events on the basis of reported adverse events13 14 rather research authorisation, (3) insufficient medical records
than looking at pneumonia as a primary end point. for determining case and exposure status (eg, less than
Most observational studies have used International Clas- two visits other than delivery during the first 2 years of
sification of Diseases (ICD) coding algorithms to identify life), (4) history of chronic diseases making it difficult to
pneumonia diagnosis among asthmatics, which poses a discern asthma status (eg, prematurity, bronchopulmo-
misclassification bias. Similarly, studies from administra- nary dysplasia, immunodeficiency, malignancy, pulmo-
tive databases lack asthma-related information such as nary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary
asthma severity, asthma control status, ICS dosing (as per dyskinesia, alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency diagnosed by
age group) and other confounders such as vaccination ICD9/ICD10 codes).
status and socioeconomic status (SES) of the patient. Asthma status (both intermittent and persistent
Better knowledge regarding the safety of ICS, specif- asthma) was initially screened using ICD9/ICD10 (493/
ically on the association of ICS use with the risk of J45) and confirmed by manual chart review for a physi-
pneumonia in asthmatic children and potential factors cian diagnosis of asthma. Only subjects with confirmed
accounting for such association such as asthma severity or asthma diagnosis by a physician were considered for this
control status, will help clinicians and parents’ adherence study.
with asthma guidelines as it can reassure clinicians and
parents regarding safety concerns. Case ascertainment (pneumonia)
The aim of our study was to examine the association of All eligible asthmatic children in the birth cohort were
ICS use in paediatric patients with asthma of the Mayo initially screened for pneumonia diagnoses 90 days
Clinic Birth Cohort. Knowledge gained from this study after their physician diagnosis date of asthma through
will help to provide an important insight into the nature 31 December 2017, using validated ICD9/ICD10 codes
of impact of ICS on the risk of pneumonia and mitigate (480–487.0/A37, J09.X1 and J10–J18)35 and confirmed
the potential impact of parental safety concerns about through manual chart review (using Infectious Disease
ICS use on adherence to asthma management recom- Society of America guidelines).36 37 There was a 25%
mending ICS use.25 false positivity of pneumonia by ICD codes alone. The
diagnosis of community- acquired pneumonia requires
a patient with a clinically compatible syndrome (fever
METHODS and cough with or without dyspnoea/sputum produc-
Study design and setting tion).36 According to the guidelines, as pneumonia is
This was a nested case-control study from a subset (the primarily regarded as a clinical diagnosis (without defin-
Mayo Clinic Birth Cohort) of the Olmsted County Birth itive requirement of chest X-ray for diagnosis and treat-
Cohort. Olmsted County, southeastern Minnesota, is a ment),37 chest X-ray was not required to be pneumonia
virtually self-
contained healthcare environment (only cases for this study38 39 according to guidelines. However,
two healthcare systems provide clinical care to nearly we performed sensitivity analysis among the subset of
all Olmsted County, Minnesota residents), and 98% of pneumonia cases with positive chest X- ray repeating
residents authorise their medical records to be used for unadjusted and adjusted analyses among that subset.
research.26 According to US census data in 2010, the age, For children with multiple episodes of pneumonia, we
sex and ethnic characteristics of Olmsted County resi- included only the first episode.
dents were similar to those of the state of Minnesota and
the Upper Midwest.27 28 However, Olmsted County has Selection of controls
been becoming more diverse as indicated by the racial Controls were selected from the asthmatic subjects who
and ethnic characteristics of children enrolled in public did not develop pneumonia based on the screening
schools (in 2019, 35.2% reported to be non- white).29 described above. Controls were matched 1:1 with cases in
Prevalence of asthma in a population of school-age chil- term of sex, age and asthma index date (±1 year). Index
dren Olmsted County, Minnesota, in 2000 (17.6%) was date for the control was defined by the date of the clinic
relatively higher than that of children at a national level visit closest to pneumonia event date of the matched case
(12.4%).30 31 (±1 year). Manual chart review was performed to ensure
matched controls did not have diagnosis of pneumonia
Study subjects in the electronic health record (EHR) during the study
Patients <18 years of age were identified through an period.
ongoing National Institute of Health (NIH) R01-
supported study (HL126667) from a subset of the Exposure status (ICS use)
Olmsted County Birth Cohort (1997–2016) who were Exposure was defined as at least 90 days of ICS use prior
born at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and received to index date (eg, a diagnosis date of pneumonia for
their primary care at Mayo Clinic throughout the study cases) to have enough duration of exposure to ICS use in
period (1997–2017). The details of this cohort have been relation to the timing of the development of pneumonia.
published previously.32–34 The exclusion criteria included If the ICS was prescribed at least more than 90 days prior
(1) non- Mayo birth cohort, (2) individuals without to pneumonia, we assumed patient had been on ICS until
pneumonia was developed. This was ascertained using to disseminate the study results by making the published
prescription data from EHRs, not claim data. We chose report available to public freely.
this timeframe for the exposure to ICS by adopting it
from other studies, which assessed an association between Statistical analysis
ICS use and the risk of pneumonia, for fair comparison Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the charac-
(online supplemental figure 1).13 teristics of cases and controls and comparisons were made
All prescriptions for ICS, alone or in combination with with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for continuous vari-
other inhalers, dispensed between the asthma index date ables, χ2 for categorical variables and Cochran-Armitage
and pneumonia diagnosis were identified and classified trend test for ordinal variables. Matched analysis via
into subgroups based on their formulation. Five groups conditional logistic regression accounting for matched
of ICS were identified—(1) beclomethasone metered pairs was used to determine the association between ICS
dose inhaler (MDI), (2) budesonide (dry powder inhaler status as the primary explanatory variable for the risk of
(DPI) or nebules), (3) ciclesonide MDI, (4) fluticasone pneumonia while controlling for potential confounders
(MDI or DPI) and (5) mometasone DPI. Similarly, ICS identified by univariate analysis. A sensitivity analysis was
were grouped into low, medium and high dose depending performed among the subset of pneumonia cases with
on total mcg/mg use each day as defined by the NAEPP positive chest X-ray repeating unadjusted and adjusted
guidelines (paediatric age-based ICS dose).6 analyses among that subset. Dosage and type of ICS were
additionally reported between the cases and the controls.
Covariates of interest The literature suggests that the proportion of any ICS use
Other relevant variables were collected from medical among cases (pneumonia) is 0.5 versus 0.35 in controls.13
record review including: demographic variables (age, The minimum number of cases (1:1 matching) to obtain
gender, race/ethnicity), an individual level HOUsing- 80% of power48 to detect the difference is 185 subjects.
based SES measure (HOUSES),40 pneumococcal vaccina- Our study has adequate power to address our primary
tion up-to-date status41 and influenza vaccination status at study aim for the association between ICS use and the risk
same year as or prior year to the index date42 (based on of pneumonia. All analyses were performed using R statis-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines). tical software (V.3.6.2; R Core Team, Vienna, Austria).
HOUSES index is a single factor made up of four items
(number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, square
footage of the unit and estimated building value of the RESULTS
unit) ascertained from the county assessor’s office by Study subjects
matching subjects’ addresses which were retrieved from The characteristics of the subjects are summarised in
the EHRs with publically available real property data.40 43 table 1. We identified 2108 eligible patients with asthma
HOUSES index has been validated in numerous studies from the birth cohort (n=21 813) of whom 312 children
including asthma and pneumonia-related outcomes.44 45 with history of pneumonia during the follow-up period
Asthma exacerbations (defined as oral corticosteroids were identified. Forty-one per cent were females and
use, emergency department (ED) visit or hospitalisation 26% were non-White with the mean age of 2.9 years at
for asthma6 46) within 1 year prior to index date were used asthma diagnosis and 12.7 years at the last follow-up date.
as a surrogate marker for asthma control status, as most of Seventy per cent had intermittent asthma and 30% had
study subjects did not have information for asthma control persistent asthma (23%, 4% and 3% were mild, moderate
status (eg, Asthma Control Test) at the time of pneumonia and severe persistent asthma, respectively).
(no exacerbations vs poorly controlled asthma defined
as the presence of at least one asthma exacerbation).47 ICS use and the risk of pneumonia
The number and frequency of clinic visits was ascer- The results on the associations of ICS use, type and dose
tained as a proxy measure of healthcare access to mini- with pneumonia are summarised in table 2. ICS use
mise a detection bias (differential identification of mild among the cases was 27% whereas ICS use among the
pneumonia by differential healthcare access). Severity of matched controls was 22%. Fluticasone was the most
asthma (intermittent vs persistent) was assessed based on commonly used ICS (20.4%) followed by budesonide
ICS use along with use of other controller medications (2.2 %) among our cohort. Seven subjects were on high
(long-acting beta adrenergic, leukotriene receptor antag- dose (1.1%), 19 on medium dose (3%) and 129 on low
onist, theophylline and so on) according to the NAEPP dose (20.7%) ICS. ICS use was not associated with risk
guidelines.6 of pneumonia in univariate analysis (OR: 1.30, 95%
CI: 0.89–1.88; p=0.16) (table 3 for univariate analysis).
Patient and public involvement After adjusting for pertinent covariates or confounders
This was a retrospective, nested case-control study which including number of clinic visits per year, influenza
did not require patient contact, and thus patients were vaccine status and asthma control status, the effect size
not involved in the design of the study nor subject recruit- of ICS use on the risk of pneumonia significantly attenu-
ment. We will follow the NIH research publication policy ated in a way resulting in a different direction, although
*Pearson’s χ2 test.
†Linear model ANOVA.
‡HOUSES: an individual-level socioeconomic status measures based on real property data.
§Cochran Armitage trend test.
ANOVA, Analysis of Variance; HOUSES, HOUsing-based socioeconomic status.
statistically not significant (OR: 0.94, 95% CI: 0.62 to 1.41; by positive chest X-ray findings (133/312 (43%)) which
p=0.75) (table 4 for multivariate analysis). did not affect the overall results and interpretation for
the association (adjusted OR: 0.87, 95% CI: 0.47 to 1.61;
Other risk factors for pneumonia among children with asthma p=0.65) (online supplemental table 1).
Table 2 shows different types or dose of ICS were not
associated with the risk of pneumonia (p=0.63 and 0.43,
respectively). Both cases and controls were adequately
vaccinated with influenza vaccine (70% for cases and 65% DISCUSSION
for controls) and pneumococcal vaccine (71% each for Our study results showed ICS use was not associated with
cases and controls), thus vaccination did not affect risk the risk of pneumonia in asthmatic children in our birth
of pneumonia (p=0.15 and p=0.93, respectively). While cohort. However, poorly controlled asthma (ie, defined
association of asthma severity with pneumonia was not by ICS use, asthma-related ED visits or hospitalisations)
found to be statistically significant, poorly controlled was significantly associated with the risk of pneumonia.
asthma status within the past year posed the highest risk Our study finding on the association of poorly
of pneumonia, which remained significant after adjusting controlled asthma with the risk of pneumonia is note-
for other covariates (OR: 2.03, 95% CI: 1.35 to 3.05; worthy. As a potential mechanism, poorly controlled
p<0.001). asthma might cause impairment of innate immunity
Given the concern about a potential misclassification function and epithelial barrier disruption and which lead
bias stemming from clinical definition of pneumonia to susceptibility to infection such as pneumonia.49 For
with chest X-ray finding, we performed sensitivity analysis example, while impairment of rhinovirus-induced type I
among a subgroup of cases with confirmed pneumonia and III interferon secretion and its subsequent increased
*Pearson’s χ2 test.
†Cochran Armitage trend test.
ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LTRA, leukotriene receptor antagonists.
replication of rhinovirus have been widely recognised,50 or ICS and formoterol combination as a safer option
such phenomena were not observed in well controlled for better long-term prognosis.8 Among the cases of our
asthma51 but those with severe therapy resistant atopic study cohort (312 with pneumonia), 217 (70%) were
asthma.52 This might be potentially applicable to bacte- actually intermittent asthma who had not used ICS or
rial infection. For example, Habibzay et al reported that any other controller. With this updated asthma guideline
using the intranasal house- dust mite- sensitised mouse (ie, intermittent use of ICS or ICS combination), risk of
model of allergic airway disease, an inflammatory pneumonia among intermittent asthma may be reduced
response impaired innate immune function (a reduc- through optimal asthma control. More recently, there
tion in neutrophil recruitment to the airspaces) and led is an increased understanding that patients considered
to bacterial invasion and dissemination.53 Tight junction to have mild asthma have greater morbidity than previ-
formation and transepithelial electrical resistance were ously appreciated.59 This has further necessitated the
significantly lower in epithelial cultures from asthmatic guidelines to recommend ICSs as a controller treatment
donors than from normal controls suggesting that the option for all patients.7 This postulation has been further
bronchial epithelial barrier in asthma is compromised.54 supported in our study by the significant reduction of the
Given our study results on the associations of poorly effect size of the association between ICS use and the risk
controlled asthma status with the risk of pneumonia and of pneumonia after controlling for asthma control status.
the reported under-treatment of asthma with ICS,55 56 this Despite a relatively small sample size in our study, given
association does raise an important concern of asthmatic the sufficient statistical power to detect the reported
children possibly being suboptimally managed for asthma, effect size for the association between ICS use and the risk
resulting in a higher risk of pneumonia. Also, previously of pneumonia, our study results are unlikely to be subject
claimed ICS use on the risk of pneumonia might have to type II error. Regardless of statistical power or sample
been largely stemming from the inadequately controlled size, if ICS use had been associated with the risk of pneu-
asthma as a major confounder in the literature. Appre- monia, one would expect higher ICS dose to have higher
hension towards ‘stepping- up’ the asthma treatment risk of pneumonia, which was not observed in our study.
with ICS may deter adequate control of asthma and lead Future asthma studies should consider including pneu-
to a worse outcome for patients with poorly controlled monia as a potential outcome of asthma control status as
asthma. While a short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA) is a the current outcomes of asthma studies largely focus on
historic asthma medication for symptom relief, extensive asthma control, risk of exacerbation and lung function.46
literature and data suggest that its sole use of SABA is asso- Our study results are consistent with the findings
ciated with poor long-term asthma control with a higher reported by Cazeiro et al based on a meta-analysis for
risk for asthma exacerbation43 57and mortality.58 More- children with asthma.19 The meta-analysis of nine trials
over, recently updated GINA guidelines have suggested that revealed at least one event of pneumonia showed a
removing SABA monotherapy as a first line of treatment reduced risk of pneumonia in patients taking ICS (risk
approach among patients with low symptom burden and ratio (RR): 0.65, 95% CI: 0.44 to 0.94). However, the
replacing this with controller medications such as ICS meta-analysis including all 31 trials revealed no significant
Table 4 Association between use of ICS and risk of pneumonia from a multivariate conditional logistic regression model*
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Influenza vaccine up-to-date status, yes versus no 1.08 0.75 to 1.56 0.68
Asthma status, poorly controlled versus well-controlled 2.03 1.35 to 3.05 <0.001
*Model included, any ICS Use, average number of clinic visits per year, influenza vaccine up-to-date status and asthma control status.
Adj. OR, adjusted OR; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid.
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