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The Economic-Mathematical Development of Buildings Construction Model Optimization On The Basis of Digital Economy

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Management Systems

in 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 119-123

Production Engineering

Date of submission of the article to the Editor: 12/2018

Date of acceptance of the article by the Editor: 03/2019
DOI 10.1515/mspe-2019-0020



Volodymyr TKACHENKO,
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

The London Academy of Science and Business

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service

The article presented the scientific research of buildings construction optimization problems on the basis of
interdisciplinary approach that provides synergy of modern approaches of construction organization and tech-
nology, economic theory and political economy, as well as applied mathematics. The formation and realization
of the economic-mathematical model of optimal sequence groups of construction objects are considered on
the basis of a method of sequential analysis of variants, based on dynamic programming. According to the
provided research results the proposals were made for acceleration of these processes in construction through
the development of program complex "Optimization of object construction process by the criterion of time"
on the basis of mathematical modeling methods, which provided the opportunity to further optimize and ob-
tain consistency and reduce the construction terms of this buildings groups for almost a year (360 days or 61%).

Key words: digital economy, construction, interdisciplinary approach

INTRODUCTION to allocate with the key purposes of digital economy:

The construction industry creates jobs, promotes for- through automation of all basic industrial and economic
mation of business infrastructure and makes about 6% of business processes, development of the market produc-
world GDP that is the engine of national economy devel- tion services and consumption, increase in cumulative ef-
opment. Implementation of digital and information-com- ficiency of economic activity subjects, mobilization of
munication technologies is an important factor of innova- knowledge through exchange, creation of new jobs in
tive development of the construction industry. The appli- high-tech industries.
cation of these technologies will provide the opportunity The digital economy is not limited to the IT sector and dig-
to architects, engineers, builders to achieve effective re- ital companies. The greatest economic returns are pro-
sults in the realization of complex projects in capital con- vided by the transition to digital processes and implemen-
struction. Managements of the construction industry on tation of digital technologies within the value creation
the principles of digital economy are not only the trans- chains in all sectors of national economy, particularly in
forming data into digital space, but also a change of ap- construction. Such digital technologies can be applied at
proaches, models, and methods of management deci- all stages of cost creation, including construction of build-
sions. ings of various types and sizes, promoting reduction of to-
Digital economy is an economic activity, based on digital tal period of their construction, growth of energy effi-
technologies that provides implementation of infor- ciency and comfort accommodation in rooms.
mation technologies in all industries and fields of manage-
ment and digital activity space. Therefore, it is expedient

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120 Management Systems in Production Engineering 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2

LITERATURE REVIEW market according to the purpose of development of eco-

In their research, scientists R. Fokov, M. D. Spector and S. nomic salary and transition to qualitatively new level of
A. Ushatsky [4, 8, 9], presented the basic methodology of information technologies uses in all spheres of social and
optimal buildings construction estimation variants, ad- economic activity of the country. The breaking technolo-
vantages and disadvantages of the different structures in gies produces new industrial revolution which was called
construction management company, as well as the stages "the Industry 4.0". Unlike the previous industrial revolu-
of building production preparation. In particular, the the- tions, the industrial revolution 4.0 does not develop line-
oretical issues of organizational-technological models of arly, but exponentially.
construction development, including the streaming or- As a result of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 the main value
ganizations of different buildings construction and struc- will be the information data. The influence of industrial
tures are outlined. The article reveals the composition and internet-networks on physical objects, platforms, systems
methodical fundamentals of construction plans develop- and applications with built-in technologies of data ex-
ment (strategic, operational), peculiarities of construction change among themselves, external environment and
in terms of reconstruction. people become more active. According to the forecast of
The scientific works of V. Kupriyanovsky [7] and T. Yudina the Accenture [2] company, this sector will promote world
[10] represent vectors implementation of basic funda- GDP growth of $ 14.2 trillion, until 2030 (for the top of the
mentals of the concept: "digital economy" in separate sec- world 20 economies this is plus 1% above the projected
tors of the national economy. T. Yudina [10] presented a growth rate).
model of digital economy and a scheme of changing the According to the International consulting company, Inter-
structure of the world economy that is influenced by in- national Data Corporation (IDC), the cost of digital trans-
dustrial revolutions. The peculiarity of the digital econ- formation at the global level in 2017, compared with the
omy is its rapid development, in which every few years previous year, increased by 16.8% and exceeded to $1.3
there are technologies that bring changes in the economy trillion. According to IDC, these costs will continue to grow
of almost all countries and change the universe [11, 12, by an average of 17.9% annually up to 2021 that means
13, 14, 15, 16]. digital market will practically double and reach the turno-
The theoretical analysis of scientific sources [1, 8, 9, 10] ver of $ 2.1 trillion dollars [2]. The Boston Consulting
made it possible to conclude that when constructing Group (BCG) predicts that the digital economy in the
buildings of different types and sizes, the sequence of the world by 2035 will surpass the production sector and will
construction objects has an impact on total period of their be 16 trillion [3].
construction. Depending on the sequence of construction Every year, Swiss International Institute for Management
and different time of work, on the same stages on each and Development (IMD) in Lausanne, makes the World
object, there are different variations of their combination. Digital Competitiveness Ranking (Table 1) for 63 countries
The construction company, regulating by diversification based on analysis of 50 indicators that take into account
the resource base of the construction objects and their the level of digital transformation readiness of countries,
complexes can influence on terms and efficiency of con- state of regulatory policy, investments in research and de-
struction. velopment, education, potential of digital technologies,
The provided data confirm considerable prospects of the capitalization of IT industry. The top ranking is the United
digital-information and communication technologies in all States, Singapore, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland [5].
branches of national economy, in construction, particu-
larly (for example BIM). One of the problems that is often Table 1
discussed in scholarly discussions by scientists is optimiza- Global Digital Competitiveness Rating 2018
tion of buildings construction terms in order to diversify The ranks of countries
the resource base, reduce costs, increase profitability and Final re- by main rating compo-
sults sition
efficiency of the construction company.
of ranking Value
The formations of scientific-theoretical and practical as-

to the future

ranks – Country index,


pects of digital economy incorporation in the construction 2018 %

industry we offer to realize on basis of interdisciplinary in brackets
approach of scientific research, particularly, on the princi- 2017
ples of synergy of organization and construction technol-
ogy, economic theory and political economy as well as ap- 1(3) USA 100 4 3 2
plied mathematics. It should be noted that the determi- 2(1) Singapore 99.422 1 1 15
nant of the accelerated and effective development of dig- 3(2) Sweden 97.453 7 5 5
4(5) Denmark 96.764 8 10 1
ital economy is the introduction and use of digital technol-
5(8) Switzerland 95.851 6 9 10
ogies in conjunction with the development of the real
6(10) Norway 95.724 16 2 6
economy and transition to an innovative model. 7(4) Finland 95.248 9 4 8
8(9) Canada 95.201 3 12 9
METHODOLOGY 9(6) Netherlands 93.886 12 8 4
Digitalization is a determinant of growth of the construc- 10(10) Great Britain 93.239 10 13 3
tion industry competitiveness in the domestic and world

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V. TKACHENKO et al. – The economic-mathematical development of buildings construction… 121

The "digital race" leader is the USA, where the digital ଷ =‫ ݐ‬೙+‫ݐ‬
‫ݐ‬ఌఘ ఌఘ ఌఘ (5)
economy reaches 10.9% of GDP, and existing capacities If the stage began to be executed, then the breaks, in-
enable American companies to control individual seg- crease the established term therefore, breaks are not al-
ments of the world market in this area. In 2015, the U.S. lowed; tᴈερ end of stage term; tερn – start of stage term
adopted the state program of Digital Economy Agenda, work;

which aims to create favorable conditions for the activi- ‫ݐ‬ఌఘ೙ ≥ ‫ݐ‬ఌఘିଵ (6)
ties of American high-tech companies and promote their that is, each stage starts not earlier than the previous one
interests abroad [5]. completed.
On the basis of options sequential analysis method, based
on dynamic programming of the problem, we propose to 4. RESULTS OF RESEARCH
consider the economic mathematical model of optimum We suggest considering results of applied implementation
construction of group objects, in order to reduce the total of proposed economic-mathematical model. So, it is
term of their construction. When constructing a building planned to build five objects that can be erected in any
(or its parts) through a consecutive number of stages order. The process of each object construction consists of
(works), the degree combination of any couple of objects six stages, which are performed by various development
is defined by minimum possible approach of any two companies.
equal stages (works) of the considered objects. Under the terms of construction technology each stage
For example: ε – (ε = 1,2,… εk… εn) – are numbers of ob- begins only after the completion of the previous one. In
jects; ρ – (ρ = 1,2,…m) – are numbers of stages (works); μερ this case, the implementation duration of the same stages
– the magnitude of possible deviation when combining on each object is different (Table 2). It is necessary to de-
objects of any stages, "on the left" given to duration of fine the construction sequence of all objects in which the
this object erection; ωερ – the magnitude of possible total period of their construction will be the smallest.
change when combining objects of any stage, "on the
right" is given to the duration of the construction of this Table 2
object; Δεk, εk + 1 – the magnitude of possible combination Duration of objects implementation stages
of any two objects; tερ – work duration of the stage ρ of ε Object number
object; Tε = Σρtερ construction duration of ε object; μ(ε1, 1 2 3 4 5
ε2…, εk…, εn) – sequence of construction objects. The cal- Duration work stages tεω, days
culation of indexes μ and ω can be defined by next formu- 1. Zero cy-
60 80 60 90 70
las [1, 9]: cle
ߤఌఘ = ߤఌ,ఘିଵ + ‫ݐ‬ఌ,ఘିଵ ; 1 < ߩ ≤ ݉ (1) 2. Frame 100 70 50 60 80
߱ఌఘ = ܶఌ − ‫ݐ‬ఌ,ଵ ; ߱ఌఘ = ߱ߤఌ,ఘିଵ + ߝఌ,ఘିଵ ; 1 < ߝ ≤ ݊ (2) 3. Walls
and parti- 90 50 40 80 60
The total values of the first and second combination of ob- tions
jects are determined by the formula: Δε1,t2 = min ρ(με1ρ + 4. Roof 60 60 30 40 30
ωε2ρ). Therefore, the problem of determination of opti- 5. Floor 50 30 40 50 60
mum sequence construction process realization is to find 6. Finishing 90 60 50 90 100
such rearrangement of objects (ε1, ε2…, εk…, εn), in which work Σ450 Σ350 Σ270 Σ410 Σ400
their maximum combination is achieved, i.e.:
௡ିଵ The object construction period magnitudes may vary
݉ܽ‫∆ ݔ‬ሺߝ௡ ሻ = ෍ ∆ߝ௞ , ߝ௞ାଵ (3) (from left μερ or ωερ from right) at each stage of the object
௞ୀଵ implementation schedule combination with the construc-
If the general term of construction in a sequential sum- tion schedule of any other object presented in Table 2.
mary of objects is defined as Tα = ΣεTε, then the task of Let's clarify the estimation order of magnitudes μερ and
choosing the optimal sequence of objects construction ωερ. For example, the first object:
with the purpose of optimizing the general term construc- ߤଵ,ଵ = 0; (7)
tion can be presented as follows:
௡ିଵ ߱ଵ,ଵ = ෍ ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ఌ − ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ఘ = 450 − 60 = 390; (8)
max ܶఈ = ෍ ܶఌ − ෍ ∆ߝ௞ , ߝ௞ାଵ (4) ߤଵ,ଶ = ߤଵ,ଵ + ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ଵ = 0 + 60 = 60; (9)
ఌ ௞ୀଵ ߸ଵ,ଶ = ߱ଵ,ଵ − ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ଶ = 390 − 100 = 290; (10)
To solve the problem, the authors in their writings [4, 8, ߤଵ,ଷ = ߤଵ,ଶ + ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ଶ = 60 + 100 = 160; (11)
9] suggest at each stage to determine by criterion max Δ ߱ଵ,ଷ = ߱ଵ,ଶ − ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ଷ = 290 − 90 = 200; (12)
optimal variants Zk = [α = (ε1, ε2…, εn)]. Then on created ߤଵ,ସ = ߤଵ,ଷ + ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ଷ = 160 + 90 = 250; (13)
basis variants are identified Zk+1 = [α = (ε1, ε2…, εk=1)]. Ac- ߱ଵ,ସ = ߱ଵ,ଷ − ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ଷ = 200 − 60 = 140; (14)
cording to the results of the performed calculations we ߤଵ,ହ = ߤଵ,ସ + ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ସ = 250 + 60 = 310; (15)
get different variants which we divide on groups with the ߱ଵ,ହ = ߱ଵ,ସ − ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ହ = 140 − 50 = 90; (16)
same εk+1. According to the criterion max Δ(εk=1) from each ߤଵ,଺ = ߤଵ,ଶ + ‫ݐ‬ଵ,ହ = 310 + 50 = 360; (17)
group we choose one dominating. At the last stage, from ߱ଵ,଺ = ߱ଵ,ହ − ‫ݐ‬ଵ,଺ = 90 − 90 = 0. (18)
many variants of zn we choose σ(εk) with maximum value To check the correctness of calculations it is used the fol-
Δ(εn), that provides an optimal solution to the problem. lowing equation:
The determinants solving the modified tasks in the follow- ߤఌఘ + ‫ݐ‬ఌఘ + ߱ఌఘ = ෍ ‫ݐ‬ఌఘ (19)
ing statement are:

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122 Management Systems in Production Engineering 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2

The further process of solution consists in consecutive se- In addition, according to the results of the calculations,
lection of the most perspective options until the sequence other minimal sequences have been obtained (Fig. 2),
of objects construction is determined, at which their max- which make it possible to distinguish the multivariate sys-
imum combination in time is possible, with given condi- tem of construction organization of this group of build-
tions and restrictions. During the calculations, all possible ings.
combinations of three objects from their common, equal
to five, are taken into account. For each combination of
three objects, the common value of their possible combi-
nation is calculated. For example, to determine the mag-
nitude Δ(2,3,1) the quantities Δ(2,3) = 190 and Δ(3,1) = 180 are
taken, summing up we get: Δ(2,3,1) = 370.
Values of combinations for each couple of connections
are identified, the first two numbers of objects are se-
lected with the maximum value Δ(1,2,3) is chosen as per-
spective. For other remained optimal variant similar cal-
culations are carried out, but already at a combination
with four objects. The common value of Δ(5524) is follow-
ing: find the value Δ(542) = 550 (Example 24) and take the
value Δ(21) = 300 add them, that is Δ(5524) = 550 + 300 =
850. Fig. 2 Program complex "Optimization of object construction
process by the criterion of time", conclusion results
Table 3
The parametric characteristic of changing duration of build-
Comparison of these schedules demonstrates that even
ings construction n the platform of the digital economy
with a small amount of objects (5) and a relatively insig-
nificant difference in construction duration of each object,

1 2 3 4 5
the optimum sequence is possible only due to the con-
μερ tερ ωερ μερ tερ ωερ μερ tερ ωερ μερ tερ ωερ μερ tερ ωερ
struction terms of this group of buildings by 61% of the
1 0 60 390 0 80 270 0 60 210 0 90 320 0 70 330 total duration.
2 60 100 230 80 70 200 60 50 160 90 60 260 70 80 250 Thus, on the basis of program complex" Optimization of
3 160 90 200 150 50 150 110 40 120 150 80 180 150 60 190
object construction process by the criterion of time "is de-
4 250 60 140 200 60 90 150 30 90 230 40 140 210 30 160
5 310 50 90 260 30 60 180 40 50 270 50 90 240 60 100
veloped by using the methods of mathematical modelling,
6 360 90 0 290 60 0 220 50 0 320 90 0 300 100 0 additionally optimized and obtained the sequence of
Σ450 Σ350 Σ270 Σ410 Σ400 Δ(54123) = 590, which ensured the reduction group of
buildings construction terms for almost a year (360 days
For other perspective variants of four objects, a combina- or 61%).
tion of five objects with the maximum value Δ(1,2,3,4,5) is
formed in the same way and is chosen the best option. In 5. CONCLUSIONS
the example of work [3] variant 36 was optimal, with the In the article, the scientific research of the problems of
sequence of construction objects 54123 and value of optimization buildings construction reduction terms on
Δ(54123) = 940. Total period of construction of this group the basis of interdisciplinary approach, which envisages
of buildings was reduced almost by a month. However, us- synergy of organization and construction technology, eco-
ing the methods of mathematical modelling, we have de- nomic theory and political economy, as well as applied
veloped a program complex "Optimization of object con- mathematics is conducted. It is considered formation and
struction process by the criterion of time" (Fig. 1), which realization of economic-mathematical model of optimal
provided the opportunity to further optimize and obtain group sequence construction of objects on the basis of a
the sequence Δ(54123) = 590 that reduced the construc- method of sequential analysis of variants based on dy-
tion terms of this group buildings for almost a year (360 namic programming.
days or 61%). Proposals for acceleration of these processes in construc-
tion through the development of program complex "Opti-
mization of object construction process by the criterion of
time "on the basis of methods of mathematical modelling,
which provided the possibility of additional optimization
and receive the sequence and provide reduction of group
buildings construction terms almost for a year (360 days
or 61%).
Within the proposed economic and mathematical model,
the parametric characteristic the duration of buildings
construction changing on a platform of digital economy
Fig. 1 Program complex "Optimization of object construction for five objects of construction on each of six given stages.
process by the criterion of time," data entry

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V. TKACHENKO et al. – The economic-mathematical development of buildings construction… 123

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Prof. Volodymyr Tkachenko, PhD.

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2114-7194

Aleksy Kwilinski, PhD.

The London Academy of Science and Business
London, England
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6318-4001

Assoc. Prof. Maryna Klymchuk, PhD.

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8979-1029

Assoc. Prof. Iryna Tkachenko, PhD.

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service
Department of Pedagogy and Humanities
Chernigiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9068-1054

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