PhonicsCVCShortVowelsStorySequenceforKindergartenandFirstGrade 1

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Vanessa Wong 2020

Phonics CVC
Story Sequence
©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
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Graphic and Font credits go to the below talented designer:

CVC short a

• My cat
• Where is the map?
• Ham and Jam
• In the lab
• Pam is mad
• My tag and my rag
• We like to……
• A man and a lad

CVC short e

• Ted begs
• My red bed
• Funny men
• Jen

CVC short i

• Sid’s pin
• Tim’s little kit
• Dig a pit
• Chips and dip
• Pip’s bib
• Fish
CVC short o

• Ron jogs
• Don the frog
• Pop in a cot
• Cod on the rod
• Bob the cop

CVC short u

• Gus in the tub

• The cub and the pup
• The nun’s bug
• I found a jug
• Bud on the bus
• Do the sum


• My new bag
• In the sun
©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

My Cat
Can you see my cat?
It has a cap.
It also has a bat.
It is in the van.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 The cat has a 2 Where is my

___. cat?
bat map rat

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Where is the map?

Pat cannot find the map.
It is not in the cab.
It is not on the mat.
Pat is very sad.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Pat cannot find 2 Pat is very

the ___. ____.
mat mad cat sad glad fat

x ? x
©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Ham and Jam

Dad likes ham.
Dad likes jam.
But dad does not like yam.
Do you like ham and jam?

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 Dad likes ___. 2 Dad does not

ham yam jam

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

In the lab
Max was in the lab.
Dan ran to see Max.
Max was not there.
But Dan saw a ram in the lab.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Max was in the 2 What did Dan

___. see?
lab cab lap


©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Pam is mad
Pam is mad.
Pam has two rats.
They are bad.
They nab her hat.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 How many rats 2 The rats nab

are there?. Pam’s ____.
one two three cat van hat

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

My tag and my rag

Where is my tag?
Where is my rag?
The tag is in a can.
The rag is in a pan.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Where is my tag? 2 My rag is in a

It is in a __. ____
can ban fan pam pan can


? ?
©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

We like to …
Jan likes to pat.
Pam likes to tap.
Tad likes to wag.
Max just likes to nap.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Tad likes to ___. 2 Who likes to

pat tap wag Pat Max Tad

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

A man and a lad

I saw a man and a lad.
They had a fan.
They put the fan in the car.
And then they sat in the car.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 The man and the 2 They sat in the

lad had a___. ____.
can van fan car lab cap

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Ted begs
Ted likes to beg.
It begs to be fed.
It begs for a jet.
It also begs for a net.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Ted likes to ___. 2 Ted begs for a

____ and a ____.
bed beg pet

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

My red bed
I like my bed.
It is red.
I have a pet.
It is always on my bed.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 The bed is ___. 2 Where is my cat?

It is on my ___.
red wet vet net lap bed

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Funny men
I met two funny men.
They had a hen and a pen.
They put the hen and the
pen in a den.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 The men had a 2 The hen and the pen

___ and a ___. were in the ___.
pen den hen den ten net

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Jen is ten.
She loves her pet.
And she wants to be a vet.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 Jen is ___. 2 Jen wants to be

a ____.
ten tan six pet vet cop

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Sid’s pin
Sid the pig had a pin.
It was a little pin.
Sid hid his pin in a bin.
And he put a lid on the bin.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Sid has a little 2 Sid put a lid on

___. the ____.
tin fin pin

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Tim’s little kit

Tim has a little kit.
He puts his rig into the kit.
It is a big rig.
It does not fit into the kit.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Tim has a little 2 Does the rig fit

___. into the kit?
pit kit lid yes no

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Dig a pit
Fin is six.
He likes to dig.
He can dig a pit.
And he finds a fig in the pit.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Fin likes to ___. 2 What does Fin

find in the pit?
jig dig dog a fig a fin a lid

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Chips and dip

I make a dip.
Then I sit.
I sit and sip a bit.
After I sip, I eat chips and dip.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 I make a ___. 2 I sit and ____ a

kit sit dip lid kid sip

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Pip’s bib
Pip has a bib.
The bib has a rip in it.
Can you fix the rip?
I do not know how to fix.
I just know how to mix.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Pip has a___. 2 There is a ___ in

the bib.
zip bib rip zip bib rip

Iv x
©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

The kid has a fish.
It has big lips.
The kid loves his fish.
He buys it a wig.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 The kid has 2 The fish has big

a___. ___.
fish hog cat lips fins wigs

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Ron jogs
Ron likes to jog.
He likes to jog with his dog.
They see a box when they jog.
There is a fox in the box.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Ron jogs with 2 What is in the

his ___. box?
fox dog rod

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Don the frog

Don the frog likes to hop.
He can hop on a log.
He can hop on a top.
He can also hop on a cot.
Hop! Hop! Hop!

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Don the frog 2 Don the frog can

likes to ___. hop on a __.
hop pop mop rob cot log

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Pop in a cot
Pop is a tot.
He is in a cot.
Why do you sob, Pop?
Pop feels hot in the cot.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 Pop is in a ___. 2 Pop feels ___ .

box cot dot hot mob bob


©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Cod on the rod

I got a cod.
I got a cod on the rod.
I give the cod to mom.
Mom put the cod in a pot.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 I got a___. 2 Mom put the

cod in a ___.
bot cod cot pot rod pod

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Bob the cop

Bob the cop likes his job.
He helped me a lot.
I lost my hog in the fog.
Bob found my hog in a bog.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 I lost my hog in 2 Bob found my

the ___. hog in a ___.
nod job fog box bog mob

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Gus in the tub

Gus likes to play in the mud.
Bub puts Gus in the tub.
Gus plays with his sub
in the tub.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 Gus likes to 2 Gus plays with

play in the ___. his ___.
mug mud hut sub cup tub

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

The cub and the pup

I see a cub.
I see a pup.
They play in the sun.
They have a lot of fun.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 I see a ___ and 2 The cub and the

a ___. pup play in the __.
pup cub cup bun sun sub

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

The nun’s bug

The nun has a bug.
The bug is in the hut.
The bug likes to hug its nut.
It hugs the nut on the rug.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 The nun has a 2 The bug has a

___. ___.
bug nut hut nut rug nun

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

I found a jug
I dug the mud.
I dug and dug
and found a jug.
And there was a bun in the jug.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 I dug the ___. 2 What did I find?

bud mud jug

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Bud on the bus

Where is my bud?
It is on the bus.
I get on the bus.
I find my bud and a cup.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 My bud is on 2 I find my bud

the ___. and a ___.
bus but rub

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020
Read the passage 3 times and
Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

Do the sum
I can do the sum.
I hum when I do the sum.
I have some gum after
I do the sum. Yum!

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 I hum when I 2 What do I have

do the ___. after I do the sum?
sun sum gum gum bun fun

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020

Read the passage 3 times and

Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

My new bag
I have a new bag.
My bag is red with dots.
I put my mop in the bag.
I also put my mug in the bag.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3


1 What color is 2 What do I put

my bag? in my bag?
black rat red bot mop nut

©Mrs. Vanessa Wong 2020

Read the passage 3 times and

Name: ___________________
color the stars. Cut out the

CVC story
pictures and put them in
order. Answer the questions.

In the sun
I ran in the sun.
I was hot in the sun.
I sat after I ran.
Then I ate a bun which
was made by my mom.

Paste here 1 Paste here 2 Paste here 3 Paste here 4


1 I ran in the ___. 2 The bun was

made by my ___?
sun sum hut mon dad kid


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