Ge Soc 102 Midterm
Ge Soc 102 Midterm
Ge Soc 102 Midterm
According to Contemporary Meaning Regionalism versus Globalization
Alfred Sauvy
(1952) Regionalism – The process of dividing an area into smaller
segments called regions. Example is the division of nation
First World: First World: into states or provinces.
First Estate that Non-Communist, high
refers to clergy income, “developed” Globalization GLOBALIZATION REGIONALIZATION
and the countries – The process
monarch of
Second World: Second World: integration
Second Estate Communist countries, arising from
that refers to characterized by the
nobility greater order, higher interchange
incomes , and longer life of world
expectancy views,
Third World: Third World:
ideas, and
Third Estate that Poor countries
refers to the other
aspects, such
balance of the
18th century
population and etc.
Past efforts at regional integration have often Due to their very structure, GLOBAL MEDIA promote a
focused on removing barriers to free trade in restructuring of CULTURAL, and SOCIAL, COMMUNITIES.
the region, increasing the free movement of The media such as:
people, labor, goods, and capital across
national borders, reducing the possibility of Press, Later Radio and TV - have been very important
regional armed conflict, and adopting institutions for the formation of national
cohesive regional stances on policy issues, such commmunities
as the environment, climate change and Global Media - support the creation of new
migration. communities
Internet (for example) - not only facilities
Intra – regional trade communication across the globe, but also supports
the formation of new social communities in which
- Refers to trade which focuses on economic members can interact with each other
exchange primarily between countries of the same TV and Radio - allow immigrants to be in close
region or economic zone. contact with their homeland’s language and culture
while they gradually accommodate to a new
In recent years, countries within economic – cultural environment
trade regimes such as ASEAN in Southeast Asia, International Media - the common point of
have increased the level of trade and departure is the assumption of its series because it
commodity exchange between themselves constitute a global cultural supply itself and serves as
which reduces the inflation and tariff barriers an independent agency for cultural and social
associated with foreign markets resulting in generalization in which cultural communities are
growing prosperity. continuously restructured and redefined
A WORLD OF IDEAS: Global Media Cultures In other words, media cultures take part in the process of
globalization, including how they challenge existing
The media have a very important impact on cultural cultures and create new and alternative symbolic and
globalization in two mutually independent ways, firstly: cultural communities.
Dynamics Between Local and Global Cultural Production global network believers. Its extraordinary growth
and influence as the world religion was a result of a
PAULO EMMANUEL NOVAIS GUIMARáES pointed out the link between its own global ambitions and the
advent of the category “WORLD MUSIC” led to both an expansion of various political and economical
unprecedented level of (re)discovery of local music regimes. It succeeded as a globalizing force ling
scenes and to assemblance of an intricate global before there was a phenomenon called
musical platform in the contemporary age of “globalization”. Elements of this historical patterns
globalization. The processes in which local cultures can be found:
express and engage themselves with the broader global
networks and the other way around to be claimed to be 1. Buddhism
indispensable sources of knowledge in the analytical 2. Islam
approach of socio-political concerns, these being of 3. Other faiths as well
small or large scale societies.
Religion - is hardly epi-phenomenal to the processes of
Extremely frequent in debates on globalization is after all globalization in our own day. It continues to be a player
the dichotomic struggle between CONCRETE and HUMAN in intricate and even contradictory ways. To be sure, it
“LOCAL” against the abstract and dehumanizing was thought that secularization was the inevitable
“GLOBAL” (Wilson and Dissanayake, 1996:22) outcome of the processes we call “modernity”
In order to apprehend how the relationship has Religious faith persist in a complex interaction with the
indeed been marked at times by oppression and structures and processes of the modern world and that
domination, the critical theories of authors such as complexity has only intensified under the conditions of
Edward said, Homi K. Bhaba and Immanuel the contemporary globalization.
Wallerstein will be applied to cases of local and
global music industry operations. Globalization Affects Religious Practices and Beliefs
This lesson aims nonetheless, above all, to provide a
concise yet consistent introduction to how this Evolving trade routes led to the colonization of the Asia,
relation goes beyond the criticisms of cultural Africa, Central and South America. Religion became an
imperialism and Americanization, to how multifarious integral part of colonization and later on globalization.
this relation can be. Religion has been a major feature in some historical
Key issues represented by the binary concepts of conflicts and most recent wave of modern terrorism.
authenticity and homogeniety and of production,
distribution and marketing cultural products will be The Impact of Globalization
redrred to.
Without trying to uphold a modernocentric view that Flattens cultural differences
admits the rise of globalization as a recent Erodes local customs and beliefs
phenomenon, the commercial dynamis between Spreads secular, capitalist way of life
global and local in world music approached, will be
mostly from the 1950’s onwards. What is Religion nowadays?