Electronic Cash1
Electronic Cash1
Electronic Cash1
Most Ecommerce applications are based on the Credit Card. Internet users will log on to
different sites giving their credit card nos. along with some additional information such
as Birth Date, a Pre defined Password / Email ID. But these features do not provide the
facility of Cash. Accepted, that even villages today are going for credit cards, but it
cannot replace the flexibility of Cash. The liquidity aspects of cash cannot be replaced
by plastic money. Consider the foll. Statistics.
In USA, there is 300 billion Dollars worth of notes and currency in circulation. Deposits
by cheque are growing at the rate of 6 % and that by cash is growing at the rate of 8 %.
This alarming statistic clearly indicates that cash transactions are not out. Infact a
credible alternative to cash has to be found out for the Electronic media. Two potential
options are available eCash and Electronic Signatures.
By supplying all customers (buyers and sellers) with its public key, a bank enables
customers to decode any message (or currency) encoded with the bank’s private key. If
decoding by a customer yields a recognizable message, the customer can be fairly
confident that only the bank could have encoded it. These digital signatures are as
secure as the mathematics involved and have proved Over the past two decades to be
more resistant to forgery than handwritten signatures.
Before eCash can be used to buy products or services, it must be procured from a
Currency server.
1. The user of eCash has to have an Account with a bank ready to offer eCash.
2. The user will apply for eCash in the denomination and amount the he desires. In
exchange of money debited from the customer’s account, the bank uses its
private key to digitally sign the note for the amount requested and transmits the
note back to the customer. The network currency server in effect is issuing a
"bank note" with a serial number and a dollar amount.
3. Since the bank is digitally signing it, the bank is committing itself.
4. The user has the eCash available. He can sign the eCash and give it to anybody.
5. When the eCash software generates a note, it masks the original number or
"blinds" the note. The blinding carried out makes it impossible for anyone to link
Payment to Payer.
6. A central bank also maintains a database of Spent notes.
Electronic Cheques
Electronic cheques are another form of Electronic tokens. They are designed to
accommodate the many individuals and entities that might prefer to pay on credit or
through some mechanism other than cash.
Once registered, a buyer can then contact sellers of goods and services. To complete a
transaction, the buyer sends a check to the seller for a certain amount of money. These
checks may be sent using Email or other Transport methods. When deposited, the
cheque authorises the transfer of account balances from the account against which the
cheque was drawn to the account to which the cheque was deposited.
This method has been deliberately designed to work in the manner conventional
cheques work
What is GIRO?
GIRO was set up in 1987 as an electronic direct debit mechanism used by billing
organisations (BOs) as a low cost means to collect payments. GIRO ia a tripartite
mechansim between billing organisations, customers and the bank. The authorization
for direct debit is a contractual relationship between a consumer and a BO; banks are
the intermediaries in this tripartite relationship, and help to effect authorised GIRO
deductions. Today, GIRO is widely used for consumers to pay bills to government
agencies and private sector BOs. GIRO is especially useful for payments which are
GIRO is the short form of General Interbank Recurring Order. You can set up a GIRO
arrangement by requesting for your bank to make on time payment to the billing
organization by the due date.
GIRO is a convenient mode of payment for all regular bill payments like telephone bills,
income tax, utility bills, season parking fees, credit card bills and many more. No more
worries about missing a payment, paying penalty fees or waiting in line to make
payment. Simply maintain sufficient funds in the designated DBS/POSB bank
account(s) for deduction on the payment dates.
2. Under "From Account", choose your preferred account for this payment.
3. Under "To Billing Organisation", select the name of the Billing Organisation.
4. Under "Bill Reference No.", please key in your bill reference number for the
Billing Organisation. For the explanatory guide on "Bill Reference No", please
click "View More Info".
5. Under "Payment Limit", please key in "0" unless you would like to set a limit.
6. Click "Submit".
7. Check your information again before you click "Confirm" and your application is