SA Q1 W1 21stlit
SA Q1 W1 21stlit
SA Q1 W1 21stlit
Assessment 1. Characterize Me! Complete the table below by writing the characteristics of the following literature during the Pre-
Spanish Period.
ASSESSMENT 2: Match the literary theme on SET A to the exact period when it was written from SET B.
_____ 1. sense of nationalism; oppression A. Pre-colonial Period
_____ 2. heroic deeds; nature; supernatural B. Early Spanish Period
_____ 3. morality; religion C. Revolutionary Period
_____ 4. poverty; injustice; activism; social issues D. American Period
_____ 5. longing for independence; E. Japanese Period
social justice and consciousness F. Post-colonial Period
ASSESSMENT 3: WHAT I HAVE LEARNED. Fill in the blanks the correct/appropriate word/phrase that best complete the
1. ____________________ is characterized by Legends, Folk Tales, The Epic Age, and Folk Songs.
2. The Propaganda Movement (1872-1896) was spearheaded mostly by the intellectual middle-class like
____________________, Marcelo del Pilar, ____________________, Antonio Luna, Mariano Ponce,
____________________ and Pedro Paterno.
3. In the ____________________, Americans influenced Filipino writers to write using the English language.
____________________ as a medium of instruction was introduced in the schools as the intellectual language of
4. In the Period of Activism, campus newspapers were written to show their ____________________. They held pens and
wrote on placards in red paint the equivalent of the word ____________________ (To dare!).
5. Period of the New Society poems dealt with ____________________, regard for native culture, customs, and the
____________________of nature and surroundings.
6. The period of the ____________________was romantic and ____________________.
7. Post EDSA I noticed in the new Filipino songs, in the ____________________, in the speeches, and even in the
____________________ programs.