Essay Unit 5
Essay Unit 5
Essay Unit 5
Unit: 5
It is better for college students to live in schools than live at home with their parents.
Do you agree or disagree?
• 1st draft
College is an important part of any student's life. These college students have to live in a hostel
and far away from home and parents. From my experience, I completely agree with this
opinion for the following reasons.
Firstly, there are various reasons why college students want to move out and live their own
life. If they live in a college hostel, they will meet a lot of new relationships from different
country. In addition, they will be exposed to many cultures and languages which will benefit
them in the future.
Secondly, developing their soft skills is very important to college students. The students who
live in schools not only participate in many college activities but also claim more
communication and interaction skills.
To summarize, I believe that parents should let their children to live in college school instead
of living at home because they can develop their mind set and give them more opportunities
to learn new skills.
• Self-assessment (checklist)
Content SELF-
Task Response
Are there one introduction, two body paragraphs, and one conclusion in the Y
Is there a clear topic sentence in each paragraph? Y
Are relevant examples and/or other supporting details (explanation, reasons, Y
…) included?
Are the sentences well linked together using appropriate cohesive devices? Y
Lexical Resource
• Final version
College is an important part of any student's life. These college students have to live in a hostel
and far away from home and parents. Many students said that live in hostel is better and more
comfortable than live at home. From my experience, I completely agree with this opinion for
the following reasons.
Firstly, there are various reasons why college students want to move out and live their own
life. If they live in a college hostel, they will meet a lot of new relationships from different
country. In addition, they will be exposed to many cultures and languages which will benefit
them in the future.
Secondly, developing their soft skills is very important to college students. The students who
live in schools not only participate in many college activities but also claim more
communication and interaction skills. Furthermore, living far away from parents will train
students to balance their work and control their time.
Thirdly, College is the place in which they can earn the skills and experiences they will need for
the future job. Although students who are new to college, still ask their parents for money,
they must know the value of money. Students can do a part-time job which help them earn
more money and know how to use money effectively.
To summarize, I believe that parents should let their children to live in college school instead
of living at home because they can develop their mind set and give them more opportunities
to learn new skills.