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Unit 1: Images of Life

1A The Visual Village

Word Meaning (E) Sentence Page

The decision aroused much

controversy among the students.

argument that involves many people

controversy noun 논란 10
who strongly disagree about something Photojounalists using camera apps
to cover wars and conflicts have
created powerful images-but also

The nation has chosen democracy

over monarchy.

 a form of government in which people

democracy noun 민주주의 11
choose leaders by voting The increase in number of
photographs and photographers
might even be good for
democracy itself.

The mountains provided a

dramatic backdrop for our picnic.

sensational in appearance or thrilling i
dramatic adj. 극적인 9
n effect
A situation that is transforming the
way we experience dramatic

I embrace your view


Take up the cause, ideology, practice,

embrace verb 수용하다 As people everywhere embrace 9
photography and the media make
use of citizen journalists,
professional standards appear to be

instantly adverb 즉각 without delay His voice is instantly 9


It’s less important than what’s


instantly shared.

She was obsessed with the weight.

obsess to be the only person or thing that We are obsessed with

verb 집착하다 9
(obsessed) someone thinks or talks about documenting everyday moments,
whether it’s a shot of our
breakfast, our cat-or our cat’s

His knowledge of history is

엄청난 having or showing great knowledge or
profound adj 11
심오한 Or will it simply numb us to the
profound effects of a well-made
image can have?

The ideas and observations

expressed in the book are still
relevant today.
관련 있는 relating to a subject in an appropriate
relevant adj 11
적절한 In the process, they miss out on
the less dramatic images of daily
life that can be just as revealing
and relevant.

A lawyer was appointed to

represent the child.

represent verb 대변하다  to officially speak or take action 9

In the past, most people trusted
photojournalists to accurately
represent reality.

He as a tremendous amount of

tremendous adj 엄청난 very large or great 9

The new ease of photography has
given us a tremendous appetite
for capturing the magical and the


Unit 3: Food and Health

3A How Safe Is Our Food?

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to

wear helmets.
adj. required by a law or rule Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed 47
의무적인 carefully in sanitary conditions; frequent
hand washing is compulsory, and proper
toilets are provided for workers in the
The work will not be confined to the
Glasgow area.

confine verb 국한시키다 to keep (someone) within limits 45

In the name of efficiency and economy,
fish, cattle, and chickens are raised in
giant “factory” farms, which confine
large numbers of animals in tight spaced.

The water was contaminated with


to make (something) dangerous,

contaminate verb 오염되다 45
In the developing world, contaminated
food and water kill over half a million
children a year.

We set out to determine exactly what

happened that night.
알아내다, To find out the facts about
determine verb Then it’s the job of the investigators to 47
밝히다 something
determine what went wrong in the food’s
journey to the table.

She began to suffer from poor digestion

of protein.
the process by which food is
digestion noun 소화, 소화력 changed to a simpler form after 45
it is eaten Most of these bacteria help with
digestion, making vitamins, shaping the
immune system, and keeping us healthy.


This plan for a new town library is not

economically feasible.

feasible adj. 실현 가능한 possible to do These successes suggest that it is indeed 47

feasible for companies and farms to
produce safe and sanitary food, while still
turning a profit.
The flu is caused by viruses that infect
the respiratory tract.

infect verb 감염시키다 communicate a disease to 47

Using PulseNet, the CDC identified 79
patients in 13 states who were infected
with the same type of salmonella

Music is an integral part of the school’s


integral adj. 필수적인 very important and necessary 45

Bacteria are an integral part of a healthy

The company has opened several stores

including or involving all parts
nationwide adj. 전국적인 47
of a nation Costa Rica has made sanitary production
of fruits and vegetables a nationwide

Both of them were optimistic about the

future of the town.

having or showing hope for the

optimistic adj. 낙관적인 47
future Such changes have made Carmela
Velazquez, a food scientist from the
University of Costa Rica, optimistic
about the future.

Unit 4: Design and Engineering

4A Design by Nature: Biomimetics


Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Many biological processes are controlled

by hormones.

relating to the natural

biological adj. 생물학의 processes performed by living 63
Parker had come here to solve the riddle
of how it does this, not from purely
biological interest, but with a specific
purpose in mind.

This device is used for stepping

down voltage.

a thing made for a particular Parker had come here to solve the riddle
device noun 장치, 기구 63
purpose of precisely how it does this, not from
purely biological interest, but with a
concrete purpose in mind: to make a
device to help people collect water in the

The work of the charity is funded by

voluntary donations.

to provide money for

fund verb an activity, organization, event 66
대다 The U.S. military, which funds the
project, hopes that one day Stickybot will
be able to climb up a building and stay
there for days.

The child had a gap between her two

front teeth.

a space between two people or

gap noun 틈 It will still be years before his robot fly 65
can perform anything like an actual fly,
but Fearing is confident that over time he
will close the gap between nature and
human engineering.

The population gradually increased.

moving or changing in small

gradually adverb 서서히 66
Nonetheless, the gap with nature is
gradually closing.

insight noun 통찰력 the ability to understand people He is a leader of great insight. 64
and situations in a very clear


This combination of biological insight

and engineering pragmatism is vital to
success in biomimetics.

I told him not to follow me, nevertheless

he did.
그렇기는 in spite of what has just been
nonetheless adverb 66
하지만 said
Nonetheless, the gap with nature is
gradually closing.

The investigation has entered a new


one of the stages of a process

phase noun 단계 64
of development or change As part of the next phase in his plan to
create a water-collection device inspired
by the lizard, Parker sent his observations
to Michael Rubner and Rober Cohen.

The architect designs buildings with

strong verticals.

수직의, positioned up and down rather

vertical adj. 65
세로의 than from side to side
Cutkosky studies the extremely small
structures on the gecko’s feet that allow it
to run up and down vertical walls.

These matters are vital to national


vital adj. 필수적인 extremely important 63

The thorny devil can also do this when
standing on damp sand-a vital
competitive advantage in the desert.


Unit 5: Human Journey

5A The DNA Trail

Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

The bulk of consumers are based in

the main or largest part of
bulk noun ~의 대부분 81

The bulk of our DNA is the same.

It is impossible to calculate what

influence he had on her life.

추정하다, to guess something using as

calculate verb 82
추산하다 many facts as you can find They now calculate that all living
humans maternally descend from a single
woman who lived roughly 150,000 years
ago in Africa.

He was a direct descendant of Napoleon.

someone who is related to a
person who lived a long time
descendant noun 자손, 후예 81
ago, or to a family, group of It ends about 200,000 years later with
people their seven billion descendants spread
across the Earth.

The sisters were identical in appearance.

identical adj. 동일한 exactly the same 81

The human genetic code, or genome, is
99.9 percent identical throughout the

People who travel by rain skill red an

immense amount.

immense adj. 엄청나 extremely large 83

Once across, they followed the immense

herds of animals into the mainland.

The rainforests are disappearing at an

alarming rate.
the speed at which something
rate noun 속도, 비율 82
happens over a period of time
Mutations seem to occur at a steady rate
over time


There were roughly 200 people there.

roughly adverb 대략, 거의 not exactly They now calculate that all living humans 82
maternally descend from a single woman
who lived roughly 150,000 years ago in

Broken glass lay scattered over the floor.

spread over a wide are or over a

scattered adj. 드문드문 81
long period of time For decades, the only proof was found in
a small number of scattered bones and
artifacts that our ancestors left behind.

She had given up all hope of tracing her

missing daughter.

to find someone that has

trace verb 추적하다 81
By comparing mutations, in many
different populations, scientists can trace
their ancestral connections.

Any chance of success seemed to vanish

in a puff of smoke.

vanish verb 사라지다 to disappear suddenly 83

Archeological evidence of this 13,000-
kilometer migration from Africa to
Australia has almost completely

Unit 6: Money and Trade

6A How Money Made Us Modern


Word Meaning (K) Meaning (E) Sentence Page

Clean water is a precious commodity in

that part of the world.

a useful quality or a product that
commodity noun 상품, 물품 101
is bought and sold
Unlike modern money, ancient coins
were what economists call full-bodied or
commodity money.

The hotel combines comfort with

something that is useful because
convenience noun  편의, 편리 it saves you time or means that 100
you have less work to do Money’s convenience made it easier for
ancient merchants to develop large-scale
trade networks.

The pattern is essentially the same in all


essentially adj. 근본적으로 in essence 101

Today’s money has value essentially

because a government says that it does.

The court has yet to pass judgment in

this case.

the ability to
judgment noun 평가, 감정 make sensible decisions about 101
Human judgment-rather than how much
what to do and when to do it
gold has been dug out of the ground-
determines the amount of money in

Payment should be sent by return of


payment noun 지불 the act of paying for something 99

Online transactions that are rapidly taking
the place of cash-but the roots of our
modern methods of payment lie in those
Sumerian tokens.

Choice is the keynote of the new

education policy.
a plan of action adopted by an
policy noun 정책 101
individual or social group
Parag Khanna, a financial policy expert,


He nodded to signify that he agreed.

signify verb 의미하다 express a meaning One piece might signify a measure of 99

grain, while another with a different
shape might represent a farm animal or a
jar of olive oil.

This ladder doesn’t seem very stable.

resistant to change of position
stable adj. 안정적인  101
or condition Its purchasing power remains relatively
stable because the government controls
the supply.

Such transaction goes against business


transaction noun 거래 a business deal or action 99

Those little ceramic shapes might not
seem to have much in common with
today’s $100 bill-or with the credit cards
and online transactions.

Smoke triggered the fire alarm.

trigger verb to cause to start functioning Through frequent physical contact, they 101
초래하다 can trigger the production of more
oxytocin-and in this way feel closer to
each other.

Unit 7: Group Behavior

7A A Crowd in Harmony


Word Meaning (E) Sentence Page

I t was evident (to everyone) that the

game was canceled

분명한 Plain or clear to the sight or Unfortunately, in spite of the

evident adj. 118
understanding mutual support so evident
눈에 띄는
elsewhere at the Kumbh, 36
people died in a stampede at the
Allahabad train station on
February 10, 2013.

Talk to your man of God if you

doubt your faith.

Belief in God or the doctrines or But in crowds as large as those at the

faith noun 믿음, 신뢰 Kumbh, individuals must put their 119
teachings of religion
faith in the power of “psychological
cooperation," as Stephen Reicher
calls it.

No family can be happy without

harmony among its members
harmony noun 조화, 화합 Peace rather than fighting or arguing 117
All is harmony.

The drawer needs to be organized.

조직화 된, Arranged or planned in a particular "Incredibly well organized,
organized adj. 117
조직적인 way incredibly clean, very efficiently

The participant of the quiz really

knew his onions.

someone who takes part in an activit
participant noun 참가자 117
y Every 12 years, the gathering
becomes much larger, and a giant
tent city is set up to house the

progress noun 진전, 진행 Movement forward or toward a place The researchers followed the 117
progress for up to two years

As the day progresses, the number

of people wading into the river



I hear you were formally introduced

to a prospective wife.

장래의, Likely to become something

prospective adj. Before the start of the 2011 festival, 118
미래의 specified in the future
his researchers went out into the
Indian countryside to question as
group of prospective pilgrims about
their mental and physical health.

The sun was held sacred in ancient


성스러운, Believed to be hold with a special

sacred adj. 117
종교적인 connection to God
There are holy men dressed in bright
orange robes with skin covered in
sacred white ash.

Racism exists at all levels of society.

The body of human beings generally,

society noun 사회 associated or viewed as members of a 117
"What our research shows is that,
actually, crowds are critical to
society," he said.

If you suspect a gas leak, do not

strike a match or even turn on an
electric light.

To believe something is probably

suspect verb 의심하다 117
true Psychologists like Stephen Reicher
from the University of St. Andrews
in the U.K. suspect that crowds have
a positive impact on the health of the
individuals within them.


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