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Ge Soc 102 Midterm

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MIDTERMS LECTURES As nations become Any nations that do not

GE SOC 102: THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD economically qualify as “developed”

BSRT 52A |Amiel Del Rosario| 2nd SEM developed, they may status are in effect to be
become part of the part of the “South.”
Chapter 3 A World of Regions “North”, regardless of
A World of Regions: Asia and Europe in American the geographical
Imperium location.
Source: Peter L. Katzenstein, Cornell University Press,
Studies in Political Economy.
Global South
 At the end of Cold War, Europe and Asia are
linked to the United States through Germany  Third World – Africa, Latin America, developing
and Japan in terms of technology and foreign countries in Asia
investment, domestic and international security,  “Developing countries”
cultural diplomacy and popular culture.  “Less developed countries”
 Regions are interacting closely with an  Less developed regions
American imperium that combines with  Poorer “southern” regions of wealthy “northern”
territorial and non-territorial powers. countries
 Globalization and internationalization create  A “metaphor for underdeveloped countries”
open or porous regions.
 Regions may provide solution to the Countries’ “interconnected histories of colonialism, neo-
contradictions between states and markets, imperialism, and differential economic and social
security, nationalism, and cosmopolitanism. change through which large inequalities in living
 Embedded in the American imperium, regions standards, life expectancy, and access to resources are
are now central to world politics. maintained

North – South Divide Global South versus Third World

Source: Martin W. Lewis, Nov. 15, 2010
 The North – South divide is broadly considered a
socio – economic and political division.  “There is no Third World; there is no Global
GLOBAL NORTH GLOBAL SOUTH  The “Three Worlds theory”
1960s, 1970s and 1980s; the Earth in divided in
three parts. The “First World”, the “Second World”, and
the “Third World.”

United States, Africa, Latin America, FIRST WORLD

Canada, Western, Developing Asia
Europe, Australia and including Middle East  All industrialized, democratic countries, which
New Zealand were assumed to be allied with the United
States with its struggle against the Soviet Union.
G8 and four of five
 However, Finland and Switzerland, among
permanent members
others, maintained strict neutrality.
of the UN Security
West and the First Third World countries
World, and much of  Industrialized, communist realm of the Soviet
the Second World Union and its eastern European satellites, yet it is
often included poor communist states located
Richer, more Poorer, less developed
developed region region THIRD WORLD

 Non-aligned world and as the global realm of

One quarter of the Three quarters of the poverty and under-developed.
world population, world population, has  Poor soviet allies (Mongolia, Cuba, North Korea,
controls four-fifths of access to one-fifth of the and North Vietnam – after 1975, Vietnam) were
the income earned world income. Third World in economic terms and Second
anywhere in the World in political terms.
How the “Third World” became the Global South: The
Origin of the Third World
90% of the
“Third World” was coined in 1952 by Alfred Sauvy, a
French demographer, Anthropologist, and economic
industries are owned
historian who compared it with the Third Estate, a
and located in the
concept that emerged in the context of French

According to Contemporary Meaning Regionalism versus Globalization
Alfred Sauvy
(1952) Regionalism – The process of dividing an area into smaller
segments called regions. Example is the division of nation
First World: First World: into states or provinces.
First Estate that Non-Communist, high
refers to clergy income, “developed” Globalization GLOBALIZATION REGIONALIZATION
and the countries – The process
monarch of
Second World: Second World: integration
Second Estate Communist countries, arising from
that refers to characterized by the
nobility greater order, higher interchange
incomes , and longer life of world
expectancy views,
Third World: Third World:
ideas, and
Third Estate that Poor countries
refers to the other
aspects, such
balance of the
18th century
population and etc.

AS TO Promotes the Dividing an area

Global Conception Emerged from the Experiences of NATURE integration of into smaller
Latin American Countries economies across segments
state borders all
 Growth rate in some Latin American countries around the world
have surprised many.
 Latin American’s contributions are especially AS TO Allows many Monopolies are
visible and relevant such as regionalism. MARKET companies to likely to develop
Security management, and Latin America’s trade on
relations with the outside world. international level
so it allows free
Asian Regionalism
 A product of economic interaction and not a
AS TO Accelerate to Does not support
political planning. CULTURAL multiculturalism by the globalization
 In recent years, new technological trends have AND free and step
further strengthened ties among them, as have SOCIETAL inexpensive
rise of the Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) RELATIONS movement of
and India and the region’s growing weight in people
the global economy.
 Asian economies are becoming intertwined. AS TO AID Globalized Does not get
 Interdependence is deepening because Asia’s international involved with the
economies have grown large and prosperous community is also affairs of the
enough to become important to each other, more willing to other areas
and because their pattern of production come to the aid
of the country
increasingly depend on networks that span
stricken by a
several Asian economies and involve wide
natural disaster
ranging exchanges of parts and components
among them. AS TO Has driven great Rarely available
TECHNOLOG- advances in in one country or
ICAL technology region

Factors Leading to the Greater Integration of the Asian


Regional Integration – A process in which neighboring

states enter into an agreement in order to upgrade
cooperation through common institutions and rules.

 The objectives of the agreement could range

from economic to political to environmental.
 Regional integration has been organized either
via supranational institutional structures or
through intergovernmental decision-making, or
a combination of both.

 Past efforts at regional integration have often Due to their very structure, GLOBAL MEDIA promote a
focused on removing barriers to free trade in restructuring of CULTURAL, and SOCIAL, COMMUNITIES.
the region, increasing the free movement of The media such as:
people, labor, goods, and capital across
national borders, reducing the possibility of  Press, Later Radio and TV - have been very important
regional armed conflict, and adopting institutions for the formation of national
cohesive regional stances on policy issues, such commmunities
as the environment, climate change and  Global Media - support the creation of new
migration. communities
 Internet (for example) - not only facilities
 Intra – regional trade communication across the globe, but also supports
the formation of new social communities in which
- Refers to trade which focuses on economic members can interact with each other
exchange primarily between countries of the same  TV and Radio - allow immigrants to be in close
region or economic zone. contact with their homeland’s language and culture
while they gradually accommodate to a new
 In recent years, countries within economic – cultural environment
trade regimes such as ASEAN in Southeast Asia,  International Media - the common point of
have increased the level of trade and departure is the assumption of its series because it
commodity exchange between themselves constitute a global cultural supply itself and serves as
which reduces the inflation and tariff barriers an independent agency for cultural and social
associated with foreign markets resulting in generalization in which cultural communities are
growing prosperity. continuously restructured and redefined

A WORLD OF IDEAS: Global Media Cultures In other words, media cultures take part in the process of
globalization, including how they challenge existing
The media have a very important impact on cultural cultures and create new and alternative symbolic and
globalization in two mutually independent ways, firstly: cultural communities.


secondly Global integration is not a new phenomenon in today;s
 THEY CONTRIBUTE TO THE FORMATION OF contemporary world. Trade took place between distant
COMMUNICATIVE NETWORKS AND SOCIAL civilizations even ancient times. This globalization process
STRUCTURES in the economic domain has not always proceeded
smoothly has it benefited all whom it was offered.
The rapidly growing supply of media products from
international media culture presents a challenging to The collapse of the Roman Empire or during the interwar
existing local and national cultures. The sheer volume of period on the century, the degree of economic
supply as well as the technological infrastructure and integration among different societies around the world
financial capital pushes: has generally been rising in the past half century, and
even greater than it has been and is likely to improve.
1. Supply forward There are 3 factors that have affected the process of
2. Have a considerable impact on local patterns economic globalization. These are:
of cultural composition, and
3. Possibilities for sustaining an independent  Improvements in transportation and communication
cultural production technology have reduced the cost of transporting
goods, services and factors of production and
GLOBAL MEDIA CULTURES creates a continuous CULTURAL communicating economically useful knowledge
EXCHANGE, in which crucial aspects such as: and technology
 Second, tastes of individuals and societies have
 Identity generally but not universally, favored taking
 Nationality advantage of the opportunities provided by
 Religion declining costs of transportation and
 Behavioral norms communication through increasing economic
 Way of life integration
 Lastly, the character and pace of economic
These cultural encounters often involve the meeting of integration have been significantly influenced by
cultures with a different socio-economic base, typically a public policies, although it is not always in the
transnational and commercial cultural industry on one direction of increasing economic integration
side and a national, publicly regulated cultural industry
on the other side. Thus, technology, tastes, and public policy each have
been important influence on the patter and pace of
economies in its various dimensions.

Dynamics Between Local and Global Cultural Production global network believers. Its extraordinary growth
and influence as the world religion was a result of a
PAULO EMMANUEL NOVAIS GUIMARáES pointed out the link between its own global ambitions and the
advent of the category “WORLD MUSIC” led to both an expansion of various political and economical
unprecedented level of (re)discovery of local music regimes. It succeeded as a globalizing force ling
scenes and to assemblance of an intricate global before there was a phenomenon called
musical platform in the contemporary age of “globalization”. Elements of this historical patterns
globalization. The processes in which local cultures can be found:
express and engage themselves with the broader global
networks and the other way around to be claimed to be 1. Buddhism
indispensable sources of knowledge in the analytical 2. Islam
approach of socio-political concerns, these being of 3. Other faiths as well
small or large scale societies.
Religion - is hardly epi-phenomenal to the processes of
Extremely frequent in debates on globalization is after all globalization in our own day. It continues to be a player
the dichotomic struggle between CONCRETE and HUMAN in intricate and even contradictory ways. To be sure, it
“LOCAL” against the abstract and dehumanizing was thought that secularization was the inevitable
“GLOBAL” (Wilson and Dissanayake, 1996:22) outcome of the processes we call “modernity”

 In order to apprehend how the relationship has Religious faith persist in a complex interaction with the
indeed been marked at times by oppression and structures and processes of the modern world and that
domination, the critical theories of authors such as complexity has only intensified under the conditions of
Edward said, Homi K. Bhaba and Immanuel the contemporary globalization.
Wallerstein will be applied to cases of local and
global music industry operations. Globalization Affects Religious Practices and Beliefs
 This lesson aims nonetheless, above all, to provide a
concise yet consistent introduction to how this Evolving trade routes led to the colonization of the Asia,
relation goes beyond the criticisms of cultural Africa, Central and South America. Religion became an
imperialism and Americanization, to how multifarious integral part of colonization and later on globalization.
this relation can be. Religion has been a major feature in some historical
 Key issues represented by the binary concepts of conflicts and most recent wave of modern terrorism.
authenticity and homogeniety and of production,
distribution and marketing cultural products will be The Impact of Globalization
redrred to.
 Without trying to uphold a modernocentric view that  Flattens cultural differences
admits the rise of globalization as a recent  Erodes local customs and beliefs
phenomenon, the commercial dynamis between  Spreads secular, capitalist way of life
global and local in world music approached, will be
mostly from the 1950’s onwards. What is Religion nowadays?

Globalization of Religion  It’s no longer a set of beliefs that people arrove by

What is the relation of religion of globalization?  It’s a symbolic which carries out identity and marks
out social/ethnic and other boundaries
 First, there is a way in which globalization flattens out  It marks crucial moments in the life cycle with rituals
cultural differences erodes local customs and beliefs,  It provides powerful mechanisms for psychological
and and social tension
 Spreads a secular, capitalist way of life that us at
odds with religions of all sorts. Role of Religion Today
 At the same time, there is the way in which religion
serves as the source of globalization’s greatest Looking around the world today, it is clear that religion
resistance and as a haven for those standing plays a role in many of the major conflicts going on at
opposition to its ubiquitous yet subtle power various levels. Furthermore, religion plays an important
role in people’s lives worldwide, and has become one of
In both of these views, the relationship between religion the major ways people connect with each other across
and globalization is antagonistic - one of a struggle and the globe. However, the role of the religion in
conflict. contemporary societies is still not sufficiently understood in
the academic research in the work of policy-makers,
While the opposition in an important aspect, between NGO’s and journalism.
religion and globalization, to see them only as foes misses
some of the complexities of their interaction, not only in Role of Religion in Promoting World Peace
the past but in the postmodern world as well.
Ven K. Dhammananda of Malaysia wrote an essay of the
Religion and Globalization can also be seen as partners in title above. The essay is produced here:
historic change. In times in the past, religion, in various
manifestations, has been a carrier of globalizing Religion has a definite role to play in the people’s search
tendencies in the world. for world peace. The moral principles and values
contained in the teachings of great religious teachers are
 The history of Christianity, of course, can be essential factors for the reduction of and ultimate
understood in the part as an early effort to create a eradication of greed, hatred, and delusion - which form
the root cause of various conflicts and wars, both within The Rise and Fall of the ISIL or ISIS
and without. Within oneself, these three evil or
unwholesome roots bring about great unrest in the mind, Pushed out form many of its stronghold in Syria and
resulting in physical outbursts of violence culminating in besieged on all side in the Iraq city of Mosul, the Islamic
global warfare. State of Iraq and Levants Group (ISIL also known as ISIS) is
losing its territorial base in the every region that once
The fact that war begins in the minds of people is well included its growth. May 2018, the US Defense
recognized by certain peace-loving people. The Intelligence Agency estimated that ISIL gas lost 65
preamble to UNESCO’s constitution says: “Since wars percent of its land in Iraq and 45 percent in Syria since
begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that 2014.
the defenses of peace must be constructed.” That is, of
one wishes to have peace of mind, one must also With group’s presence in the region greatly diminished,
construct defenses of peace in one’s own mind. questions arise over who will fill the vacuum left by it’s
retreat. In 2017, Marawi City was besieged by extremist
The world cannot have peace until nations and people terrorist - the ISIS.
begin to reduce their selfish desires for more and more
material possessions, give up their racial arrogance, and ISIL’s rapid expansion has irrevocably changed the
eliminate their madness for worldly power. Material political dynamics governing the region- but in order to
wealth alone cannot bring peace and happiness to the know how, one must first understand the conditions that
minds of people. The key to real and lasting peace lies in contributed to the group’s ride.
“mental disarmaments” -- disarming the mind form all
kinds of “poisonous” defilements such as greed, hatred,
jealousy, egotism, etc.

Religion not only inspires and guides people but also

provides them with the necessary tools to reduce greed
with the practice of charity; to overcome hate and
aversion with loving-kindness; and to remove ignorance
nature of beings and “see things as they really are.”

The negative aspects of religion lie in the madness of

some so-called religionists who try to convert and win
followers by hook or by crook, rather than adhering to
proper instruction and guidance. The purposeful
misinterpretation of scriptural texts for various ulterior
motives has led to religious persecutions, inquisitions, and
“holy wars.” These terribly awful experiences have really
marred the very name “religion.”

In the context of today’s spiritual needs, religionists should

work together in earnestness and not in jealous
competition with one another. They must work in
harmony and cooperate in the true spirit of service - for
the welfare and happiness of the many. It is only then
that they can effectively influence the opinions of the
masses and truly educate the people with some higher
values of life, which are very necessary for peaceful co-
existence and integrated human development.

Differences in religious beliefs and practices should not

hinder the progress of various religionists working for a
common common cause, for world peace. Let all religion
teach people to be good and proclaim the brotherhood
of humankind. Let religions teach people to be kind, to
be tolerant, to be understanding.

Enough suffering and destruction have been caused by

human “cleverness.” It is time that we pause and reflect
upon the true values of religions and seek proper spiritual
guidance to develop our “goodness,” to work for peace
and harmony instead of war and disunity.

For the cause of humanity and of peace, let us hope that

all our religious leaders will stretch out their hands in
friendship to one another and to all people irrespective of
race or creed - with a genuine feeling of love and
brotherhood -- to work for a peaceful world and to work
for humanity,

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