Philosophy Reviewer
Philosophy Reviewer
Philosophy Reviewer
d. First Cause or Highest Principle. A principle is - Epistemology addresses varied problems: the
that from which something proceeds in any reliability, extent, and kinds of knowledge; truth;
manner whatsoever. The First Principles: language; and science and scientific
Principle of Identity - whatever is is; and
whatever is not is not; everything is what it is. INDUCTION
Everything is its own being, and not being is
- a method where they believe that general
not being. ideas are formed from the examination of
Principle of Non-Contradiction - it is particular facts
impossible for a thing to be and not to be
at the same time, and at the same respect. -Some philosophers think that the particular
Principle of Excluded Middle - a thing is things seen, heard, and touched are more
either is or is not; everything must be either important.
be or not be; between being and EMPIRICISM
not-being, there is no middle ground
possible. - a view that knowledge can be attained only
through sense
Principle of Sufficient Reason - nothing
exists without a sufficient reason, for its
being and existence.
- philosophers who feel that knowledge is - We are human beings possessed with reason
acquired in this way are called empiricists (e.g.,
John Lock )
- real knowledge is based on what our sight,
hearing, smell, and other senses tell us is really - Aesthetics is the science of the beautiful in its
out there, not what people make up in their various manifestations— including the sublime,
heads. comic, tragic, pathetic, and ugly
DEDUCTION - concerned with the nature and appreciation
of art, beauty, and good taste
- a method where other philosophers think it is
more important to find a general law -Hans-Georg Gadamer, a German philosopher,
according to which particular facts can be argues that our tastes and judgments
understood or judged regarding beauty, work in connection with
one's own personal experience and culture
- its advocates are called rationalists (e.g.,
Rene. Descartes)
- Critical thinking is distinguishing facts and - This infers that something is true of the whole
opinions or personal feelings. from the fact that it is true of some part of the
whole. The reverse of this fallacy is division.
- Critical thinking helps us uncover bias and
prejudice and open to new ideas not e. Division
necessarily in agreement with previous thought
- One reasons logically that something true of a
- there are two basic types of reasoning: thing must also be true of all or some of its parts.
deductive and inductive.
f. Against the Person (Argumentum ad
- Christianity, as presenting the full revelation of - humans are superior and central to the
the true God, is the only full and true universe
philosophy. However, we can love only that - focuses on the significant role of humankind in
which we know. the world and considers nature as the means
- All knowledge leads to God, so that faith by which humans are able to meet their needs
supplements and enlightens reason that it may and survive
proceed to ever richer and fuller - this view believes that humans are the most
understanding. important species on the planet
- Augustine speaks in Platonic phrase of - they are to transform nature and use its
humanity as a rational soul using a mortal body. resources
Later, he favors "man is a rational substance
constituted of soul and body." In both cases, Ecocentrism
the soul retains its proper entity, and the soul - the ecological or relational integrity of the
apart from the body may be considered as a humans, provides meaning of our morals and
substance. values
- Augustine's theory of knowledge is at one with - this view believes that humankind is part of a
the procedures of speculative mysticism. From greater biological system or community and
this mystic love and intuition of God follow all that we have a significant role as stewards or
the principles to direct humanity in all their guardians of nature.