Parent's Roles and Prenting Styles On Shaping Children's Morality

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Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3C): 70-76, 2020

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081608

Parents' Roles and Parenting Styles on Shaping

Children's Morality
W. N. Tan1, Maizura Yasin2,*

SJKC Ting Twa, 75200, Malacca, Malaysia

Department of Language and Humanities, University Putra Malaysia, 43400, Selangor, Malaysia

Received November 4, 2019; Revised December 30, 2019; Accepted January 15, 2020

Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract Nowadays, we live in a modern world which Moral Development, which are heteronomous morality
has been engulfed by a wave of technology. The changes and autonomous morality. In heteronomous morality, the
in the modern world have brought some alterations to our children will judge the behaviors as good or bad based on
life. The good side brought by the technology is that our the observable consequences when they enter preschool
life becomes better and better. However, the morality in years (Jambon & Smetana, 2015). They believe that the
our children is found deteriorating. Therefore, the paper is
rules, which are imposed by the authority such as parents
going to study, to which extent the parents' roles and or teachers as unchangeable. This is the stage where their
parenting styles are in shaping the children's moral morality starts developing and shaping.
development. The data was collected from online database Since the morality of a child starts developing at an
including ScienceDirect, Wiley, ResearchGate, Procedia early age, parents are the ones who should play their roles
and Google. Both qualitative and quantitative studies, in shaping their children's morality as they are closest to
which were published from year 2009 to 2018 were the children. However, the modern families are
reviewed systematically and synthesized in a narrative undergoing some transformations in current era of
format. The findings of this study were that the parents globalization (Langier, 2016). The parents spend less and
should play their roles in shaping the children's morality.
less time with their children as they are busy pursuing
They should involve themselves in their family, being roletheir careers. As a result, the morality among our
models instilling religious beliefs, communicating more teenagers is declining (Dalmacito, 2013).
often with their children and providing bonding time for There are numerous researches showing that parents’
their children with their grandparents. For parenting styles,
roles and parenting styles are important in shaping the
the results showed that the most effective parenting stylechildren’s morality. Therefore, this paper is going to
was authoritative parenting followed by authoritarian. examine on how parenting affects the children’s morality.
Both the permissive parenting styles were ineffective in By doing so, it hopes to raise the awareness among the
encouraging children's morality. parents in shaping their children's morality.
Decadence of morality in the era of 21st century has
Keywords Parenting Styles, Roles, Shaping, Children, reached such an alarming level. As we can see, the young
Moral Development generations nowadays do not show respect to the elders.
Moreover, they involve in all kinds of moral problems
such as bullying, social problems, vandalism and so on. In
addition, there were two teenagers who aged 15 and 19
1. Introduction charged with murdering Nur Amira Abdullah,who was
stabbed 45 times with a sharp knife (Silva, 2017).
Childhood is the paramount period where all concepts Furthermore, we can see the news about unwanted babies
of right and wrong should be developed. Their studies being killed by young mother in the newspaper. These
have shown that parents started to cultivate moral values cases are common to be seen or heard in today’s world.
in children when the children were 18 to 24 months old According to Youth and Sports Ministry of Malaysia,
(Hammond & Carpendale, 2014). This demonstrates how the study conducted shows that among 5,860 youths, there
early a child should be cultivated with moral values. was 71% smoking, 40% watching pornographic videos,
There are two types of morality in Piaget’s Theory of 28% gambling, 25% consuming alcohol and 14% taking
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3C): 70-76, 2020 71

drugs (Dhammananda, 2001). The young generations Another study was conducted to find out the
nowadays are our tomorrow’s leaders. If the morality relationship between parenting and delinquency (Hoeve et
among youths has not been shaped, we will lose our future al., 2009). They did a meta-analysis on 161 published and
leaders to rule the world. unpublished manuscripts. In the study, it was reported that
Whenever an issue arises, we will start to play the there was a significant relationship between parenting and
blaming game. Some accuse the parents while some delinquency. Parental monitoring, psychological control
blame the media for not developing the morality among and negative aspects of support were the strongest links
children. In this study, we will focus on the parents as that lead to delinquency. Besides that, the research had
they are supposedly to be the closest person to the provided an insight on support by fathers that was larger
children. According to Ms Alice Mwesigwa, most parents than mothers. Therefore, the researchers suggested that
are not always there for their children. Consequently, the fathers should be involved in intervention programs for
children will seek advice from their peers and get the youth delinquency.
wrong elements (Mukombozi, 2014). So, we will look at Melati, Zaharah and Saedah (2010) carried out a
the roles and parenting styles that should be adopted by qualitative study to investigate the factors that contribute
parents in developing the morality among children. Once to children’s moral development and academic
the awareness among parents has been raised, they can achievement. The participants in the research were 20
carry out their responsibilities in shaping the children’s parents whose children excel academically in public
morality. Then, we can have honest, genuine future examination. They were interviewed and the data were
generations that can build a bright future for our country. coded. From the interview, the factors that contribute to
children’s academic achievement and moral development
were “diet”, “genetic”, “commitment”, “positive
2. Methodology perception” and “religiosity”.
In the study of Thomas (2011), he used 290 adolescents
who were aged 13-19 as his participants. The study aims
2.1. Search Strategy
to find out the relationship between adolescent moral
The published and unpublished studies were searched values and adolescent delinquency. The findings reported
through the following online database over the period that parent and peer contexts were the most influential
2009-2018. The database that we searched includes factors in adolescents’ delinquency. Besides that, the
ScienceDirect, Wiley, ResearchGate, Procedia and Google. researcher also introduced how parents and peer contexts
The keywords that we used to search for the studies in the affect adolescents’ moral development. Dalmacito (2013)
database include parenting styles, roles, shaping, children had conducted a research to find out the causes of moral
and moral development. There was no language restriction decline in teenagers. He reported the same findings as
in the studies we found. The studies might be using Thomas, which is peer pressure and poor family
English or Mandarin languages as long as the studies are involvement in contributing the moral decline among
related to the children’s morality. teenagers. On top of that, Dalmacito also pointed out mass
media as one of the reasons. He suggested that the
educators use the contextual theology in improving the
2.2. Selection Criteria
teenagers’ morality at the end of his study.
The inclusion criterion was the included studies must Adnan, Arifin and Borhan (2014) conducted a research
have been published in the last ten years which is from to identify the obstacles that hinder the moral
2009 to 2018. The included studies must be about parents development of adolescents in Malaysia. The role of
and children’s morality. educational institutions was focused in the tenth
Malaysian plan. However, the role of parents was ignored.
Therefore, they planned to find out the factors that can
3. Data Collection and Analysis minimize the morality problem among adolescents. There
were 362 Malay working parents who took part in the
From the research we have found, there was a research study. The parents were asked to complete the
conducted to examine the responsibility for the moral questionnaire which is made up of two parts. One part is
education of the child (Oladipo, 2009). The result reported to measure the level of parents’ awareness while another
that every single institution plays a role in shaping the part is to measure parents’ practice. At the end of the
children’s morality. The institutions mentioned in the study, the researchers reported that in order to protect
research include parents, teachers and religious adolescents from the agents of moral decline, parental
institutions. The morality of the children cannot be shaped awareness should be raised.
by depending on any single institution solely. With the The study was further supported by Danielle (2014)
cooperation between the institutions, the child will have a who mentioned parental socialization had an impact on
meaningful moral education. children’s moral behaviors. If there is parental awareness
72 Parents’ Roles and Parenting Styles on Shaping Children's Morality

in shaping the children’s morality, then the parents should Sarwar (2016) in his study aimed to find out the impact
socialize with their children more often. It was reported of parents and their parenting styles on the children’s
that there were various kind of socialization practices moral development. An in-depth interviews approach was
among parents. The parents would choose which practice used in the study. The interviews were conducted with
to be used depending on the situation and the child’s two mothers of children with delinquent behavior. After
characteristics. The interaction between mother and child analyzing the data, it was reported that the authoritative
aims to socialize the child. At the same time, the children parenting style is more effective for children than
would exert their influence on the mothers as well. This is authoritarian style. The authoritarian style leads the
one of the highlights in the study. children to be rebellious and in turn create a lot of
In Nairobi County, Kenya, the study was conducted to problems. Besides that, the findings also revealed that the
find out the influence of parental characteristics on parents should spend more time with their children in
pre-school children’s moral development (Kiare, 2015). A order to reduce their problematic behaviors.
correlation research design was employed. There were 15 Sarwar’s result was further supported by Zubaideh and
pre-schools involved in this study and a sample of 60 Khan (2016) in his study to find out the relationship
parents was obtained. The study reported that parents’ between parenting styles and moral development of
socio-economic status has the biggest impact in children from 4 to 6 years old. The setting was in
influencing pre-school children’s moral development. kindergartens of Babol city. Parenting style questionnaire
Then, the children’s moral development was affected by Baumrind and inventory moral judgment questionnaire
parents’ level of education, age and family structure too. were used to collect data. It was reported that there was a
The parents should keep an eye on their children’s significant relationship between authoritative and
behavior and correct them immediately if there is any authoritarian style and children’s moral development.
misbehavior. Besides parents, the whole schools’ Those children from authoritative families were reported
stakeholders have responsibility in ensuring the children’s to have a higher mental health and self-esteem while the
morality. children from authoritarian families had the lowest level
Since the morality of children is deteriorating, there of empathy.
was a study carried out to investigate the reasons of Langier (2016) discussed about the family’s factors that
deterioration in the family at the urban side of Lahore city lead to the moral depravity of younger generation in the
(Sonia, Syeda & Sadia, 2015). Focus group discussion context of modern families. In the modern families, the
method had been employed in the study. The findings had parents would delegate their duties to the others because
reported a few factors that lead to the moral decay among they were too busy pursuing their careers. It’s hard for
the children. First, the parents in the families ignored the proper educational influence to take place. Besides that,
primary social institution of religion to avoid their lack of parents as the role models was another factor.
children to become religious fanatics. Besides that, the Family breakdown and remarriages were common
girls were supposed to study religious teaching rather than phenomenon in modern families and had an impact on the
men due to the gender discrimination. Furthermore, the child. Last but not least, the limitation of contact between
parents themselves showed less interest in religion. grandparents and grandchildren was reported to have a
Finally, the grandparents’ influence had been identified as negative effect on children’s development.
one of the factors that contributed to the deterioration of Johnson (2016) studied about four types of parenting
morality. The parents had kept children away from their styles in his paper. The factors which had been identified
grandparents. However, the study reported that the in permissive and authoritarian parenting style were poor
grandparents’ influence would bring a positive impact on parenting practices, inattentive monitoring, weak
children. parent-child bonds, rejection and so on. These factors
Ansari and Gershoff (2015) carried out a research to were significant in prediction of criminality. The
investigate to which extent the parent’s involvement in researcher stressed on full attention to parenting styles in
Head Start programs can bring changes in both parents order to decrease antisocialist behavior among youths.
and children. A representative sample of 1020 children The authoritative parenting was found to be the most
who aged three years was used in the study. Head Start effective style followed by the authoritarian while the
was an early childhood program which focused on permissive parenting style failed in encouraging morality.
two-generation approach. The approach focused on both The parental practices and the characteristics of
children and parents. At the end of the study, the parent-child relationship in shaping the behavior, moral
researchers found out that the parents who were involved affect and cognition in children were investigated (Soorya
in Head Start programs showed an increase in cognitive & Sunil, 2018). The parenting practices, such as discipline,
stimulation. At the same time, they decreased their conversations and modelling should be used by the
spanking and controlling behaviors. With these changes in parents in teaching the moral codes and standards. The
parenting, the children’s academic and behavioral skills most effective parenting style reported was the use of
had improved a lot indirectly. authoritative style which the moral values could be
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3C): 70-76, 2020 73

internalized. parents believed “genetic” has an impact in developing the

children’s morality and academic achievement as well.
The genetic discussed here is not referring to the
4. Discussion biological term but through modeling and imitation. Some
parents claimed that their siblings excelled in their
academic achievement and are university graduates. So,
4.1. Parent’s Roles
they show high morality at home. The children will learn
4.1.1. Involvement the importance of academic success. At the same time,
they will imitate their good behaviors too. The study
From the research conducted in year 2009, it talks about
reported that some participants who have witnessed the
the responsibility in shaping children’s morality. We
kind and selfless behaviors undertaken by family
know that the children’s morality cannot be a sole
members will imitate the kind acts too (Mattis et al.,
responsibility for an institution. Instead of that, the school
2009). Therefore, it is important for the parents or uncles
and religious institutions should work together with the
to be well-behaved and become the role models to the
parents to shape the children’s morality. Besides that,
paternal support is more important than maternal support
The lack of right role models among the parents has led
in preventing delinquency. This best explains why the
to the moral depravity among the young generation
child raised in single parent’s families is found more
(Langier, 2016). Parents are the first role models to whom
problematic than those who grew up in intact family in
the children can imitate. The children’s personal moral
society nowadays.
development will start at home based on the rules and
Besides that, the parents believed that “diet”,
moral principles in the family. The children will observe
“commitment”, “positive perception” and “religiosity” are
the family’s activities and follow certain patterns of their
important factors in contributing to children’s moral
family’s behaviors. The children used to observe and
development and academic achievement. From the
imitate certain behaviors based on Bandura’s
research, we know that parents should play a role in
Observational Learning Theory (McLeod, 2016).
preparing the children’s diet in order for them to eat and
Therefore, it is crucial for the parents to show good
grow healthily. Moreover, the parents should engage
behaviors and be role models to their children.
themselves in their children’s education and have belief in
their children. Finally, the parents must train their children 4.1.3. Religiosity
to perform prayers five times daily as they believe
Parents can influence their children’s moral
religiosity plays an important role in shaping high
development through some pathways. One of them is by
instilling religious beliefs to the children. The studies
As the society develops, the role of parents was ignored
prove that parents’ moral values that were passed on to
gradually. Even in the Malaysia Education System, the
their children can help to develop the their children’s
focus of shaping morality relies on the educational
morality (Melati,et al., 2010). However, the urban families
institution solely. It is contradicting with the research
failed in providing religions and moral education to their
carried out in previous years, which stated that every
children. A few factors have been identified in the study
single institution should play a role in developing the
(Sonia, et al., 2015). First, the parents from urban families
children’s morality. Nowadays, some parents have
in Pakistan might be afraid that their children might
children because of their belief about prestige, life
become religious fanatics. Besides that, the urban children
satisfaction and important investment (Langier, 2016; Din,
are more stubborn to follow their parents’ instructions as
Ayub, & Tarmizi, 2016).). The parents treated their
they want freedom. In addition, the parents themselves
children as a tool to fulfill their dreams. Therefore, they
have less interest in religion and ignore all religious rituals.
start to delegate their duties to other parties, like school’s
This is due to the materialism and preference to modern
authority or tuition center teachers. However, both the
way of life.
parties are only able to deliver the knowledge, but not
The social learning theory shows that modelling is
shape morality. The parents and children’s bonding time
effective in shaping children’s moral judgment responses
is an important factor in shaping the children’s morality.
(Soorya & Sunil, 2018). Therefore, in order to shape high
As stated by Langier (2016) in the study, young people’s
morality among the children, the parents must have strong
emotional instability and moral confusion are due to the
religious beliefs. Then, they can instill religious beliefs to
weak bonds with the family members. So, the parents
their children. Besides that, they should carry out the
should spend more time to bond with their children in
religious rituals. If the parents are Muslims, they have to
order to develop their moral development.
perform prayers five times a day. The children will
4.1.2. Role Models observe and imitate their parents’ behaviors based on
Social Learning Theory. Religiosity is said to be an
Besides “commitment”, “positive perception” and
important determinant of high morality (Melati, et al.,
“religiosity” factors in shaping children’s morality, the
74 Parents’ Roles and Parenting Styles on Shaping Children's Morality

2010). In Malaysia’s National Principles, ‘Belief in God’ treated as a treasure. They are experienced teachers in life
appears to be the first principle. It shows how important and know what their own educative mistakes are. Hence,
the religious beliefs should be cultivated in our life. Hence, they are able to teach their grandchildren on how to
the parent should play their role in instilling religious perceive others’ needs, respect or tolerance in a better way.
beliefs to their children. At the same time, they must have Besides that, the grandchildren’s moral attitudes can be
strong religious beliefs too. shaped through the grandparents’ teaching. Therefore, the
parents should play a role in allocating time for their
4.1.4. Communication children to interact with their grandparents. I am sure the
The moral representations of parents are often passed grandparents would feel happy as well.
on to children through socialization techniques.
Conversations between parents and children can 4.2. Parenting Styles
contribute effectively in the moral development of the
child (Wainry & Recchia, 2014). Therefore, as parents, 4.2.1. Authoritarian Parenting Style
they cannot be busy pursuing their careers. Instead of that, The parents in authoritarian style show demandingness
they should spend more time to communicate with their and are less responsive to the child’s needs. They like to
children. During the conversation, the parents can deliver exert their power on the children and ask them to do
some moral messages to their children. They might whatever things that have been told without any reasons.
explain the effect of child’s action on others and motivate They seldom invite their children to have moral discussion.
reparative behaviors (Wainryb & Recchia, 2014). Besides This kind of parents might show some degree of warmth
that, they can express their disappointment towards the towards their children but demand respect from their
child’s behaviors. A considerate child would spare on children.
parents’ feelings and won’t repeat the misbehaviors. In The children who are raised under authoritarian
addition, the parents can listen to their children’s problem parenting style may have higher level of antisocial
and guide them in solving their moral dilemmas. behaviors. They tend to be more discontented and
Parents-children discussion about moral issues is useful in withdrawn due to the parental hostility and rejection. So,
instilling the parent’s beliefs into the child’s belief system some of them might commit crime when they grow up.
and has a positive impact in shaping the child’s pro-social However, some research finds this kind of parenting style
behaviors (Johnson, 2016). is good for Blacks because of their lower social-economic
Moreover, reminiscing conversations between parents status and dangerous neighbor.
and children can help to foster the children’s
internalization of values. Reminiscing conversation refers 4.2.2. Authoritative Parenting Style
to the dialogue about a past transgression. During the Authoritative parenting style is the most effective in
conversation, the parents can convey some moral developing the children’s morality. The children who
messages to the children. The children are more likely to were raised within this style tend to show pro-social
accept the moral messages when there is a lack in behaviors and are able to reason autonomously about
emotional arousal. With the conversation with parents, the moral problems. Besides that, they will respect the adults.
children can feel the concerns and warmth. This indirectly In addition, they are more self-reliant, self-controlled and
guides the children to the correct path to develop their self-confident.
moral development. Therefore, it is important for the These outcomes are resulted from the way their parents
parents to spend time to socialize with their children. educate them. The authoritative parents always show
4.1.5. Provide Bonding Time for Children with Their responsiveness to their children’s needs. Furthermore,
Grandparents they will keep an eye on their children’s behaviors and
discipline based on reasoning. They may provide
Most of the modern parents are busy with their work emotional support to their children but with strict
and have no time for their children. However, they would behavioral supervision. Therefore, the children are found
think that the older generation is old-fashioned and they less involved in criminal behaviors in adulthood.
are not able to raise the children in a modern way.
Therefore, the parents nowadays prefer to send their 4.2.3. Permissive Parenting Style
children to the young people who work as babysitters
There are two types of permissive parenting style,
(Langier, 2016).
which are permissive indulgent parenting and permissive
Actually, this is one of the misconceptions among the
neglectful parenting. The permissive indulgent parents
parents. The researchers agreed that grandparents can
show high level of responsiveness but lack of
work as an institution to develop children’s strong
demandingness towards their children while permissive
morality. They could bring positive impacts on the
neglectful parents have minimal warmth and control over
children by narrating old bedtime stories (Sonia, Syeda &
their children.
Sadia, 2015). In Chinese family, the older people are
In permissive indulgent parenting, the parents have
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3C): 70-76, 2020 75

little control over their children. They will treat their the children will start to shape their norms of behaviors
children as friends and so, they are liked and accepted by and attitudes at home too.
their children. Besides that, the children are allowed to Parents are the ones who first appear in children’s lives.
decide things on their own without any guidance provided Therefore, they should play their roles in inculcating
by permissive indulgent parents. This type of parenting moral values to their children. The study highlights the
style sounds good but actually, the children’s moral various roles in which parents should play to shape their
development is limited. Since the children are less children’s morality. As parents, they are the closest person
controlled by the parents during childhood, they will face to the children. So, there should not be any reasons for
problems in following the rules and resist supervision by them to delegate their roles to other parties because
the others. In addition, they are immature and have higher psychological abuse can bring negative impacts
level of psychological maladjustment. Therefore, they developmentally on children. At home, they must spend
have a higher possibility to involve themselves in time and engage themselves in educating their children.
antisocial behaviors if compared to those who grow up The stronger the bond between parents and children, the
with authoritative parenting style. higher morality is found among the children.
The permissive neglectful parents do not carry out their In addition, the parenting styles should be focused in
parenting responsibilities properly. They will just provide order to develop the children’s morality and decrease
the children with physical necessities but not concerns and antisocial behavior among the youths. Authoritative
love. They might think the children as taxing and parenting is discovered to be the most effective parenting
inconvenient. Besides that, the children are being ignored style with authoritarian coming in second. Both
or rejected at most of the time. The children are seen but permissive parenting styles are ineffective in shaping the
not heard about their ideas, problems or feelings. So, the children’s morality. The permissive and authoritarian
children will experience depression and have antisocial parenting styles might contribute to the criminality among
personality. The study also reported that the children who juveniles. The factors identified in the permissive and
were raised with permissive neglectful style are always authoritarian styles are poor parenting practices,
associated with higher criminal for Blacks (Johnson, emotional negativity, weak parents-children bonds and so
2016). on.
In my point of view, I think the permissive neglectful In conclusion, the parents must be responsible in
parenting style is the most destructive and brings the most playing all the roles in shaping the children’s morality. In
negative impacts on the children. Although there are order to have a child, they should be mentally and
weaknesses in authoritative, by the authoritarian and physically prepared because it is not easy to educate a
permissive indulgent parenting styles, the children can child. Moreover, the parents have to think twice before
still feel love and concerns from their parents. However, adopting the most appropriate parenting style. The parents
the children who were raised with permissive neglectful might adopt a predominant use of authoritative style but
parenting style are just ignored by the parents. In from time to time, they can change the parenting
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, there are five stages of techniques to cater to the developmental needs of the child.
growth in humans which are physiological needs, safety, As parents, they should be flexible in choosing the
love or the belonging, esteem and self-actualization parenting style. With the awareness and concerns from the
(McLeod, 2018). The children who were raised with parents, the children’s moral development can definitely
permissive neglectful style might reach the physiological be developed and shaped. So, we can expect to have a
needs stage but definitely not love or belonging stage. If well-mannered society.
there is a lack of love or sense of belonging, how can we
expect the children to show love to the others and have
high morality? The answer is definitely “ No”! Therefore,
the parents should be careful in adopting the appropriate
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