MODULE 1 Adressing Module Gaps

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John Vincent C. Durango.

Mr. Lolito Pontillas. Instructor

Addressing Learning Gaps

Please do and answer the following tasks. Have some research/reading regarding the
topic so that you can discuss thoroughly.

1. What are learning gaps?

Answers: A learning gap is a discrepancy between

what a student has learned and what a student was

expected to learn by a specific point in their

education. While some learning gaps can be minor

and relatively easy to remedy (such as a student

missing a single lesson due to illness), others can be

significant and cause major learning losses or

academic setbacks.

2. What is curriculum gap?

Answers: The Curriculum Gap: It's the gap between

where you are and where you want to be, the gap

between current teaching and next level teaching.

3. What are the types, examples, and tips in solving learning gaps?

Answers : Types of Learning Gaps

Knowledge gaps: Students do not know or were not

exposed to the correct information.

Skills gaps: Students have not had the practice

necessary to develop common skills.

Motivation gaps: Students lack the motivation to

advance their knowledge or skills.

Environmental gaps: Students lack an environment

conducive to learning.

Communication gaps: Students experience

breakdowns in communication.

Examples of learning gaps are

*Knowledge Gaps

As I’ve come to understand it, the knowledge gap is

somewhat of an exposure gap, as instructional

experiences are different all around the country. For

example, every school district handled distance

learning in its own way, and some just simply didn’t

have the technology or infrastructure to support

students who were learning from home.

Some schools were able to seamlessly transition to

distance learning, with teachers moving their

instruction to Zoom in a synchronous way for most of

the school day. These teachers were able to easily

form Zoom breakout rooms as a way to lead student

intervention, continue with book clubs, and provide

any other necessary instruction to support their


For other schools, however, that transition wasn’t as

smooth. Several teachers I’ve spoken with were only

able to provide an hour or so of live teaching during

the school day. In some cases, students were only

given packets of worksheets or assignments that

weren’t interactive and far from the same experience

as learning in person.

*Environmental Gaps

Environmental gaps are similar to knowledge gaps,

but with different outcomes. I was a long-term

substitute principal for seven months during the

pandemic, and the school where I was working had

students at home learning for about five of those

seven months. My colleagues and I saw quite a few

at-home learning environments that were far from

ideal. This included things like:

Limited space in family homes

Inadequate or slow internet connections

Siblings learning alongside other siblings

Parents trying to work from home

While learning is not always a quiet activity, these

environmental factors certainly took a toll on

students’ learning abilities—especially after dealing

with them for several months.

Tips on how to solve Learning Gaps

Sample papers. Use sample papers to help you identify

your learners' level and where there are gaps. ...

One-to-one sessions. Try to have a one-to-one session

with each learner, time permitting.

Confidence checks.

4. What are the Learning Gaps in Modular Distance Learning. Cite sources to
support your claim.

Answers :The main challenges that the students have

encountered are self-studying, poor internet
connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all the
modules due to the great number of activities,
distractions, and lack of focus.

One of the biggest challenges of distance learning

was trying to meet the needs of all of your students.
In any given classroom there is such a wide range of
readiness levels, language levels, and backgrounds.
And in many cases, this pandemic has exacerbated
those inequities.
5. What are some of the interventions to address teaching learning gaps?

Answers: The first step in addressing learning gaps is to

identify exactly where and what those gaps are, and

which students struggle with them. Quizzes are a quick

and easy way to formatively assess students on what

they have learnt. These can be mini end-of-topic quizzes,

or even one covering a few units of a subject.

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