Arts9 Q1 W7 LAS1
Arts9 Q1 W7 LAS1
Arts9 Q1 W7 LAS1
Learning Target : Identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods
Paintings from Prehistoric Era - Prehistoric includes all human existence before the emergence of
writing. Their art is of interest not only to the art historians but also to archeologist and anthropologist,
for whom the art is only one clue- along with fossils, pollens, and other finds to an understanding of
early human life and culture.
Paintings from Ancient Egypt - The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the deceased afterlife
place pleasant. The paintings of the walls on the tomb shows events of the life of the king while he
was still on earth and the scenes he expects to encounter in the underworld after his death.
Paintings from Classical Greek Era - Paintings during the classical era were most found in vases,
panels and tomb. It depicts natural figures with dynamic compositions.
Painting from Romantic Era - Most of the paintings in this era were copied or imitated from Hellenic
Greek paintings. Fresco technique was used in brightly colored backgrounds; division of the wall into
a multiple rectangular areas (tic-tac-toe design); multi-point perspective; and a tropme-l’-oeil effect.
Paintings from the Medieval Era - The lively styles of paintings which had been invented in Greek
and Rome lived on in Byzantium but this time for Christian subjects.
Romanesque Painting - It has a remarkable variety of artistic traditions such as modeling and
treatment of faces and draperies that follow Byzantine convention while the refreshingly decorative
feeling comes from southern French styles.
Paintings from the Gothic Era - Paintings have been confined in the illumination of manuscript
pages and the painting of frescoes on the walls of churches in cosmopolitan style, elegant,
mannered, and sophisticated.
Activity 1. Try this!
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your answer in the
separate sheet of paper.
1. Prehistoric era includes all human existence before the emergence of writing.
2. The purpose of Egyptian paintings is to make the deceased afterlife place unpleasant.
3. Paintings during Classical Era were most commonly found inside the cave.
4. In tomb paintings, artists rely on the shade and hues of paint to create depth and life-like feeling.
5. Paintings from Roman Era were copied or imitated from Hellenic Greek paintings.
6. Most Roman sculptures are made of monumental figure.
7. Romanesque sculptures have a greater freedom of style.
8. Prehistoric drawings of animals were usually not proportion.
9. Roman paintings were focused mainly on mythological subjects.
10. Hieroglyphics is a system of writing using picture symbols used in ancient Egypt.