The God Talk of Recovery 10 2018 - 2
The God Talk of Recovery 10 2018 - 2
The God Talk of Recovery 10 2018 - 2
[email protected] 530-859-1969
Draft Copy
Don't try and wrap your head around God. If you do it will explode and we will have to
come and clean up the mess !
When the sum of the whole becomes geater than the sum of its parts it is called
Aguing with God God is aruing with reality – You wil never change it by arguing against it -
God or drink
Religion is something we do on the outside -spirituality is something we do on the inside
If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are getting.
If you want to make God laugh tell Him what you are going to do with your life.
(The purple color of the fonts is to induce the radiation of the Violet Flame energy
which came into human consciousness some time during the early 20th century)
Great God Master Germain.)
If the God talk drives you out –The booze will drive you back
For the Love of Recovery
It works because it is law of the universe that whenever the lesser sincerely
ask the greater for help, the greater must respond.
Lord Asun - Radiant Rose Academy
Direct and personal contact with God is available in the silence of the moment -
Mother Akasha -
Radient Rose Academy
The purpose of the program is too find the power greater than your self which will solve our
problem and rid you of the defects of character which made alcoholics out of us in the first
place.(BB and 12x12)
We are given a program of recovery and a way and a means because it was never Gods'
intention for any of us to become alcoholics and or drug addicts in the first place.
Infinite IAM presence
The 12 steps were given so we do not kill our selves. The 12 traditions are given so we do not
kill each other.
Forgive them Father; For they know what They have not the knowledge of
themselves that have brought them to this moment.
Jesus Christ Emanuel
You have to find you’r higher power –Not your lower power.
There is no such thing as natural immunity to the effects of drugs and alcohol -There is only
the degree of severity of impact upon the life and the human body. -
I made a decision to be late to my own funeral –So far it’s working -
I have an allergic reaction to death -I avoid it where ever and when ever can !
Can't or won’t believe in God? Believe in that which created God -That which created God
is a power greater than ones’ self - for God does not exist. For it is God that creates all of
life and existence and that power resides and lives deep inside each and every one of us.
You cannot prove God wrong - but you can prove God right.
St Germain
What is the will of God ? The internal impulse towards perfection and immortality through the
expansion of creation. This is the activity of life, to magnify the name of the lord.
The great power of God deep within us is the ability to conceive of an idea and make it a
living manifestation of reality. The danger is in its destructive misuse and misapplication.
Only the heart of man is big enough to contain the religion of God.
Sai BaBa
If you make compromise with the disease it will always find a way back into your life.
Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell –Spirituality is for people who have
already been there!
This program is for the man on the street.
The program is a set of spiritual tools –We have a tool to fit any nut !
The problem lives and exist in the will nature and the feelings,
The man you are will drink again -That man must change.
Alcoholism is an elevator that goes only one way -DOWN -push the off button!
There is no hole so deep that you cannot climb out of with the 12 steps.
If you work the program off the wall – YOU HAVE AN OFF THE WALL PROGRAM !
Osmosis sobriety is trying to get sobriety by only sitting in the meeting chair without
doing the work.
Perfection is complete freedom from all the “D” words –Death, disease, destruction,
debauchery, dementia, destabilization, disintegration.
With God you don’t always get what you want but you will always get what you need.
All of life moves towards pleasure and moves away from pain.
Whatever you give yourself too becomes a power greater than your self -
Seek the power of sobriety for sobrieties’ sake, because some days being sober will have to be
Being sober is a state of being.
Our worst day sober was far better than our best day drunk.
When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically. (BB)
The program was given by God for those people who wanted sobriety so they could find it.
We darn near beat ourselves to death with the power of our own defiance.
Man is born with two eyes and one mouth - Do twice as much listening as you do talking.
Take the cotton out of your ears and put it into your mouth.
You have to love yourself first before you can really love someone else.
Pass it on.
To know the truth of God you must lose the fear of God.
Burn into the mind of every man women and child the idea that they can recover.
Pass it on.
Those who do not learn from the experience of the past are doomed to repeat it.
Place you shoes under the bed each night. That way you will be in the right position to talk to
God at night and in the morning.
Ask God for sobriety in the morning and thank Him at night.
What’s a matter kid, did your belly button unscrew and your ass fall off ?
Today I am clean and sober. I am sober because I didn’t drink and I am clean because I took a
Don’t drink and don’t stink!
When you are ready to think we will let you know it.
Don’t try and wrap your head around God. If you did your head would explode and then we
would have to come and clean up the mess!
How do you become an old timer? Don’t drink and don’t die.
If you hang around a barber shop long enough you’re going to get a haircut.
So –Long-I’m –Perfect
You can’t sour like an eagle if you’re still flopping around on the ground like a turkey.
To drink is to die.
Relapse is like playing Russian roulette; you don’t know how many times you get to pull
the trigger.
You can’t be grateful for what you have when you’re being ungrateful for what you don’t
Three Frogs on a Log
If there are three frogs sitting on a log and one of them makes the decision to jump off, how
many frogs are still sitting on the log? Three. Make the decision and take the necessary action
to stay sober.
Jump Frogie, Jump !
Make the decision.
3. Do you plan on keep coming back and give the program a chance to work?
If you can say yes to these questions you have made an excellent beginning on the first three
A. I can’t ,
B. He can;
C. And I think I’ll let Him!
What is the will o God ? To magnify the name of the Lord –To bring forth all that is creative
and good within your own self.
Thy will, not mine be done.
Master Asun
Radient Rose Academy
We are a people that have been rode hard and put away wet!
Fear is an evil and corroding thread, the fabric of our existence was shot through with it.
( BB)
Did not after all these FEELINGS determine the course of our existence? (BB)
Fear is always the result of remembered pain, suffering, failure and death.
We use to believe at the end of it all, that God was going to hold a marshmallow roast and
we were the marshmallows!
Fear knocked at the door and Faith answered; when I opened the door, nothing was there!
News Flash: The biblical God of judgment, condemnation, eternal damnation and hell fire
has been found! His name is Mankind! For it is only Mankind, throughout this entire universe
that thought up such a thing and enacts these things upon its own kind.
We were always making problems out to be far worse than they really were.
Feelings are four times more powerful than thoughts. Master Asun
Addiction is when drugs or alcohol becomes a power greater than one’s own self.
. Talk the talk and walk the talk.
It’s the engine of the train that kills you, not the caboose.
Drinking was like making love to a skunk -I didn't get all I wanted but I got all could stand!
Don’t drink and go to meetings; don’t drink even if you derrière falls off! If it does, don't
panic, pick it up and bring it along with you, we will find a place for it!
Rule number is don’t drink- Rule number two is don’t violate rule number one.
The hell with patience, I’m going to go out and kill something!
How do you become and old timer? Don't drink and don’t die.
Even if you’re on the right track, If you’re not moving forward its no guarantee that you
won’t fail.
By the name and the power of God.
The means of spiritual recovery is learning how to live life from the inside out rather than the
outside in.
Pride precedith a fall.
Pride is a feeling.
False pride says “ I don’t want or need help from God or anyone !”
The person you are will drink again, that person must change.
What is it that must change about you? Not much, just everything!
God will change the demon in you into a human, and the human in you into an angel.
A human being will never let go of anything as long as they believe it serves them well.
- See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil-
Every day invite God into your life, your very existence.
The will of God will not lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.
- To Be or Not To Be -
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of this will be added to your measure.
Live and learn.
Seek and ye shall find.
He’s a sexual intellectual; too Freake’n Smart For His Own Good!
Take what you can use for now, and leave the rest for latter.
God will never give you more than you can handle.
“I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me
so much.”
Mother Teresa
-Turn it over-
Being a little bit alcoholic is like being a little bit pregnant. You either are or you aren’t.
Suppose you had a problem eating hamburgers. Even if they caused you problems would you
stop eating them? Now you understand alcoholism.
Why is it against God’s will for us to drink or drug? Because “He” doesn’t want us to!
The big book is a McGuffey reader- Dick and Jane find God One through Twelve.
It is better to believe in God and die and then find out he doesn’t exist than to not believe in
God and die and find out he does.
We work the 12 steps so the grace of God can enter and expel the obsession.
If I live long enough I’m going to create the ultimate 12 step program,
If you took all the Catholics out of the program you could hold the meetings in a phone
This is a Irish Catholic disease caught on bar stools and cured in the basements of Protestant
If you are really depressed try suicide anonymous -I hear they have very few relapses !
Unforgivable sin is purely by definition –If you won’t or can't forgive it it can’t be forgiven.
First the man takes a drink, the drink takes a drink; and then the drink takes the man.
Chinese proverb
We were a people who drank and used with consistency, faith and devotion. Go to meetings
with faith and work steps religiously!
AA was the last house on the block - our last chance for life.
There is nothing worse than a head full of AA and a belly full of booze.
All actions have consequences- Sobriety is the consequence of working the steps.
Resentments are memories are always memories and feelings of things that happened in the
Resentments are gremlins that live in your mind and body.
Place your focus on people and problems grow - Place you focus on God and problems go.
St Germain
Focus draws the power.
Go to ninety meetings for ninety days - If you’re not happy after ninny days, we will gladly
refund your misery.
Make ninety meetings in ninety days! Why because you are training yourself and your car
to drive to a meeting rather than to a bar or a liquor store.
Don’t become a ninety day wonder, you come for ninety days then we wonder where you
went ?
Go to one more meeting then you think you need and go to all the meetings you don’t want to
go too.
Build the power of momentum into your sobriety- Make ninety in ninety.
If you believe that life is out to get you, you are correct!
Today was a good day. I didn’t drink, I didn’t drug and I didn’t die. Today was a good day.
If you can’t see God in your fellow human being you are looking in the wrong place.
Sai BaBa
If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it's a waste of time looking for him further."
- Gandhi
God is love in action.
If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are getting.
Birds do not fly because they have wings –Birds have wings because they fly.
There are three forces of nature at work at all times in the universe - They are:
Inside of every one is a white dog and a black dog and they are both fighting. Which one wins
the fight? The one that you feed!
Native American saying
There was once a man who dreamed he was a butterfly -When He awoke he was not sure if he
was a man who dreamed he was a butter fly or a butterfly who dreamed he was a man.
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
If you try and force a horse to drink you probably will get kicked!
This is a suggested program of recovery. When you jump out of an airplane with a parachute it
is suggested you open it!
Sobriety is fourfold. How is your physical sobriety, how is your emotional sobriety, how is
your mental sobriety and how is your spiritual sobriety?
Make the decision to live and follow up with the necessary action!
I should be doing this or I should be doing that. Don’t Should On Your Self!
The program is a mystery school. We didn’t have a clue what got us here.
God brings you to the program, you have to make the decision if you’re going to stay or leave.
You can’t get this program through ass-mosis. That’s when you expect to get this program
just by attending meetings, sitting in the chair and absorbing sobriety from the group.
Take one step towards me and I will take ten steps towards you. God
When you give your will to alcohol, alcohol takes over your will.
This is the only disease that tells you don‘t have it.
Once we had fully set the power of our will to drink, we were powerless to change it.
It is said in India that God will give you enough rope to hang yourself. Some of us needed a
very long rope.
If you are not willing to give it up God can’t and won’t take it from you because you have
been given free will!
Free will -Who said free will? There is nothing free about it; Try it sometime; It is very
You are God’s gift to life –what you make of your life is your gift to God.
We lost the ability to tell the difference between the real and the unreal.
Quit being an archaeologist who is digging up the past and throwing it in my face !
The disease lies to you - it tells you every think is OK when it isn’t.
What is an alcoholic? Someone who gets into an argument with them self and looses!
Alcohol suppresses fear and inhibitions; hence it has been called “liquid courage”. The price
for this illusionary power is death.
It’s a great day when alcohol and or drugs stops working for you.
Many of us suffered from a case of arrested development. We wouldn’t consider any kind of
spiritual or emotional growth until we got arrested.
I got tired of riding in the back seat of police cars with Rin Tin Tin !
God brought me to AA and AA brought me to God.
Alcohol and drugs are deadly when used as a substitute for the natural high of life and the
Holy Spirit.
You drank enough to get here; we hope you drank enough to stay.
Alcohol is as great remover. It will remove jobs, families, bank accounts and even your life.
Alcohol destroys the very glue of your existence, the binding force of life.
It’s not how much you drink, or how long you drank, it’s what happens to you when you do.
Selfishness, self centeredness, this we think is the root of the problem. (BB )
You are never too young to die from this disease. You are never too old to recover.
To have God in your life is too quit living in the limitations of the past.
No one can hear anything before they are ready to hear it.
Timing is everything.
Give time, time.
If you are looking for God outside of yourself, you are looking for Him in the wrong place.
Sai BaBa
God isn’t the one who is lost.
The human brain was designed to receive light and life from God. All I want for Christmas
is more brain cells. Seeker
All are called –few choose.
Blessed are they who are pure in heart for they shall see God. Bible
We realize that we know only a little; God will constantly disclose more to us and others.
We are not bad people trying to be good; We are sick people getting well.
The one law of God is the law of life is the law o love, do no harm to yourself and others.
You can do anything you want as long as you take responsibility for your actions!
What is unforgivable sin? It is purely by definition. If you won’t forgive it, or won’t stop
committing it, or allow God to forgive it - it is unforgivable. When you say I can’t forgive it
or won’t forgive it or God won’t and can’t forgive it, you are playing God in the negative.
Quit being an archaeologist and digging up the past and throwing it in my f ace !
What happens if you don’t pay your exorcist? You get repossessed!
We judge our self by our intentions and the world judges us by our actions.
Why? Be-Cause. Be the cause of good things, not the negative effects of bad things.
How do you recover? The will to live and stay sober must become stronger than the will to
drink and die.
You got to want to get sober more than you want to get drunk -Even if its’ only fifty one
Commit your will to sobriety.
Get just as committed to sobriety and recovery as you were to getting stupid and drunk.
If you don’t find real value in your sobriety you’re not going to keep it.
There is absolutely nothing in this world or the next worth taking a drink or drug over.
The only thing a person is held accountable in the all of creation is their attitude; For it
is their attitude that determines everything. Sai BaBa
You can’t be grateful for what you have when you’re ungrateful for what you don’t have.
AA has been referenced to mean “Altered Attitudes.”
The good is god times ten -To expand the good is to increase the god in you -
This is what it means to magnify the name of the Lord.
* I AM the doer.
Do ye not know ye are all Sons and Daughters of the most high God? Jesus
The longest distance any one will ever travel is the journey from the head to the heart.
As a moth is drawn to a flame, so the human being is drawn to God -The human ego fears
being destroyed in the process. St Germain
The human being was made by God, for God and of God.
The human being was made of God for God and by God.
God made you as your gift to yourself. What you make of your self is your gift to God.
A funny thing about stcukness; We couldn’t really change when we want too and don’t want
to change when we should.
What happens when an irresistible force meets an unlovable object, you get a migraine!
Go with the flow.
The sleeper has awakened and I have a hangover from the world of the senses!
Its’ not the length of the journey that makes life so hard, It’s the pebble in your shoe.
I m’ more than I was, but IM' not yet all that I will be.
Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have.
As the death of a caterpillar is the birth of a butterfly, So is the death of your ego but
the birth of your soul.
God cracks the hard shell of your ego to free the nut inside -
Shedding the human ego is like a snake shedding its’ own skin. It must happen in its’
own way and its’ own time.
Addiction? When you are truly done with it you are truly done with it - It becomes no
more, as if it never was. St. Germain
True spirituality is transformation of the ego consciousness. The individual ego personality
self must recognize the need; and be willing to surrender to the principle and power of God,
the transformational energy latent within all of us. St Germain
God created human beings from the inside out - Your direction of change must occur the
same way.
People who live in glass houses should wear clothes! Mishugeh
There are seven basic levels of evolvement possible in a human being -God is the path of
upward mobility. Sai BaBa
I have been walking the earth for millions of years without so much as a penny.
Money is to become our servant, not our master
The program is fair; you get out what you put in.
If you take God out of the program you don’t have a program.
If you take all the Catholics out of the program, You could hold the meetings in a phone booth.
It is a spiritual law that whenever the lesser sincerely ask the Greater for assistance, the Greater
must respond.
The 12 step programs are a spiritual means of recovery; many of us tried to find an easier
softer way but we could not.
The 12 steps are a set of spiritual tools - We have a tool to fit any nut!!!
The big book is a McGuffey reader. Dick and Jane find God one through twelve.
This is a program of how Dick and Jane get well; Not stay sick one day at a time.
Addictions and recovery is not limited strictly to alcohol. As stated in one of the founders
story - “ A doctor came with a heavy sedative; Next day found me drinking both gin and
Many of us were multi-addicted personalities.
Alcoholic or an addict ? We are all addicted to something- Become addicted to life rather than
being addicted to death.
Alcohol is a drug.
Alcoholics drive through red lights and pot smokers stop at green lights.
Look for the similarities, not the differences.
All men are the same color on the inside; I've cut enough of them open and looked!
Attila the Hun
A person wrapped up all into them self makes for a very small package.
The only thing that binds a man to anyone or anything are his desires and attachments.
Human beings will not let go of anything as long as they believe it serves them well.
Humankind loves to fight and argue for its limitations.
Man is born like a Kirby vacuum cleaner, He comes with many attachments. Mishugeh
Alcohol helps you relax -Relax all the way into the grave.
Chief Fire Eagle
God is the power of love.
If you have one foot in yesterday and the other foot in tomorrow, you’re sprinkling all over
All you have to do is stay sober is just not drink now.
Alcoholism has been called a disease of loneliness.
They are drinking a disease of loneliness, but it’s better than drinking alone.
Piano Man
It is man who taught man to fear God, judge and condemn. God teaches man to love,
forgive and move beyond it.
Replace the fear of God with the love and respect for God.
I was born a “Roman Catholic -I was always roman here, roman there, I was always roman
Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for people who have
already been there!
So tell me Darling, why is it your afraid of what you don’t believe in?
Put dogma before a mirror, add the “I” back before it and you get -
Knock and the door shall be opened.
We drank religiously with dedication and devotion -Go to meetings and work steps just
the same.
Happiness is the journey.
So tell me Darling, what could God possibly do to you that is worse than what you‘re already
doing to yourself?
It was not the fear of dying that got us sober- It was the fear that this hell would never end that
did it.
We suffer from selective perception. We see what we want to see and hear what we want to
The miracle of recovery proves the existence of God.
Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy. (Though some of us were only happy
when we were right!)
We start the meeting with a prayer- We end the meeting with a prayer; but we're not
Who keeps us clean and sober?
Our Father.
I had a wonderful epiphany this morning. It cost me three dollars and twenty cents with a cup
of coffee at the bakery!
Just because you’re an alcoholic or a drug addict doesn’t mean you have to live the rest of
your life as one.
What is it that must change about yourself? Not much, just everything!
Trying to force another person to change is like trying to drag an elephant through a key hole,
its’ a very slow and messy process.
- Before you set out to change the world, Change yourself first -
God will do for you what drugs and alcohol could never do.
This program is turning me into Father None, none of this and none of that and
Definitely none of that! Mishugeh
Nuns don’t get none.
Recovery is complete freedom from the compulsion and obsession to drink and or use.
Be still and know that I am God.
The will of God is to live- The question has always been how?
The How of AA - Honesty -Open-mindedness and willingness - These three are called the
essentials of recovery. This means becoming teachable.
If you humble yourself before God you become great- If you make yourself great before God
you become small.
Teach-ability is the essence of humility.
One day A woman came walking into a meeting muttering to herself ADFL, ADFl and
another time another woman came into the meeting talking about BOHICA ! - If I ever have
the pleasure of meeting you in person I will tell you what they mean. (The author)
The Maker who made you can fix you. Quit breaking what He made.
There is no problem you could possibly have that God can’t handle.
If your God can’t solve your problem, then your God is too small.
If your can't find your God don't worry, I'll loan you mine.
God was either everything or else He was nothing. What was our choice going to be?
You get well by working the steps; you stay well by living the traditions.
Only the heart of Man is big enough to contain the religion of God.
Religion may or may not take you back to the truth of the God that lives inside each and every
one of us.
God existed before religion ever began and God will exist after all religions ceases to be.
Man is the truth of all religions -How do we know? If you take man out of all religions the
religions disappear!
Turn it over.
Trust in God, clean house and help others.
When you focus on people problems grow- When you focus on God problems go.
St Germain
You are either going back to God kicking and screaming or joyously but you are going!
God is a verb.
We got sober and found out we had a conscience -Now what do we do?
Ask him in the morning for sobriety and thank him at night.
If you weren’t a spiritual being you couldn’t have a relationship with a spiritual deity.
We must perform the seemingly ridiculous so God can perform the truly miraculous.
The activity of yesterday creates the reality of today. The reality of today creates the activity of
tomorrow. Unless you change the activity of today, the reality of yesterday will create the
activity of tomorrow.
Expect a miracle.
We could not think ourselves into right acting but we could act ourselves into right
Practice the power of prayer.
If the God talk drives you out the booze will drive you back.
So tell me Darling - Why is it you’re so afraid of what you say you don’t believe in?
Can’t or won’t believe in God ? Then believe in that which created God.
Believe in the power of Sobriety - For it is a Divine Power –being sober for its own
There are no atheist in fox holes.
The practice of spiritual principles without knowledge or understanding is called blind faith.
We were extreme examples of self will run riot and didn’t think so.
You can do anything you want as long as you take full responsibility for your actions.
With us it was typically a “My way or the highway” attitude and outlook on life.
We had to quit living our lives on the edge of life and death.
All actions have consequences- Sobriety is the consequence of working the steps.
Trying to control this disease is like trying to control a snarling lion by holding it by the ears!
Surrender to win.
- Absolute Abstinence-
There is good news and there is bad news: The good news is life is forever. The bad news is
life is forever!
Did you ever have one of those life times it just didn't pay to be born? Mishugeh
I don’t care if you believe in reincarnation or not; you are coming back any way!
Without the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH OF ETERNAL LIFE, you can’t have the fear and
damnation of eternal hell!
With God there is always a future.
If everybody put their problems in the middle of the room and had to choose- They would
choose their own problems.
Be careful what you pray for, you just may get it!
Cast the beam out of thy own eye before you complain about the splinter in thy brothers’ eye.
One finger pointing at you -Three pointing back at me!
Spiritual insight: Some times in the quest for truth it is really important to see things without
emotional bias.
Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the earth.
Bring the body and the mind will follow. Bring the mind and the heart will follow.
It’s all about mind over matter. If I don’t mind, it don’t matter.
We’re not bad people trying to be good - Were sick people getting well.
Life is learning the meaning of words. What words are you leering the meaning of?
Insanity is too keeping doing the same thing expecting different results.
The cause of alcoholism is drinking. The cure for alcoholism is not drinking.
There is one cause and one cause only of drug and alcohol addiction. The human body was
never designed for consumption of these substances. Trying to prove this truth wrong goes
directly against the grain of your existence and is a waste of your time and ours. There is no
reason for guilt or shame of any kind in not being able to drink or drug. Know that a so called
normal drinker is only an alcoholic or addict in the making.
Alcohol is a drug.
This disease feeds on the power of death; quit feeding it your life!
All diseases live in the blind spot of our lives. This one is no exception.
Prey and Predator
Alcohol is the predator and you are the prey.
If the blind leadeth the blind they both fall into a pit.
I was a slave to King Alcohol.
As was once said; “Time Marches On” with or without your consent.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck its' a duck.
Ask God for PERMANENT SOBRIETY ! ( Over and over and over and over ----------)
It’s all about the power of No -When it came to alcohol we couldn’t say no!
(Also sex, food, you name it, we couldn’t say no to it!)
God restores the power of choice.
This is the only disease that can be so much fun to recover from.
All you got to do to make this program is trust in God and clean house.
I turned on the light in my basement and I found out I had a very dirty one.
He’s a sexual intellectual –Too freak’en smart for his own good !
Master - How can a man have a door knob as a higher power ? My Son, It is a far more
stable reality than many of the minds of the people who ask the question.
Desa-Vu is playing phone and video tag with your higher self.
This program is based on believing and achieving.
The old timers solution to prevent relapse was simple- They made it their goal to die sober
and they proceeded to do so.
Have you ever seen the movie Gremlins? We are the people you do not want to get wet or
feed after midnight!
In side of every one is a white wolf and a black wolf -Which one wins the fight? The one
that you feed. Native American Saving
Banish your anger, resentments and violence before they kill you!
Chief Fire Eagle
Forgive God.
Anger and resentments? I got tired of other people living in my head rent free.
The Christ was never given to mankind to be used as a sword or a club. God
Whenever you point one finger pointing at another person, you have three fingers pointing
back at you.
Whenever you pass judgment upon another you are trespassing on Gods’ property.
A funny thing about resentments -They are only a memory of an experience of something that
has occurred in the past -Even if it is something that happened in the past five seconds!
Don’t sit on the pity pot too long, you’ll develop a ring around your butt!
How do we know God has a sense of humor? We tell him what we are going to do with our
life and He laughs!
The Law of Love
The one law of God is bring harm to neither yourself or others.
Thou shall commit neither homicide or suicide nor Auto-cide, “That is when you murder
your car!”
We who have been overbearingly wrong for so long, have a pertinacity to be overbearingly
The emotional pendulum swings both ways.
Recovery is a process.
Can God turn a cucumber back into a pickle? Absolutely ! But the cucumber must be
completely willing to do so without any reservation what so ever; and once the pickle has re-
become a cucumber, It doesn’t mean that the cucumber can’t become a pickle again!
Most people say ‘Waste not - want not.” Alcoholics say ‘waste not; want more!”
Step one is get yourself out of the way so that in step 12 God can work through you and
steps 2 through 11 is everything you have to do to make it happen.
It’s not the quantity of sobriety but the quality of sobriety that matters.
Jesus, Moses, Buddha, Mohamed and Krishna all sit at the same table.
Talking about God? Here, let me tell you what perfect silence is like.
Only God can be all things to all people.
Make one more meeting than you think you need and Go to all the meetings you don’t want to
go to.
Keep going to meetings till you want too.
Go to meetings and don’t drink even if your derrière falls off! If it does, bring it along with
you -We will find a place for it- don’t drink and go to meetings!!!
Sobriety? It’s a God thing; cause without God you ain’t gonna get sobriety.
You got to find your higher power, not your lower power.
A Human being can get addicted to anything! (Money, sex, power prestige, drugs alcohol,
cigarettes, hate, pain, misery and suffering just to name a few).
The addiction controls the life of the person; the person does not control the life of the
We were addicted to more!
An alcoholic can use a year’s supply of anything in a month. (Toilet paper would truly be
We were a bunch of users and abusers.
Learn how to drink the perfect wine called the Holy Spirit of pure spiritual life.
Some people are so badly addicted to their own misery they just won’t let go of it.
When you pass judgment or criticism upon another, you are trespassing on Gods handy work!
Worms in a Bottle
A man teaching a class about alcoholism puts a worm into a glass of tequila and after a few
minutes the worm stops swimming around and dies -The teacher ask the class, “So what does
this mean ?” The alcoholic in the class steps up, smiles and proclaims: If you drink you don’t
get worms ! Many alcoholics had thought drinking was the cure for the common cold. They
discovered that when the human body is in a state of continual heavy intoxication germs could
not live in the body; Neither could the alcoholic !
The only cause of deception is the human illusion delusion! Sai BaBa
What happens when an alcoholic kisses a prince? He turns back into a frog!
God created man and women to be help mates -Not hell mates -
We has a bad case of the Midas touch in reverse, everything we touched turned to
We were always making people happy –They were either happy to see us coming or
happy to see us leave.
The hardest any one of us will have to learn is too simply live and enjoy your life -
Hi - IM' an alcoholic and a recovering human being.
Never forget, sell, trade or relinquish your humanity. Chief Fire Eagle
Human beings are born square pegs destined to fit into round holes. God uses life as a chisel
and we resist and we do hurt but we will survive.
A human being can become: an alcoholic, a smoke-aholic, a drug-aholic, a rage -aholic, a
sex-aholic, a food-aholic, a fear-aholic, a laugh- aholic (don’t laugh -there really is such a
thing !) A chance-aholic, a shop-aholic a game-aholic, a giggle-holic (they are really funny !)
A spend -aholic and whatever else you want to mold you self into!
God will file the points off your ego -Hold still!
No pain no gain.
There is one who has all power, that one is God may you find him now!
The now is the only true realty. The now is the door way to eternity. You can not find God in
either the past or the future because all activity of creation and life occurs from and within the
eternal now.
I must turn in all things to the Father of Light who presides over us all. Bill W
We found the Great Reality deep down within us; In the final analysis it is only there that
He may be found, It was so with us.
The alcoholic is an extreme example of self will run riot and he doesn’t think so.
We were trapped in the box of mass, energy, space and time - Driving ourselves crazy trying
to figure out who made the box of mass, energy, space and time.
Analysis paralysis.
If your God can’t solve your problem your God is too small.
There is no problem you could possibly have that God cannot solve.
If your God is not working for you don’t worry, I’ll loan you mine.
Love God and serve man is not the cannibal’s creed. (Though it just may be the creed of
some alanons.)
What are the three C’s of Alanon ? Can’t cause it, can’t control it and can’t cure it.
It is not by our love for God but by Gods’ love for us that we get well.
I am the light by which you see and the sound by which you hear.
We had three choices -We were either going to get Sobered Up -Locked Up - or Covered Up.
If you keep drinking all these things called the yets will happen to you - Like I haven’t
killed anybody yet- I haven’t gone to prison yet - I haven’t been divorced yet - I haven’t been
in the hospital yet or bankrupt yet - The heck With the yets -I’M afraid of the again s! Drunk
again, - Jail Again -Fired Again, Car Wreck Again, Divorced Again, Bankrupt Again - Sick
Again !
If you keep drinking or drugging you will wind up in either the big house, the bug house or
the ice house!
Yesterdays’ a canceled check and tomorrow is a promissory note; All we have is today.
No Funny Cigarettes.
A spiritual truth:
Marihuana is called, the smoke of forgetfulness. Why? It kills brain cells and cellular
memory. Son, why are you smoking marijuana? Uh I don’t know, I forgot! Seeker
To drink is to die.
When an alcoholic takes a drink the ability to care about anyone or anything goes out the
Will Power
If you think this thing is all about will power; , take a big bottle of ex-lax, Go eat a great big
meal and then try and control it and then tell me all about will power !
A silver back gorilla can bench press 4600 lbs. Yet alcohol can take down a gorilla.
How strong do you really think you are in fighting the disease of alcoholism or any
addiction by your self ?
Whats Important Now
You cannot solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.
You don’t have to be Einstein to get this program!
If I ask you what time it is please don’t tell me how to build a clock.
Keep it simple.
Alcoholics are real people with real problems.
Denial is everything you are not willing to hear or look at that is inside you.
What’s the difference between the human libido and the human ego? NOT MUCH!
We lead by the power of example.
Never judge another man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.
Native American Saying
We were full of self judgment and condemnation; we were our own judge, Jury and
Judge Not Least Ye be Judged.
It’s not that as a group or society that we condemn drinking or drug use, we simply insist that if
you must, do it off planet!
God is truth.
God is great!
God is love.
God is joy.
Love one another.
God is everywhere.
Of the seventy thousand or more known names of God; I am sure we can find one that you can
begin with.
The Twelve Steps of Unmaking
That which has been made within you with the power of God can only be unmade by you
with the power of God.
Expanded Acronyms
The five deadly habits are: Judgment, Condemnation, Blame, Guilt and Gossip.
Master Asun
Ego - Easing God Out.
( If you want to test the strength of your ego- See how many sentences you can write or speak
without the use of “ Me,” “My self,” “Mine” or “ I”)
Never go into your mind alone, you might not come out!
I was having a meeting in my head last night with a lot of different people and a lot of
cross talk.
We are all insane; we’re just not all insane at the same time!
By the time you’re really thinking about not drinking or using it’s too late.
Did you hear the one about the cannibal chef who loved to serve mankind?
We judge ourselves by our intentions and the world judged us by our actions.
What came first the chicken or the egg? The feeling always preseedeth the thought!
Learn to listen for the small still voice within - ( But please don’t tell us what it said !)
If I didn’t have the voices in my head to talk too, I would have no one in my life!
A million monkeys’ typing on a million type writers for a million years could never
dream up all the insanity we create !
Sanity is to be in harmony with God, yourself and your fellow human beings.
Practice these principles in all your affairs- And we mean your affairs!
We teach principles before personalities because principles are eternal truths and human
personalities are not.
Insanity is: too keep making the same mistake over and over again, each time expecting
different results!
Trying to fix our insides by changing our outsides.
It is foolish insanity to believe that any disease is more powerful than God.
Blessed are they who go in circles; For they shall be known as wheels!
You don’t have to know how a television set works to watch one.
Analysis Paralysis.
Utilize don’t analyze.
God is the seat of the soul. Get off your seat and do something!
Trying to figure this thing out by your self is nothing but a bunch of mental masturbation!
Can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot lift It ? In the case of the Alcoholic or
Addict the answer is not only yes, But Hell yes! Addictions, compulsions, obsessions,
resentments, prejudices and attachments- All very heavy rocks!
Why do you need God? Because you do not have the knowledge, the power, the ability or the
experience to reach inside yourself and fix yourself. Sai BaBa
This disease is neither immortal or eternal; Rid yourself of it before it kills the host!
This disease lies to you –It tells you everything is ok when it is not.
We could not think ourselves into right acting but we could act ourselves into right
You get well by giving up all the things that make you sick!
The power to drink again? Why would I give you the power to do to yourself what
made you sick in the first place! God
Believe in miracles.
God will never give you more than you can handle.
Yes we said we would make you perfect; We just didn’t say which life time !
I give you what you want so you want what I give you.
We learn how to listen.
Internalize Happiness.
Internalize Recovery.
Internalize Sobriety.
Internalize Joy.
Internalize Love.
Internalize God.
Internalize peace.
You cannot hate your brother and say you love God! Jesus
Whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name I will be there. Jesus
We opened the door to our insanity and death by our drinking and drugging and didn’t know
how to close it.
I have discovered that I’m highly allergic to death and I'm avoiding it whenever and where
ever I can!
Christ was crucified with a murderer and a thief; we ought to fit in just fine.
We had a bad case of the “Yes butts”
You can’t tell anyone anything until they are ready to hear it!
When God made man, he put the truth inside his heart, Humankind will never look for it
Never say Never.
Whenever you look for anything outside of yourself to make you feel better you’re opening
yourself up for trouble.
The truth of a young man and the truth of an old man are very different. When you are young,
you get angry and upset when people say they are praying for you. When you’re older and wiser
and people say they are praying for you, you are grateful.
Tidbit: Ever wonder where the saying ‘Drunk as a skunk” came from? It came from people
watching skunks who had been eating fermented apples!
Rarely have we seen a person who has thoroughly followed our path.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our Wives had become unmanageable.
Our human resources as marsh mellowed by the will, were not sufficient; they failed utterly.
Sought through prayer and medication to improve our conscious contact with God!
What is a social drinker? A person next to you at a party picks up a drink and you think,
“So shall I “. Father Martin
Is there anybody here for their first, second or third meeting before their next drink?
You drank enough to get here –We hope you drank enough to stay.
Man is Gods’ spear head of the ever advancing creation, some of us must have got stuck at
the dodo stage.
What is a real alanon? She dies and his life passes before her eyes.
The great hope of every alcoholic is that they will control and enjoy their drinking and the
great hope of every alanon is that they will control and enjoy their alcoholic!
It wasn’t too long ago that a person being sponsored was referred to as a “pigeon.” Have you
ever seen what pigeons do to statues? Well that is exactly what the 'Pigeon” was doing to their
own life- Making a mess out of everything!
I think I'm going to go to SA (Suicide Anonymous) - I hear they have very few relapses!
True forgiveness
There comes a point of realization that it really doesn’t matter who is at fault or who is to be
blamed, because as long as we hang on to blame and guilt the wrong doings of others real or
imagined will always have power over us and the ability to destroy us. True forgiveness must
occur for the process of real inner healing to begin.
How many times must you forgive? Seven times Seven, No seven times seven times seven,
No seven times seven times seven time seven times seven –
A closed mouth friend is someone whom you tell something too and five minutes later they
can’t remember what it is you said.
Give a man a fish you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.
Chinese proverb
If you had the faith as mustard seed and commanded these mountains to move they would
move. Jesus
There shall come a day every man can sit under his own fig tree.
Know thy self. Socrates
The human body and mind are incompatible with alcohol. If it were compatible it wouldn’t
cause problems. It is that simple.
The bottom line is you never have to drink, use or be lonely again.
God doesn’t care what you call Him; All He cares is that you call!
Abba, Father.
We get well by working the steps; We stay well by living the traditions.
You are given an opportunity for an infinitely valuable spiritual education. TAKE IT !
The drop wants to become the ocean and the ocean wants to become the drop.
When thy eyes become single thy whole body will be filled with light.
NEWS FLASH: Scientist have found the biblical lake of fire! look at videos from NASA of
our physical sun at the center of our solar system. It is also the source of all biological life on
this planet. It’s not the hell fire of destruction -It’s the hell fires of creation - for all biological
life upon this planet is born in the fiery furnace of our physical Sun.
Whenever you pass judgment upon other people, you are trespassing on God’s
Carry the message - plant the seeds of recovery.
Be-live in God.
Life is Gods’ gift to you -What you make of your life is your gift to God.
Separation from God is the grand illusion, there is only the on-goingness forever.
As I have so loved you I now command, “Love one another” This is the fulfillment of the
law and the commandments. Jesus
People love you for their sake; God loves you for your sake.
Sai BaBa
The truth is the love of God
What is true of me is true of you - Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
There are four natural enemies of man. Fear, clarity of mind, power and old age.
Don Wan
Is it time to create Mortals anonymous yet? Because death is the common denominator -
Of all 12 step programs!
Anger is the power of an elephant tied to a tree and you’re the elephant!
You can’t claim you’re sober if you are on the marijuana maintenance program!
The great Swamis' of the east teach” practice prayer and meditation, not prayer and
The only thing that is learned that is worthwhile is that which is learned in a sober
state of consciousness. Don Wan
The hardest thing any one of you will have to learn is to simply live and enjoy your lives.
The power of God and recovery is born in the Divinity of Silence ,so shut up and listen!
Insight: If we practice real hard we just may get the meaning of these- It is OK if you add a
few of your own.
God will never judge and condemn any of their children ,Yet God has complete and absolute
parental authority over them -
What is grace? Grace is love, healing and forgiveness, the free flow of infinite life. It
originates and flows from all that that is known as the Divine feminine, that which is known as
the divine Mother of life and the universe –The Goddess of our universe.
I have come so you may have life and have it more abundantly.
A thing of importance to know is that the knowledge, love and the wisdom , all that is, the
all that adds up to the life of God is endless. The knowledge, the love and the wisdom, the
“flow of life” is a vast limitless fountain that cannot be drained. The more a person learns the
more a person realizes how true this statement is. It is truly endless. The program is directly
derived from the wisdom of God. Wisdom is that truth or if you like knowledge that when
placed into or put into practice will produces results. The simplest question of truth is “does it
work?; “Does it produce the desired result ?”
Modern psychologist have sought what you might call the “Holy Grail of Psychology” - This
“Grail” would be a perfect model that describes the inner workings of all human beings and
would allow the treatment of any condition possible in a person. The 12 step programs in and
of themselves are not perfect; A perfect model does not exist. Instead the program directs us
to seek the source of perfection, that perfection being God consciousness and the program
provides us with a means of doing so. In this the program achieves its’ goal extremely well.
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
The Greek Master Teacher Plato gave us a description of Mans’ reality and knowledge of
the light from within about 450 BC. Not only is his allegory a good description of the
creative process that brings about our existence; We have been able to duplicate the process!
Think of man living his life in a cave that is totally dark and that man is chained or fixed into
such a position that all he can look at is the cave wall in front of him. His perceptions are
locked into only one way of seeing things - A very limited view point and this creates a very
narrow mind. Behind him are dancers who are moving and behind the dancers is a fire that
illumines the dancers but he can’t see the dancers and he can’t see the fire behind the dancers
because he can’t move his vision that is solidly fixed in front of him. All he sees is shadowy
images or reflections of the dancers that are created by the fire and all he can see is the shadow
images of the dancers that are cast upon the wall of the cave. The cave wall represents all the
man can see of reality or if you like life. He has a very limited view or understanding.
Now we just happen to have an /old Hebrew wisdom teaching that says: Man is the
embellisher of nature. And today we have a perfect working technological example of this
ancient description of reality in our motion picture projectors and movie theaters. We replace
the fire with a high powered light bulb, use reels of movie film to replace the dancers, focus it
all through a lens and put all the people in a nice cumphy theater with a great big movie screen
in front of them they can watch and wah-la ! - You have a perfect example of how God through
man creates reality and how the principles of creation remain constant and we find new and
wonderful expressions and applications of the knowledge.
Plato was clearly describing the “ Fire from within”- The Father of light that is in all of us.
“When thy eyes become single thy whole body will be filled with light.” Bible
The idea of powerlessness is confusing to many people. First and foremost the human body
was neither designed or intended to have alcohol ingested into it. This holds true for all sorts of
other damaging things. If the body can’t consume it for food or use it to heal its self the body
wasn’t meant to consume it. The human body was designed to take food for nourishment -
things that are not food are: Alcohol marijuana tobacco, cocaine heroine, barbiturates, downers,
uppers and in betweens’, and all the synthetic concoctions known as designer drugs. If we
missed any add them to the list. There is no shame or guilt what so ever that a person cannot
drink or for that matter drug. Alcohol has a nature. The effects upon a human body and mind
are destructive and this is an unalterable fact. We are POWERLESS to change the basic
relationship of alcohol to a human body and mind and that relationship is destructive. It doesn’t
matter what liquor companies say, it doesn’t matter what your friends or your parents say about
drugs and alcohol, it is destructive; And if the body wasn’t meant to consume it then that
substance or thing will develop a parasitic life force within the body that will consume the body
- This is the underlying cause of compulsions and cravings.
The parasitic life force of the addictive thing or substance demands that you feed it! Hum -
perhaps the old definitions and concepts of demon rum isn’t so insane sounding if you consider
the existence’s of parasitic life forces, And interestingly enough a parasitic life force cannot
exist without the life force it feeds upon and if it has a will of its’ own to survive and continue it
really doesn’t care if it destroys the host and the host life force. Just another self created little
monster of the Id.
Any person who is following a spiritual path is not supposed to consume alcohol or
narcotics in any form, so paradoxically completely giving up alcohol and drugs does become
the beginning step in establishing a deeper relationship with God. There is absolutely no shame
or guilt or weakness of any kind in not being able to drink or drug because the capacity to drink
and drug was never designed into the human body in the first place. The body was not designed
to handle it.
A deeper example of powerless was once described as: Go eat a big meal and then take a
whole bottle of ex-lax and then try control it ! Trying to control addictions are the same.
We cannot change the karma, the nature of drug and alcohol abuse and human beings. This
is to confirm that the cause effect relationship of alcohol, drugs and the human body is
unchangeable. Alcohol will always create weakness in the bonding force that holds the soul
together and when the soul falls completely apart the human body and lower mind dies. It is
this weakling of the bonding force of the soul that we call relaxation.
Another good description of the effects of alcohol or drugs on the human body and the
insanity it causes might be described as trying to polish your car with battery acid. We pour a
bit of battery acid on the paint of the car and start rubbing it, believing it is going to make the
paint shinny but instead it immediately starts to dull the paint. So instead of stopping we pour
more battery acid on the car and now we strip the paint down to the metal surface, and in total
disbelief that the paint has been removed we now pour even more battery acid on the car and
now we start to corrode and dissolve the metal that the car body is made of . This type of
madness and thinking and resultant actions really does exist.
So what is this mysterious power called will? The human body has several powers built
into it. Our bodies do many things for us without our thinking or commanding it to perform.
Spiritually the body has been called the servant of the person, the spiritual being who occupies
that body. If you think about it we do not even have to tell our bodies to perform all sorts of
things that keep us alive. We do not have to consciously think and tell our heart to keep
beating, nor do we have to tell our bodies or even think about telling the digestive system to
turn the food we have eaten into energy that will keep us alive. These functions are really
divine powers that reside within the body At the personal level, All of your biblical talk about
a man and his servants is really talking about the powers of the body and the person’s ability to
control them.
Now in the alcoholic and or addict the person has surrendered the God aspect of power
known as the will to drink or use. The powers of the body are very obedient servants that do not
question the orders of the master, the master being the person, the spiritual being who lives in
the body and the body blindly carries out the orders of the person. It actually is a better
description to say that the person has directed or shaped their will to perform the task of staying
drunk or high and the will does not question at all the way the person commands or shape the
will has been made into and once the persons’ will has been completely set by the person to
drink, drug, get high, stay stoned or inebriated -The will through the spiritual power it
commands will then find ways to fulfill the orders of the person even if those orders cause the
misery and death of the person.
What has been difficult for scientist or doctors to understand about addiction, due to the
blindness or if you like the limitations imposed by the senses of the body, And what makes it
seemingly impossible to be rid of an addiction because we get hooked on something through the
emotional connection, made by the power of the will of our personal soul, and we attach our
selves inwardly to the substance or thing and make connection to it in the invisible realms
because the substance or thing has existence in the spiritual world. All things of the physical
world have the cause of their existence in the world soul and that soul exists in the spiritual
from heaven” is just a concentration of a natural process of life that the ancient prophets and
magi understood very well.
A study of modern biology reveals that all biological life force begins within and emanates
from our physical sun. That life force energy continually pours out from the sun, and as our
planet spins upon its atmosphere, A continual life wave of energy is infused into the planetary
atmosphere . These rays of life giving light begin just before sun rise, and ancient people knew
that they could open their hearts and minds and directly take this energy, this life force from the
life giving angel of the morning into their being. The main aspect of the “daily reprieve”
spiritual approach for the alcoholic is based upon this ancient knowledge.
Another important aspect of the daily reprieve approach is the little known activity of Mary,
Mother of Christ. Mary, Mother of Christ each and every day goes before those great beings of
this entire solar system known as the Lords of Karma to suspend judgment upon the people of
earth. Mary has performed this service for humanity for thousands of years. Her love for
humanity is that great.
Spiritual insight: If you see the Buddha on the road - DON’T KILL HIM- HE APPEARS SO
Do not say with ten thousand words what can be said with one thousand words.
Do not say with one thousand words what can be said with one hundred words.
Do not say with one hundred words what can be said with ten words.
Do not say with ten words what can be said with one word.
Do not say with one word what can be said with no words.
Know the one thing that can teach you 10 tings -Know the ten things that can teach you one
hundred things. Know the one hundred things that can teach you one thousand things -know the
one thousand things that can teach you ten thousand things. Know the ten thousand things that
can teach you one hundred thousand things. Know the one hundred thousand things that can
teach you one million things -
What is the sound of one hand clapping? It is the sound the energy flowing through your
mind makes, as you visualize the imagery and contemplate the thought.
Spiritual tidbit : When you become a student of a great Master and they call you Chela; It
really means Divine Dummy! They talk and think like this; We’ll get the Chela to do it; or We
will send the Chela, He needs the experience or He’s just a Chela and doesn’t know any better
or The Chela did what? Usually followed by great laughter.
A man dreamed he went to heaven and met a beautiful angel. The angel was showing him all
around the heavenly realms and on the tour they came across enormous warehouses filled with
the most wonderful presents and gifts of every kind. The man asked his angelic tour guide what
all the warehouses full of presents were? The angel gave a sad smiled and said- “These are all
the gifts that mankind has asked God for but didn’t have the patience to wait and receive them”.
At the end of your life there will be a test -Here are the questions:
2. Is there anything you must go back and work on for your souls’ growth and development?
4. How can we assist you in preparation for your ongoing eternal journey?
“I AM the peace within your soul and the love within your heart”.
Blessed are they who are pure in heart for they shall see God Jesus
See what you are looking at , hear what you are listening too –Know these things –
Native American
If you can’t or won't believe in God, believe in that which created God –For that which created
God lies at the very core, the center of your being. Afriel
It is the infinite light and love of our Heavenly Father and Mother that created God.
The following teaching comes from the Himalaya mystery school where Ashua Ben Joseph AKA
Jesus the Christ studied the great mysteries and practices of God, and also the modern day
ascended master teachings that sprang forth into the world beginning in the latter part of the
20th century.
Each and every one of us is a divinely created being of light and love, individualized and first
begotten and hence only begotten Son or Daughter of Father and Mother God, for that which is
first and only begotten is that which is made of the infinite light and love. It has been said
that “God” did not have any grand children. At the very center of our universe exist the creator
God pair known as Father and Mother God. Hence being First Begotten and only Begotten are
descriptions of qualities of beingness rather than the single identity of any one god or
industrialized or creator being. All people without exception are first and only begotten
children of Father and Mother God. We are all first born, that is too say directly created by
our H evenly and Divine Father and Mother.
The biblical “Honor thy Father and Mother” has many levels of understanding.
This God pair whom reside and create life, existence and reality from the very center, the
very heart of our universe, this is the heart of creation its self. They are truly our Divine
Parents. Before they come together in Divine Life, In Creating Union and to create, that is too
say bring forth exact and perfect spiritual replications of themselves, we did not exist. After
being created, these first and only Begotten of God (That being all of us ) now have true self
consciousness, that being self awareness, and all the attributes and qualities of Divine Mind as
bestowed by The Father and all the qualities and attributes as bestowed by the Divine Mother.
When it is said that we are the Spiritual Children of God and The human race, individualized is
created in the likeness and image of God -. An older teaching is that “Man is God writ small “this
is the great and undeniable truth and the reality of our individuality.
To each and every individualized first and only begotten son or daughter of God -God the
Father bestows His divine mind and God the Mother bestows Her divine Heart. This brings a
whole new meaning and insight to the bottom of page 11 where it is written -”Here was
something at work in a human heart which had done the impossible.“
It is taught that when our God parents created us -We all were given four commandments,
four directives to life..
"Discover and Express the Eternal Happiness that is your birthright"
"Give the Immortality I made you, to the Body Temple I created for you"
"Discover your Infinite Creative Potential and Genius for Self-Expression"
"I made you Infinitely Abundant. Offer this abundance to all that and those around you.
Wild Dogs
When wild dogs find food they cannot use or store they will urinate on the food so no other
dog can eat it. Spiritual knowledge and wisdom is food for the soul. Just because you can’t
accept or understand knowledge and wisdom, please do not be a wild dog and ruin it for
someone else.
Sexual Attachments
Attachment through sexual acts literally makes spiritual threads or bonds of emotional
energy between the souls of the people involved. When we separate or end a sexual relationship
we experience the pain, depression and suffering because we tear out the hooks that the energy
threads have created in the souls of the people involved. And when we tear out the hooks of
attachments they leave holes in our emotional bodies-
No pun intended but how many of us are looking for something to fill the holes? The
deep, deep emptiness, the loneliness so many of us live with? These threads and hooks are
not imaginary. If you could see from the light level of the soul, and look at the emotional bodies
of the people who are attached to each other you would see that these emotional energy threads
and the hooks which are the points of attachment really do exist. To be free of an addiction or
compulsion with the power of self will you would have to be able to reach inside yourself,
reach into the center of your own feelings and release the hooks and return the energy threads to
the source. Because there are so few of us who have mastered going into our selves or if you
like working with our own inner planes of reality and our own souls, We must ask our sprit
guides or our angelic protector or whatever deity that gives us access to the indwelling power
and then have faith that the hooks will be removed which frees the attachment and that the
energy threads will be returned to the proper source. One thing you can be sure of is that when
you release the hooks and attachments and you become free of them it is the Divinity, the
Energy, the divine Fire that Is With In Us - will consume the hooks and energy threads, and
when this has occurred the person is completely released from the addiction because he is now
free of the attachment. The memory of the experiences will stay with the person, as a part of
the soul’s recordings of life experience, yet The emotional power and dominance of the
addiction is removed. When you pray to be free of an addiction and are really willing to be free
of the addiction you will experience soul clearing. The soul clearing and healing part of the
healing and releasing process is to relive and re-experience the feelings and memories of what
brought about the attachment in the first place. Lots of Alcoholics’ in recovery report having “
wet dreams” dreams, so real that when they wake up they swear that they were actually out
drinking again. The soul clears the subconscious by reliving the experience. For an example, If
the soul is loaded up with stored feelings of drunkenness then of course during the releasing
process A person can totally re-experience being drunk. This is good because like a magnet
erasing a recording after several passes or reliving to clear the soul of the subconscious the
feelings and real power they possess to keep the person trapped in the addiction is dissipated.
Wisdom teaching: Without the complete clearing process or if you like “forgiveness” You will
never achieve real freedom from an addiction.
Why it works
All spiritual recovery works because it is a law in this universe that whenever the lessor
sincerely asks the greater for help-The greater must respond. This help is given because at the
core truth of any and all human being exist a thinking, feeling person of Divine Consciousness,
being and nature, a child of God.
A Normal Drinker
I went to India and asked a great spiritual master, “ What is the cause of drug and
alcoholism ?” This great teacher looked me directly in the eyes and told me, “Neither the
human mind or body was designed for it -Leave it Alone!” When a Master places his gaze upon
you, with a few simple words a master can and does transmit volumes of information to the
person they are communicating with. The teacher imparted to me the knowledge that drinking
or drugging for pleasurable effect or problem solving goes against the divine intention, you
might say the very purpose and reason the human body’s exist. By drinking we are forcing the
body to assimilate chemicals it truly was not designed for or intended to use. Some people’s
bodies can make this adaptation and others peoples bodies simply cannot make adapt to the
effects of alcohol or drug ingestion. Whether a human body has the capacity to adapt to alcohol
consumption or not, the idea of the existence of a so called normal drinker is an absurdity, a true
social contrivance, because even a so called normal drinker are forcing their bodies to adapt to
chemical reactions that the body simply was not designed to accommodate.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you. Mathew 7 7
Oh great Master –What is the cause of drug and alcohol addiction? “Neither the human mind of
body was designed or intended for it –LEAVE IT ALONE !
An experiment proving this process shows how a frog’s nervous system can be tricked. A frog
is placed in an open container of water. The container also contains a food source, The frog can
leave the container any time it chooses by simply jumping out. The water is at a comfortable
temperature for the frog, and as long as the frog feels it has everything it wants, it is happy, it
has no reason to leave the container. Now if we start raising the temperature of the water
slowly, say a few degrees per hour, the frogs body will adjust to this change in stimulus and the
frog still believes that everything is ok, that all is normal. As time passes and the temperature
increases and the frogs nervous system keeps adjusting to increasing temperature, the frog does
not perceive the increasing danger that is threatening its life. Eventually the temperature
increases to the boiling point and so is the frog and
of course it is too late to save toe frog because it has been boiled alive, even though it could
have left the environment and conditions that took its life only if it could have realized what
was happen to it. Drugs and alcohol addiction takes many of its victims due to the slow long
term effects it produces over a long period of time. This process can continue for years. Just
like our boiled frog, the alcoholic or drug really thinks everything is normal even though friends
,employers and family may try and tell them otherwise, Why because our own nervous system
and sense of inner security and well being has been tricked into a false and deadly lie. This has
been called the insidiousness of the disease. Another way to express this understanding is too
nickel and dime someone to death; by continually making small price increases in some
essential service till one day that service cost more than people can afford. Alcohol and drugs
of the course of many years will nickel and dime to death your health, your wealth and
eventually your life.
Do ye not know we are all sons and daughters of the Most high God ? Jesus
The more than one hundred men and women as mentioned in forward to the first edition who
authored the big book will be refereed too as “The first one hundred.”
Perhaps it is a good idea to explore what is our revealed relationship to “God” as taught in the
divine mystery schools before we identify the God concept “As we under stood Him” of the
first one hundred as written in the 12 step recovery program.
The following teaching comes from the Himalaya mystery school where Ashua Ben Joseph
AKA Jesus the Christ studied the great mysteries and practices of God, and also the modern day
ascended master teachings that sprang forth into the world beginning in the latter part of the 20th
Each and every one of us is a divinely created, individualized and first begotten and hence only
begotten Son or Daughter of Father and Mother God. It has been said that “God” did not have
any grandchildren. At the very center of our universe exist the creator God pair known as Father
and Mother God. Hence being First Begotten and only Begotten are descriptions of qualities of
beingness rather than the single identity of any one god or industrialized or creator being. All
people without exception are first and only begotten children of Father and Mother God. We
are all first born, that is too say directly created by our H evenly and Divine Father and Mother.
A Daily Reprieve, “Oh Lord, give us this day our daily bread.”
The understanding of a daily reprieve begins with the biblical writings of Moses and the
children of Israel. When Moses was leading the people out of Egypt and through the Sinai
desert, they ran out of food. Moses asked the lord to feed the people, and every morning the
angles manifested a very simple form of food called manna. This spiritual food, this” manna
from heaven” is just a concentration of a natural process of life that the ancient prophets and
magi understood well.
A study of modern biology reveals that all biological life force begins within and emanates
from our physical sun. That life force energy continually pours out from the sun, and as our
planet spins upon its atmosphere, A continual life wave of energy is infused into the planetary
atmosphere . These rays of life giving light begin just before sun rise, and ancient people knew
that they could open their hearts and minds and directly take this energy, this life force from the
life giving angel of the morning into their being. The main aspect of the “daily reprieve”
spiritual approach for the alcoholic is based upon this ancient knowledge.
Another aspect of the daily reprieve approach is the little known activity of Mary, Mother of
Christ. Mary, Mother of Christ each and every day goes before those great beings of this entire
solar system known as the Lords of Karma to suspend judgment upon the people of earth. Mary
has performed this service for humanity for thousands of years. Her love for Gods Only
Begotten children is that great.
Tom Whitecloud
John to Jesus -”Master where is this kingdom you speak of ? John my kingdom is inside you.”
“Know the truth and the truth will set you free”
The ten commandments encompass The law of harmless – The law of harmlessness is the law
of the prophets and the law of life.
Life is like riding a bicycle- You can only stay balanced when moving forward.
Power within
The great deep and secret power of God buried deep within each and ever one of us is the
power and ability to conceive of an idea and bring it forth as a living being of manifest reality.
You can take religion out of spirituality but you can not take spirituality out of religion because
spirit is the source and center of every one and every thing.
God does not judge a butterfly for the sins of a caterpillar because the butterfly resembles the
caterpillar very little even though the caterpillar is the source it came forth from.
A Higher Power ?
There is your higher power, your lower power-your inner power and your outer power.
There is God above me -There is God below me -Their is God within me and God outside me.
The pain and suffering of birth is the price of admission into this world and the pain and
suffering of the cross is the price of admission into the next -
One man can start a forest fire yet once fully raging, no one man can put it out.
* This truth was removed from the teachings by Emperor Constantine in the first counsel of
Nicea l in 325 AD
The great law of God is that the Creator is always greater and will always remain greater than
the creation.
The disease of alcoholism is an intelligent bacterial infection that takes over the mind
destroying the host in the process-
Twin Flames
When God created a divine flame, out of it comes two flames, one flame male one flame
female . These flames then typically go in different direction travel through out the universe
and eventually meet up again through the power of divine attraction.
Twin flames create and can inhabit either a male body or a female body depending upon their
desires, lessons a desired development so you can have a male flame in a male body or a male
flame in a female body. A female flame in a female body or a female flame in a male body. Its
all about free will choice.
The 12 steps are the Father principle -The 12 Steps are the Mother Principle
How powerful is alcohol ? A silver back gorilla can bench press 4600 Lbs -That is more weight
than most American cars - Yet alcohol can take out a silver back gorilla. when it comes to
alcohol and addictions, just how powerful do you really think you really are ?
Alcoholism is a disease of the will that blinds and controls the mind.
The disease of alcoholism begins and lives in the will of the body and through the will, it takes
over the mind and then only the light can displace, diminish and eradicate it.
The activities of the past, present and future must be treated differently.
Let your language reflect the quality of your sobriety and the truth of who and what you are.
In my Fathers house there are many mansion - in my Fathers house there are many dimensions
of time.
There are only two forces. The force of life and the force of death and in truth, there is only
one. Alcohol and addictions hook us into the force of death. Only the God from within can
release us from the hooks of addiction.
Time is relative to the observer. Change the point of observation and you change the
dimensions of time.
Death is always the hunter
Death is the great teacher of the mystery
Failure is our greatest teacher
For death becomes no more -as if it never was ,for only God can stay the hand
of death -
A Walk through The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
What is God ? God is a name that the Ancients could use to best describe the infinite source of
silence that all of life, existence and creation comes forth from -The best description of the
name and and the sound of that divine intelligence acting to create and bring forth the all of life
and existence is “God.” And old Rabbinical description of this activity is that:
“God is Goding.”
Human beings are like turtles -They only make progress when they stick their necks out-
Their are two types of sobriety -There is the sobriety you get by only going to meetings and
there is the sobriety and freedom you get from the big book.
Faith is knowing that what ever happens in this world or the next that it will be all right -
By Attainment
This whole universe began as a point of light no bigger than a grain of sand -
God exist for the miracle of attainment for its self -
Man is the word Made Flesh **
We are beings of light -Man is the word made flesh, as living embodiment's of
knowledge encoded into light. The “Father of light” is the source of our divine living
Since no one on earth ever originated from here -We in truth are the alen's ! If you want to see
ET just look at the the next person you see or even the person you see in the mirror.
Einstein and his work, the theory of relativity is one of my hero's. ((His famous equation ( E=MC^2)). Energy
is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. This really is no more complicated than basic
algebra. The absolute genus of this is who could possibly conceive of the speed of light squared ?-The speed of
light times the speed of light as a function and principle of creation and this universe !
When you are in touch with an image of a peron place or thing you are in touch with that person
place or thing.
How to get in touch with any Ascended Master or Being -
** Man a name given to the race of beings comprising of men and women. Man is not specific
to the male gender but en composes both the male and female principle.
*** The four blessings of Divine knowledge, Divine Power, divine Wisdon and Divine love
which all reside with in your heart.
Alcoholism is a deadly disease of ignorance. The will of God is to eradicate the disease of
alcoholism -Not give it immortal status through the consciousness of the people and the
teachings of AA.
The will of God is to eradicate the disease of alcoholism. Not take up immortal status in
the minds and bodies of the people and the consciousness of AA.
I you want recovery you must stop making the declaration in the name of God IAM an
alcoholic -
You want recovery you must stop making the declaration in the name of God IAM an alcoholic
- You can not get well and use the name of God IAM always declaring your self an alcoholic -
For this is a guaranteed way to keep creating the disease within your self. For what ever we
God to be in the name IAM we will become.
You are completely recovered from alcoholism whn it no longer has any power and
authority over you – None in any area of your life -As Jesus the Christ Taught -” It
becomes as if it never was !”
Giving up reasons and excuses of self justification o remain in disease, lack -limitation
Principles above personal gain -
You can't teach any body any thing they are unwilling to learn -
The 12 steps are not something you do -The 12 steps are something you live -
Yesterday is a canceled check tomorrow is a promissory note all you have is today
If you have one foot in the future and one foot in the pat your pissing all over today -
You can survive and live a life with out alcohol- you can not survive and live a life with
Know they self -Know thy place -Know thy love -Know thy Grace -
People plan, God laughs and then offers you an upgrade. It is up to us whether
or not we embrace it!
The highest form of expression, of relationship we can enter into is cocreatorship with
God -
The over inflated human ego thinks and believes it is the wind in its own sails -
There are those who are so full of them selves their is't room for any thing else -
Frankenstein -We created the ego -We love the ego and we can no kill it -but the ego can
and does kill us !!
God save us from the thieves that rob us of our lives- God save us from the thieves that
rob us of our faith -
God is greater than any possible problem or condition I could possibly have -
God is all that was all that is and all that is too be -
What is true of me is true of you -The core truth of all is the same -
all that begins in time by the law of time will end in time -
We could say that "God" is the thought form manifestation process of life as living
principles of being -
Fear and anger are opposite sides of the same coin -You can not have one with out the
other -
Those who fear and hate God only create fear and hate within them selves and others.
Our bodies are made of the light substance of God the elements of the earth -
If you can't listen too or speak then word, the name god -Then you have a problem with
Hell eternal is based on eternal life- For with out eternal life you can not have hell
Resentment is the internal agitation that destroys the fabric of peace -The fabric of the
soul mind and body.
The choice is to be a being of mortality of eternal birth life death pain and suffering or a
being of eternal spirit -
We were told shut up, get your self out of the way invite God in and let Him speak
through you -
Humility is knowing in our humanness is that we do not have the power, the ability to
fix our selves or relive our selves of the sicknesses and diseases we our selves brought
upon our selves and are willing to humble our selves before God and those beings who
can help us -
We can not have what we do not know -We can not have what is not a part of our
Lord Materia
Because IAM the space that contains and supports all things.
Humility is knowing that in our humanness we could not solve the problem and were
willing to ask and accept God for help -
What is the will of God ? To be and become what we were created to be-
We are like fish that came out of the ocean, walked unto the land -turned around and
then asked 'Where did we come from ?
The earth is unmovable refers to the elements not the physical planet-
There is no such thing as Ass-mosis sobriety -That is thinking you are going to get
sobriety by just coming and sitting in the chair -
Opinions are not facts -
To be or not to be for God is as God conceives it's self to be
Trying th drage someone through recovery Is like dragging an elephant through key hole a
slow and messy process
God is genderless
Where ever you find four Catholics you will find a fifth
What is a naked man on roller skates with a string tired between his legs ? A pull toy -
Permissions -
Plant your self in God and stay green. Green things grow -
I renounce the god of Fear
Sanity is
Gods' restoration to the original plan, intent and design of our bodies and mind.
Alcoholics in AA are a people who need a miracle every day and hey get it