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NeuralScale: A RISC-V Based Neural Processor Boosting AI

Inference in Clouds
Rongkai Zhan, Xiaobo Fan
Stream Computing Inc.
Beijing, China

ABSTRACT CPUs are general-purpose processors with good programmabil-

There has been a tremendous increase in AI chips for cloud comput- ity and almost can do anything but are not suitable for compute-
ing over the last few years. Most of the specialized AI chips are de- intensive workloads. GPUs with massively parallel computing abil-
signed to optimize specific applications with poor programmabil- ity are suitable for AI computing and almost all AI models are
ity and flexibility. In this paper, we present NeuralScale, a RISC-V trained using GPUs. However, the high-precision floating point
based neural processor core architecture for AI inference in clouds ALUs are redundant for the inference workloads which lift the total
that prompts programmability significantly with RISC-V vector ex- cost of ownership and increase power consumption. FPGAs have
tensions while retaining competitive performance and efficiency. flexible programmability which allow developers to create custom
Our industrial product P920, implemented with 32 NeuralScale cores, hardware accelerators quickly and can be reprogrammed to adapt
achieves 256TOPS (INT8) and 128TFLOPS (FP16) peak performance to the evolving AI landscape. On the other hand, the reconfigura-
under a clock frequency of 1.0 GHz in a TSMC 12nm FinFET pro- bility limits the clock frequency, and hence FPGAs are less com-
cess technology. Evaluation results on typical inference workloads petitive than GPUs or ASICs in terms of performance and energy
show that our processor delivers state-of-the-art throughput and efficiency. ASICs with customized silicon and memory hierarchy
power efficiency performance. for specific models or algorithms have shown better performance
and energy efficiency than traditional GPUs in AI inference. How-
CCS CONCEPTS ever, most ASICs can only perform designed models or algorithms
with poor or even no flexibility and programmability. As AI algo-
• Computer systems organization → Neural networks. rithms are still evolving, new operators and activation functions
may be proposed. It will become a great challenge for ASICs when
KEYWORDS migrating to new AI models in the future.
RISC-V, vector, extension, processor, AI, inference To promote the programmability of ASICs while retaining the
performance and energy efficiency, we propose a general-purpose
neural processor architecture based on the RISC-V ISA [18], as
1 INTRODUCTION RISC-V is meant to provide a basis for more specialized instruction-
AI and its diverse applications have seen significant increasing de- set extensions or customized accelerators. The sketch map in Fig-
mand for AI computing in clouds over the last few years. Typical ure 1 shows the key components of the proposed processor archi-
AI-enabled services include image and speech recognition, natural tecture: a RISC-V scalar core, a vector execution unit, and a ma-
language processing, medical diagnosis, visual search, and person- trix execution unit. The scalar core acts as the control processor,
alized recommendations. AI computing in clouds includes two dis- fetching and decoding all the instructions. The vector execution
tinct workloads: training and inference. Training is the process of
creating neural network models and fine-tuning models through a
particular training algorithm with large amounts of relevant raw
data. Inference is the deployment of the trained models for real-
time evaluations of new data. Both training and inference are compute-
intensive but they require different compute resources. The train-
ing process typically uses 32-bit single-precision floating-point or
64-bit double-precision floating-point data formats and ALUs to
achieve a high level of accuracy. By contrast, the inference pro-
cess can use much lower precision data formats and ALUs like 8-
bit integer, 16-bit integer and 16-bit half-precision floating-point
while introducing a very limited drop in prediction accuracy. It is
reported that the inference workloads constitute more than 95% of
AI computing workloads in clouds [20].
Currently, AI computing workloads in clouds are mainly per-
formed on central processing units (CPUs) and graphics process-
ing units (GPUs). Meanwhile, we have seen significant growth in
FPGA-based accelerators [8] [16] [21] and application-specific in- Figure 1: A sketch map of the proposed general-purpose neu-
tegrated circuits (ASICs) [3] [4] [7] [10] for AI inference in clouds. ral processor core architecture.
CARRV’21, June 17, 2021 Rongkai Zhan, Xiaobo Fan

unit conducts standard vector operations. The matrix execution 2.2.1 VME. VME performs all base vector extension instructions
unit conducts matrix operations, e.g. GEMM operation, which is and part of customized vector extension instructions with the MAC
at the heart of AI inference workloads. An industrial product con- vector and POLY module. The MAC vector consists of a vector of
figured with 32 NeuralScale cores is implemented in a TSMC 12nm multiply-and-add units, which supports both 16-bit half-precision
FinFET process technology. Evaluation results on ResNet-50 V1.5 floating-point (FP16) arithmetics and 8-bit integer (INT8) arithmetics.
and BERT inference show that our processor achieves state-of-the- The POLY module contains exp, div, and sqrt function units for
art throughput performance, latency performance, and energy ef- the complex arithmetics in activation functions or classifiers dur-
ficiency for both CNN and NLP models. ing the AI inference. As we can see from the data flow, the source
operands for VME may come from vector registers or local buffers,
and the results may be written back to vector registers or local
2 NEURALSCALE ARCHITECTURE buffers. When performing base vector extension instructions, VME
2.1 Scalar Core reads source operands from specified source vector registers and
We adopt the AndesCore N25F core [12] as the scalar core, which writes results back to the destination vector register. For customized
is a 32-bit RISC-V CPU IP core with vector extension support. The vector extension instructions, VME reads source operands from L1
scalar core has a 5-stage in-order execution pipeline and separated Buffer or Intermediate Buffer based on the addresses specified by
instruction and data caches. Features also include dynamic branch the source general-purpose registers, and writes results back to L1
prediction for efficient branch execution. It is capable of deliver- Buffer or Intermediate Buffer based on the address specified by the
ing high per-MHz performance and operating at high frequencies destination general-purpose register. Final results will usually be
with small gate counts. Figure 2 illustrates a high-level overview of written back to the L1 Buffer.
the NeuralScale architecture. As we can see from the control flow,
2.2.2 MME. MME performs customized vector extension instruc-
the scalar core fetches and decodes all instructions, and divert the
tions related to matrix or convolution operations with the MAC
instructions to the correct path based on their types. Scalar instruc-
matrix. Notice that convolution operations are implemented with
tions are executed in order in the scalar pipeline while vector in-
the GEMM algorithm. The MAC matrix is comprised of 𝑚 × 𝑛
structions flow through the scalar pipeline to the neural processor
multiply-and-add units, with 𝑚 indicates the height of the MAC
matrix and 𝑛 indicates the width of the MAC matrix. Each MAC
unit supports both FP16 and INT8 arithmetics. When fully utilized,
2.2 Neural Processor Core the MAC matrix can compute 𝑚 × 𝑛 FP16 arithmetics or 2 × 𝑚 ×
The neural processor core combines the features of vector proces- 𝑛 INT8 arithmetics simultaneously. That’s why the MAC matrix
sors and AI inference accelerators. As shown in Figure 2, the com- is the most important contributor to compute power of AI chips.
putation components include a MAC vector for executing vector MME reads source operands from Data Input Buffer and the Weight
operations, a MAC matrix for executing matrix operations, and a Buffer in L1 Buffer, and writes results back to Intermediate Buffer.
POLY module for complex arithmetics like exp, div, and sqrt com- Input buffer fetches data from the Data IO Buffer in L1 Buffer or In-
putations. On-chips memory components include a vector register termediate Buffer depends on the addresses specified by the source
file (the REG Bank module) as well as three local buffers, named general-purpose register.
L1 Buffer, Data Input Buffer, and Intermediate Buffer respectively.
The neural processor core’s pipeline is divided into 4 stages in
concept: decode, issue, execute, and write-back. As the control flow
in Figure 2 shows, the scalar core diverts the vector instructions to
the neural processor core. Vector instructions are further decoded
into micro-ops in the decode unit and then dispatched to the is-
sue unit. The issue unit issues instructions to corresponding execu-
tion units based on their operation types. There are three execution
units, a vector MAC engine (VME), a matrix MAC engine (MME),
and a memory transmission engine (MTE) for different operation
types, as will be explained. The issue unit maintains three instruc-
tion buffers tracking the state of all inflight instructions in each
execution unit. A dispatched instruction from the decode unit will
be buffered according to its operation type and will be removed
once it’s committed by the execution unit. All instructions will be
issued in order, and an instruction can be issued only when there
is no address overlap with inflight instructions. The issue unit can
issue three instructions at most. All three execution units can work
simultaneously in this case, and hence memory latency can be par-
tially hidden by computation, which lifts overall performance. Af-
ter execution, the results will be written back to vector registers or Figure 2: A high-level overview of the NeuralScale architec-
local buffers. ture.
NeuralScale: A RISC-V Based Neural Processor Boosting AI Inference in Clouds CARRV’21, June 17, 2021

Table 1: Customized vector CSRs

Base Address Privilege Register Name Execution Units Function Description

0x400 URW shape_s1 VME [31:16], width of matrix A; [15:0], height of matrix A
0x401 URW shape_s2 VME [31:16], width of maxrix B; [15:0], height of matrix B
0x408 URW conv_FM_in MME [31:16], width of input features; [15:0], height of input features
0x409 URW conv_Depth_in MME [15: 0], depth of input features
0x422 URW mte_shape MTE [31:16], width of transfer matrix; [15:0], height of transfer matrix

2.2.3 MTE. MTE connects local L1 Buffer with other memory com- The matrix operation directions are encoded using the dmc and
ponents outside the core through NoCs. Outside memory compo- dm fields, as displayed in Table 4. Taking matrix-vector additions
nents include remote L1 Buffers in a multi-core scenario and pe- for example, {𝑑𝑚𝑐, 𝑑𝑚} = 10 indicates adding a matrix with a row
ripheral memory like the last level buffer (LLB) or external DDR vector while {𝑑𝑚𝑐, 𝑑𝑚} = 01 indicates adding a matrix with a col-
DRAMs. In the first case, MTE exchanges data between L1 Buffers umn vector.
in a point-to-point manner. In the second case, MTE can exchange
data between L1 Buffer and LLB in a point-to-point manner, or Table 4: dmc and dm encoding
broadcast the data in LLB to all corresponding L1 Buffers.
dmc dm Operation directions
2.3 Instruction-Set Extension
0 X matrix operations on full elements
The RISC-V Vector extension (RVV) [19] enables processor cores
based on the RISC-V instruction set architecture to process data ar- 1 0 matrix operations vertically on row vectors
rays, alongside traditional scalar operations to accelerate the com- 0 1 matrix operations horizontally on column vectors
putation of single instruction streams on large data sets. The scalar
core adopted in our processor implements the RV32G. Therefore,
we implement standard extensions including the base RVV exten- The funct6 field encodes operation types, including addition,
sion (v0.8) and customized vector extensions with fixed-width 32- subtraction, multiplication, accumulation, etc. Some funct6 codes
bit instruction format in our neural processor core. We use the are listed in Table 5 for illustration. Typical operations such as con-
custom-3 opcode (11111011) in the RISC-V base opcode map as the volutions and activation functions in AI inference workloads are
major opcode for customized vector extensions, marked as OP-VE. all covered.
All customized vector extensions keep the source (rs1 and rs2) and
destination (rd) registers at the same position as the base RISC-V Table 5: funct6 encoding
ISA does to simplify decoding, as shown in Table 2.
funct6 Name Descrition
Table 2: Format for customized vector extension
000001 veadd add
31 26 25 24 20 19 15 14 13 12 11 7 6 0 000010 vesub subtract
funct6 dmc rs2 rs1 dm opm2 rd 1111011 000011 veacc accumulate
000101 veemul element-wise multiply
The opm2 field encodes the source operand types and source 011001 memul matrix multiply
locations, as listed in Table 3. For a vector or matrix operand, the
000110 veemacc element-wise multiply-accumulate
general-purpose register provides the memory address of the val-
ues, marked as (rsx). 011010 meconv convolution
001001 velkrelu Leaky Relu activation function
Table 3: opm2[1:0] encoding
001011 mov transfer data with MTE
opm2[1:0] source operands types source1 source2
00 mm (matrix-matrix) (rs1) (rs2) A total of 53 customized instructions are extended in addition to
the base RVV extension. For many matrix-related operations, infor-
01 m (matrix) (rs1) null mation such as height and width of the matrix cannot be encoded
10 mv (matrix-vector) (rs1) (rs2) within the 32-bit fixed-width instruction. Therefore, 22 unprivi-
leged vector CSRs are added to the base RVV extension. Table 1
11 mf (matrix-scalar) (rs1) rs2
lists several of them for illustration. Customized vector CSRs can
CARRV’21, June 17, 2021 Rongkai Zhan, Xiaobo Fan

only be updated with CSR instructions defined in the base scalar LLB within a small latency. As there are 32 NeuralScale cores in
RISC-V ISA. The values should be properly set to match application total, an HSYNC subsystem is used to manage how these cores
needs. cooperate and synchronize. NeuralScale cores can be divided into
up to 16 groups by the HSYNC subsystems, and the number of
3 SOC PLATFROM IMPLEMENTATION cores in each group is configured by the application. That is to say,
Based on the NeuralScale architecture, we implement an industrial an application can be performed either on one group with 32 cores
SoC platform named P920 for AI inference in clouds. A complete or on multiple groups with several cores in each group. The HSYNC
toolchain suite including graph compiler, runtime, and driver is subsystem provides great flexibility and hence an application can
also released for developers. choose the granularity of task division according to its features to
make full use of the NeuralScale cores.
3.1 Core Configuration P920 has two PCIe subsystems: PCIE0 and PCIE1. Each PCIe
P920 consists of 32 NeuralScale cores and the configuration of each subsystem supports up to 16 lanes and can be configured as an
core is listed in Table 6. The scalar core has a separated L1 Data endpoint or a root complex. PCIE0 is usually configured as an end-
Cache and L1 Instruction Cache, each of 64KB. The neural proces- point, receiving compute tasks and data from the host. PCIE1 is
sor core has a 1MB L1 Data IO Buffer, a 256KB L1 Weight Buffer usually configured as a root complex for scalability, connecting
and a 256KB Intermediate Buffer. The size of each local buffer in the to other SoC chips to construct a larger-scale compute platform.
neural processor core is selected based on experimental statistics In addition, P920 has four DDR subsystems. Each subsystem has
of typical AI inference workloads, which helps to avoid frequently an independent channel of LPDDR4 DRAM, supporting up to 4GB
exchanging data between on-chip memory and external memory. memory capacity and 4266𝑀𝑇 /𝑠 transfer rate. Therefore, the DDR
The MAC vector in the neural processor core has 64 MAC units, subsystems provide 16GB memory capacity in total and a peak the-
and the MAC matrix in the neural processor core contains 64 × 32 oretical bandwidth of 136𝐺𝐵/𝑠 for AI inference workloads. During
MAC units. Each MAC unit supports both FP16 and INT8 arith- the AI inference process, LLBs need to fetch weights from DRAMs
metics, which can be dynamically switched according to the oper- frequently. In order to improve the data transmission efficiency be-
ation type of each instruction. tween LLBs and DRAMs, high-performance DMA controllers are
integrated into the DDR subsystems. Each DMA controller con-
Table 6: NeuralScale Core Configurations nects a DDR controller and an LLB through NoCs. As there are
eight LLBs and only four DDR channels, each DDR subsystem in-
tegrates two DMA controllers with independent DMA channels
feature configuration and data buses.
L1 Data Cache 64KB The peripheral subsystem implements many common hardware
scalar core
L1 Instruction Cache 64KB devices including UART, SPI, I2C, PWM, and RTC, which plays an
important role in booting, debugging, and managing the SoC. The
L1 Data IO Buffer 1MB
CPU subsystem is implemented with an ARM Cortex-A53 core [5].
L1 Weight Buffer 256KB
It features an in-order, 8-stage, dual-issue pipeline, and supports
Intermediate Buffer 256KB
neural processor core PPI interrupts and up to 64 SPI interrupts. The CPU subsystem is
(VLEN, ELEN) (1024, 16)
mainly used to initialize a series of devices during the SoC startup,
MAC Vector 64 FP16 MACs
including PCIe controllers, DDR controllers, SPI controllers, and
MAC Matrix 64×32 FP16 MACs
other devices. Besides, it also monitors and manages the SoC dur-
ing running.

3.2 SoC Architecture

Figure 3 shows a high-level overview of the P920 architecture. The
key components include 32 NeuralScale cores, a 32MB last level
buffer (LLB), a hardware synchronization (HSYNC) subsystem, two
PCIe subsystems, four DDR subsystems, a peripheral subsystem,
and a CPU subsystem. All components are connected through an
NoC with a regular 4×6 mesh-based topology. The links between
each component and an NoC router, and the links between NoC
routers are all bidirectional. The NoC separates control flow and
data flow to lift data transmission efficiency. The control bus is 32
bits wide in each direction and the data bus is 512 bits wide in
each direction. At 1.0 GHz, each direction provides up to 64𝐺𝐵/𝑠
bandwidth or 128𝐺𝐵/𝑠 combined.
The 32MB LLB is split up into eight separated small LLBs of
4MB each. The small LLBs are connected to the NoC independently,
providing 1𝑇 𝐵/𝑠 memory bandwidth in total. Meanwhile, they are
evenly distributed in the NoC so that other nodes can access an Figure 3: A high-level overview of the P920 architecture.
NeuralScale: A RISC-V Based Neural Processor Boosting AI Inference in Clouds CARRV’21, June 17, 2021

3.3 Toolchain choose the public ResNet-50 v1.5 [17] for Tensorflow to perform
We implement an end-to-end inference stack named TensorTurbo image classification tasks in our experiment. The Nvidia V100 GPU
for P920 that enables fast and efficient deployment of customers’ performs ResNet-50 inference with FP16 computations as it pro-
pre-trained AI models, as shown in Figure 4. TensorTurbo is mainly vides much higher FP16 performance than INT8. The other three
comprised of a graph compiler and a heterogenous program en- platforms perform ResNet-50 inference with INT8 computations.
gine (HPE). The graph compiler is based on TVM [2] and has been Besides, the batch size is properly configured to fully exploit the
deeply customized for NeuralScale architecture. It provides C++ compute performance of each platform: 128 for GPUs, 10 for the
and python inference API for popular deep learning frameworks Habana Goya chip, and 64 for P920. The performance results in-
including TensorFlow, PyTorch, MxNet, and Keras. Graph inter- clude throughput, power efficiency, and latency of the four plat-
mediate representations (GIRs) from different frameworks are im- forms are shown in Figure 5. Our P920 chip can process 14442 im-
ported as unified TensorTurbo IRs via the inference API. The graph ages per second (IPS), which is 2.98 times more powerful than the
compiler then applies graph schedule, operators schedule, tiling Nvidia T4 GPU, 1.85 times more powerful than the Nvidia V100
strategies within an operator, among other optimizations to find GPU, and nearly the same as Habana Goya chip. With a thermal
the fastest implementation leveraging the hardware features at the design power of 130𝑊 , P920’s power efficiency is 110 IPS/W, which
most. The HPE provides high-level CUDA-style runtime APIs in is 1.59 times of the Nvidia T4 GPU, 4.23 times of the Nvidia V100
the hardware abstraction layer (HAL), enabling functions like de- GPU, and 1.50 times of the Habana Goya chip. In terms of latency
vice management, kernel launch and management, memory man- performance, the Habana Goya chip has the shortest latency with
agement, etc. The HPE also provides utilities including GDB de- only 0.87 ms. The latency of P920 is 4.43 ms, 5.87 times shorter
bug tool, performance profiling tool, and system monitor interface than the Nvidia T4 GPU, and 3.61 times shorter than the Nvidia
tool via accessing P920’s debugging features (event logging, per- V100 GPU.
formance counters, breakpointing).

Figure 5: Performance results on ResNet-50 inference.

4.2 Performance on BERT

BERT [6] is a state-of-the-art language model for NLP tasks includ-
Figure 4: Deployment of pre-trained AI models onto P920 ing text classification, question answering, natural language infer-
with TensorTurbo. ence, and others. The BERT model used in our experiment is fine-
tuned for sentence and sentence-pair classification tasks. Our P920
chip performs BERT inference with FP16 computations due to the
poor accuracy performance of the quantized INT8 BERT model.
4 EVALUATION The GPUs use INT8 mixed-precision computations and the Ha-
P920 was fabricated using TSMC’s 12nm FinFET technology and bana Goya chip uses INT16 computations. We select a batch size
the total area is 400𝑚𝑚 2 . It delivers 256 TOPS (INT8) and 128 TFLOPS of 128 for GPUs, 12 for the Habana Goya chip, and 32 for P920. The
(FP16) peak compute performance with a thermal design power of performance results are shown in Figure 6. Our P920 chip can pro-
130𝑊 under 1.0 GHz working frequency. We conduct a detailed cess 4192 sentences per second, which is 2.31 times more powerful
performance evaluation of P920 with two typical AI inference work- than the Nvidia T4 GPU, 1.31 times more powerful than the Nvidia
loads in clouds: the ResNet-50 CNN model for vision tasks and
the BERT model for NLP tasks. As a comparison, experiments are
also conducted on two GPU devices (Nvidia T4 [13] and Nvidia
V100 [14]) and an AI chip (Habana Goya [9]). All platforms are
installed into a server host through PCIe slots. The deep learning
framework used in our experiment is Tensorflow [1].

4.1 Performance on ResNet-50

The ResNet-50 model [11] is one of the most popular CNN mod-
els for visual tasks including image classification, object localiza-
tion, object detection, and others. It has multiple versions and we Figure 6: Performance results on BERT inference.
CARRV’21, June 17, 2021 Rongkai Zhan, Xiaobo Fan

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NeuralScale: A RISC-V Based Neural Processor Boosting AI Inference in Clouds CARRV’21, June 17, 2021

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