Focus: Understanding the impact of the social, economic and political changes of the society and
new materials and technological development.
Sr. Contents: Teaching %
No. Hour Weightage
1 Industrial Revolution & urbanization 6 15
- The use of steel, RCC changed the architecture from mid-
20th century.
- Urbanization led to the need of mass housing in cities.
- The use of cast iron changed the bridge making
Total 42 100
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
● Arneson H.H., History of Modern Arts: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Pearson, 2013
● Bonta Juan, Architecture and its interpretation, Rizzoli, 1979
● Kostof Spiro, History of Architecture, Oxford University Press, 1985
Course Outcomes: