieve the goals set.

In leading there are activities direction (command) and

motivation. Orders are instructions or explanations of work, as well
as consideration and guidance, there are organizational actors
involved, both structurally and functionally, so that the
implementation of tasks can run smoothly.

In the implementation direction (command) is often done

simultaneously with controlling. If the command given by the

leader is in accordance with the wishes and abilities of the staff,
then the staff will be motivated to empower their potential in
carrying out organizational activities. While motivation can be
done by making staff as coworkers, as well as providing rewards
(awards) if staff work well.

1.3.4. Purpose of Actuating

The purpose of actuating is :

1. Creating more efficient collaboration

2. Develop staff abilities & skills
3. Foster a sense of belonging & love work
4. Work on a work environment that increases staff
motivation & work performance
5. Make organizations develop dynamically.

1.4.1. Definition

According to Louise E. Boone and David L. Kurtz,

Understanding Controlling (control) is a process in which
managers will determine whether the operation is consistent with
the plan. The aim of controlling is to create dynamic, effective and
efficient management activities in accordance with the duties and
responsibilities in accordance with the predetermined
organizational hierarchy.

In order for the work to go according to the goals of the

organization and work program, controlling is needed in the form
of supervision, inspection and audit. These words do have different
meanings, but the most important thing is how early on it can be
known the deviations that occur, both in the planning,
implementation and organizing stages. So that with this can be

immediately anticipated, corrected and adjustments according to
the situation, conditions and development of the environment
around the organization.

The oversight process as part of control will record the

organization's progress towards the expected goals and allow the
leader to detect deviations from planning in time to take corrective
action before it's too late. Through effective supervision of the
activities of the organization, quality control efforts can be carried
out better.

Activities that are also included in controlling activities

include evaluation and reporting. Evaluation is an evaluation of the
results of the implementation of an activity or program. In
evaluating it must be comprehensive, including the achievement of
the objectives of the activity, staff performance, staff knowledge,
effectiveness and efficiency of the budgeting and activity process.
While reporting is the delivery of the development of the results of
activities or the provision of information regarding all matters
relating to the tasks and functions to the higher leader.

Controlling will direct the entire potential of the

organization involved so as not to make deviations in achieving
goals. For that controlling must be carried out responsibly and with
organizational standards, so that the actors of the organization
continue to work optimally and focus on achieving organizational

1.4.2. Function of Controlling

The function of controlling is :

1. Can find out how far the program has been implemented

2. Can find out staff who need to be given awards /
3. Avoiding irregularities in the organization
4. Correct any mistakes or weaknesses that exist in the
5. Increasing everyone's responsibility in carrying out tasks.
6. Make corrections if the implementation is not in accordance
with the planned plan

1.4.3. Process of Controlling

The controlling process includes:

1. Determine the standard to be used as a basis for control.

2. Measuring the implementation or results that have been
achieved by evaluating the performance and competence of
its human resources.
3. Compare implementation or results with standards.
Again comparing the results of the implementation
of activities with the initial purpose (plan) of the activities
carried out, and measuring the achievements of their
4. Take corrective actions.
If there are errors or irregularities, immediately
make improvements,
5. Review and re-analyze the plan.
Re-make a new plan if deviations occur. However,
if the results are in accordance with the program objectives,
then it is necessary to make further plans to continue the
successful program, so that the organizational goals are
closer to being achieved.

1.4.4. The Difference in Controlling

Controlling according to their nature and time:

1. Preventive Control

Supervision is carried out before the activity is

carried out. The leader oversees the planning of activities to
be carried out until the preparation is done, including
member recruitment

2. Repressive Control

Supervision is carried out after the activity takes

place, by supervising the results of the implementation of
the activity, as well as evaluations and reports obtained
(measuring the results of the achievement)

3. Controlling During the Process

Controlling is carried out in conjunction with the

process, so that it immediately follows the process and
conducts coordination if there are irregularities

4. Periodic Controlling

Controlling is carried out within a certain period

based on the agreement (can be once a month, 2 or 3

6. Sudden Supervision (Inspection)

Supervision is carried out suddenly to see the daily

performance of staff and avoid deviations

7. Supervising (waskat)

Supervision is carried out close to the staff, this is often

done for specific purposes and are specific, so as to avoid
the slightest deviation or error occurs


The planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling functions are

the strenghts of leaders in carrying out the managerial functions of the
organization.if there are leaders who support, do and manage the
organization with all the resources in it, then the goals of the organization
will be easily obtained.

And this leader will become a leader who is not only able to create
a mission, but also succesfully carry out managerial activities in
organization life. For this reason, be a leader who has leadership character
and ability to carry out managerial functions, so thatorganizational goals
can be landed in the implementation of activities, and not only in
accordance not only with the paper program.


Terry George, R. The Principles of Management. Ruseffendi.(1992).

Koontz, H & Weihrich, H 1990, Esseintials of Management, McGraw-Hill

Publishing Company, singapore

Massie, JL, 1979, essentials of management 3rd edn, Prentice Hall, Inc, Kentucky mcda



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