CCS ChurchCopyrightGuide
CCS ChurchCopyrightGuide
CCS ChurchCopyrightGuide
CCS is the only Christian company to partner with ASCAP, BMI and SESAC to offer one-stop performance licenses that allow
religious organizations to legally play, perform and stream over 17 million Christian and secular songs of all genres. CCS also
serves as an advocate for copyright owners, offering full service administration to promote, protect and collect royalties.
Copyright compliance helps your church avoid lawsuits, fines and large punitive fees. Copyright non-compliance can lead to
a civil lawsuit against your church or ministry; pastors, elders and others in leadership could be held personally liable.
Courts can impose stiff fines, and authors and publishers could require large, retroactive fees for the unauthorized use of
their works. It’s vital for church leaders to have knowledge of all the types of works that can be copyrighted, because of the
increasing use of a variety of creative works and the growing risk of liabilities. Copyright infringement penalties can be
severe, up to $150,000 for each infringement.
Your church’s compliance will ensure that you avoid the many negative implications of a legal dispute over copyrights.
Blanket Licensing
Each blanket license covers a specific catalog of copyrights for specific uses for a specific period of time (usually one year).
The catalogs they cover vary greatly, so it’s important to consider the songs your church uses, to ensure you’re getting the
best coverage to meet your church’s needs. The annual fees for most blanket licenses are based on the size of your
congregation, which greatly facilitates budgeting.
Using blanket licenses will ensure that you have the coverage you need year-round, without requiring you to get individual
permissions every time you want to use a copyrighted work.
To be fully compliant, some churches will need just one blanket license. Others will require several. The key is to consider
how your church uses copyrighted music and to put together the mosaic of blanket licensing that is right for you. In our
“Understanding Blanket Licensing Options” section (below) we will address the various church blanket licenses and explain
what each does and does not cover.
Why isn’t there just one license that covers everything? The simple answer is: “Because one size does not fit all.”
Here are the categories we will address, and the activities each covers:
• Performance Licensing - Required anytime copyrighted songs are publicly played or performed outside of worship
• Streaming Licensing - Required to stream copyrighted songs online
• Reproduction Licensing - Required to print lyrics in bulletins, song sheets or for use on overhead projectors, for
congregational singing
• Rehearsal Licensing - Required to duplicate sound recording for rehearsals and practice
• Video Licensing - Required to show videos in your church facilities
The U.S Copyright Law (section 110[3]) Religious Service Exemption (as stated above), specifically applies to performances
that take place during a worship service, it DOES NOT exempt churches from the requirement for performance licensing
outside of services.
Most churches require performance licensing for playing or performing copyrighted music in routine ministry activities, as
well as special events, including:
The CCS PERFORMmusic Blanket License is the only church blanket performance license available in the U.S.
Catalog size: 17 million Christian, secular and seasonal songs from the catalogs of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC
PERFORMmusic allows churches to legally perform and play recorded music outside of religious services.
Catalog size: 17 million Christian, secular and seasonal songs from the catalogs of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.
The CCLI Church Streaming and Podcast License is an add-on to the CCLI Church Copyright License. This license allows
churches to stream and podcast their performances of songs in the CCLI catalog.
The CCLI Church Copyright License was the first church blanket license and it is the best known. Uses revolve around
providing lyrics for congregational singing and limited CD and DVD production.
Catalog size: 100,000 songs
The LicenSing License allows reproduction of songs for congregational singing. LicenSing has a liturgical focus.
Catalog size: 62 publishers
OneLicense allows churches to make copies of songs for congregational singing. OneLicense also has a liturgical focus.
Rehearsal Licensing
The CCLI Church Rehearsal License allows worship leaders and church music directors to legally copy commercial audio
recordings and/or share audio files via email, flash drives or on worship planning websites. The copies are intended for
rehearsal purposes only, and are not intended to remain as permanent copies for personal collections. Annual pricing is
based on your church’s congregation size.
For recordings not included in the Rehearsal License, you will need to obtain individual master licenses for the recordings
from the record label and mechanical licenses for the songs from the publishers.
The CVLI license allows churches to show selected films & videos for specific uses. The catalog includes Christian and secular
films and videos.
Many churches and ministries have questions about how CCS’s WORSHIPcast License compares to the CCLI Church
Streaming License. Let’s take a look.
The most critical area to evaluate is the song catalogs covered by the respective licenses.
• The WORSHIPcast License covers more than 17 million songs from ASCAP, BMI and SESAC and represents Christian
and secular songs from all genres.
• The CCLI License covers their catalog of 300,000 Christian songs.
• The WORSHIPcast License covers songs in the CCLI program, plus 16.7 million other songs.
What is the impact of the catalog size? Well, if the song that you want to use is not in license program, you can’t webcast it
without getting additional licensing from the song’s owner. Getting this additional permission can take weeks and cost
additional money. Scrimping on catalog size might save a small amount of money upfront, but it will also limit what songs
you can include in your webcast, or require you to spend additional time and money to use songs that are not in the
SCORECARD: The WORSHIPcast catalog is over 50 times the size of the CCLI catalog (which is also limited to only certain
Christian music).
The two licenses are different in what they allow the licensee to do.
• The WORSHIPcast License does not cover podcasting, but it does cover internet performance rights for any of your
live or archived performances that you wish to webcast, including concerts, fundraisers and produced videos.
• The CCLI License allows podcasting and streaming, but is limited only to worship services.
SCORECARD: WORSHIPcast does not cover podcasting but allows far more uses. CCLI allows podcasting but is limited to
only worship services.
• The WORSHIPcast License requires simple reporting for all licensees.
• CCLI states that there is no reporting required for their license. However, you must have a basic CCLI license to get
the streaming license. Every basic CCLI license requires detailed reporting, so every CCLI Streaming License does, in
effect, require reporting.
SCORECARD: Both licenses require all license holders to report their song usage.
SCORECARD: WORSHIPcast does allow license holders to charge for viewing streams. The CCLI license does not provide that
Finally, let’s look at price.
• The WORSHIPcast License begins at $225 for churches with an average weekly attendance of 199 or less and goes
up to $1,750 , for churches of 15,000+. Churches in the top two tiers are able to cover three URLs with one license.
• The CCLI License starts at $50 for churches with congregations of less than 25 and goes up to $750, for churches
50,000-99,999. This covers only one website, for churches in all tier levels.
SCORECARD: For smaller churches with only one website, the CCLI License has lower annual fees. For churches of 6,000+
with multiple websites, the CCS annual fee could be about the same as, or less than, purchasing multiple licenses with CCLI.
The Christian community is blessed to have two great options for legally streaming music. The WORSHIPcast License has
higher annual fees but covers much more and, therefore, may be the most cost-effective option for your church. The CCLI
License is cheaper, but provides far less coverage, which may lead to additional licensing expenses.
• Names of songs(s)
• Names of writer(s), author(s) and/or producer(s)
• Who is performing the song version you are using (your praise team, the original artist, or someone else)
• How you are using the song (video, CD, etc.)
• Where you are distributing the song (website, live presentations, etc.)
Once you have compiled all of the information for your project, you need to contact each individual copyright owner for
each song you want to use. Each song may have more than one copyright owner so it’s important to do thorough research.
Also, be aware that it is up to the copyright owner(s) as to whether permission for each song use is granted, or not.
If you need licenses for songs and sound recordings owned by CCS INDIEadmin clients (like Bethel and Brooklyn Tabernacle),
visit INDIEadmin, scroll down the page and click on the license holder’s logo in order to submit a license request online. For
others’ copyrights, visit the PERMISSIONSplus page on our website where you will find helpful links, fact sheets and other
resources to assist you in securing the permissions you need for your special projects.
The PERFORMmusic Church Performance License allows churches to legally play and perform over 17 million Christian,
secular and seasonal songs from the catalogs of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, outside of worship services.
The WORSHIPcast Church Streaming License allows churches to legally stream their worship services and events, covering
over 17 million Christian, secular and seasonal songs from the catalogs of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.
Coverage is immediate for all CCS blanket licenses. Get the coverage you need TODAY!
Use promo code CRGUIDE and save 10% off new PERFORMmusic and WORSHIPcast Licenses!
Copyrights 101
• This document addresses basic copyright concepts
This document provides information and not legal advice. You can find CCS at To
save 10% on new PERFORMmusic and WORSHIPcast Licenses, use promo code CRGUIDE.