Effect of Blended Learning

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Direction: The following categories are surveys to determine your perceptions regarding the impact of
Blended Learning during the COVID -19 pandemic. Indicate your answer by checking one of the options
or choices in each statement. These are the following criteria: 5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 – Neither
agree or disagree, 2 – Disagree, 1 – Strongly Disagree.
A. Emotional Expectations of the
1 2 3 4 5
1. The sudden shift to Blended Learning instead
of face-to-face mode of learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic gave me more fear than
excitement. ___ ___ ___ ___ __
Comment ________________________________
2. The immediate shift to Blended Learning during
the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the
unstable mental and emotional wellness of the
teachers and the students. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Comment ________________________________

B. Technological Environment

1 2 3 4 5
1. My level of technology competency before the
implementation of the Blended Learning is
adequate enough for me to navigate well in the
virtual platform/s being used by our teachers in
___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Comment _________________________________

2. I have undergone proper and sufficient

training/s on digital platform/s intended to be ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
institutionally implemented by our school
Comment _____________________________
1 2 3 4 5
3. The technology trainings included in our BSA
curriculum are more than adequate for me to
navigate well in the virtual platform/s being used
by our teachers for teaching and learning purposes. ___ ___ ___ ___ __
Comment ________________________________
4. I feel I still need to undergo further training/s to
improve my technological skills to enhance my
academic performance as a student.
Comment ________________________________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

C. Classroom Management
What is/are your observations of your
learning under the Blended Learning
1 2 3 4 5
1. I observed that students are usually not
attentive to ongoing activity or not focus to the
assigned tasks/topics. ___ ___ ___ ___ __

2. I noticed that several students log in, then

log out, then log in in the chatroom in the
middle of the class due to weak connectivity ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
with their internet providers.

3. Some students log out in the chatroom in the

middle of the activity and will not come back
anymore due to lack of data for their gadgets. ___ ___ ___ ___ __
4. Teachers could not enforce strict attendance
management of the students due to
deficiencies such as unreliable Internet
connectivity, lack of gadgets and data, and ___ ___ ___ ___ __

5. There are lots of distractions to the faculty

and the students alike during classes like noises ___ ___ ___ ___ __
around, family matters, business concerns and
be adopted by our school after the COVID – 19
Pandemic era.
5. There are lots of distractions to the
faculty and the students alike during classes
like noises around, family matters, business
concerns and others.

6. I noticed the evident lack of

connectivity between the students and the
teacher and among the students
themselves unlike during the face-to-face

7. I observed some students were

emotionally affected by the sudden shift
from face -to-face mode of learning to
Blended learning.

8. I can observe that many students are

still confused and seemingly without
proper direction in their studies.

9. I noted that many students are

financially affected by the COVID-19
pandemic in one way or another.

D. Educational System’s Landscape

1. I believe that among the modalities of

learning, most schools will still continue to
adopt Blended Learning under the “New
Normal” in the delivery of learning objectives to
the students after the era of the COVID -19
2. Regarding the delivery of learning outcomes
to the students of the accounting subjects, I
prefer the face-to-face modality of learning to
1 2 3 4 5

___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ __

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ __

___ ___ ___ ___ __

___ ___ ___ ___ __

___ ___ ___ ___ __
A. Quality of Learning Outcomes Delivered

1 2 3 4 5

1. In my honest opinion, the quality of delivery of

learning outcomes during the Blended Learning for
Accounting subjects is superior than that of the
face-to-face modality during the pre-pandemic


2. As a student, I consider that Blended Learning is

more effective in learning theories and applications
in Accounting subjects than the face-to-face

B. On-line Teaching Pedagogy

1. What is your attitude regarding technology as a student?

____Averse/ Honestly, I do not like it.

____Lukewarm/ I may not like it but I have to embrace it due to necessity.

____Flexible/ I am always open to changes or development.

____Proactive/ I like very much new things and I even on my own learn them and adapt them

Comment _________________________________________________

2. What electronic gadgets do you use in online/blended learning classes?

____Laptop _____Tablet

____Personal Computer _____Cellphone (Android)

Other/s, please specify ____________________________________________

3. Do you own the virtual gadget/s you use for virtual learning?

____Yes ____No

Other/s, please specify____________________________________________


4. Where do you do your on-line class?

_____In our bedroom ____Computer Cafe

_____At the sala ____Pesonet

____Outside of our house ____Dining room

____Others, please specify _________________________________________

Comment ______________________________________________________

5. If you do your class at home, do you share the internet with other members of the household?
____Yes ____No

If yes, how many are you sharing ______

Other/s, please specify_________________________________________


6. Did your teachers ask you, as students, of your expectation/s in each subject at the beginning of each

_____ Always ____Sometimes

_____Most of the Times ____Never

7. Do your teachers prepare and provide you with a syllabus of each subject at the beginning of each

____ Never _____Sometimes

____Most of the times ____Always

8. What methodology of teaching does your teachers usually conduct during Synchronous and
Asynchronous periods?

_____ Lecture-type ____Topic Reporting by students

____Case Analysis _____ Group Activity/Discussion and Reporting

_____Seatwork Activity _____ Project

____Assignment _____Research
9. Do your teachers demonstrate to you first through video or camera the application of theories in
preparation for application of such theories in your activities later during the synchronous period?
____Always ____Sometimes

____Most of the times ____Never

____Other/s, please specify _______________________________________

Comment _________________________________________________

10. Do your teachers apply to the real-life situations the theories previously discussed to you as part of
your learning process?

_____Always ____Sometimes

____Most of the times _____Never

Other/s, please specify_________________________________

Comment ____________________________________________________

11. Does your teachers discuss to you hi s/her assessments and feedbacks on the required outputs after
your submissions of such outputs?

____Never ____Sometimes

____Most of the Times ____Always

Others, please specify _______________________________________________

Comment _____________________________________________________

12. In the synchronous period, on a weekly basis, does your teachers give you at least one or two
activity/ies for each subject?

______Yes ____No

Other/s, please specify __________________________________________


13. What is your perception of the daily/weekly asynchronous multiple tasks being given to you by your

____ I think it is okay/alright

____ I have to give them such task/s because they have to learn as many as possible.

____I think there is no other ways to assess what they have learned from the topics taken up.

____ I have no way of knowing they are already overload/overworked with activities.

____ I simply believe they are already overload with activities from all their subjects

____Others, please specify__________________________________________


14. Do you believe that Blended Learning had a positive effect to your academic performance especially
on Accounting Subjects as compared to the face-to face modality?

____Agree ____Same

____Disagree ____Strongly Agree

____Strongly Disagree

Comment ______________________________________________________

15. Among the choices, which do you think is/are to be contributory to the positive performance of
students in the Accounting subjects in the Blended Learning? Note: If your answer to No. 14 statement
is negative, you do not have to answer this statement.

_____Overall quality of instructions ____innovative approach of teaching

_____Use of relevant instruction materials ____design of the course curriculum

_____Methods/Forms of Learning delivery

_____Others, please specify________________________________________

Comment ________________________________________________________


1. What kind of assessment does your teachers often give to you?

_____ Graded Recitation ______ Multiple Choice Test

_____Case Analysis _____ Objective-type quiz

______Essay _____Problem Computation

_____ Open-book Examination

_____Other/s, please specify __________________________________________

Comment ________________________________________________________

2. For essay- type assessment and case analysis, do you use and were provided by your teacher rubrics
guide for the grading of your outputs?

______Yes _____No

Other/s, please specify_________________________________________________

Comment _________________________________________________

3. Are you aware if your school have an appropriate and innovative assessment tool in place to evaluate
the teaching performance of the faculty under the Blended Learning modality?

_____Yes _____No

Others, please specify _______________________________________________

Comment __________________________________________________________
Teaching Platforms and Tools

1. What is/are the teaching platform/s you are using for your virtual classes under the Blended Learning
modality of learning delivery?

_______Zoom _______Google Suite ______Google Meet

_______Google Team _______Moodle ______Canvas

_______School’s LMS _______Edmodo

_______Other/s, please specify ________________________________


2. Are you fully aware that the virtual platform/s your teachers are using in Blended Learning, is/are?
____Being Paid and/or being subscribed ____Being Shared with other by the school faculty(paid)

____ A Free version

_____Others, please specify_____________________________________

Comment ___________________________________________________

3. How do you describe your dexterity or skills in using the teaching platform/s?

______Inferior _____Satisfactory

_____ Somewhat Superior ______Somewhat Inferior


4. What other virtual apps and tools are being used by your teachers to assist them in delivery of
learning outcomes on line?

_______Note Pad _____Whiteboard ______Kahoots

_______Microsoft Office _____Slides go ______doodly.com

_______Quizlet _____Sideshow _____Trello

_______Other/s, please specify _____________________________________

Comment __________________________________________________________

5. Do you feel you need to undergo further trainings in technology to enhance to enhance your virtual

________Yes ________No

Comment ________________________________________________________

C. Instructional Materials

1. What kind of instructional material/s were provided or required of/to you by your teachers?
____Printed materials ____E books ____Recorded Videos

____Textbooks ____Podcasts ____Film clips

____ Power Point Presentation _____Flash Cards ____Pictures

____ Charts/Graphs

_____Others, please specify ________________________________________

Comment _________________________________________________________

2. Among the instructional materials you have used or shown to you under Blended Learning which do
you think is/are effective and have motivated you to learn?

Your answer please ___________________________________________

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