Brewery and Municipal Wastewater Irrigation Quality Impacts On Selected Soil Properties Around Harar City Eastern Ethiop
Brewery and Municipal Wastewater Irrigation Quality Impacts On Selected Soil Properties Around Harar City Eastern Ethiop
Brewery and Municipal Wastewater Irrigation Quality Impacts On Selected Soil Properties Around Harar City Eastern Ethiop
Research Article Open Acces
Wastewater contains a variety of chemical, physical and microbial contaminants which affect soil properties. The
study was conducted at Harar city, to identify the impacts of brewery and municipal wastewater soil physico-chemical
properties and irrigation water quality. Three irrigation sites were selected purposively and sites were categorized
into three groups: Control (non-irrigated), brewery and municipal wastewater irrigated farmland for less than ten
years ago and brewery and municipal wastewater irrigated farmland for more than ten years depending on the
application of brewery and municipal wastewater and long term application. The irrigation water quality analysis
showed that pH was moderately increased; BOD, COD and P concentration were above the permissible limit of
FAO prescribed for wastewater irrigation quality. The results showed that bulk density was negatively decreased and
moisture contents and total porosity was significantly increased. The soil EC, cadmium, lead available phosphorus,
OM and CEC levels was significantly increased with the increasing of wastewater application. Mg2+ was significantly
decreased by wastewater application in irrigated farmland. From the results, increase of years of application of
brewery and municipal wastewater resulted in significant reduction of BD and Mg2+. The most effective way to
eliminate the impact of these brewery and municipal wastewater on the soil is to develop and implement effective
wastewater management plan.
Keywords: Brewery, Heavy metal; Irrigation water quality; Soil physico-chemical; Municipal Wastewater
Adv Crop Sci Tech, an open access journal Volume 10 • Issue 8 • 1000527
Citation: Tolossa TT. (2022) Brewery and Municipal Wastewater Irrigation Quality: Impacts on Selected Soil Properties around Harar City, Eastern Ethiopia. Adv Crop
Sci Tech.10:527
Page 2 of 4
The sample sites were categorized into three groups (0, <10, and >10) Analysis of the soil of the study area indicated that the texture class of
depending on the number of years they have been under irrigation by the soil was sandy loam for the two irrigated sites and sandy clay loam
wastewater. The first group (0 control) indicates the parallel site 100 for the non-irrigated (control) farmland. This has great influence on
m away from the wastewater irrigated farmland from each sites which root growth and its ability to absorb water and nutrients in quantities
was used as a control; The second group Sofi kebele is the irrigated sufficient for optimum growth. Among other soil physical properties,
with wastewater for more than ten years (BMWWI>10) and the soil texture was more stable, not influenced by wastewater. The
third group Ahumer kebele was farmland irrigated with brewery and highest sand content (61%) was recorded for the farmland that has
municipal wastewater for less than ten years (BMWWI<10). been under irrigation water for less than 10 years (BMWWI<10). The
lowest sand content (56%) was obtained at non irrigated area. The
In this study, two stage sampling techniques was employed purposive
variation in the texture class between the irrigated and non-irrigated
sampling to the selected wastewater irrigation sites and followed by a
sites might be due to seasonal runoff discharge channel in the study
random sampling designate the location of sample sites. Preliminary
sites since wastewater has no effect on soil texture [10].
survey was conducted to locate sites with appropriate irrigated
farmland(Figure 2). Clay contents highly and significant differences with the non-
irrigated and irrigated farmland. The highest clay content (26%) was
recorded for non-irrigated farmland, whereas the lowest value (23%)
was recorded at wastewater irrigated farmland. On the other hand, the
lowest clay content was recorded at the farmland irrigated for more
than ten years. The dominant soil particle in the study sites was sand
followed by clay and silt. Silt content was the least at all sites.
soil reaction was slightly affected by the wastewater. In the study sites,
soil reaction slightly alkaline in brewery and municipal wastewater
irrigated farmland. The higher pH value (7.74) was recorded with
non-irrigated (control) farmland and the lowest pH value (7.34)
Figure 2: The concentration of heavy metal in the study sites.
was recorded with irrigated farmland with brewery and municipal
The composite soil samples were air-dried, sieved to the size of 2 wastewater for less than ten years. The variation in soil pH was
mm and stored in labeled plastic for measurement of total nitrogen might be due to the presence of high content of relatively ammonium
and organic carbon the samples were sieved through 0.5 mm sieve. in the wastewater (Table 1), resulted in its accumulation in the soil.
Sub-sample from each disturbed soil sample were prepared and made This suggestion was supported by the finding of, soil pH decreased
ready for physico-chemical analysis. Undisturbed soil sample was with wastewater irrigation due to the oxidation of organic compounds
also collected at the depth of 0 cm to 20 cm using core sampler for and nitrification of ammonium. Nitrification of this ammonium would
determination of bulk density. The laboratory analyses were done at serve as a source of hydrogen ions which may lead to the decrease in
the Central Laboratory of Haramaya University. the soil pH.
Descriptive statistics
FAO/WHO perm.
Parameters Initial point Final point Mean SD (+)
pH 8.26 8.14 8.2 0.085 6.5-8.4
EC, dS/m 2.34 2.32 2.33 0.014 0.7-3.0
TDS, mg/l 945.32 762.54 853.93 129.24 450-2000
TSS, mg/l 67.98 49.65 58.82 12.96 50
DO, mg/l 0.0045 0.0003 0.002 0.002 5-6
BOD, mg/l 207.3 167 185.15 28.49 60
COD, mg/l 288 246.43 266.22 27.98 200
Na+, mg/l 44.5 33.3 38.9 7.92 200
Ca2+, mg/l 74.8 64.2 69.5 7.49 400
Mg2+, mg/l 54.3 49.6 51.95 3.32 60
K+, mg/l 66.33 51.44 58.84 10.46 <10
HCO3-, mg/l 40.5 35.3 37.9 3.676 1.5 - 8.5
CO32-, mg/l 24.5 19.4 21.95 3.606 <10
NH4-N, mg/l 14.25 7.56 10.91 4.73 -
NO¬3-N, mg/l 11.6 9.43 10.52 1.53 5-30
TN, mg/l 29.6 24.78 27.19 3.408 5-30
P, mg/l 9.43 8.64 9.04 0.56 <10
Adv Crop Sci Tech, an open access journal Volume 10 • Issue 8 • 1000527
Citation: Tolossa TT. (2022) Brewery and Municipal Wastewater Irrigation Quality: Impacts on Selected Soil Properties around Harar City, Eastern Ethiopia. Adv Crop
Sci Tech.10:527
Page 3 of 4
Adv Crop Sci Tech, an open access journal Volume 10 • Issue 8 • 1000527
Citation: Tolossa TT. (2022) Brewery and Municipal Wastewater Irrigation Quality: Impacts on Selected Soil Properties around Harar City, Eastern Ethiopia. Adv Crop
Sci Tech.10:527
Page 4 of 4
Adv Crop Sci Tech, an open access journal Volume 10 • Issue 8 • 1000527