03-02 Lesson Plan
03-02 Lesson Plan
03-02 Lesson Plan
Grade Dates:
101h Grade “A” Friday, January 03rd, 2023
A. Lesson Plan Information
Subject: Foreign Language
School: Instituto Elisena Soto
Unit: I-Friendships.
Topic: □ Family Time: 90 mins.
B. Performance Indicators
The student uses appropriate language for social academic, and life situations.
C. Learning strategies
Opening Activities
Warm up:
The students read the following reading about Gloria´s Family.
Closing Activities
Discuss about the activity and present notebook for checking.
D. Homework:
Write ten sentences expressing feelings, places or other using different vocabularies.
Lesson Plan.
Grade Dates:
7th Grade “A” Friday, February 03rd, 2023
A. Lesson Plan Information
Subject: Foreign Language
School: Instituto Elisena Soto
Unit: I-The Classroom
Topic: □ Classroom Objects Time: 90 mins.
B. Performance Indicators
The student identifies classroom objects.
C. Learning strategies
Opening Activities
Warm up:
Learn new words to improve their vocabulary about classroom objects in a video.
Listen and practice the general Vocabulary.
The teacher greets the students, practice with them the pronunciation of the new words.
Students talk about the objects with the questions: What is it? – It is a pen.
Students play games about the content expressing words or situations about vocabularies
Studied in previous years.
D. Homework:
Write ten sentences expressing feelings, places or other using different vocabularies.
Plan Diario.
1.- Define el concepto de A.E.P haciendo uso de sus propios saberes en un cuadro sinóptico.
2.- Expresa la importancia del programa A.E.P, desde los personal, familiar y escolar mediante la
redacción de párrafos.
3.- Participa en actividades en las que se valora las lecciones aprendidas en el programa de A.E.P en
un conversatorio.
Reflexionar con los estudiantes acerca del Realiza preguntas acerca de las cualidades de
indicador de logro del nuevo contenido, así un emprendedor.
como los aprendizajes a alcanzar y la forma
en que se va evaluar.
B. Performance Indicators
The student identifies relevant information such as events, people and places in biographical texts.
C. Learning strategies
Opening Activities
Warm up:
Students look at the picture above and then, listen the teacher´s reading about it.
Listen and practice general Vocabulary.
The SS look at the picture above and then, discuss these statements.
Three eleventh grade-students are talking about some great men who have fought for the
Freedom of our country.
Are these statements true or false? Write them down in your notebook.
1. There are five guys talking. ______
2. They are planning a party. _______
3. They are happy to know to study the eleventh grade. ______
4. Carol thinks that exploring the life of great men in Nicaragua is important. _____
5. They think the first man to study is Roberto.______
6. The class began when they entered the classroom._____
Closing Activities
D. Homework:
Write ten sentences expressing feelings, places or other using different vocabularies.