Caring and Compassion - Historical Context of How Caring Comes Into The Early Buddhist Teachings
Caring and Compassion - Historical Context of How Caring Comes Into The Early Buddhist Teachings
Caring and Compassion - Historical Context of How Caring Comes Into The Early Buddhist Teachings
Mahā Kassapa"
Taṃ sutvā mudito hutvā, yāvajīvaṃ tadā jinaṃ; "
mettacitto paricari, paccayehi vināyakaṃ."
He’s not the only one.
The verses of venerable bhikkhu disciples of the Buddha
Kadiravāniya Revata Thero beautifully relates his Loving
Care and Service for the Buddha and to the Path he taught.
Phussa Thero relates how both the Bhikkhus’ and Bhikkhunis’
ardent practice of Compassion and Benevolence with their Sīlā
was not only beautiful and inspiring, but led them to Peace and
to “touch the ultimate — the Deathless.”
Pleasure, Honor & Delight !
in Giving Care
In the Vedic context, Paricarana was the place the fire was
worshipped; a Paricarika, a fire-worshipper. Apacāyana
means to honor, reverence or worship. Paricareti means to
serve, wait upon, honor, attend. It also means “to be delighted”
or “entertained by,” “to gratify oneself ” and “to find pleasure.”"
Benevolent &
Compassionate Care
The Buddha profoundly repurposed these
traditional meanings in his Teachings on
Loving and Compassionate Caring for Oneself,
One Another, and All Living Beings.
Gratitude - Kattaññu
☸ Dhammadharini Bhikkhuni Sangha and their 21 Sept 2019
Dhamma sharing on the Pāramīs of the Ancient Bhikkhunīs!
☸ Ven. Bhikkhu Analāyo’s “How Compassion Became Painful” at
☸ Ven. Tathālokā Therī’s “Lasting Inspiration: A Look into the
Guiding and Determining Mental and Emotional States of
Liberated Arahantī Women in Their Path of Practice and its
Fulfilment as Expressed in the Sacred Biographies of the Therī
Apadāna” at
̇ ~ the End!