RPGSyllabuses 202223
RPGSyllabuses 202223
RPGSyllabuses 202223
Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in The safety course will be conducted by the Safety Faculty
the Faculty of Science Office twice a year (i.e. normally in Sept and Jan). Compulsory
MATH6001 Guided study in mathematics Full year course (enrolment in either Sem allowed) Compulsory
MATH6002 Selected topics in mathematics Full year course (enrolment in either Sem allowed)
MATH6101 Intermediate complex analysis First Semester JCAS [HKU]
MATH6102 Algebraic topology Not Offered JCAS
MATH6103 Real analysis I Not Offered JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6104 Abstract algebra Not Offered JCAS
MATH6105 Numerical analysis Not Offered JCAS
MATH6201 Topics in geometry Not Offered JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6202 Complex manifolds Not Offered JCAS [HKU]
MATH6203 Several complex variables Not Offered JCAS
MATH6204 Topics in partial differential equations First Semester JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6205 Advanced algebra II Not Offered JCAS
MATH6206 Topics in advanced algebra Not Offered JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6207 Topics in applied mathematics Not Offered JCAS
MATH6208 Topics in numerical analysis First Semester JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6209 Algebraic D‐modules Not Offered JCAS
MATH6210 Differential topology Not Offered JCAS
MATH6211 Algebraic geometry Not Offered JCAS
MATH6212 Topics in algebraic geometry Not Offered JCAS
MATH6213 Topics in differential topology Not Offered JCAS
MATH6214 Topics in analysis Second Semester JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6215 Applied differential equations Second Semester JCAS [CUHK]
MATH6216 Stochastic processes Not Offered JCAS
MATH6217 Topics in financial mathematics Not Offered JCAS
MATH6218 Riemannian geometry I Not Offered JCAS
MATH6219 Topics in applied functional analysis Not Offered JCAS
MATH6220 Real analysis II Not Offered JCAS
MATH6221 Riemannian geometry II Not Offered JCAS
MATH6222 Harmonic analysis on p‐adic groups and lie algebra Not Offered JCAS
MATH6223 Algebraic surfaces Not Offered JCAS
MATH6224 Topics in advanced probability theory Not Offered JCAS
MATH6501 Topics in algebra First Semester
MATH6502 Topics in applied discrete mathematics Second Semester
MATH6503 Topics in advanced optimization Second Semester
MATH6504 Geometric topology Not Offered
MATH6505 Real analysis Second Semester
MATH6901 Graduate seminar in pure mathematics Not Offered
MATH6902 Graduate seminar in applied mathematics Not Offered
MATH6903 Independent studies Full year course (enrolment in either Sem allowed)
JCAS = Course under Centre for Advanced Study
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2022
MATH6001 Guided study in mathematics (COMPULSORY)
This course introduces students to their respective proposed fields of research, enabling them to acquire the basic knowledge, learn the
research techniques and study the relevant literature. Details of the course will be organized by the supervisors for their students. The course
will consist of study group, advanced reading, literature study and presentations. Details of the course will be organized by the supervisor for
his/her students, subject to approval by the Head of Department.
Assessment: 100% continuous assessment
Contact Person: Professor N Mok
* SSAF6001 Basic Laboratory Safety Course for RPg Candidate in the Faculty of Science
In order to enhance the safety awareness and knowledge of Science RPg students, a 3-hour safety course will be made compulsory to RPg
students of the following registration dates:
- MPhil candidates registered on or after January 1, 2009
- 3-year PhD candidates registered on or after January 1, 2008
- 4-year PhD candidates registered on or after January 1, 2007
The Basic Laboratory Safety Training will be conducted by the Safety Office twice a year (i.e. normally in Sept and Jan).
RPG students are required to enroll this course during the online enrolment period. Please note that students, who have successfully
completed this course requirement before, need not retake this course again.