The Legend of Sleepy Hollow LitChart PDF
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow LitChart PDF
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow LitChart PDF
Brom Bones – A strong, plucky, mischievous young man and Old Brouwer – An inhabitant of Sleepy Hollow who never
major rival to Ichabod for Katrina Van Tassel. Brom Bones believed in ghosts—that is, until he supposedly meets the
(whose full name is Abraham or Brom Van Brunt) loves to play Headless Horseman while out riding one night, and upon
practical jokes, get himself into duels, and brag about his reaching the bridge to the church, is thrown into the brook
exploits. His very name reveals his brute strength and contrasts under it.
with Ichabod’s spindly figure and fearful spirit. But Brom Bones Storyteller –The source, according to Knickerbocker, of the
is largely harmless, and the townsfolk both admire him for his “Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” which he tells at a business meeting
muscle and roll their eyes at him for his immaturity. However, in New York that Knickerbocker attends. When he is asked
Brom Bones may be cleverer than he appears. He pays close about the moral of the story, he responds with a nonsensical
attention to Ichabod’s fear of ghosts and goblins, and the story logical syllogism that nevertheless suggests that reality might
suggests that it may very well be Brom Bones who chases after be just as strange as the supernatural. Irving also uses the
Ichabod in the guise of the Headless Horseman, carrying a storyteller as another way to blur history and storytelling, and
pumpkin for the spirit’s head. If his plan was to chase Ichabod raise questions about both.
away from Katrina, it worked: Brom Bones does end up Elderly Gentleman – An attendee at the New York business
marrying the damsel. meeting who listens to the storyteller’s tale, and who doubts
Katrina VVan
an T
assel – The only daughter of Baltus Van Tassel, a the extent to which it’s true.
wealthy Dutch farmer, who is courted by several village youths Doffue Martling – A resident of Sleepy Hollow who claims to
but especially by Brom Bones and Ichabod. Katrina is not have nearly destroyed a British ship singlehandedly during the
portrayed very favorably in the story: she is a flirt and Revolutionary War.
encourages both her suitors to continue pursuing her even as
she refuses to choose just one. Nevertheless, Katrina is
certainly independent for the standards of her time: within the THEMES
constraints of being a woman in 18th-century America, she
exerts her own kind of power through her beauty and the In LitCharts each theme gets its own color and number. Our
wealth that marrying her would confer. color-coded theme boxes make it easy to track where the
themes occur throughout the work. If you don't have a color
Baltus V
an T
assel – Father of Katrina Van Tassel, and a wealthy
printer, use the numbers instead.
farmer whose estate bursts with natural and culinary
abundance. Van Tassel gives his daughter a relatively high
er: Diedrich Knickerbocker 2 3
•Related themes
themes: History and Storytelling, Reality, Imagination,
and the Supernatural
As the enraptured Ichabod fancied all this, and as he rolled his
•Theme T
er code
code: great green eyes over the fat meadow lands, the rich fields of
wheat, of rye, of buckwheat, and Indian corn, and the orchards
1 2
burdened with ruddy fruit, which surrounded the warm
tenement of Van Tassel, his heart yearned after the damsel who
I mention this peaceful spot with all possible laud, for it is in was to inherit these domains, and his imagination expanded
such little retired Dutch valleys, found here and there with the idea, how they might be readily turned into cash, and
embosomed in the great State of New York, that population, the money invested in immense tracts of wild land, and shingle
manners, and customs remained fixed, while the great torrent palaces in the wilderness.
of migration and improvement, which is making such incessant •Speak
er: Diedrich Knickerbocker
changes in other parts of this restless country, sweeps by them
unobserved. •Mentioned or related char
acters: Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van
er: Diedrich Knickerbocker •Related themes
themes: Reality, Imagination, and the Supernatural,
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Ichabod Crane, Brom Bones Consumption, Appetite, and Greed
•Related themes
themes: History and Storytelling, Reality, Imagination, •Theme T
er code
and the Supernatural
2 4
•Theme T
er code
1 2
er: Diedrich Knickerbocker 1
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Ichabod Crane Knickerbocker describes the Given that the Dutch had only
•Related themes
themes: Reality, Imagination, and the Supernatural, setting of the story, been in North America for a few
Consumption, Appetite, and Greed Greensburgh or Tarry Town—a hundred years, the word
•Theme T
er code
code: small port town next to the “ancient” exaggerates the truth
river that “ancient” Dutch while also giving the story a ring
2 4 sailors called the Tappan Zee. of the legendary, and, by
extension, claiming a history for
the new nation of the United
States that could support a
“That there is no situation in life but has its advantages and cultural and literary tradition.
pleasures—provided we will but take a joke as we find it:
That, therefore, he that runs races with goblin troopers is likely 1
to have rough riding of it.
The name of Tarry Town In the story, names tend to stand
Ergo, for a country schoolmaster to be refused the hand of a
derives from the fact that the in for themes and
Dutch heiress is a certain step to high preferment in the state.”
husbands of the women in the characteristics—here, the town
er: Storyteller surrounding country tend to as a place that time forgot.
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Ichabod Crane linger or “tarry” at its tavern.
•Related themes
themes: History and Storytelling, Reality, Imagination,
and the Supernatural, War and Battle, Consumption, Appetite, Two miles from this village is a Knickerbocker does not often
and Greed valley nestled between hills, insert his own opinions and
which Knickerbocker calls one perspective into the story; here, it
•Theme T
er code
of the quietest places in the has the effect of further fleshing
1 2 3 4 world. He remembers out the setting, as well as setting
wandering into it while the stage for the contrast
shooting squirrels, and notes between an idyllic, peaceful
“Faith, sir,” replied the story-teller, “as to that matter, I don’t that he would happily choose village and its supernatural
believe one-half of it myself.” this valley to retreat from the hauntings.
world’s noise and distraction.
er: Storyteller 1 2
•Related themes
themes: Reality, Imagination, and the Supernatural
•Theme T
er code
1 3
1 4
It is late at night by this point, Sleepy Hollow’s picturesque
and it is silent enough that isolation makes it attractive
Ichabod can hear a watchdog during the day, but an ideal
barking from far off across the setting for hauntings at night.
Hudson, as well as an Ichabod doesn’t need much more
occasional cricket or bullfrog. encouragement than that for his
Suddenly, he recalls all the imagination to begin imbuing the
ghost stories and tall tales nature around him with all kinds
recounted at the party, and of supernatural qualities and
realizes that he is approaching creating his own reality out of
the scene of many of them. In them.
front of him is a massive tulip
tree with large, gnarled 2
branches, not far from where
Major André had been
1 2
Brom Bones married Katrina Another hint that Ichabod’s
shortly after Ichabod’s perspective on what happened
disappearance. He tends to put that fateful night is not the
on a knowing look anytime perspective the reader should
someone tells the story, adopt.
especially laughing when the
pumpkin is mentioned. 2