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(For Single & Double Line)
As per RDSO/SPN/188/2004

Deltron Equipment & Systems Pvt. Ltd.

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Block Proving through Digital Axle Counter using Single Section Digital
Axle Counter with UFSBI & Block Panel as per RDSO/SPN/188/2004

It is a non-co-operative, user-friendly push button type Block Instrument capable of providing the
last vehicle verification information in both single & double line sections. The Block Panel provided,
offers easy-to-understand audio-visual indications for all vital information. The unique design of
interlocking circuits and input/outputs through Q-series relays provide galvanic isolation, making
the system usable in both RE & Non-RE sections.
The system is media independent i.e. it works on Copper cable, OFC or microwave without
hampering the fail-safety of the operation. The schematic diagrams below show the working of
the system in Single & Double Line.

Station Interlocking STATION - A BLOCK SECTION STATION - B Station Interlocking

System (MACL, RRI, System (MACL, RRI,
Status of Vital Status of Vital
Relay (through Relay (through
potential potential
free contacts) Typically 10-20 Km free contacts)
4 4 4 4
Push Button type Block Interlocking Block Interlocking Push Button type
Block Operating Circuit with AXLE AXLE Circuit with Block Operating
Panel (designed Q-type relays SENSOR 1/2 Quad Cable or SENSOR Q-type relays Panel (designed
2 Wire Voice
by RDSO ) (designed by RDSO) Channel on OFC
(designed by RDSO ) by RDSO )
Block Panel - 1 1 Quad Cable or 4 Wire Voice Block Panel - 2
Channel on OFC
2/3 Fail-Safe Digital 2/3 Fail-Safe Digital
Mux - UFSBI ( as per Mux - UFSBI ( as per Relay
Relay RDSO/SPN/147/97) RDSO/SPN/147/97)
interlocking ckt.-2
Interlocking ckt.-1 1/2 Quad Cable or
UFSBI - 1 2 Wire Voice
Channel on OFC

Block Telephone Block Proving with single section Digital Axle Counter & UFSBI Block Telephone


Typically 10-20 Km
4 4 4 4

SENSOR 1/2 Quad Cable or SENSOR
2 Wire Voice
Channel on OFC
SSDAC - 1 (UP) SSDAC - 2 (UP)
Station Interlocking STATION - A BLOCK SECTION STATION - B Station Interlocking
System (MACL, RRI, System (MACL, RRI,
Status of Vital Relay
for UP & DN Line Status of Vital Relay for UP &
(through seperate DN Line (through seperate
potential potential free contacts)
free contacts) Typically 10-20 Km
4 4 4 4
Push Button type Block Interlocking Block Interlocking Push Button type
Block Operating Circuit with AXLE AXLE Circuit with Block Operating
Panel (designed Q-type relays SENSOR 1/2 Quad Cable or SENSOR Q-type relays Panel (designed
2 Wire Voice
by RDSO ) (designed by RDSO) Channel on OFC
(designed by RDSO ) by RDSO )
SSDAC - 1 (DN) SSDAC - 2 (DN)
Block Panel - 1 1 Quad Cable or 4 Wire Voice Block Panel - 2
Channel on OFC
2/3 Fail-Safe Digital 2/3 Fail-Safe Digital
Mux - UFSBI ( as per Mux - UFSBI ( as per Relay
Relay RDSO/SPN/147/97) RDSO/SPN/147/97)
Interlocking ckt.-1 1/2 Quad Cable or
Interlocking ckt.-2
2 Wire Voice
UFSBI - 1 Channel on OFC UFSBI - 2

Block Telephone Block Telephone

Block Proving with single section Digital Axle Counter & UFSBI
System Specifications:
The Block panel working with SSDAC, Relay
logic & UFSBI is manufactured as per the
RDSO’s guidelines. The system is defined as
i) The Relay logic & UFSBI is housed in a
MS-Cabinet of dimensions 132 X 64 X
48 cm approx.
ii) The entire relay logic is implemented
through Q-series signaling relays (viz.
QN1, QNA1, QL1 and Electronic Timer
relays), which are RDSO approved.
iii) The UFSBI as per RDSO/SPN/147/97,
used in the system consists of Input
Cards (6 nos.), Output Card (2 nos.),
CPU card (3 nos.) Control Card (1
no.), a separate Leased Line Modem
and a DC-DC Converter based Power
Supply unit (with Hot Stand-by facility).
iv) The system functions on 24V DC
(+20%, -10%) and has an approximate
3 Amp (max.) current consumption.
v) The two units of the system are placed
at 2 stations, which, communicates
amongst themselves at 2400 baud.

Complete Equipment

Hot Standby Power Supply

Printed Circuit Boards MUX Unit

Design Features
i) The Interlocking circuits as well as the UFSBI inputs are taken through Q-series relays
(conforming to spec. BRS: 930), providing galvanic isolation, thus making the system usable
in both RE and Non-RE sections.
ii) The system is designed to work with MACL, PI, RRI or SSI installations.
iii) Triple Modular Redundant fail-safe multiplexer working on 2 out of 3 logic ensures greater
level of safety and availability
iv) The software coding for inter-station signal transmission takes care of noise disruptions
generally encountered in the transmission system. It ensures safety of operation against
these noises by use of fail-safe data structure, message redundancy, minimum Hamming
distance of 5, etc.

Principle of working:
i) The trains are worked on Absolute Block system
ii) Each block section is provided with an Axle Counter to verify the occupation or clearance
of block section and for Last Vehicle Verification
iii) Last Stop Signal cannot be taken ‘OFF’ unless LINE CLEAR has been obtained from the
station in advance
iv) LINE CLEAR cannot be obtained unless block section and an adequate distance beyond
first stop signal of station in rear is clear of trains
v) The Last Stop Signal assumes ‘ON’ aspect automatically on entry of train into block section
and when so replaced, is maintained in its ‘ON’ position, till a fresh LINE CLEAR is obtained
on block panel
vi) Block section automatically shows Train on Line on panel when train enters into the block
section on line clear reading the status of the axle counter
vii) Train entry/exit buzzer, to/ from block section are provided and to be acknowledged
viii) Block section automatically closes on complete arrival of train at the receiving station
ix) A control key is provided to prevent the station in rear to take LINE CLEAR on its Block Panel
without taking consent of receiving station
x) It is possible to close the block section only, if no trains have entered the Block Section for
at least 120 seconds after application of cancellation with co-operation from station in rear

Fail-Safety Approvals:
This system comprises of 4 sub-systems each of which are validated separately for its fail-safety by
the relevant organizations:
ƒ Digital Axle Counter as per RDSO/SPN/177/2003 validated and approved for its fail-safety as per
ƒ 2/3 Failsafe Digital Multiplexer - UFSBI, validated and approved by RDSO for use in railways, as
per RDSO/SPN/147/97 (with latest amendments). Center of Knowledge Based Systems, Jadavpur
University, has done validation of Software as per CENELEC SIL-4 standards & hardware by IIT
ƒ Relay interlocking circuits has been designed by RDSO.
ƒ Block Operating panel as per RDSO design. (Optionally, can be, incorporated in Domino type
operating panel or in a separate small table mounted form as per consignee’s requirement)
System approved by:
Research Design & Standards Organization (RDSO), Lucknow, Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India

ƒ Provides high level of reliability and fail-safety

ƒ Works with all standard types of Axle Counters
ƒ A single system caters for both single & double line sections
ƒ Easy installation, commissioning and maintenance
ƒ Easy Operation using push button type operating panel
ƒ Can work over long Block Sections
ƒ High level of noise, electro-magnetic immunity

Relay Interlocking Circuit for Axle Counter Block


Push button type Operating Panel for Axle Counter Block System
showing Block Status

Data Communication Unit of Axle Counter Block


Push Button type Operating Panel for Axle Counter Block System

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