RX8200 Receiver Update
RX8200 Receiver Update
RX8200 Receiver Update
Each individual RX8200 unit can be easily configured and tailored to the user’s precise needs. This
means an optimal balance of functionality and cost can be achieved, resulting in a unit with all the
required features without the additional expense of superfluous connectivity or functionality.
The RX8200 offers a vast and sophisticated array of configuration possibilities allowing it to cover a broad
range of applications. The RX8200 can be tailored to standard definition or high definition uses with
MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 decode technology in both 4:2:0 and 4:2:2 modes as well as JPEG 2000 decode
capability. Connectivity into the receiver is achieved with DVB-S2 satellite, IP, ATM and ASI options.
Lowest Latency
Broadcasters are increasingly demanding lowest latency for
contribution and news applications. Ericsson offers the complete low
latency suite of tools for the user – whether that be high quality JPEG
2000 decoding for contribution over fiber applications or low latency
MPEG-4 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 decoding for satellite applications.
Why Ericsson
The Ericsson RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver heads its class as
an IRD offering the perfect balance of industry leading capability,
flexibility and affordability.
Ericsson RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver
The RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver has a single ASI input as
standard and can be configured with one additional choice of inputs type.
DVB-S2 Multi-TS Mode (RX82XX/SWO/DVBS2/VCM, FAZ 101 0113/56)
Provides DVB-S2 Multi-transport stream input capability
IP Transport Stream Input Options
Single transport stream output from receiver
The RX8200 may be configured with IP transport stream input connectivity
via the following options. DVB-S2 Low Symbol Rate License
100/1000BaseT Input (RX8200/HWO/IP/GIGE, FAZ 101 0113/12) (RX82XX/SWO/DVBS2/LSYM, FAZ 101 0113/31)
MPEG transport stream over IP Enables DVB-S2 symbol rate of 1 Msym/s to 5 Msym/s
2x 100/1000BaseT input
Very low latency
G.703 ATM Input Option
The RX8200 may be configured with G.703 ATM connectivity.
SMPTE 2022M Pro-MPEG FEC License G703 ATM Input (RX8200/HWO/G703, FAZ 101 0113/8)
(RX8200/SWO/IP/PROMPEG, FAZ 101 0113/37)
E3 or DS-3 inputs
Enables SMPTE 2022M Pro-MPEG FEC capability for the IP input card
34 Mbps or 45 Mbps rates
Requires IP input card
Ericsson RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver
OPTIONS Password Protection of Web Browser
The RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver offers the option of an SD only (RX8200/SWO/PW, FAZ 101 0113/51)
or HD and SD capable video output card. Both video output card options Protects Web browser from malicious or accidental changes
also provide ASI transport stream output connectivity. IP transport stream
output capability may additionally be specified.
SD Video and ASI Output (RX8200/HWO/SD, FAZ 101 0113/18) The RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver offers as sophisticated choice of
2x composite video outputs transport stream processing capability allowing the unit to operate as a
2x switchable ASI/SDI outputs cost effective network interface into a headend or transport stream
turn-around system
3 Gbps HD and SD Video and ASI Output
Single Service Filtering
(RX8200/HWO/HD/3G, FAZ 101 0113/10)
(RX8200/SWO/SING/SERVFILT, FAZ 101 0113/53)
1x composite video output
Filter multiple services to output a single service
1x RGB/YPrPb analog video output
Re-map PIDs for the outgoing service
3x switchable ASI/SDI/HD-SDI outputs
3 Gbps HD-SDI output compatible with MPEG-4 4:2:2 1080p50/60 Multi-Service Filtering
capability (RX8200/SWO/MULT/SERVFILT, FAZ 101 0113/47)
Filter N multiple incoming services to M outgoing services
IP Transport Stream Output (RX8200/HWO/IP/OUT, FAZ 101 0113/14) Re-map PIDs for a single service
Encapsulation of transport stream output into IP multicast CBR MPTS transport stream output
MPTS or single or multiple SPTS output stream with licence key Service splitting for multiple IP SPTS output
2x Gigabit Ethernet RJ-45 interfaces capability
Ericsson RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver
4:2:2 Decode Options Frame Sync Input (RX8200/SWO/FSYNC, FAZ 101 0113/33)
MPEG-2 4:2:2 Decoding Hardware Synchronizes the IRD to the house black and burst reference
(RX8200/HWO/MP2/422, FAZ 101 0113/15) Frame Sync functionality often partners 4:2:2 decoding
Dormant hardware for MPEG-2 4:2:2 decoding applications
Enable MPEG-2 4:2:2 decoding with additional options
Simulsync 3D Decode (RX8200/SWO/3D, FAZ 101 0113/61)
MPEG-2/MPEG-4 4:2:2, JPEG 2000 Decoding Hardware Provides full frame , synchronized left & Right eye 3D capability
(RX8200/HWO/J2K/MP24, FAZ 101 0113/157) Additionally requires Frame Sync, Down--conversion options
Dormant hardware for MPEG-2/MPEG-4 4:2:2 & JPEG 2000 decoding Requires separate RX8200 units for left & Right eye video decode
Enable decoding with additional options
MPEG-2 SD 4:2:2 Decoding The RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver can be further enhanced by a
(RX8200/SWO/MP2/422/SD, FAZ 101 0113/59) range of data pass-through and remote control capabilities.
Enables MPEG-2 SD 4:2:2 decoding
Requires MPEG-2 & 4 4:2:2 hardware RS232 Remote Control and Data
(RX8200/HWO/RS232, FAZ 101 0113/17)
RS232 remote control - Alteia protocol
MPEG-2 HD 4:2:2 Decoding
(RX8200/SWO/MP2/HD/422, FAZ 101 0113/39) RS232 data output
Enables MPEG-2 HD 4:2:2 decoding
High speed IP data output (RX8200/SWO/IP/DATA, FAZ 101 0113/35)
Requires MPEG-2 SD 4:2:2 decoding option
MPE based data de-encapsulation of IP data
MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC SD 4:2:2 Decoding Requires IP TS output option (RX8200/HWO/IP/OUT, FAZ 101 0113/14)
(RX8200/SWO/MP4/422/SD, FAZ 101 0113/43)
Enables MPEG-4 AVC SD 4:2:2 decoding
Enables MPEG-2 SD 4:2:2 decoding
The RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver provides many different audio
MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 Decoding capabilities to allow optimal connectivity for many wide-ranging and varied
(RX8200/SWO/MP4/422/HD, FAZ 101 0113/42) applications. Capability for MPEG-1 Layer II audio is provided with any
Enables MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 decoding video decode license. Decoded audio will be embedded in (HD)SDI
outputs and output via physical audio interfaces if ordered.
Enables MPEG-2 HD 4:2:2 decoding
Requires MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC SD 4:2:2 option Balanced Audio Output (RX8200/HWO/BAL/AUD, FAZ 101 0113/3)
2x stereo pairs of balanced analog and digital outputs
MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 1080p 50/60 Decoding
Order QTY two for 4x stereo pair capability
(RX8200/SWO/HDSDI/3G, FAZ 101 0113/34)
Enables MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 1080p50/60 decoding
Dolby® Digital Decode (RX8200/SWO/AC3, FAZ 101 0113/22)
Enables 3Gig HD-SDI output
Enables decoding or pass-through of Dolby Digital Audio
Requires MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AVC HD 4:2:2 decoding option
2x 5.1 decode and down-mix to 2.0 (stereo)
100ms end-to-end Latency in conjunction with Ericsson AVP encoders
1x full 5.1 decode - with 4 Audio license
2x 2.0/5.1 pass-through -compressed and embedded in (HD)SDI
AAC Audio decode (RX8200/SWO/AAC, FAZ 101 0113/21)
The RX8200 offers a wide range of video processing options to allow the
2x AAC-LC and HE-AAC decoding
decoded video to easily interface to HD and SD infrastructures.
Low Latency Decode (RX8200/SWO/LDELAY, FAZ 101 0113/38) Phase Aligned Audio (RX8200/SWO/PAA, FAZ 101 0113/49)
Low latency video decode (4:2:0 and 4:2:2 modes) Phase aligned MPEG-1 Layer II audio
Includes ultra low latency stripe refresh capability 2x phase aligned groups of 4x stereo pairs
Compatible with linear and audio pass-throughs Requires 4x Audio license (RX8200/SWO/4AUD, FAZ 101 0113/20)
Requires MPEG-2 & 4 4:2:2 hardware
4x Audio Capability (RX8200/SWO/4AUD, FAZ 101 0113/20)
High Quality Down-conversion Enables up to eight decodes
(RX8200/HWO/HQDCONV, FAZ 101 0113/60) Enables pass-through of audio services three and four
Grade 1 quality Down-conversion of HD to SD Compatible with MPEG-1 Layer II, Dolby Digital, AAC, Dolby®E and
Capability to Down-convert 1080p 50/60 to 1080i, 720p or SD linear audio
Provides broadcast quality simultaneous down-conversion allowing one Embeds up to eight channels of audio into the (HD) SDI video output
HD transmission to address both HD and SD distribution needs Requires QTY two audio output cards if four stereo pairs of physical
audio interfaces are desired
Down-conversion (RX8200/SWO/DCONV, FAZ 101 0113/26)
XLR Terminal Audio Break-Out Cable
Grade 2 quality Down-conversion of 1080i or 720p HD to SD
(RX8XXX/CABLE/XLR , FAZ 101 0108/24)
Simultaneous presentation of HD and SD on video output interfaces
Provides XLR terminal connections for analogue and digital audio output
Up-conversion (RX8200/SWO/UPCONV, FAZ 101 0113/54) 1x stereo pair per breakout cable via 2x XLR connectors
Up-conversion of SD to HD resolution (4:2:0 modes only)
Non-simultaneous up-conversion to 720p or 1080i resolution Screw Terminal Audio Break-Out Cable
(RX8XXX/CABLE/SCRTRM, FAZ 101 0108/23)
Cross-conversion (RX8200/SWO/XCONV, FAZ 101 0113/55) Provides screw terminal connections for analog and digital audio output
Conversion of HD video from 720p to 1080i or from 1080i to 720p 1x stereo pair per breakout cable via 2x Screw terminal connectors
*Check availability
Ericsson RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver
Sample configuration with: Satellite input, frame sync, HD video output, IP transport stream output and 2x Audio output modules installed
STANDARD FEATURES DVB-S2 QPSK (FAZ 101 0113/32) DVB-T/T2 Input Options
Modulation: DVB-S2 QPSK
Input Interfaces Standard: EN302 307
DVB-T/T2 Input (FAZ 101 0113/70)
Connector: 1x F-Type (F) 75 Ohm
ASI Transport Stream Input Symbol rate: 5 to 31 (60) Msyms
Channel bandwidth: 7, 8MHz
Connector: 1x BNC (F) 75 Ohm FEC DVB-S2 QPSK: 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5,
2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10 Frequency range: UHF 470 – 862 MHz,
Max. input rate: 160 Mbps VHF 174 – 230 MHz
Packet length: 188/204 byte packets Input MER level: 6 - 36dB
DVB-S2 8PSK (FAZ 101 0113/30)
Standard: EN50083-9
Includes DVB-S2 QPSK functionality
FEC, DVB-S2 8PSK: 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9,
Program selection for ATSC, DVB and MPEG
Video Output Options
-only streams
SD Video Output (FAZ 101 0113/18)
One alarm relay, two relays under SCTE 35
DVB-S2 16APSK (FAZ 101 0113/29) Composite Video
Includes DVB-S2 QPSK and 8PSK Connector: 2x BNC (F) 75 Ohm
Service cycling through all decodable functionality
services Format: PAL / NTSC
Modulation: DVB-S2 16APSK and 32APSK SDI/DVB ASI-C (Switchable)
Control FEC, DVB-S2 16APSK: 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, Connector: 2x BNC 75 ohms
SD-SDI standard: SMPTE 259M
Front panel keypad and LCD FEC, DVB-S2 32APSK: 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9,
9/10 Embedded Audio: SMPTE 272M (SD)
SNMP control, traps and alarms
Requires FAZ 101 0113/6 option Embedded Audio Channels: two, four or six
Web browser stereo pairs
ASI standard: EN50083-9
(FAZ 101 0113/31)
Satellite Input Options Symbol rate - extended to 1 to 31 (60) HD and SD Video Output
Msym/s (FAZ 101 0113/10)
2nd Generation Satellite Input, Satellite & Applies to DVB-S2 modes only Composite Video
IP input Connector: 1x BNC (F) 75 Ohm
(FAZ 101 0113/6, FAZ 101 0113/70) Format: PAL / NTSC
IP Input Options
Connector: 4x F-Type (F), 75 Ohm Video RGB-HD (SVGA)
Modulation: DVB-S QPSK MPEG over Gigabit Ethernet IP Input, Connector: 1x 15-pin D-type
Standard: EN300 421 Satellite & IP input
Format: RGB H&V/YPrPb (switchable)
(FAZ 101 0113/12, FAZ 101 0113/70)
Frequency range: 950 MHz to 2150 MHz SDI/HD-SDI/DVB ASI-C (switchable)
Connector: 2 x RJ 45
Input level: -25 dBm to -65 dBm Connector: 3x BNC 75 ohms
Format: 100/1000BaseT
DVB-S Symbol rate: 1 Msyms to 45 Msyms 3 Gbps HD-SDI standard: SMPTE 424M
Max. input rate: 208Mbps
DVB-S2 Symbol rate: 1 (5) Msyms to HD-SDI standard: SMPTE 292M
60Msyms on inputs 1 & 2, Max bit rate SD-SDI standard: SMPTE 259M
170Mbps, 31 Msyms, Max bit rate: 81Mbps SMPTE 2022M Pro-MPEG FEC
on input 3 & 4 (FAZ 101 0113/37) Embedded Audio: SMPTE 299M (HD)
DVB-S FEC: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 SMPTE 2022M (Pro-MPEG) FEC
Embedded Audio Channels: up to 8x stereo
DVB-S2 FEC frame: Short & Normal frames pairs
DVB-S2 Physical layer scrambling G703 Input Options
ASI standard: EN50083-9
DVB-S2 multi-transport stream via additional Ericsson G.703 (FAZ 101 0113/8)
Connector: BNC (F)
LNB Power: 13V, 18V or off, 22 kHz on/off
Network: G.703 compliant PDH
Input: E3 or DS-3 (selectable)
License key dependant
Bit-rates: 34 Mbps or 45 Mbps versions *Check availability
SPECIFICATIONS Ericsson RX8200 Advanced Modular Receiver
Video Processing Options Audio Options 4x Audio Capability (FAZ 101 0113/20)
Extends licensed audio decodes to more
High Quality Down-conversion Balanced Audio Output (FAZ 101 0113/3) channels
(FAZ 101 0113/60) Connector: 2x 9-Pin D-type 8x MPEG-1 Layer II audio decode
Grade 1 quality down-conversion Analog audio: two balanced stereo pairs 6x Dolby® Digital 2.0 decode, 5.1 to 2.0 down-
Simultaneous Down-conversion (HD to SD): Digital audio: two balanced stereo pairs mix
center cut out, manual/AFD controlled
Order QTY 0, 1 or (2 - requires RX8200/ 4x Dolby® Digital 2.0/5.1 pass-through -
Down-conversion from 1080p 50/60 to 1080i, SWO/4AUD) compressed and embedded in (HD)SDI
720p or SD
4x Dolby® Digital Plus 2.0/5/1 pass-through -
compressed and embedded in (HD)SDI
Standard with any Video Decode Option:
Down-conversion (FAZ 101 0113/26) 6x 5.1 AAC down-mix to 2.0
2x MPEG-1 Layer-II audio decode
Grade 2 quality down-conversion from 1080i ® 6x 2.0 AAC decode
or 720p 2x Dolby Digital Plus Pass-through
2x Dolby E pass-through 4x Dolby®E pass-through
Simultaneous Down-conversion (HD to SD):
full frame, center cut out, letter box, 2x Linear PCM decode 4x Linear PCM pass-through
anamorphic - manual/AFD controlled
Audio sampling rate: 48 kHz
Physical and Power
Decoded audio gain adjustment
Up-conversion (FAZ 101 0113/54)
Dimensions (W x D x H)
Non-simultaneous up-conversion (SD to HD): Dolby® Digital (FAZ 101 0113/22)
To 720p or 1080i (4:2:0 modes only) 442.5 x 545 x 44mm (17.5“ x 20.7“ x 1.75“
2x Dolby® Digital 5.1 decode and down-mix to approx.)
Input Voltage
Cross-conversion (FAZ 101 0113/55) 2x Dolby® Digital 2.0/5.1 pass-through 110 VAC / 240 VAC
Non-simultaneous cross-conversion 720p to compressed and embedded in (HD)SDI
1080i or 1080 to 720p Power Consumption
1x Dolby® Digital 5.1 decode
No frame rate conversion 120W Max. (depending on options fitted)
Dolby® Digital Plus
Aspect Ratio Conversion Integrated fan
2x Dolby® Digital Plus 2.0/5.1 pass-through
16:9 to 4:3 center cut ARC in SD modes
compressed and embedded in (HD)SDI
Environmental Conditions
Frame Synchronization
AAC Audio (FAZ 101 0113/21) Operating Temperature
(FAZ 101 0113/33)
2x 5.1 down-mix to 2.0 0°C to +50°C (32° to 122°F)
Enables Frame Sync
2x 2.0 decode Storage Temperature
Connector: 1x BNC (F) 75 Ohm
1x 5.1 decode -20°C to +60°C (-4° to 140°F)
Input signal: Analog SD Hsync (black & burst)
Relative Humidity
Data and Control Options Phase Aligned Audio (FAZ 101 0113/49) 5% to 95%
MPEG-1 Layer II audio
RS232 Remote Control and Data (FAZ 101 2x phase aligned groups of 4x stereo pairs, Compliance
0113/17) Phase aligned to enable 5.1 carriage
Remote control connector: 1x 9-pin D-type CE marked in accordance with EU Low
Requires 4x audio license FAZ 101 0113/20 Voltage and EMC Directives
RS232 remote control
EMC Compliance
Ericsson Alteia protocol
EN55022, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3,
RS232 data connector: 1x 9-pin D-type EN55024, CISPR22, FCC CFR47 Part 15B
RS232 asynchronous data Class A
RS232 data rate: Max. 38.4 kbps Safety Compliance
EN60950-1, IEC60950-1, UL60950-1
IP High Speed Data (FAZ 101 0113/35)
MPE based data de-encapsulation
Max. bit-rate: 100 Mbps
Requires IP TS output card
License key dependant
*Check availability
Tel: +1 (678) 812 6300 Tel: +852 2590 2388 Tel: +61 2 9111 4999 Tel: +44 (0)23 8048 4000
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